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leadership theories and approaches to support organizational change that aligns to the organization’s mission and values

Purpose of Assessment

In this assignment, you analyze the organization you have assessed and apply leadership theories and approaches to support organizational change that aligns to the organization’s mission and values. You will be measured on how you justify your assessment of the leadership approach.

Write a 700 word paper for your Leadership Styles Rationale. Address the following in your paper: 

  • Restate the needed change within the organization.
  • Analyze the various leadership styles you explored in Week 3 in the context of the organizational culture and proposed change.
  • Justify which leadership style or approach would best support the organizational change.
  • Discuss how this style will support sustainable organizational success. 
  • Discuss how this style integrates the organization’s mission and vision. 
  • Discuss how this style will increase value for stakeholders


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on leadership theories and approaches to support organizational change that aligns to the organization’s mission and values


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Impact of wildlife on food crops and approaches to reducing human wildlife conflict in the protected landscapes of eastern Nepal. Human Dimensions of Wildlife

For the SDM OBJECTIVE portion (5 page minimum) you will base it on these references only! : References:

1) Dahal, N. K., Harada, K., Adhikari, S., Sapkota, R. P., & Kandel, S. (2021). Impact of wildlife on food crops and approaches to reducing human wildlife conflict in the protected landscapes of eastern Nepal. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 1–17.

(Links to an external site.)

2) Hill, C. M. (2017). Crop raiding. The International Encyclopedia of Primatology, 1–5.

(Links to an external site.)

3) Pokharel, M., & Aryal, C. (2020). Human-wildlife conflict and its implication for conservation at Sundarpur, Udayapur, Eastern Nepal. International Journal of Environment, 9(2), 217–233.

For this assignment, you will develop the objective definitions that you will use for the remainder of your structured decision-making case study. So far you have seen the problem definition, stakeholders, and discussed the potential fundamental objective , you will develop a document that details the:

1. Fundamental objectives you will use in your SDM, 2. Enabling objectives associated with these fundamental objectives, and 3. Measurable attributes by which an alternatives ability to meet the enabling

objective will be measured.

Remember that fundamental objectives are identified by repeatedly asking ‘Why’. The goal is to identify the end result of the decision (‘the ends’). For this example, you should have at least three fundamental objectives identified. The goal will be to identify an action or suite of actions that will best achieve all of these ends. You should rely on your research and the class discussion as to what the three objectives for your SDM will be.

The enabling objectives are ‘the means’ by which you will know that a fundamental objective has been achieved. Note that these are not the actions that will be taken (at least not directly). For example, in Runge et al (2011) Runge, M.C., E. Bean, D.R. Smith, and S. Kokos. 2011. Non-native fish control below Glen Canyon Dam — report from a structured decision-making project. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report


2011-1-12., PDF involving fish management in the Grand Canyon, a fundamental objective was identified as “Preserve and enhance recreational values and uses.” Two of the enabling objectives that fell under this fundamental objective where:

1. Maintain and enhance the rainbow trout fishery, and 2. Minimize disturbance of the wilderness experience in Grand Canyon National


For this assignment, you should focus on having a minimum of five (total) enabling objectives by which to measure achievement of your fundamental objectives.

Lastly, you need to establish the measurable attributes (or performance measures) against which a particular alternative will evaluated. Measurable attributes come in three forms. Natural measures direct measures of the feature, and are quantitative. For example, an objective of ‘maximize population of _____’ can be directly quantified by estimating the population size of the particular species. Natural measures are preferred when they exist (some things have no obvious ‘natural’ way to evaluate them) and are operational (i.e., they can realistically be measured given agency/time/budget constraints). Another form of measure is a proxy measure. Proxy measures are assumed to relate directly to an unmeasurable objective. For example, above in the Grand Canyon SDM, ‘minimize disturbance of the wilderness experience’ does not have a clear natural measure as it depends on definitions of both wilderness experience and disturbance. In this case, the choice to measure this was how many user-days a given alternative would prevent from occurring. This is not a direct measure, but it is assumed that the more user-days on the Colorado River are lost due to a given alternative, the more disturbance must be occurring. This would be a proxy measure. A key issue with proxy measures is the assumption that they are correlated with what we are trying to measure. A last form of measure is a constructed measure. These are useful when there is no clear natural measure, and the use of any proxy measure might be questioned. Constructed measures are very common. The well-known Likert Scale used on surveys is a constructed measure, as are habitat suitability indexes. For example, in the Grand Canyon example, one of the enabling objectives was framed as ‘be respectful of non-human life’. This was evaluated using a 10-point scale in which stakeholders evaluated each action as to how respectful the action was with a 10 being very respectful and a 1 being very not respectful.

