Writers Solution

Examine the well-established principles of building structures and the way those principles have developed

Module name Building Structures
Module code TEC5STR
Assignment 1
Level 5
Programme start month and year April 2021
Pass mark 40
Word count 1,600
Assessment weighting 40%
*for further information see the Word count and overwriting section.
Submission details
For this assignment, you are required to submit:
• a report as a Word (or similar) or PDF file.
Please refer to the assignment guidance in the assignment area of the module for further guidance on the file types accepted by Turnitin.
Submission of assignments
All assignments must be submitted online in the module area of the VLE. The assignment submission link opens 21 days before the due date. Please refer to the information provided in the ‘Assessment preparation’ week for submission guidance.
NOTE: Postal submissions will not be accepted.
Learning outcomes
Code Description
LO1 Examine the well-established principles of building structures and the way those principles have developed.
LO2 Apply key concepts, theories and principles in structures and undertake analysis of the appropriateness of different approaches.
LO3 Analyse information to develop technical arguments in the selection and application of structures in simple situations.
LO4 Apply relevant legislation, standards and regulations to develop a range of structural solutions in simple situations.
LO5 Present, interpret and communicate technical information on simple situations clearly and concisely, using sketches, drawings, calculations or in written form.
You work for a construction management company as a site manager. Your line manager has asked you to report on a number of projects that the company is involved with, which require some calculation.
The list of projects is:

