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Watch the two videos and reflect on how the Sixth and Eighth Amendment protections were or can be preserved in each of the videos.

Watch the two videos and reflect on how the Sixth and Eighth Amendment protections were or can be preserved in each of the videos.

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Watch the two videos and reflect on how the Sixth and Eighth Amendment protections were or can be preserved in each of the videos.

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Review the Healthy People 2030 objectives for Access to Care.


Topic 1

Review the Healthy People 2030 objectives for Access to Care.

  • Of all the objectives listed under this topic, which do you think would be most beneficial to the patients with chronic illness?
  • Provide rationales for your selection and support responses with examples from references.


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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Review the Healthy People 2030 objectives for Access to Care.

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Consider your current company, or a company that you have previously worked for, and describe and critique how financial statement analysis could be used for that organization.

Consider your current company, or a company that you have previously worked for, and describe and critique how financial statement analysis could be used for that organization. If you do not have relevant work experience, use the GCU Library to locate an article on financial statement analysis and compare the processes recommended by the article to those in the textbook. Your initial post should be approximately 250 words. To participate in follow up discussion, ask questions and post comments regarding classmates’ posts, or respond to follow-up questions posted by the instructor.

Please include proper citations in your discussion post. Points will be deducted if proper citations are not used.

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strategy map “is a visual representation of the key drivers of an organization’s success

Strategic Planning: Strategy Map

Assessment Description

The Strategic Planning: SWOT Analysis assignment completed in Topic 4 helped you identify a strategic goal within your sphere of influence. This assignment asks you to visually represent the cause-and-effect relationship among goals, operations, and stakeholders. In addition, this assignment seeks to examine the impact on various operational processes within the selected organization

According to your Management textbook, a strategy map “is a visual representation of the key drivers of an organization’s success, showing the cause-and-effect relationship among goals and plans.” Refer to Exhibit 7.4 in the textbook. A strategy map seeks to align organizational goals into strategy and provide clear direction for the organization.

Review the mission statement of your selected organization. Prior to creating a strategy map, identify your stakeholders. Complete a stakeholder analysis to identify and prioritize the various stakeholders. Refer to the “Stakeholder Analysis” resource from Mindtools and complete all steps.

Based on your strategic goal, create a strategy map using Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Visio, or other software. Include only the required perspectives (financial, customer, internal, and learning and growth) that pertain to the strategic goal in your map. The cause-and-effect relationships are described by connecting arrows.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. strategy map “is a visual representation of the key drivers of an organization’s success

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H.I To H.I Azimuth Observed Distance Ellipsoidal distance

Assignment 1
SVY3107 Geodetic Surveying B
1. Assignment information 3
1.1. Introduction 3
1.2. Assignment topics 3
1.3. Assignment Value 3
1.4. Due Date 4
1.5. Late penalty 4
1.6. Assignment presentation guidelines 4
1.7. Submission Instructions 5
1.8. Equipment Required 5
1.9. Further questions 5
2. Assignment Body 6
2.1. Introduction 6
2.2. Tasks (200 marks total) 8
2.2.1. Task 1 – AUSGeoid (30 marks) 8
2.2.2. Task 2 – Survey sketch (20 marks) 8
2.2.3. Task 3 – Triangles, triangles and more triangles (60 marks) 8
2.2.4. Task 4 – Arc to Chord to Arc to Chord… (50 marks) 9
2.2.5. Task 5 (40 marks) 9
2.3. Rubric/Marking guide 9
1. Assignment information
1.1. Introduction
For this assignment, you’ll be the surveyor in charge of a large survey to establish control for a significant infrastructure plant development. You’ll be tasked with preparing information and resources for your field team, and undertaking a variety of calculations and analysis on their observations.
1.2. Assignment topics
This assignment focuses on content in Modules 1 to 3. Additional knowledge from prerequisite subjects will also need to be utilised.
For more information on the course topics that this assignment relates to, please see the course specification page. This is linked through the course StudyDesk. Individual courses can be searched here.
1.3. Assignment Value
Assignment 1 is a 20% (200 mark) assessment. A summary of mark distribution for the assignment is given in Table 1.3.
Task 1 30 marks
Task 2 20 marks
Task 3 60 marks
Task 4 50 marks
Task 5 40 marks
TOTAL 200 marks
Table 1.3: Mark distribution for Assignment 1
1.5. Late penalty
Please refer to the University Procedure for Assessment –
If you are in a situation where you believe you are going to need to request an extension for an assignment, it is advisable to get in contact with the lecturer as soon as possible – the day an assignment is due is not appropriate!
1.6. Assignment presentation guidelines
It is expected that you will submit a report style submission for this assignment – professional report writing and presentation is a skill that should be developed alongside technical knowledge throughout your university career. The USQ library has many resources about assignment structure and writing for students that can be accessed here.
At minimum, your report should contain:
• A title page indicating the course code (SVY3107), assignment number, and your name and student number
• Clearly labelled answers linking them to the relevant assignment questions
• Page numbers
Your report should be submitted in PDF file format to ensure formatting issues between different software packages is avoided.
Any published material you refer to should be properly referenced and included in a bibliography or list of references at the end of your assignment. You should use the Harvard AGPS style of referencing. See the library website for further details on referencing.
All the information required to address the assignment questions needs to be included in your report, however you are required to also submit a copy of your spreadsheet that is used to address task 2. This spreadsheet will be tested with an independent set of data by the marker, so ensure any values that are needed for answering other parts of the assignment are included in the PDF file (i.e. make sure your answers for task 3 are in your PDF not just in the spreadsheet!).
Some tips for the presentation of your spreadsheet are:
• Make sure all columns have clear headings
• Make sure rows have labels where appropriate, particularly when showing a result
• Use cell outlines and shading to make your spreadsheet easy for people to understand
• Make sure the sheets are labelled appropriately to make it clear which task it is addressing
1.7. Submission Instructions
All submissions should be digital, and made through the StudyDesk Assignment submission link.
Your assignment submission should include:
o 1 PDF file of your assignment
o 1 MS Excel compatible spreadsheet/workbook
Please ensure your name, student number (the 6001234567 number), and course code (SVY3107) appear at least once in the body of your assignment. Please also ensure that you clearly label each of your solutions with the corresponding question number (e.g. Task 1).
Use the following naming convention for your files:
o SVY3107_A1_[SurnameInitial]_[StudentNumber].pdf
o Where [SurnameInitial] is replaced by your surname and your first initial (eg Chris
McAlister would be McAlisterC); and o [StudentNumber] is replaced by your 10 digit student number (e.g. 6001234567)
o Please note the size of your files cannot exceed 100MB.
1.8. Equipment Required
You will need internet access to access the relevant software packages and assignment resources.
You will need to use a spreadsheet program, such as Google Sheets or MS excel to complete this assignment. You have access to Google Sheets through your student account online.
1.9. Further questions
If you have any questions about the assignment, please contact the course examiner Chris McAlister via the Course Slack assignments channel.
2. Assignment Body
2.1. Introduction
You have been asked by a client to examine some old traverse data between marks on a site where they will be developing significant infrastructure. While most of the original survey data has been lost, there are a number of connections between different marks that have been provided to you as shown below in Table 2.1.1, Table 2.1.2 and Table 2.1.3. All coordinates have been transformed to GDA2020.
Station number Latitude Longitude AHD Height AUSGeoid2020 (N)
Station 1 -27° 45’ 43.9192” 143° 56’ 0.0080” 137.261m To be determined
Station 2 No data available No data available No data available No data available
Station 3 -28° 05’ 43.2384” 144° 07’ 55.6608” 141.277m To be determined
Station 4 No data available No data available No data available No data available
Station 5 To be determined To be determined To be determined To be determined
Table 2.1: Point coordinate information
From H.I To H.I Azimuth Observed Distance Ellipsoidal distance
Station 1 1.541m Station 2 1.769m 103° 24’ 08.49” 24074.998m To be determined
Station 2 1.769m Station 3 1.438m 186° 58’ 06.24” No data available To be determined
Station 3 1.438m Station 4 1.501m 290° 18’ 17.39” 32261.107m To be determined
Station 4 1.501m Station 1 1.567m 22° 41’ 49.01” 27817.578m To be determined
Station 2 1.769m Station 5 1.842m 249° 51’ 38.27” No data available 21381.290m
Station 3 1.438m Station 5 1.842m 325° 55’ 41.52” No data available 28976.501m
Table 2.2: Available traverse information
Data Value
Scale factor 1.00056
Instrument 1st velocity correction 0.3872 ×???? c=278.96 – × ???? × 10-6
Prism constant (after calibration) -0.030
Temperature 32 °C
Pressure 1010 mb
Table 2.1.3: Field data provided