For this assignment, prepare a document (5 page minimum) that identifies and justifies three or more fundamental objectives for this class’s assigned case study. In addition, you should identify and defend your choice of five or more enabling


objectives. Lastly, you will need to develop the performance measures by which these are evaluated. Section 4 of PDF provides a good example of what you might produce.


For the SDM ALTERNATIVES AND DECISIONS Portion (5 page minimum) you will base it on these references only! : References:

1) Dahal, N. K., Harada, K., Adhikari, S., Sapkota, R. P., & Kandel, S. (2021). Impact of wildlife on food crops and approaches to reducing human wildlife conflict in the protected landscapes of eastern Nepal. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 1–17.

(Links to an external site.)

2) Hill, C. M. (2017). Crop raiding. The International Encyclopedia of Primatology, 1–5.

(Links to an external site.)

3) Pokharel, M., & Aryal, C. (2020). Human-wildlife conflict and its implication for conservation at Sundarpur, Udayapur, Eastern Nepal. International Journal of Environment, 9(2), 217–233.

In this assignment, you will build on the SDM case study that you previously worked on in the SDM Objectives assignment. You will use the objectives identified in that assignment and develop alternative actions that might be used to achieve these fundamental objectives. You will then identify the potential consequences of these actions on each enabling objective, as well as the uncertainty involved in evaluating consequences. For an example of the information being presented in this assignment, see Sections 5 and 6 of Runge et al (2011) PDF .

For this assignment, your submitted document should detail:

1. Alternatives being considered in your SDM, 2. A discussion of the consequences of each action on each enabling

objective, 3. How consequences might be evaluated in a full SDM, and 4. Sources of uncertainty in evaluating consequences.

When you generate the alternatives, you should consider simulating a ‘bookending’ process. Think about each fundamental objective independently – what is the action that would best achieve this particular objective? Write each of these down. The result will likely be a list of actions that conflict substantially with each other. Evaluate each


of these actions to see if they can be broken into individual actions that might be separated. If so, separate these actions. Now brainstorm about any actions that are not already in consideration. Lastly, try to create some ‘hybrid’ actions that combine aspects of the already specified actions. You should now have a fairly extensive and variable list of actions. Also, remember that the status quo of ‘no change in current management’ should be one of your actions. Section 5 of Runge et al PDF (2011) illustrates this process for the non-native fish issue in the Grand Canyon.

Once you have identified your actions, you need to evaluate the probable consequences of your actions on each of the enabling objectives. The end result should be a consequence table. The first step will be to determine how you will evaluate the consequences. For example, can the probable consequence be predicted from data and modelling? Will the evaluation be made by using expert opinion or scoring by stakeholder groups? See Section 6 of Runge et al PDF (2011) for possible approaches to evaluating consequences based on the non-native fish issue in the Grand Canyon. You will probably not be able to realistically evaluate the consequences, but I want you to think through and discuss how you would complete this aspect of SDM in a real situation. You will need to estimate consequences, most likely by acting as an expert by ranking how well an alternative will achieve each objective, relative to the other alternatives. For example, if you have three alternatives, you would rank them 1-3 as to which was best, worst, or in-between. You would do this for each objective. The end result will produce your consequence table.