  1. A marine defence project on the North Sea coast of England, which involves the placing of a mixture of large granite blocks which are up to 1m3 in volume, together with a mixture of concrete tetrapod blocks and concrete dolos blocks.
  2. A multi storey car park consisting of pre-cast concrete T beams (Figure 1 – See Appendix).
  3. A project to install a bridge (Figure 2 – See Appendix) on a service road. The bridge is designed to carry vehicles up to a four-axle articulated lorry with a gross weight of 36 Tonnes. The design incorporates Warren Trusses for the side walls and these are connected by Rolled Steel Joists (RSJs) which support the bridge deck. The bridge has a span of 10m and the width of the deck is 4m.
    Write a short report to your line manager in which you analyse and provide advice on the following matters:
    a. Calculate the lifting capacity of plant for the marine defence project for the three different materials to be used in the scheme. Take into account that the cranes used to place and move around each item will have to operate so that their lifting cables can to be at an angle of up to 45°. Use your own research about marine protection to estimate typical weights for this project. Give your answers in Tonnes and in kN.
    b. Determine the position of the centroid of the pre cast T beams that are used for the floor slabs of the car park and explain why this would be the best place to drill any small holes as lifting points or for the location of any small services.
    c. Analyse the bridge structure with the aid of sketches. Your line manager is particularly interested in understanding the likely forces on the members of the bridge structure, the loads on the connecting RSJ’s and the necessary support reactions for the bridge.
    Reference list
    You should include a reference list with a minimum of six separate relevant and appropriate sources that you have written about and cited within your work.
    A bibliography of uncited sources is not required.
    Further information to support you with this assignment is available within the study materials for this module on the UCEM VLE. If you have any questions about this assignment, please contact your Module Tutor or Module Leader via the VLE.
    Marking guidance for this activity
    This guidance is designed to help you to do as well as possible in your assessment by explaining how the person marking your work will be judging it.
    Your work will be assessed in relation to the requirements set out in the assessment criteria marking guide at the end of this document and the grading guidance section below.
    It is recommended that you read both of these sections before starting your assessment to learn what will help you to achieve the highest marks. Once you have finished you should review the assessment before submitting it, to check you have done what is required to achieve the highest marks.
    When you receive your feedback from your tutor you should clearly be able to see which categories you gained marks in and, where relevant, recommendations about how to improve your performance going forward.
    Grading guidance
    This grading guidance section explains in more detail what a submission for this assessment should include in order to achieve a mark at the threshold, good and excellent standards.
    You will have attempted all the tasks in the assignment and have arrived at approximate answers for parts a and b. You will have included a brief description as to why the centroid of the T beams is the best place for lifting points, and identified the likely forces on the bridge structure.
    You will have met the criteria for Threshold and have explained the method of analysis for all the tasks. You should have solutions to tasks a and b that are reasoned and supported and be within 25mm of the correct position of the centroid in task b. You will have included a brief explanation as to why the centroid of the T beams is the best place for lifting points, and realistic analysis of the likely forces on the bridge structure with basic sketches.
    You will have met the criteria for Good and your answers to parts 1 and 2 of the task will derive acceptable results, using the correct units. Your analysis for task 3 will be logical and clear. You will have assessed reasonable maximum loads for the supporting RSJ’s in the bridge structure and you will have analysed the warren truss, to determine the axial loads in the truss members, using a recognised method of analysis, such as the method of resolution of joints.
    The overall structure of the report will be clear and informative and it will be supported with reliable sources.
    Word count and overwriting
    Exceeding 10% of the stated word count may limit the marks allocated for communication (see assessment criteria marking guide below).
    The following table outlines the inclusions and exclusions in the word count of the most common features of assessed pieces of work.
    Included Excluded
    Introduction Executive summary/abstract
    Main body Title page/front cover
    Footnotes/endnotes Contents List
    In text citations Calculations
    Words in tables Drawings/Images
    Conclusion List of references
    Recommendations Bibliography
    Headings and titles, except for those explicitly excluded Appendices
    The total number of words used must be stated on the first page of your assessment.
    Plagiarising someone else’s work, whether copying from the internet, UCEM study materials, a textbook, a fellow student or elsewhere, is a serious offence. Before you submit your work for assessment, you must check it to ensure that you have fully cited within the text all the sources of information you have used and that all your sources are listed in a reference section at the end of your submission. Quoted text must not be excessive in length. You will find guidance on correct citing and referencing in The UCEM Guide to Referencing and Citation in Section 6 of the e-Library on the VLE.
    Be aware that your work will be checked using text-matching software. The ‘Turnitin‘ software is as much for your benefit as ours at UCEM. You can use it to check that all your citations have a matching reference, and review any highlighted text that may not be original and requires a reference.