2.2. Tasks (200 marks total)
Please see below for the tasks you need to complete.
You may use excel or similar to undertake the calculations, however you must ensure a copy of the results are pasted into your final report. Reports that direct the reader to refer the spreadsheet will get zero marks for that task. Also ensure all your calculations are clearly labelled and explained for the reader.
2.2.1. Task 1 – AUSGeoid (30 marks)
Using the data provided to you;
a) determine the AUSGeoid Values for Stations 1 and 3 (10 marks)
b) Briefly discuss your choice of AUSGeoid model, explaining what the main components of that model are and why it is best suited to this data (20 marks)
2.2.2. Task 2 – Survey sketch (20 marks)
Using the data provided, develop an appropriate sketch (hand drawn is ok) to show the data provided to you clearly. Ensure all the stations are clearly annotated with the data associated with them, and that provided information is clearly distinguished from calculated or determined data (20 marks)
2.2.3. Task 3 – Triangles, triangles and more triangles (60 marks)
Before looking at the larger traverse, completing some initial calculations on the closed shapes in the survey is advisable.
Using your knowledge of spherical and spheroidal triangles, for the triangle formed by Stations 2, 3 and 5, determine:
a) The geodetic internal angles (10 marks)
b) The distance between Station 2 and 3 (10 marks)
c) The excess in the triangle (10 marks)
d) The plane internal angles (10 marks)
e) Coordinates of station 2 and station 3 (20 marks)
You can assume that the skew normal and deflection of vertical corrections have already been made to the angles.
2.2.4. Task 4 – Arc to Chord to Arc to Chord… (50 marks)
You will eventually need to reduce the traverse to determine how reliable the previous survey was. As you’ll want to check the survey by running the traverse from multiple directions, you need to develop a spreadsheet that will allow you to reduce the distance measurements to the ellipsoid.
Some tips in making your spreadsheet:
• Ensure the input fields are clear and that there are appropriate instructions included so it is easy to use and understand.
• Each step should be clearly labelled, and any solutions should be clearly identified
• You may select your own input values for any variables not provided in this assignment sheet, but they must be clearly documented.
NOTE: Your spreadsheet will be validated with another dataset as part of the marking process.
2.2.5. Task 5 (40 marks)
Using the spreadsheet you developed in Task 4, and the additional data provided in the table below calculate the ellipsoid distance of the traverse lines between Stations:
a) 1-2 (10 marks)
b) 1-4 (10 marks)
c) 3-4 (10 marks)
d) 2-3 (10 marks)
2.3. Rubric/Marking guide
To further understand how you can achieve marks for each task, please refer to the rubric below.
Question 100% 85% 75% 50% 25% 0% Marks
1a – AUSGeoid A result was provided with the following criteria:
• Complete calculations were undertaken
• The work was clearly presented in a logical progression
• The correct result was generated A result was provided with minor errors or omissions. A result was provided with one of the criteria missing A result was provided with two criteria missing. No attempt was made 10
1b – AUSGeoid A discussion was provided that met the following criteria:
• A comprehensive understanding of AUSGeoid was demonstrated
• A comprehensive understanding of the components was demonstrated
• A comprehensive synthesis of AUSGeoid to the project was made A discussion was provided with minor omissions or errors. A discussion as provided that was missing one of the criteria A discussion was provided that was missing two of the criteria A discussion was provided but was missing three of the criteria No attempt was made 20
2 – Survey sketch A sketch is provided with the following criteria:
• The stations are clearly identified
• The layout is clear and unambiguous allowing a clear understanding of the data
• Appropriate labels and symbols are used to provide clarity A sketch is provided with minor errors or omissions in the criteria A sketch is provided with one criteria missing. A sketch is provided with two criteria missing. A sketch is provided with significant omissions or errors in the provided criteria. No attempt was made. 20
3.a A result was provided with the following criteria:
• Complete calculations were undertaken
• The work was clearly presented in a logical progression
• The correct result was generated A result was provided with minor errors or omissions. A result was provided with one of the criteria missing A result was provided with two criteria missing. No attempt was made 10
3.b A result was provided with the following criteria:
• Complete calculations were undertaken
• The work was clearly presented in a logical progression
• The correct result was generated A result was provided with minor errors or omissions. A result was provided with one of the criteria missing A result was provided with two criteria missing. No attempt was made 10
3.c A result was provided with the following criteria:
• Complete calculations were undertaken
• The work was clearly presented in a logical progression
• The correct result was generated A result was provided with minor errors or omissions. A result was provided with one of the criteria missing A result was provided with two criteria missing. No attempt was made 10
3.d A result was provided with the following criteria:
• Complete calculations were undertaken
• The work was clearly presented in a logical progression
• The correct result was generated A result was provided with minor errors or omissions. A result was provided with one of the criteria missing A result was provided with two criteria missing. No attempt was made 10
3.e A result was provided with the following criteria:
• Complete calculations were undertaken
• The work was clearly presented in a logical progression
• The correct results were generated A result was provided with minor errors or omissions. A result was provided with one of the criteria missing A result was provided with two criteria missing. No attempt was made 20
4 – Calculations A spreadsheet is provided with the calculations to reduced distances to the ellipsoid complete and correct A spreadsheet is provided with minor errors or omissions in the calculations, that would have little to no impact on the solution. A spreadsheet is provided with minor errors or omissions in the calculations that would impact the solution. A spreadsheet is provided with significant errors in the calculations, but a solution could be generated. A spreadsheet is provided with significant errors in the calculations that would impact the solution, and no solution could be generated. No attempt was made. 50
5.a The spreadsheet provided with the following criteria:
• completed the calculations to reduced distances to the ellipsoid
• generated the correct answer The solution had minor input errors that had little to no impact on the solution The solution had minor input errors that had an impact on the solution A solution was provided with one criteria missing A solution was provided with two criteria missing No attempt was made. 10
5.b The spreadsheet provided with the following criteria:
• completed the calculations to reduced distances to the ellipsoid
• generated the correct answer The solution had minor input errors that had little to no impact on the solution The solution had minor input errors that had an impact on the solution A solution was provided with one criteria missing A solution was provided with two criteria missing No attempt was made. 10
5.c The spreadsheet provided with the following criteria:
• completed the calculations to reduced distances to the ellipsoid
• generated the correct answer The solution had minor input errors that had little to no impact on the solution The solution had minor input errors that had an impact on the solution A solution was provided with one criteria missing A solution was provided with two criteria missing No attempt was made. 10
5.d The spreadsheet provided with the following criteria:
• completed the calculations to reduced distances to the ellipsoid
• generated the correct answer The solution had minor input errors that had little to no impact on the solution The solution had minor input errors that had an impact on the solution A solution was provided with one criteria missing A solution was provided with two criteria missing No attempt was made. 10
University of Southern Queensland | SVY3107 Assignment 1 2021