Lastly, based on your discussion of evaluating the consequences, you should have a feel for where uncertainty is in predicting the consequences of each action. Discuss the sources of this uncertainty and how it might influence your decision-making.

The submission for this assignment should be approximately 5 pages in length (not including any information from your Objectives assignment). It should identify a minimum of 5 actions or alternatives, discussion of how their consequences will be evaluated, as well as uncertainty in this process, and produce a consequence table based on your ‘expert’ evaluation.


For the SDM Decision-Modelling Portion (4-5 page minimum) you will base it on these references only! : References:

1) Dahal, N. K., Harada, K., Adhikari, S., Sapkota, R. P., & Kandel, S. (2021). Impact of wildlife on food crops and approaches to reducing human wildlife conflict in the protected landscapes of eastern Nepal. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 1–17.

(Links to an external site.)

2) Hill, C. M. (2017). Crop raiding. The International Encyclopedia of Primatology, 1–5.

(Links to an external site.)

3) Pokharel, M., & Aryal, C. (2020). Human-wildlife conflict and its implication for conservation at Sundarpur, Udayapur, Eastern Nepal. International Journal of Environment, 9(2), 217–233.

4) Sells, S. N., M. S. Mitchell, J. J. Nowak, P. M. Lukacs, N. J. Anderson, J. M. Ramsey, J. A. Gude, and P. R. Krausman. 2015. Modeling risk of pneumonia epizootics in bighorn sheep. Journal of Wildlife Management 79(2):195-210.

5) Sells, S. N., M. S. Mitchell, V. L. Edwards, J. A. Gude, and N. J. Anderson. 2016. Structured decision making for managing pneumonia epizootics in bighorn sheep. Journal of Wildlife Management 80(6):957-969.


Your decision analysis should build on your consequence table from the previous assignment. In this case, you should describe a means of conducting the decision analysis and perform a basic decision analysis. You will then specify the chosen action for this scenario.


You encountered a basic form of decision analysis in the SMART (Single Multi-attribute Rating Technique) table. You might recall that this was drawn from Sells et al (2016) work on managing pneumonia epizootics in bighorn sheep. This technique illustrates the use of a basic linear value model in which the overall score or ranking for an


alternative is the composite of the ranking (usually normalized from 0-1 so all objectives are ranked on the same scale for all actions) of the alternative’s performance on each enabling objective (your consequence table from the alternatives assignment) weighted by the importance of the objective. These weights are commonly assigned by swing-weighting, but you will generate them according to your own expert opinion (as was the case in Sells et al 2016).

For example, for the following simple 3 objective / 3 action case you have the following consequence table:


#1 #2 #3

Actions #1

3 3 2

#2 1 2 1

#3 2 1 3

In this example, the numbers in the cells are the ranking of each alternative, on a scale of 1 (worst) to 3 (best), in achieving each objective. Because all objectives are measured on an equal ranking scale (1-3) we do not need to normalize the scales. If you consider all objectives equal in importance, they all are weighted 0.33 (1/3). The value model for action #3 is then 0.33(2)+0.33(1)+0.33(3)=2.

Value models and consequence tables are used to evaluate trade-offs inherent in deciding between alternatives. It is often useful to color code the best and worst performing alternatives for each action. This helps identify patterns of good and poor performance of a given action on all objectives. In addition, we can evaluate objectives. If a given alternative always performs better than another – on all objectives – then it dominates the poorer alternative. The poorer alternative is a ‘Dominated


alternative’ and can be removed from the decision analysis. In addition, you may find that some objectives do not help distinguish between alternatives, i.e., you would evaluate the alternatives the same regardless of whether the objective was included or not.