    A high text-matching result could indicate plagiarism. If plagiarism is identified, this could result in a penalty ranging from a loss of marks to exclusion from your programme.
    Note: Please use the assignment referencing link to check the originality of your work before submitting it.
    Source: UCEM (2021)
    Figure 2: A bridge
    Source: UCEM (2021)
    The bridge has a span of 10m and the width of the deck is 4m.
    LEVEL 5
    Inadequate 3–4
    Limited 5 Below threshold 6–7
    Threshold 8
    Good 9 Very good 10–11
    Excellent 12–15
    Relevance to task
    • The relevance of the information provided to the context of the task
    • The way the needs of the intended audience have been addressed. Irrelevant and addresses neither the task nor the needs of the intended audience. Largely irrelevant and does not effectively address the task or the needs of the intended audience. Partially relevant and attempts to address the task and the needs of the intended audience with significant irrelevance or omissions. Sufficiently relevant to the task and the needs of the intended audience to meet the learning outcomes. Mostly relevant to the task and the needs of the intended audience, with some minor irrelevance or omissions. Consistently relevant to the task and focussed on the requirements of the intended audience. Highly relevant to the task and precisely focussed on the requirements of the intended audience. Completely relevant to the task and fully focussed on the requirements of the intended audience.
    Structure and presentation
    • Organisation and presentation of ideas A lack of structure beyond a loosely connected list of points. Largely unstructured and does not have a clear logical flow. Inconsistent structure and logical flow. Adequate structure and logical flow. Reasonable
    structure and logical flow. Capable structure and logical flow. Advanced structure and logical flow. Proficient structure and logical flow.
    • Format appropriate to the intended audience and/or industry protocols
    • How structure and presentation enable communication. Presentation format is inappropriate.
    Communication is obstructed. Presentation format is ineffective.
    Communication is hindered. Presentation format is confused.
    Communication is only partially effective. Presentation format is satisfactory.
    Communication is sufficient to meet the learning outcomes. Presentation format is appropriate.
    Communication is clear. Presentation format is effective.
    Communication is sound. Presentation format is sophisticated.
    Communication is articulate. Presentation format is innovative.
    Communication is insightful.
    • Selection of words, sentence construction, spelling and punctuation. Use of grammar is deficient and meaning is obstructed. Significant grammatical errors and meaning lacks clarity. Several grammatical errors and meaning conveyed insufficiently clearly. Notwithstanding some minor errors and oversights, grammar and clarity of meaning are sufficient to meet the learning outcomes. Grammar usage is fair and conveys meaning clearly. Grammar usage is capable and conveys meaning effectively. Grammar usage is advanced and conveys meaning precisely. Grammar using is exceptional and conveys meaning eloquently.
    Inadequate 7–10
    Limited 11–13
    Below threshold 14–17
    Threshold 18–20 Good 21–24
    Very good 25–27
    Excellent 28–35
    Knowledge of the key principles of the field of study Little significant knowledge of the subject matter. Incomplete knowledge of the subject matter. Some knowledge of the subject matter with significant omissions. General knowledge of key elements of the subject matter. Reasonable knowledge of the key elements of the subject matter. Sound knowledge of the subject matter. Comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter. Full knowledge of the subject matter.
    • Demonstration of understanding of the key principles of the field of study Misrepresented or misunderstood understanding of the key principles of the field of study. Ineffective understanding of the key principles of the field of study. Inconsistent and confused understanding of the key principles of the field of study. Basic understanding of the key principles of the field of study, sufficient to meet the learning outcomes.
    Clear understanding of the key principles of the field of study. Effective understanding of the key principles of the field of study. Sophisticated understanding of the key principles of the field of study. Very advanced understanding of the key principles of the field of study.
    • Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed. Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed is incorrect or omitted. Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed is unsatisfactory. Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed is inaccurate and partial with significant omissions. Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed is adequate. Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed is competent. Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed is capable. Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed is accurate. Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed is exceptional.
  6. USE AND
    Inadequate 6–8
    Limited 9–11
    Below threshold 12–14
    Threshold 15–17 Good 18–20
    Very good 21–23
    Excellent 24–30
    Application of UCEM Harvard referencing style A minimal number of sources have been referenced. The referencing system is applied incoherently. Referencing is unsatisfactory due to
    significant omissions, inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the application of the referencing system. Referencing is insufficient due to several omissions, inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the application of the referencing system. Referencing is sufficiently complete, accurate and consistent in the application of the referencing system to meet the learning outcomes. Referencing is competent with mostly complete, accurate and consistent application of the referencing system. Referencing is effective with complete, accurate and consistent application of the referencing system with few errors. Referencing is comprehensive with complete, accurate and consistent application of the referencing system with minimal errors. Referencing is comprehensive and applied faultlessly.