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. H.I To H.I Azimuth Observed Distance Ellipsoidal distance

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Discuss the possible benefits of Advance care planning for Ben and Jan

Assessment 2: Written essay- case based scenario
Assessment type: Case study
Length: 1500 words (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 35%
Subject related SiLOs: 1-3
This case study is adapted from Ben’s s story, who you’ll be familiar with from workshops you’ve attended:
Ben is a 65-year-old, retired gentleman. Ben lives with his wife Jan who is very supportive and has two adult children Jason and Rose. Ben was diagnosed with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer three years ago, and was treated with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Up until recently Ben had been fit and well with scans showing no recurrence of disease. A month ago, Ben developed a cough and chest pain, and after seeing his GP was referred for diagnostic imaging. Unfortunately, recent investigations revealed a recurrence of Ben’s lung cancer, which has now metastasised. Please watch here:
Ben has been well supported by Jan since receiving this news, however Jan has found Ben’s care increasingly difficult to manage. As such, Ben is transferred to an aged care facility for respite care. During Ben’s stay, Ben discusses his concerns about dying with Jen, a care worker at the facility. Please watch here
You are required to write a case -based essay that answers the following questions. You are not required to discuss Ben’s specific medical diagnosis, as in the specific pathophysiology of Lung cancer; the focus of this essay is to explore the role of advance care planning in the context of Ben’s chronic illness progression. This will require you to understand the illness trajectory of metastatic lung cancer.
Using The Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act which came into effect on March,
? Discuss the possible benefits of Advance care planning for Ben and Jan
? At what point throughout Ben’s illness trajectory might a conversation on advanced care planning be initiated with Ben? There may be differing opinions on this within the literature, please describe these.
? What sort of information should be included in the advance care plan? Discuss any supporting documents (relevant in Victoria) that may be included in the Advance care plan.
? When would the advance care plan be reviewed and activated?
Planning your essay:
When you plan your essay, consider a person-centred approach to support your discussion. You need to support your discussion with high quality, peer reviewed literature. Your essay needs to draw from legislation that is relevant to Victoria, as laws and legislation vary both nationally and internationally.
In your essay:
• Identify Ben, his diagnosis of metastatic lung cancer and how it applies to the progression of his chronic illness to set the context for your discussion. To do this you will need an understanding of the illness trajectory of metastatic lung cancer, and how the progression of the disease will impact Ben.
• Include an introduction, body and conclusion in your essay. Use headings to indicate the topic you are discussing. The four essay questions can be used as headings.
Please refer to the La Trobe University Nursing & Midwifery Assessment
Presentation Guide:
• Ensure you have clear and logical transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusion.
• Discuss why advance care planning is important in relation to person centred care, and informed decision making by drawing from your research sources and their arguments. You are required to use peer reviewed, scholarly articles to support each point you make. You may use Australian government or other authoritative websites
as a point of reference, however the use of web- based sources, or any non -peer reviewed sources is not acceptable (ie Better Health channel, Wikipedia).
• Discuss what sort of information would be included in an advance care plan, referring to the Victoria specific forms which can be found here:
• Discuss when an advance care plan would be reviewed (remembering that advance care planning is an ongoing process and people’s preferences may change over time), and when it would be activated.
• Make sure that any statement of fact is supported by evidence, correctly referenced in-text and in the reference list. When using evidence, paraphrase where possible, and always cite sources.
• Conclude your essay by summarising, not simply restating the essay but by readdressing it considering the evidence provided. Never add any additional and new information in the conclusion!
Helpful checklist:
1) Have you reviewed the case study, Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act, 2016, discussed any supporting documents that may be included in the process 2) Is your discussion clear, concise and defined?
3) Have you answered all the essay questions?
4) Resources (Research). Have you used appropriate literature to support your discussion?
5) Writing
• Clear expression
• Clear and logical structure
• Logical transitions between sections
• Clear paragraphs (topic sentence, evidence, analysis)
• Academic language use e.g. appropriate vocabulary
• Spelling and grammar
• Punctuation
6) Referencing
• APA 6 or 7 referencing style is used consistently
• In-text referencing is used
• A reference list is included
• References are correctly formatted and listed