Once you have evaluated trade-offs with your decision analysis, you should conclude this assignment by explaining the trade-offs of each action and making a decision for this case study. Sections 7 and 8 of Runge et al (2011) PDF

provide an example of decision analysis involving the non-native fish SDM


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Impact of wildlife on food crops and approaches to reducing human wildlife conflict in the protected landscapes of eastern Nepal. Human Dimensions of Wildlife


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Approaches to teaching and learning in the Diploma Programme

Read about ‘Approaches to teaching and learning in the Diploma Programme’ (IBO, 2018). Focus on ‘Teaching based on inquiry’ strand (IBO, 2018, p. 15) and complete the matrix based on experiences in your classroom.  Do you incorporate teaching based on an inquiry into your lessons? Is this a common practice when planning lessons? Why or why not?

your work should include examples of real class experience and make sure you cite at least three sources both from outside and the ones that are presented in the reference section. 

This assignment will be assessed using the Portfolio Activity rubric.


1. Approaches to teaching and learning. (n.d.). ib Diploma Programme.

  • Approaches to teaching and learning in the Diploma Programme reflection tool has been designed to help Diploma Programme (DP) teachers “audit” and reflect upon approaches to teaching and learning in their classrooms (IBO, 2018). It is intended as a tool to help individual teachers reflect on their current practice, as well as a way to promote and stimulate discussion among colleagues within and across departments.

2. Chemistry guide (first assessment 2016). (2014, February). IB Diploma Programme.

  • Read about Group 4 Projects (pages 184-189 ) -This publication is intended to guide the planning, teaching, and assessment of the subject in schools. Subject teachers are the primary audience, although it is expected that teachers will use the guide to inform students and parents about the subject.

3. Edwards, G. J. (2002). Make Your Own Project-Based Lesson Plan. Educator and Curriculum Development Specialist Unlimited Learning, 12–13.

  • Some learners perceive their “world” as a whole, where all things are interconnected and dependent upon each other (Edwards, 2002). These “integrated” students face major challenges in coping with our dominant educational, social, and economic systems, which tend to present information in a linear fashion without the necessity of integration into meaningful contexts. This resource is a guide on how to make your own project-based lesson plan. It can be used to develop an educational project that includes a specific outcome while teaching academic skills.

4. Lamberg, T., & Trzynadlowski, N. (2015, July). How STEM academy teachers conceptualize and implement STEM education. Journal of Research in STEM Education, 1(1), 45–58.

  • This study specifically seeks to understand how teachers in STEM schools interpret what the word “STEM” represents and how they implement STEM in the classroom (Lamberg & Trzynadlowski, 2015). This study investigates how seven elementary teachers in three STEM academy schools conceptualize and implement STEM in their classrooms.

5. Schaut, M. (2014, October 30). A brief overview of the 7E inquiry model. Prezi.

  • Sometimes a current model must be amended to maintain its value after new information, insights, and knowledge have been gathered. Such is now the case with the highly successful 5E learning cycle and instructional model (Eisenkraft, 2003).

6. Thomas, J. W. (2000, March). A review of research on project-based learning. Download the PDF here. 

  • Project-based learning (PBL) is a model that organizes learning around projects (Thomas, 2000). Teachers who employ PBL are able to set complex tasks, based on challenging questions or problems, that involve students in design, problem-solving, decision making, or investigative activities; give students the opportunity to work relatively autonomously over extended periods of time, and culminate in realistic products or presentations.

Smithsonian Science Education Center. (2016, February 13). Effective Inquiry-Based STEM Education [Video]. YouTube.


  • The Smithsonian Science Education Center addresses systemic change in STEM Education within a school, district, region or state. We do this by supporting education leaders, including teachers, through superior professional development and leadership training to ultimately see a measurable increase in student achievement.

St. Clare’s, Oxford. (2014, April 14). IB Science Group 4 Project Video [Video]. YouTube.
  • This video clip is about group 4 project done by a group of DP students. A group 4 project is an interdisciplinary activity in which all Diploma Programme science students must participate. The intention is that students from different group 4 subjects analyze a common topic or problem. The exercise should be a collaborative experience where the emphasis is on the processes involved in, rather than the products of, such an activity. In most cases, students in a school would be involved in the investigation of the same topic. Where there are large numbers of students, it is possible to divide them into several smaller groups containing representatives from each of the science subjects. Each group may investigate the same topic or different topics—that is, there may be several group 4 projects in the same school (IBO, 2014, p. 185)


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strategic approaches to competitive advantages

Strategy is an organization’s action plan to achieve its mission, whether that is flying airplanes or building them. Firms have several different ways to achieve their mission, and these strategic concepts can provide an advantage over your competitors.