    Source materials
    • Selection of course materials
    Minimal and incoherent selection of course materials.
    Ineffective selection of course materials with significant omissions.
    Inconsistent and inaccurate selection of course materials.
    Adequate selection of course materials.
    Competent selection of course materials.
    Capable selection of course materials.
    Sophisticated selection of course materials.
    Innovative selection of course materials.
    • Further research Further research is minimal. Further research is incomplete and unsatisfactory. Further research is insufficient. Further research is basic. Further research is reasonable. Further research is sound. Further research is.
    advanced. Further research is proficient.
    • Use of industry practice and personal experience. Industry practice and personal experience omitted or irrelevant. Limited and incomplete reference to industry practice and personal experience. Simple reference to industry practice and personal experience. Satisfactory reference to industry practice and personal experience. Clear reference to industry practice and personal experience. Effective reference to industry practice and personal experience. Perceptive reference to industry practice and personal experience. Insightful reference to industry practice and personal experience.
    Application of source materials to task Source materials are used inadequately and applied incoherently. The assessed work is not informed or improved by the source materials. Source materials are used ineffectively and applied unsatisfactorily. The assessed work is informed and improved in a limited manner by the source materials. Source materials are used inconsistently and applied partially. The assessed work is informed and improved in a simple manner by the source materials. Source materials are used satisfactorily and applied adequately. The assessed work is informed and improved in a basic manner by the source materials, sufficient to meet the learning outcomes.
    Source materials are used competently and applied clearly. The assessed work is informed and improved in a reasonable manner by the source materials. Source materials are used capably and applied consistently. The assessed work is informed and improved in a consistent manner by the source materials. Source materials are used perceptively and applied accurately. The assessed work is informed and improved in a comprehensive manner by the source materials. Source materials are used innovatively and applied insightfully.
    The assessed work is informed and improved in an exceptional manner by the source materials.
    ANALYSIS 20 0–3
    Inadequate 4–5
    Limited 6–7
    Below threshold 8–9
    Threshold 10–11 Good 12–13
    Very good
    Excellent 16–20
    Critical analysis
    • Analysis of source materials Analysis of the source materials is superficial, deficient or minimal. Analysis of the source materials is shallow ineffective or incomplete. Analysis of the source materials is insubstantial, inaccurate or inconsistent. Analysis of the source materials is adequate and of sufficient depth to meet the learning outcomes. Analysis of the source materials is substantial clear and competent. Analysis of the source materials is thorough, effective and consistent. Analysis of the source materials is rigorous, accurate and comprehensive. Analysis of the source materials is profound, proficient and very advanced.
    • Application of analysis to the demands of the task. Analysis is not applied to the demands of the task. Analysis is applied unsatisfactorily to the demands of the task. Analysis is partially applied to the demands of the task. Analysis is satisfactorily applied to the demands of the task. Analysis is reasonably applied to the demands of the task. Analysis is effectively applied to the demands of the task. Analysis is perceptively applied to the demands of the task. Analysis is innovatively applied to the demands of the task.
    Development of solutions Proposed solutions are incoherent and deficient. Proposed solutions are unsatisfactory and ineffective. Proposed solutions are confused and inaccurate. Proposed solutions are satisfactory and sufficient to meet the learning outcomes. Proposed solutions are clear and reasonable. Proposed solutions are consistent and effective. Proposed solutions are advanced and sophisticated. Proposed solutions are ambitious and exceptional.
    Technical ability
    (where appropriate)
    • Quality of drawings Drawings are incorrect or omitted. Drawings are incomplete or with
    significant omissions. Drawings are inaccurate and only partially completed. Drawings are completed at a basic level sufficient to meet the learning outcomes. Drawings are completed at a competent level. Drawings are completed capably. Drawings are completed accurately. Drawings are completed to an exceptionally high standard.
    • Accuracy of calculations Calculations are incorrect or omitted. Calculations are incomplete with significant omissions. Calculations are inaccurate and only partially completed. Calculations are completed at a basic level sufficient to meet the learning outcomes. Calculations are completed at a competent level. Calculations are completed capably. Calculations are completed accurately. Calculations are completed to an exceptionally high standard.
    • Appropriate selection and application of information. Selection of information is incorrect or minimal. Information is applied inadequately or incoherently to the task. Selection of information is incomplete with significant omissions. Information is applied ineffectively or unsatisfactorily to the task. Selection of information is inconsistent and partial. Information is applied inaccurately to the task. Selection of information is satisfactory and sufficient to meet the learning outcomes. Information is applied adequately to the task. Selection of information is clear and reasonable. Information is applied competently to the task. Selection of information is consistent and effective. Information is applied capably to the task. Selection of information is accurate and comprehensive.
    Information is applied perceptively to the task. Selection of information is proficient and insightful.
    Information is applied innovatively to the task.