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Explain the characteristics of relational databases and their role in creation and communication of business intelligence

Subject Code and Name ACCT6001 Accounting Information Systems
Assessment Assessment 4 – Database Application – Case Study
Individual/Group Individual
Learning Outcomes (b) Explain the characteristics of relational databases and their role in creation and communication of business intelligence.
(c) Identify and assess IT controls, auditing, ethical, privacy and security issues with respect to information.
(d) Apply technical knowledge and skills in creating information for the workplace using spreadsheets and relational databases.
(e) Communicate with IT professionals, stakeholders and user groups of information systems.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Week 11/Module
For Intensive class: By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Week 6/Module 6.2
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
The aim of this assessment is to assess the student’s ability to solve business problems using database design tools and software. It also aims to enable students to think about the impacts of using IT in Businesses and communicate key issues through a written report. Many businesses depend on the accurate recording, updating and tracking of their data on a minute-to-minute basis. Employees access this data using databases. An understanding of this technology allows business professionals to be able to perform their work effectively.
Submission Instructions
You need to design and implement the database using Microsoft Access.
(1) Provide a word document containing the following:
a) Introduction – a summary of the case study
b) Compare different relational databases (e.g. Microsoft Access and SQL Server)
c) Database Design: E-R Diagram
d) Outline how distributed database technology (e.g. Blockchain) differs from traditional databases like Microsoft Access.
(2) Provide the Microsoft Access files used in creating the tables, forms, queries and reports
Janie’s Pet Minding
Janie is a local supplier of pet walking and sitting services for business people. The plan is to eventually grow the business to also provide online accessories to pet owners. A few years after starting, the business has experienced growing demand for the services offered. Subsequently, Janie needs an accounting system to record transactions and manage the details of customers and their pets. Due to the growth of the business, Janie wants to hire a part-time worker to develop and manage a system for processing orders. Having successfully applied for the job, you begin researching with Janie about how the company works.
YOU: Tell me about how you take orders.
JANIE: When a potential customer requests a job, I first take down all of the customer information, such as the customer’s: first and last name, street address, city, state, and postcode. I also request their phone number (work and mobile) along with their email address in case I have urgent matters that need to be attended.
YOU: Sorry to interrupt, but can some customers have the same name?
JANIE: Yes. As I was saying, then I record all of the information about their pets, such as the pet’s name, date of birth, gender, type of animal, a photo, along with details of accessories used by the pet.
YOU: What other information would you like to record in the database?
JANIE: Well, I then show the customers a list of the services that I offer. Here, I detail the services including day stays, walking, overnight stays and pet taxi services. Each has a different cost, which needs to be recorded in the database. When the customer is ready to order a service, I complete a form with information about the customer, pet, pickup date, and payment method (Cash, credit card, cheque, account) recorded on the top of the form. However, I often make copying mistakes and would appreciate it if I did not have to enter repetitive information each time. I then put the date at the top and usually include an order number that I have created. After that heading, I list the service(s) the customer wants, including quantity.
YOU: What other information would you like to get out of the database?
JANIE: I would like to be able to:
• take orders quickly, because certain times are very busy for me.
• show how many services are due to be performed each week.
• change prices easily, because the cost of providing services is rising fast.
YOU: I can create a form for you to quickly enter details about the services offered, and queries will help you with the other two tasks. I can also help you manage your business with specific queries that might help you improve the services offered to clients. Can you think of some analysis that would be helpful?
JANIE: To improve my advertising campaigns and overall management of the
business, I would love to see:
• my best-selling services
• who my best customers have been
• a report of what accounts remains unpaid as well as a break down of how customers have paid (for bank reconciliation and cash management purposes). Before running the report, I would also like an easy way to update the payment records in my database.
(1) Why should Janie implement a Microsoft Access database for her business as opposed to another database solution such as Microsoft SQL Server? Provide justification for your answer by comparing different types of databases.
(2) Create an E-R Diagram for Janie’s business using a Diagram Editor or Microsoft Access’ relationship manager.
(3) Create tables using the following guidelines.
(a) Enter records for at least ten customers. Use a hypothetical name, address, phone number, and e-mail address details to create customer records. Assume that the customers are located in Australian cities and states.
(b) Enter at least four records for the services offered including: day stays, walking, overnight stays and pet taxi services. Assume that all apparel except headwear comes in small, medium, and large sizes.
(c) Each customer should have at least one order; a few customers should place two orders. Each order should contain at least one service and some must include multiple services.
(d) Appropriately limit the size of the text fields; for example, a telephone number does not need the default length of 255 characters.
(4) Create forms using the following guidelines
(a) Form 1: Create a form based on your Pets table. Save the form as “Form 1_Pet”.
Your form should resemble that in Figure 1 and include a photo of the pet.
Figure 1
(b) Form 2: Create a form and sub-form based on your Orders and Order Details tables. Save the form as “Form 1_Order”. Your form should resemble that in
Figure 2.
Figure 2
(c) Form 3: Create a form and save the form as “Form 3_Main Menu”. Your form should include links to each of the forms in your database by embedding a macro when a Shape is clicked as shown in Figure 3 (Note: pictures are not required).
Figure 3
(d) Form 4: Create a form and save the form as “Form 4_Main Menu”. Your form should include links to each of the forms in your database by embedding a macro when a Shape is clicked as shown in Figure 4 (Note: pictures are not required but be consistent in your presentation of forms).
Figure 4
(5) Create the following queries in your database
(a) Query 1: Create a select query called “Query 1_Services Due” that displays a list of all services that are due to be performed within a selected date range. Your output should resemble that shown in Figure 5, although your data will be different.
Figure 5
(b) Query 2: Create a parameter/update that prompts for the incremental amount of a price increase and then prompts for the service ID or service description. Save the query as “Query 2_Price Change”. Test the query by adding $0.25 to the cost of a service. View the changed price in your datasheet view of the updated table.
(c) Query 3: Create a query called “Query 3_Best Selling Services”. List the service descriptions and determine how many orders and the quantities that have been received for each service. Report the amounts in columns labelled “Hours Ordered” and “Number of Orders” (Note: these column labels will require changes from the default setting provided by the query generator). Sort the output. Your output should resemble the format shown in Figure 6, but the data will be different.