Based on your readings and resource review, you should be able to define the three strategic approaches (differentiation, cost leadership, and response) to competitive advantages. With these approaches in mind, identify a company and determine which approaches they use. While some companies may use a combination of the approaches, focus your paper on the one key approach used by the firm.

Write & Submit

Write a 500-word (two-page) paper using the Writing Style Guide formatting.

Include the following:

  • Explain, briefly, the three strategic approaches to competitive advantages.
  • Provide an overview of your selected company.
  • Discuss which strategic approach your selected company uses and why they use that approach.

Include a title and reference page and at least three references.

Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

Your paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin when you submit your assignment in this activity. Turnitin is a service that checks your work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against a database of web pages, student papers, and articles from academic books and publications. Ensure that your work is entirely your own and that you have not plagiarized any material! “PLG1” in the activity name indicates a Turnitin assignment.

Review the Writing Rubric for detailed grading criteria





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Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management

Topic: Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management Read the following article before posting to this Discussion. You can locate this article from the Library: Note: Reflection for this article – Do you have experience dealing with an international project team? Often dealing with individuals that are using English as a common means of communication, although it may not be their native language, puts us in a position to do the best we can extracting technical nuggets, even when the material or written communication may not be what many native English speakers deem to be easy to read or understand. This article was selected on purpose by the course developers to give everyone an opportunity to experience an international scenario. At any one time, firms manage a diversity of projects all at different stages of evolution. Some firms manage their project portfolios through the management systems and processes applied to operational activities while others are increasingly relying on one or multiple project management systems. This reading assignment is intended to discuss theoretical approaches to project portfolio management maturity. Institutions use projects to solve strategic problems, to perform integrated processes, and to generate innovative strategies. To manage strategically within business environment, it is essential to discuss the maturity process of projects, programs, and project portfolios, their potential development, as well as strategy management within the organization. The expansion of project-based organizations only enhances the significance of project portfolio management. The results of a correspondence analysis show that project size, impact, and complexity were the most significant variables in the formation of project portfolios. Question: What were the authors’ conclusions, and do you agree or disagree? Be sure to substantiate your analysis of your position (premise), and synthesize the results of your analysis into a stated conclusion or conclusions. Topic 2: Strategic Project Implementation You are a new project manager who has been asked to deploy a new operating system to 17,000 employees with the help of one other employee. This software, the first enterprise-wide project, will run industry-specific applications. You have general procedures and guidelines, but where do you begin? Choose from the following options your course of action. Please consider current events that global companies are using. Ask each employee to watch a webinar and install the software on his/her own computer. Find a support structure of internal and external mentors to help you organize and implement this rollout. See if your organization will hire an outside consulting firm to do this project while you watch and learn. Place the other employee as head of the project, so that when it fails no one will blame you.





Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management

Topic 1: Portfolio Management Maturity

           Although the article was written in a way that was hard to decipher, the main argument made by the authors is that it is imperative that an understanding of the project portfolio maturity be understood. The authors reiterated the need to ascertain the project maturity and discussed several models that can be employed. In this regard, the authors offered several conclusions based on the analysis of the different types of project maturity models. In line with the purpose of the paper, the first conclusion the authors made is that the article presented a project maturity model. The second conclusion is that the project portfolio maturity models analysis done revealed that there exist various approaches of projects, programme, and portfolio management maturity, which were found to be based on stakeholder interests and new strategic expectations. 