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Writers Solution

Create a company-wide plan on team-building strategies

Throughout this course, you worked toward a course project by creating and sharing information with your colleagues and creating plans to help your organization. Your supervisor has been so impressed with your work that she has asked you to create a company-wide plan on team-building strategies.

Your plan will include the following items:
◾an introduction that includes a description of your organization,
◾tips for goal setting and what you see as the leader’s role in helping employees reach their performance goals,
◾ways to apply the Five Cs,
◾strategies for effective communication,
◾approaches to create or improve team rewards,
◾tips for minimizing conflict, and
◾tips for overcoming resistance to change.

Your plan must be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the titleand reference pages. Feel free to be creative with your plan. You may also useideas from previous units but do not copy and paste previous assignments tocreate this plan. You are required to use at least two outside sources, and one may be your course textbook. All outside sources used must be cited andreferenced according to APA guidelines.

Textbook: McShane, S. L., & Von Glinow, M. A. (2018). Organizational behavior: Emerging knowledge, global reality (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.






In today’s business environment, team building has become a necessity as organizations are looking to develop team-based structures, which stimulate improvements in profitability, productivity, and service quality. Team-based improvements in the organization make every effort also to improve results for customers. As such, team building involves diverse activities that are specifically designed to enhance team performance since it aims at bringing out the best in a team, for instance, self-development, leadership skills, positive communication, and the capacity to solve problems (McShane, & Von Glinow, 2018). XYZ Group is a diversified international insurance company employing approximately 10,000 employees. The company offers a wide range of products and services such as personal automobile insurance, workers’ compensation, commercial peril insurance, among others. 

Goal Setting Tips and Leader’s Role in Helping Employees Reach Their Performance Goals

Success is achieved through setting goals because they provide focus and direction. In addition, it provides a benchmark that determines whether a person or an organization is actually succeeding. Goal setting begins with careful consideration of what needs to be achieved. First, it is vital that you set goals that motivate, that is, establishing why they are valuable and imperative. The other tip is establishing SMART goals, which are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Goals also need to be in writing to make them real and tangible (McShane, & Von Glinow, 2018). Finally, develop an action plan and stick to it. As such, you can establish built-in reminders to keep you on track and regular evaluation and re-adjustment of your goals if necessary. 

Talking of goal setting, it is common knowledge that it is a leader’s responsibility to help employees set and reach their goals. By establishing and monitoring employees’ targets, it gives them a real-time input in their performance, and it encourages and motivates them to achieve more. First, connect employees’ goals to the company’s set goals. It is the role of a leader to show them how their goals are contributing to the broader corporate strategy. The other role is making sure the goals set are attainable but challenging and then help them create a plan for achieving the goals by breaking the goals down to achievable tasks. Finally, it is the responsibility of a leader to monitor their progress…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Create a company-wide plan on team-building strategies


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Writers Solution

building loyalty and community

Are you especially loyal to any one brand? If so, what is it and why are you so loyal? When successfully building loyalty and community, trust seems to be the biggest factor. How can a company build trust? Should consumers trust companies? Why or why not? Do you think some consumers are just more prone to be loyal to companies and other consumers are not? Why or why not?
Note: Please review my expectations for the assignment. A brief review–I expect your response to be approximately 2 to 3 pages in length; make sure to include 2 or more references, present your work in APA Format.





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Trust has become the center of discussion within market department in a business organization, media and academia. According to the survey conducted by the Reader’s Digest European Trusted Brand 2010, only 13% of the customers trust brands advertised and 32% trust brands from internationals companies as compared to 48% of the customers trusting brands used by their work mates, friends and neighbors(Hong, & Cho, 2011). These findings contrasted the findings of Nielsen Global Online Consumer Survey which showed that 90% of the customers trust brands recommended from colleagues while 70 % trusted brands basing on the consumers’ opinion posted online. The analysis from the two survey indicates that consumer trust can be building basing on various factors. Marketers consider trust as one the integral aspect of building customer relationship in the business. Some of the factors used by marketers to enhance customer trust include marketing communication strategy, customer satisfaction, net promotion metrics, and engagement and fandom advocacy.