Figure 6
(d) Query 4: Create a query called “Query 4_Best Customers” that lists the customers’ names, phone numbers, hours ordered, number of orders and the total amounts of their orders (Note: these column labels will require changes from the default setting provided by the query generator). You will have to calculate the order amounts and sort the output. Your output should resemble the format shown in Figure 7, but the data will be different.
Figure 7
(e) Query 5: Create an action/update query that change the “Paid” field of orders with a “Cash” payment method by prompting the user to enter a “from date” and “to date” range. Save the query as “Query 5_Paid Change”. Test the query by running the query for the first week of cash payments stored in the order table. View the changed values in your datasheet view of the updated table
(6) Create the following reports in your database
(a) Report 1: Create a report named “Report 1_Customers by Location”. The data for the report will originate from a query, in which all customers who order services between a pre-defined date range are included in the report (use the parameters and a criteria filter such “ =[StartDate] And [EndDate]+1)” to filter the query data. Then you calculate the Total sales (Price multiplied by the Quantity of services ordered in that date range). The date range for the query should be displayed at the top of the report. The report’s output should be grouped by Suburb and include headings for Street Address, First Name, Last Name, Customer Email, and Total. Include a Total for each group (suburb) displayed in a report. Make sure that all column headings and data are visible and that all money amounts are formatted properly into currency. Depending on your data, your output should resemble that shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8
(b) Report 2: Create a report named “Report 2_Orders by Payment Method”. Bring the Favorite Colors query output into a report. Save the report as Favorite Colors. Make sure that all column headings and data are visible. Depending on your data, your report should resemble that in Figure 9.
Figure 9
(7) Explain to Janie how distributed database technologies such as Blockchain differ from traditional databases like Microsoft Access?
Learning Rubric: Assessment 1
Assessment Criteria Fail
(Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Implementation and comparison of databases
15% Unsatisfactory explanation provided is very general, lacks detail, does not answer the question. Satisfactory explanation provided, several justifications discussed, lack detailed explanation. Good explanation provided, several justifications discussed. Explanations are detailed but some are not convincing. Very good explanation and justification. Explanations are convincing. Main problems are identified and discussed in details. Provided some examples. Excellent explanation and justifications provided. Main problems are identified and prioritised. Each problem is discussed in detail. Examples were provided for each problem.
E-R Diagram
15% E-R Diagram is incorrect.
More than 50% of the entities, attributes and relationships identified are incorrect.
E-R diagram is complete but some attributes and relationships are incorrect.
Some entities identified should not be an entity.
Around 50% of attributes are missing (or incorrect) and incorrect relationships are identified.
E-R diagram is complete.
All entities identified are correct.
Around 25% of the attributes and relationships are missing or incorrect.
E-R diagram is complete.
Identified entities were correct and complete.
Attributes were correct and complete.
One or two relationships were missing (or incorrect)
E-R Diagram is complete.
All entities, attributes and relationships are identified correctly.
Database Tables
20% Database tables are incorrect and incomplete.
E-R Diagram is not correctly translated to database tables.
Majority of the tables, attributes are missing. Database table is complete. All entities are translated into tables.
Some attributes of the ER Diagram are not in the table and types of attributes are incorrect. Database table is complete.
All entities are translated into tables.
Attributes are all present and relationships among tables are established
(primary keys and Database table is complete.
All entities are correctly and completely translated into tables. Attributes and types of attributes were correctly identified. All data in the table were entered. Database table is complete. All entities are correctly and completely translated into tables.
Attributes and types of attributes are correctly identified.
of 11
Not all entities were translated into tables.
Tables are not normalised. Relationships are not translated to tables (primary keys and foreign key are incorrect).
Tables are not normalised.
Some data in the table were entered. foreign keys are mostly correct)
All data in the table were entered.
Most of the attributes have correct types.
Some tables are normalised. Most table relationships are correct (primary keys and foreign keys and their relationship have been mostly correctly established).
All tables are normalised to third normal form. All data in the table are entered.
All table relationships are correct (primary and foreign keys and their relationships are all correctly identified)
All tables are normalised to third normal form.
25% SQL queries and generated are mostly incorrect.
Complex queries are not answered More than 50% of the SQL queries are correct.
Complex queries are incorrect. More than 75% of the SQL queries are correct.
Complex queries are mostly incorrect. Almost all queries are correct
(one or two incorrect queries).
Some complex queries were answered. All SQL queries are correct.
Can generate complex queries.
Forms and Reports Unsatisfactory forms. Forms does not enter data.
Reports are mostly incorrect. No report formatting used. Satisfactory forms.
Some links to the tables are not functioning. Some data cannot be entered in the tables via forms. Good forms. Most data can be entered in the tables via forms.
Some design were incorporated in the forms but not professional looking. Very good forms. All elements of the forms are created. All data can be entered via forms.
Design were incorporated in the forms. Somewhat professional looking. Excellent form. All elements of the forms are created.
All data can be entered via forms.
Professional looking forms.
15% Simple design incorporated in the forms. Not professional looking.
More than 50% of the reports are correct. No report formatting used.
More than 75% of the reports are correct. Some report formatting used.
Almost all of the reports are correct (one or two incorrect).
Report formatting used. All of the reports are correct Report formatting used extensively.
of 11
Blockchain (distributed) databases versus traditional (relational) databases Makes assertions about the ethical, privacy and security issues that are not justified. Some issues are justified by arguments and not merely assertions. Issues identified are appropriate. Arguments are presented to justify the issues. Issues identified are appropriate. Arguments are presented to justify the issues. Issues identified are appropriate. Arguments are presented to justify the issues.
Takes into account the complexities of the issues. Other viewpoints were acknowledged. Accurately takes into account the complexities of the issues. Other viewpoints were acknowledged. Accurately takes into account the complexities of the issues and provided examples. Other viewpoints were acknowledged.
10% Justifies any conclusions reach with arguments and not merely assertions. Justifies any conclusions reached with well-developed arguments and not merely assertions.
Justifies any conclusions reach
with well-developed arguments and well articulated viewpoint on the issues and substantiated by research.
of 11