           The other conclusions made in the article are that measured project, programme, and portfolio management maturity was defined in form of how well the company understood its projects. Owing to their analysis of project portfolio maturity models, the authors concluded that the model proposed by Chan Kim and Mauborgne Renée was an effective tool that proper value creation in project, programme, and portfolio management maturity. Finally, the authors concluded by reiterating the need for re-adjustment of project models. Following this conclusion, they determined research topics as the need for coordination in resembling and the need to outsource services to safeguard projects. 

           Based on the conclusions from the article, some of the conclusions are plausible, while others need further research and clarifications. The main purpose of the paper was to develop an analysis of the existing project portfolio management maturity models and to complement them. The paper met this objective, which is consistent with the first three conclusions drawn. The authors provided background on project-based organizations and the need to determine project portfolio maturity. The authors further provided a discussion of several project portfolio maturity models (Neverauskas & Čiutienė, 2011, pp. 847). The models discussed in the article includes the maturity model developed by the United Kingdom Office of Governance Commerce, the Gartner’s PPM model, Maturity by Project Category Model (MPCM), and Robertson’s Project Management Maturity Model. 

           The Blue Ocean Strategy framework suggested by Chan Kim and Mauborgne Renée outlined in the fourth conclusion is also plausible. The framework provides a way in which project portfolio maturity can be managed. According to Rad and Levin (2006) maturity assessment process allows for identification of strengths and weaknesses. This is consistent with the framework developed by Chan Kim and Mauborgne Renée, which essentially allows for refinement of the project maturity under different levels. 

           However, though project management approaches need to be adjusted as outlined in the fifth conclusion, the research topics indicated need more clarifications. The main purpose of the article was to examine existing project portfolio maturity models and augment them. It was expected that the last conclusion should dwell more on topics that are relevant to the research purpose. The research topics need to be refined and try to address any gaps identified in the paper that needs further research. For instance, the auth……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


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Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management

Topic 1: Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management Read the following article before posting to this Discussion. You can locate this article from the Library: Note: Reflection for this article – Do you have experience dealing with an international project team? Often dealing with individuals that are using English as a common means of communication, although it may not be their native language, puts us in a position to do the best we can extracting technical nuggets, even when the material or written communication may not be what many native English speakers deem to be easy to read or understand. This article was selected on purpose by the course developers to give everyone an opportunity to experience an international scenario. At any one time, firms manage a diversity of projects all at different stages of evolution. Some firms manage their project portfolios through the management systems and processes applied to operational activities while others are increasingly relying on one or multiple project management systems. This reading assignment is intended to discuss theoretical approaches to project portfolio management maturity. Institutions use projects to solve strategic problems, to perform integrated processes, and to generate innovative strategies. To manage strategically within business environment, it is essential to discuss the maturity process of projects, programs, and project portfolios, their potential development, as well as strategy management within the organization. The expansion of project-based organizations only enhances the significance of project portfolio management. The results of a correspondence analysis show that project size, impact, and complexity were the most significant variables in the formation of project portfolios. Question: What were the authors’ conclusions, and do you agree or disagree? Be sure to substantiate your analysis of your position (premise), and synthesize the results of your analysis into a stated conclusion or conclusions. Topic 2: Strategic Project Implementation You are a new project manager who has been asked to deploy a new operating system to 17,000 employees with the help of one other employee. This software, the first enterprise-wide project, will run industry-specific applications. You have general procedures and guidelines, but where do you begin? Choose from the following options your course of action. Please consider current events that global companies are using. Ask each employee to watch a webinar and install the software on his/her own computer. Find a support structure of internal and external mentors to help you organize and implement this rollout. See if your organization will hire an outside consulting firm to do this project while you watch and learn. Place the other employee as head of the project, so that when it fails no one will blame you.






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Rationales for punishment and correctional approaches

In a 1000-1200 word essay analyze various rationales for punishment and correctional approaches.
Explain the retributive and utilitarian rationales for punishment, including the strengths and limitations of each in a contemporary criminal justice context. Then, develop a philosophy of imprisonment that is relevant to the contemporary criminal justice context.
Include a minimum of two references other than your classroom reading materials.
Include a title page and reference page.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.