Factors influencing customers trust

            Most literatures have indicated that overall custo………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….building loyalty and community…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Writers Solution

Building an integrated analysis system

Project information: This project proposal is about building an integrated analysis system through the use of ground-based aerosol and satellite. The integrated analysis system will be used to monitor and estimate the levels of particulate matter in the atmosphere in the United States. This project will provide assessment of air quality in most parts of the world (Engel-Cox, Hoffmann, & Haymet, 2005). The use of satellite will enable us to create a large geographical scale air quality indices that was lacking in ground based database. However, to collect adequate information about particulate matter, this project proposes the use NASA new space-based sensor which include CALIPSO, MISR and MODIS. In addition, this project will intend to utilize GEOS-CHEM model to build air quality system.
Project plan
This project will run for a period of two years starting from April,2017 to 2019. The project will focus on four areas: emission from power plant, anthropogenic urban pollution, smoke from Central America and dust from Mojave Desert. The particulate matter will be monitored and recorded on monthly basis. The last six months will be used to analyze the data collected using different statistical parameter.
System integrated best practices
The system integrated best practice to use satellite remote sensing techniques to monitor air quality. The data from this project will enhance the understanding and the importance of good quality air, also assist the decision maker to come up with policies that will reduce the emission of particulate matter into the atmosphere This will include operationalizing monitoring of particulate matter on regular basis as well as implementing the necessary legislation aimed at improving the air quality, thus reducing the surging temperatures caused by climate change.
Engel-Cox, J. A., Hoffmann, T. & Haymet, J. D. A. (2005). Application of Satellite Remote-Sensing Data for Source Analysis of Fine Particulate Matter Transport Events. Journal of Air Waste Management Association


For this week’s assignment, you will be developing the requirements specification for this integration. You should use all of the tools available to you to elicit requirements (such as one-on-one interviews with all major stakeholders, surveys, artifact reviews, joint requirement specification meetings, and so forth).
• New Content (Week 2)
o Requirements Specification
 Describe the process you used to elicit the requirements.
 List of all of the stakeholders and their roles.
 Describe of all components and interfaces, including a schematic that depicts them (such as the various layers of integration).
 Provide detailed and measurable functional requirements.
 Provide detailed and measurable nonfunctional requirements.
 List assumptions for the scope of the project.
 Discuss the pros and cons of proceeding with the project while giving consideration to the requirements you have defined.
• Make sure that the document is in APA format.
• Submit the document for grading.





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Monitoring particulate matter using satellite remote sensing is relatively new area of research. Previous studies focused on the use of MODIS because it gives a better temporal and spatial coverage more than MISR. Most of these studies have concentrated on the seven stations in Alabama, United States. Analysis indicated that satellites gives accurate information about the levels of particulate matter on daily basis(Engel-Cox, Hoffmann, & Haymet, 2004). The process of using satellite to monitor particulate matter validate the ground based air quality data, visualize the pollution and provide synoptic information. The objective of this project is to combine joint efforts from EPA, NOAA and NASA to predict, manage and enhance the assessment of air quality through infusing satellite measurements. The assessment of air quality using satellite is affected by meteorological factors such as wind direction, wind speed, relative humidity, surface temperature as well as variations in sunlight as a result of seasons and cloud.

            The US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) is tasked with the responsibility of monitoring air quality by measuring ozone concentration………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

…………………………………………. Building an integrated analysis system………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Engel-Cox, J. A., Hoff, R. M., Rogger, R., Dimmick, F., Rush, A. C., Szykman, J., Al-Saadi, J., Chu, D. & Zell, E. R. (2006). Integrating Lidar and Satellite Optical Depth with Ambient Monitoring for 3-dimensional Particulate Characterization . Atmospheric Envieonment, 40(40): 8056-8067.

Engel-Cox, J. A., Hoffmann, H. & Haymet, D. J. (2004). Recommendations on the Use of Satellite Remote-Sensing Data for Urban air Quality. Journal of the Air Waste Managment Assiciation, 54(11): 1360-1371.


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Writers Solution

plan for building your personal brand

Create a 700- to 1,050-word plan for building your personal brand. In your plan, include:

What skills you will need for your future career.