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Explain the characteristics of relational databases and their role in creation and communication of business intelligence

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Azimuth Observed Distance Ellipsoidal distance

Assignment 1
SVY3107 Geodetic Surveying B
1. Assignment information 3
1.1. Introduction 3
1.2. Assignment topics 3
1.3. Assignment Value 3
1.4. Due Date 4
1.5. Late penalty 4
1.6. Assignment presentation guidelines 4
1.7. Submission Instructions 5
1.8. Equipment Required 5
1.9. Further questions 5
2. Assignment Body 6
2.1. Introduction 6
2.2. Tasks (200 marks total) 8
2.2.1. Task 1 – AUSGeoid (30 marks) 8
2.2.2. Task 2 – Survey sketch (20 marks) 8
2.2.3. Task 3 – Triangles, triangles and more triangles (60 marks) 8
2.2.4. Task 4 – Arc to Chord to Arc to Chord… (50 marks) 9
2.2.5. Task 5 (40 marks) 9
2.3. Rubric/Marking guide 9
1. Assignment information
1.1. Introduction
For this assignment, you’ll be the surveyor in charge of a large survey to establish control for a significant infrastructure plant development. You’ll be tasked with preparing information and resources for your field team, and undertaking a variety of calculations and analysis on their observations.
1.2. Assignment topics
This assignment focuses on content in Modules 1 to 3. Additional knowledge from prerequisite subjects will also need to be utilised.
For more information on the course topics that this assignment relates to, please see the course specification page. This is linked through the course StudyDesk. Individual courses can be searched here.
1.3. Assignment Value
Assignment 1 is a 20% (200 mark) assessment. A summary of mark distribution for the assignment is given in Table 1.3.
Task 1 30 marks
Task 2 20 marks
Task 3 60 marks
Task 4 50 marks
Task 5 40 marks
TOTAL 200 marks
Table 1.3: Mark distribution for Assignment 1
1.5. Late penalty
For each day that an assignment is late, a penalty of 5% of the total assignment marks will be deducted.
Please refer to the University Procedure for Assessment –
If you are in a situation where you believe you are going to need to request an extension for an assignment, it is advisable to get in contact with the lecturer as soon as possible – the day an assignment is due is not appropriate!
1.6. Assignment presentation guidelines
It is expected that you will submit a report style submission for this assignment – professional report writing and presentation is a skill that should be developed alongside technical knowledge throughout your university career. The USQ library has many resources about assignment structure and writing for students that can be accessed here.
At minimum, your report should contain:
• A title page indicating the course code (SVY3107), assignment number, and your name and student number
• Clearly labelled answers linking them to the relevant assignment questions
• Page numbers
Your report should be submitted in PDF file format to ensure formatting issues between different software packages is avoided.
Any published material you refer to should be properly referenced and included in a bibliography or list of references at the end of your assignment. You should use the Harvard AGPS style of referencing. See the library website for further details on referencing.
All the information required to address the assignment questions needs to be included in your report, however you are required to also submit a copy of your spreadsheet that is used to address task 2. This spreadsheet will be tested with an independent set of data by the marker, so ensure any values that are needed for answering other parts of the assignment are included in the PDF file (i.e. make sure your answers for task 3 are in your PDF not just in the spreadsheet!).
Some tips for the presentation of your spreadsheet are:
• Make sure all columns have clear headings
• Make sure rows have labels where appropriate, particularly when showing a result
• Use cell outlines and shading to make your spreadsheet easy for people to understand
• Make sure the sheets are labelled appropriately to make it clear which task it is addressing
1.7. Submission Instructions
All submissions should be digital, and made through the StudyDesk Assignment submission link.
Your assignment submission should include:
o 1 PDF file of your assignment
o 1 MS Excel compatible spreadsheet/workbook
Please ensure your name, student number (the 6001234567 number), and course code (SVY3107) appear at least once in the body of your assignment. Please also ensure that you clearly label each of your solutions with the corresponding question number (e.g. Task 1).
Use the following naming convention for your files:
o SVY3107_A1_[SurnameInitial]_[StudentNumber].pdf
o Where [SurnameInitial] is replaced by your surname and your first initial (eg Chris
McAlister would be McAlisterC); and o [StudentNumber] is replaced by your 10 digit student number (e.g. 6001234567)
o Please note the size of your files cannot exceed 100MB.
1.8. Equipment Required
You will need internet access to access the relevant software packages and assignment resources.
You will need to use a spreadsheet program, such as Google Sheets or MS excel to complete this assignment. You have access to Google Sheets through your student account online.
1.9. Further questions
If you have any questions about the assignment, please contact the course examiner Chris McAlister via the Course Slack assignments channel.
2. Assignment Body
2.1. Introduction
You have been asked by a client to examine some old traverse data between marks on a site where they will be developing significant infrastructure. While most of the original survey data has been lost, there are a number of connections between different marks that have been provided to you as shown below in Table 2.1.1, Table 2.1.2 and Table 2.1.3. All coordinates have been transformed to GDA2020.
Station number Latitude Longitude AHD Height AUSGeoid2020 (N)
Station 1 -27° 45’ 43.9192” 143° 56’ 0.0080” 137.261m To be determined
Station 2 No data available No data available No data available No data available
Station 3 -28° 05’ 43.2384” 144° 07’ 55.6608” 141.277m To be determined
Station 4 No data available No data available No data available No data available
Station 5 To be determined To be determined To be determined To be determined
Table 2.1: Point coordinate information
From H.I To H.I Azimuth Observed Distance Ellipsoidal distance
Station 1 1.541m Station 2 1.769m 103° 24’ 08.49” 24074.998m To be determined
Station 2 1.769m Station 3 1.438m 186° 58’ 06.24” No data available To be determined
Station 3 1.438m Station 4 1.501m 290° 18’ 17.39” 32261.107m To be determined
Station 4 1.501m Station 1 1.567m 22° 41’ 49.01” 27817.578m To be determined
Station 2 1.769m Station 5 1.842m 249° 51’ 38.27” No data available 21381.290m
Station 3 1.438m Station 5 1.842m 325° 55’ 41.52” No data available 28976.501m
Table 2.2: Available traverse information
Data Value
Scale factor 1.00056
Instrument 1st velocity correction 0.3872 ×???? c=278.96 – × ???? × 10-6
Prism constant (after calibration) -0.030
Temperature 32 °C
Pressure 1010 mb
Table 2.1.3: Field data provided