Rationales for Punishment and Correctional Approaches

(Name of Student)

(Name of University)

(Name of Professor)


Rationales for Punishment and Correctional Approaches

            The criminal law is essentially a law of the punishment. Punishment by its definition means to inflict pain. The process of criminal justice punishment is often borne out of a criminal justice process that seeks to determine the offense and provide a justified form of punishment according to a certain set societal codes. However, there have been great differences among the philosophers as to whether it is right or wrong to inflict pain to those who go against the societal set codes. This has created two groups, those who believe that inflicting pain is fundamentally different from inflicting pain to the innocent, and the other groups that believe that punishment can be justified only if it leads to a greater good. This has created the utilitarian and retributive approaches towards punishment.  

            The utilitarian rationale of punishment is based on the assumption that it is evil and is justified through the greater benefits that arise. According to (Pollock, 2009) under the utilitarian rationale, it is believed that the good is that that has a benefit to the many. This would mean that even if a form of punishment would be so painful to the offender, it would be considered good if it produces the greatest good to the many. Pollock (2016) further points that utilitarian views punishment as evil and that it is only justified if it produces greater good than the evil to the society. The utilitarian rationale of punishment seeks to punish the offenders in order to deter or discourage the possibility of such crimes arising in the future. Examples of the utilitarian forms of punishment include general and specific deterrence, incapacitation, moral education and rehabilitation.              Although the goal of utilitarian punishment perspective



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Linear Development in Learning Approaches

Information Technology and Organizational Learning Assignment:

  • Chapter 4 – Review the section on Linear Development in Learning Approaches.  Discuss how learning changes over time impact organizational culture.  What is the impact of this cultural change on the success of IT projects?
  • Chapter 5 – Review the Roles of Line Management and Social Network and Information Technology sections.  Note the various roles in the organization and note the similarities and differences within each role.  Also, note how innovation technology management shapes how we communicate amongst coworkers within an organization. 

The above submission should be two -pages in length (one page for each chapter) and adhere to APA formatting standards.

**Remember the APA cover page and the references (if required) do not count towards the page length**

Writers Solution

Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management

  •  Topic 1: Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management Read the following article before posting to this Discussion. You can locate this article from the Library: Note: Reflection for this article – Do you have experience dealing with an international project team? Often dealing with individuals that are using English as a common means of communication, although it may not be their native language, puts us in a position to do the best we can extracting technical nuggets, even when the material or written communication may not be what many native English speakers deem to be easy to read or understand. This article was selected on purpose by the course developers to give everyone an opportunity to experience an international scenario. At any one time, firms manage a diversity of projects all at different stages of evolution. Some firms manage their project portfolios through the management systems and processes applied to operational activities while others are increasingly relying on one or multiple project management systems. This reading assignment is intended to discuss theoretical approaches to project portfolio management maturity. Institutions use projects to solve strategic problems, to perform integrated processes, and to generate innovative strategies. To manage strategically within business environment, it is essential to discuss the maturity process of projects, programs, and project portfolios, their potential development, as well as strategy management within the organization. The expansion of project-based organizations only enhances the significance of project portfolio management. The results of a correspondence analysis show that project size, impact, and complexity were the most significant variables in the formation of project portfolios. Question: What were the authors’ conclusions, and do you agree or disagree? Be sure to substantiate your analysis of your position (premise), and synthesize the results of your analysis into a stated conclusion or conclusions. Topic 2: Strategic Project Implementation You are a new project manager who has been asked to deploy a new operating system to 17,000 employees with the help of one other employee. This software, the first enterprise-wide project, will run industry-specific applications. You have general procedures and guidelines, but where do you begin? Choose from the following options your course of action. Please consider current events that global companies are using. Ask each employee to watch a webinar and install the software on his/her own computer. Find a support structure of internal and external mentors to help you organize and implement this rollout. See if your organization will hire an outside consulting firm to do this project while you watch and learn. Place the other employee as head of the project, so that when it fails no one will blame you.
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