What strategies you will employ to gain the required skills needed for your career choice.

How you will project a professional image to potential employers.

What strategies you will employ to search for, find, and get a job.

How you will know your brand and strategies are effective.

Format any references according to APA guidelines.

Research professional organizations that may help support you in your current career or future career in the field you wish to enter – (Clinical research P

roject Manager). Some examples of professional organizations include: American Public Health Association (APHA), National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), American Medical Association (AMA), etc.

Explore the resources and benefits the organization has to offer. Look for options to join as a student.

Choose one of the organizations you believe would be most beneficial for you.

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

  • Summarize the professional organization.
  • How do you believe membership in the organizations could benefit your career?
  • Read plan for building your personal brand for the assignment





Fundamentals of Electronic Health Records


Grade Course:

Tutor’s Name:

Date of Submission:


            Personal branding can be described as an undertaking whereby an individual creates an image with the objective of making a specific impression in the minds of others through acquiring the desired techniques and skills. In other words, personal branding involves shaping personal image to meet market demands and gain competitive advantage over the competitors in the same field(Montoya, et al., 2002). Therefore, good planning of personal branding is key in excelling in professional growth and development and analysis have showed that many employees are keen personal branding.

Skills needed for future career as healthcare administrator

            There are various skills that healthcare administrator needs to acquire to effectively deliver his/her duties in the future career. One of the skills that healthcare administrator needs to have include communication and relationship management. As an administrator in healthcare setting, effective communication is crucial since there is an interaction with healthcare professionals from different departments including the clients seeking healthcare services(Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). It is important to note that clients visit healthcare facility have varied educational background and social status in the society. Therefore, effective communication skills are needed to ensure that there is proper understand and smooth running of operations within the healthcare facility.             As a healthcare administrator, you have a responsibility to provide leadership in healthcare facility. Therefore, leadership skills are needed since you will be guiding diverse people in terms of culture and professionalism as well as level of education(Noon, et al., 2013). Only good leader will be able to effectively provide le…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Team Building

The purpose of this assignment is for students to learn important details about some of the various tasks required of nursing managers/leaders.

• Evaluation of Special Discussion of Management Tasks
Criteria Points Possible Points Earned

  1. Introduction of management task/topic of presentation. Describes task and its relevance to management. 20
  2. Discusses ways to perform task effectively. 15
  3. Includes evidence-based or best practice information related to topic. Support with 2-3 different references to the literature in APA format.






Nursing: Team Building

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Team Building

            One of the most important skills of a nurse leader is team building. In the healthcare unit, the nurse plays an important role of coordination, integration and facilitation of activities of different players in the care continuum. All the nurse activities across the care continuum ultimately intersect with the work of teams. Irrespective of the unit of service, teams in care delivery are critical to effective care delivery. Having the knowledge of group dynamics and the important characteristics of team building is critical in building effective nursing teams.

            A team is regarded as something that has been put together. It is an annual event that is facilitated by an external consultant, with the purpose of learning from the expertise and integrating it to the daily nursing practice. However, Henwood (2014) asserts that regardless of how a team has been put together, its effectiveness is defined by the way the team works together. In order for a team to have an optimal performance, he points the need for the team to agree on the purpose, clarify responsibilities, roles, and define values, strategy and goals (p. 78). A team that lacks professional values and behaviors cannot work effectively. Having effective team building and teams that work with synergy is important for the delivery of care in a healthcare that is increasingly getting complex.              The importance of team building in healthcare cannot be overemphasized. According to Klainberg & Dirschel (2010) successful team building is important in the healthcare system owing to the fact that increased levels of teamwork leads to improved work satisfaction and a reduction in burnout among the nurses. Team building that involves members with diverse intellect and perspectives can help members in cultivating thinking, exploration of multiple perspectives and development of creative solutions that can……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISM

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HOMELAND SECURITY and building a bubble map.

For this Assignment, you will be writing a persuasive essay on HOMELAND SECURITY and building a bubble map. The Bubble map should be able reach your point of view.