2.2. Tasks (200 marks total)
Please see below for the tasks you need to complete.
You may use excel or similar to undertake the calculations, however you must ensure a copy of the results are pasted into your final report. Reports that direct the reader to refer the spreadsheet will get zero marks for that task. Also ensure all your calculations are clearly labelled and explained for the reader.
2.2.1. Task 1 – AUSGeoid (30 marks)
Using the data provided to you;
a) determine the AUSGeoid Values for Stations 1 and 3 (10 marks)
b) Briefly discuss your choice of AUSGeoid model, explaining what the main components of that model are and why it is best suited to this data (20 marks)
2.2.2. Task 2 – Survey sketch (20 marks)
Using the data provided, develop an appropriate sketch (hand drawn is ok) to show the data provided to you clearly. Ensure all the stations are clearly annotated with the data associated with them, and that provided information is clearly distinguished from calculated or determined data (20 marks)
2.2.3. Task 3 – Triangles, triangles and more triangles (60 marks)
Before looking at the larger traverse, completing some initial calculations on the closed shapes in the survey is advisable.
Using your knowledge of spherical and spheroidal triangles, for the triangle formed by Stations 2, 3 and 5, determine:
a) The geodetic internal angles (10 marks)
b) The distance between Station 2 and 3 (10 marks)
c) The excess in the triangle (10 marks)
d) The plane internal angles (10 marks)
e) Coordinates of station 2 and station 3 (20 marks)
You can assume that the skew normal and deflection of vertical corrections have already been made to the angles.
2.2.4. Task 4 – Arc to Chord to Arc to Chord… (50 marks)
You will eventually need to reduce the traverse to determine how reliable the previous survey was. As you’ll want to check the survey by running the traverse from multiple directions, you need to develop a spreadsheet that will allow you to reduce the distance measurements to the ellipsoid.
Some tips in making your spreadsheet:
• Ensure the input fields are clear and that there are appropriate instructions included so it is easy to use and understand.
• Each step should be clearly labelled, and any solutions should be clearly identified
• You may select your own input values for any variables not provided in this assignment sheet, but they must be clearly documented.
NOTE: Your spreadsheet will be validated with another dataset as part of the marking process.
2.2.5. Task 5 (40 marks)
Using the spreadsheet you developed in Task 4, and the additional data provided in the table below calculate the ellipsoid distance of the traverse lines between Stations:
a) 1-2 (10 marks)
b) 1-4 (10 marks)
c) 3-4 (10 marks)
d) 2-3 (10 marks)
2.3. Rubric/Marking guide
To further understand how you can achieve marks for each task, please refer to the rubric below.
Question 100% 85% 75% 50% 25% 0% Marks
1a – AUSGeoid A result was provided with the following criteria:
• Complete calculations were undertaken
• The work was clearly presented in a logical progression
• The correct result was generated A result was provided with minor errors or omissions. A result was provided with one of the criteria missing A result was provided with two criteria missing. No attempt was made 10
1b – AUSGeoid A discussion was provided that met the following criteria:
• A comprehensive understanding of AUSGeoid was demonstrated
• A comprehensive understanding of the components was demonstrated
• A comprehensive synthesis of AUSGeoid to the project was made A discussion was provided with minor omissions or errors. A discussion as provided that was missing one of the criteria A discussion was provided that was missing two of the criteria A discussion was provided but was missing three of the criteria No attempt was made 20
2 – Survey sketch A sketch is provided with the following criteria:
• The stations are clearly identified
• The layout is clear and unambiguous allowing a clear understanding of the data
• Appropriate labels and symbols are used to provide clarity A sketch is provided with minor errors or omissions in the criteria A sketch is provided with one criteria missing. A sketch is provided with two criteria missing. A sketch is provided with significant omissions or errors in the provided criteria. No attempt was made. 20
3.a A result was provided with the following criteria:
• Complete calculations were undertaken
• The work was clearly presented in a logical progression
• The correct result was generated A result was provided with minor errors or omissions. A result was provided with one of the criteria missing A result was provided with two criteria missing. No attempt was made 10
3.b A result was provided with the following criteria:
• Complete calculations were undertaken
• The work was clearly presented in a logical progression
• The correct result was generated A result was provided with minor errors or omissions. A result was provided with one of the criteria missing A result was provided with two criteria missing. No attempt was made 10
3.c A result was provided with the following criteria:
• Complete calculations were undertaken
• The work was clearly presented in a logical progression
• The correct result was generated A result was provided with minor errors or omissions. A result was provided with one of the criteria missing A result was provided with two criteria missing. No attempt was made 10
3.d A result was provided with the following criteria:
• Complete calculations were undertaken
• The work was clearly presented in a logical progression
• The correct result was generated A result was provided with minor errors or omissions. A result was provided with one of the criteria missing A result was provided with two criteria missing. No attempt was made 10
3.e A result was provided with the following criteria:
• Complete calculations were undertaken
• The work was clearly presented in a logical progression
• The correct results were generated A result was provided with minor errors or omissions. A result was provided with one of the criteria missing A result was provided with two criteria missing. No attempt was made 20
4 – Calculations A spreadsheet is provided with the calculations to reduced distances to the ellipsoid complete and correct A spreadsheet is provided with minor errors or omissions in the calculations, that would have little to no impact on the solution. A spreadsheet is provided with minor errors or omissions in the calculations that would impact the solution. A spreadsheet is provided with significant errors in the calculations, but a solution could be generated. A spreadsheet is provided with significant errors in the calculations that would impact the solution, and no solution could be generated. No attempt was made. 50
5.a The spreadsheet provided with the following criteria:
• completed the calculations to reduced distances to the ellipsoid
• generated the correct answer The solution had minor input errors that had little to no impact on the solution The solution had minor input errors that had an impact on the solution A solution was provided with one criteria missing A solution was provided with two criteria missing No attempt was made. 10
5.b The spreadsheet provided with the following criteria:
• completed the calculations to reduced distances to the ellipsoid
• generated the correct answer The solution had minor input errors that had little to no impact on the solution The solution had minor input errors that had an impact on the solution A solution was provided with one criteria missing A solution was provided with two criteria missing No attempt was made. 10
5.c The spreadsheet provided with the following criteria:
• completed the calculations to reduced distances to the ellipsoid
• generated the correct answer The solution had minor input errors that had little to no impact on the solution The solution had minor input errors that had an impact on the solution A solution was provided with one criteria missing A solution was provided with two criteria missing No attempt was made. 10
5.d The spreadsheet provided with the following criteria:
• completed the calculations to reduced distances to the ellipsoid
• generated the correct answer The solution had minor input errors that had little to no impact on the solution The solution had minor input errors that had an impact on the solution A solution was provided with one criteria missing A solution was provided with two criteria missing No attempt was made. 10
University of Southern Queensland | SVY3107 Assignment 1 2021