Include the following components in your essay:
•    Introductory Paragraph ‘
o    Include your thesis statement
o    Include a discussion of at least three supporting points
•    Body Section 1 (supporting point 1 fully presented)
•    Body Section 2 (supporting point 2 fully presented)
•    Body Section 3 (supporting point 3 fully presented)
•    Conclusive Summary

I need the bubble map on the last page by itself.

Create a bubble map with a Main Topic and 4 subtopics utilizing one of the following resources or a resource of your choosing:
•    PowerPoint®
•    Microsoft Word with graphics
Demonstrate the relationship between the following in your concept map:
•    Introductory paragraph
•    Position or stance on the issue
•    Supporting arguments and examples defending your position
•    Identified concession to the argument and rebuttal
•    Conclusive summary

Use the following reference

Bullock, J., Haddow, G., & Coppola, D. (2012). Homeland Security (4th ed.). Burlington: Elsevier Science.
International Business Publication. (2006). United States Department of Homeland Security handbook. Washington, DC: International Business Publications, USA.
Radvanovsky, R., & McDougall, A. (2016). Critical Infrastructure: Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (3rd ed.). Boca Raton, Fla: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (2009). The Department’s Five Responsibilities. Homeland Security. Retrieved from






The Role of Department of Homeland Security in Economic Growth

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The Department of Homeland Security Plays Important Role in U.S Economy


            The September 1, 2001 attacks in the United States greatly altered the way American government viewed terrorism. It was the events that occurred during that time that the Department of Homeland Security was reorganized into the way it is now (U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2009). The September 2001 reiterated the important role of Department of Homeland Security in the country’s economy. In the wake of the September 2001 terrorist attacks, the Department of Homeland Security has transcended into one of the most important departments in the U.S economic growth. The DHS plays a huge role in protecting critical infrastructures; disruption of the terrorist financing and identification of the vulnerabilities to security threats, all which are essential in the country’s economic growth.

The critical infrastructures are important in provision of essential services like electricity and healthcare. These infrastructures are important in the nation’s economic growth. Security vulnerabilities must be identified in order to protect the American and ensure the flow of goods and services is not interrupted and thus ensure the economy keeps growing. On the other hand, the disruption of terrorist financial networks ensures the prevention of terrorist actions, allowing people to remain safe and continue with nation building.

The Roles of Department Of Homeland Security in Economic Protection             The critical infrastructure is the backbone of the economy of the United States. The critical infrastructure include the chemical, commercia……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


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Trees (wood) for building stuff

You are smarter now than before you started this lesson. You are ready to teach what you learned to others.

Your friend is super excited about the use of trees (wood) for building stuff because it will sequester lots of carbon and reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations.

In this reflection, please explain to your friend how her/his understanding is not entirely correct. Use the concepts of carbon sequestration and carbon neutrality, starting from trees/forests, but the explanation should center around the use of wood for construction (NOT directly summarizing the three scenario of carbon release presented in the lecture).

We expect about 250 words to explain this. Inadequate elaborations will lead to points deduction. You do not need any additional sources.

Writers Solution

How companies take advantage of value chain activities in building strategic alliances?

Chapter 9

1. How companies take advantage of value chain activities in building strategic alliances? What this process adds to developing competitive advantage? What partners in the best strategic alliances have to offer?  

2. Why the choice of partner is important in forming strategic alliances? How this choice affects the stability of alliance building, lead to common goals and benefits partners? 

3. How joint venture cooperative agreements are different from other alliance buildings?  What are  the benefits and pitfalls in these kinds of alliances?  

Chapter 10

4. How an e-commerce business can succeed and why many fail in the marketplace? Does leadership matter? What resources they have to have for its success? 

5. What kind of resources and structures a business must put behind e-commerce to be successful? What should be the link between the “Brick” and “Click” in any business?    

6. What are the benefits and pitfalls in establishing a global e-commerce business? Does that business model complement the traditional brick-and-mortar model or it has to be different?  Are there any model to follow for the best relations between “Brick,” and “Click?”