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Correct administrative configuration and secure device access

Task-1: Network Configuration
Marking guide lines:
• Design an efficient IP addressing plan: 4 marks
o Note that you need to spare IP addresses for the management LAN.
o Use this guideline to help you with this task:
• Correct administrative configuration and secure device access: 4 marks
o Configure device name, access banner, domain-lookup
o Configure and secure all device access passwords
o Disable all unused ports
• Configure all required device interfaces with appropriate IP addresses and meaningful descriptions and assign IP addresses to all PCs in the network: 2 marks
• Configure IP routing and verify the network connectivity and fix any issues: 4 mark
o Configure OSPF routing for the network
o Verify the network connectivity with ping.
• Backup all device configuration to a TFTP server in the head quarter: 1 mark
o Configure a TFTP server in the HQ
o Issues commands to backup all device config to the TFTP server.
Task-2: Network Management
Marking guide lines:
• Design the high-level physical layout for the lab to show the cabling structure and equipment rack and export it to a JPEG or PDF file. (4 marks)
• Modify the current network to add the management network (6 marks)
o Create the management interface for the switches (VLAN99) and assign IP addresses to all routers and management interfaces (2 marks)
o Allocate a dedicate physical management port on each switch an assign the management port to VLAN99 (1 mark).
o Connect the management port to a physical interface of the local router (1 mark).
o Configure the router interface and modify the network routing to allow to connect to the management network (2 marks).
• Configure SNMPv2 on each network devices and deploy a network management station at the head quarter to manage the whole network. (3 marks)
o Create a network management station in the head quarter to manager the network. Assign IP address to the station (1 mark).
o Configure a MIB browser on the management station to access the device management information (2 marks).
• Record YouTube video to demonstrate that you can manage the devices (2 marks)

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transactions would affect U.S. exports, imports, and net exports

  1. Discussion Board

Describe how the following transactions would affect U.S. exports, imports, and net exports: 

  1. Students in Prague flock to see the latest movie from Hollywood.
  2. Mrs. Jones in Philadelphia buys a new Volvo.
  3. The student bookstore at Oxford University in England sells a copy of a U.S. printed/authored textbook
  4. A Canadian citizen shops at a store in northern Vermont to avoid Canadian sales taxes.
  5. An American art professor spends the summer touring museums in Europe.

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. transactions would affect U.S. exports, imports, and net exports

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