Writers Solution

Topic on which you will examine its causes and its effects.

In this assignment, you will choose a topic on which you will examine its causes and its effects. You will also learn some basics of using outside source material.  Feel free to choose any topic you wish, exciting or mundane, serious or humorous.   Choose a subject that you know a lot about and that you can easily explain. 

As you write this paper consider the positive and negative effects associated with your subject. Examine both the benefits and detriments connected with your cause. 


  • Three – Four pages double spaced
  • Academic style – 3rd person, active voice (no be verbs!), college-level word choice, no contractions (see Academic Voice Handout  Download Academic Voice Handout)
  • Relatively error-free writing (free of spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanical errors)
  • One short outside source MAY be used only as a support for your ideas.  If you incorporate outside source information, you will need to give credit to whatever sources you used.  You learned about crediting sources in the Documentation Unit; follow MLA guidelines for documenting sources.  Remember – this assignment is NOT a research paper, and outside research is NOT required.
  • Proper MLA formatting –  MLA Essay/Document FormattingDownload MLA Essay/Document Formatting
  • To demonstrate the ability to create a draft on your own, you are not required to submit a rough draft.  Submit the final draft.


Writers Solution

What causes a nation’s economic activity to fluctuate?

International Journal of Tax Economics and Managemen t ISSN Online: 261 8-1118 ISSN Pri nt: 261 8-110X An Overview on Macroeconomics : Ideas, Approaches and Importance Fai Tsai Department of Business Economics (Author of Correspondence) China Abstract This article includes various topics related macroeconomics. In the beginning the nature of macroeconomics are described. Then the article turns describing many terms of this macroeconomics. The utility of macroeconomics will be explained in this article. Besides ; scope of macroeconomics are also des cribed in this article. The practical appliance of this Part of economics are described here. Keywords: Idea ; Scope ; Origin ; Utility ; Terms . 22 1. Introduction Macroeconomics is the study of the structure and performance of national economies and of the policies that governments use to try to affect economic performance. What determines a na tion’s long -run economic growth? a) What causes a nation’s economic activity to fluctuate? b) What causes unemployment? c) What causes prices to rise? d) How does being a part of a global economic system affect nations’ economies? e) Can government policies be used to improve economic performance? f) Through macroeconomics we an answer these questions. 2. Idea of T his Microeconomics examines the behavior of individual decision -making units — business firms and households. Macroeconomics (from the Greek prefix mi cro – meaning “large” + economics) is a branch of economics dealing with the performance ; structure ; behavior ; and decision -making of an economy as a whole. This includes regional ; national ; and global economies. Macroeconomists study aggregated indicators such as GDP ; unemployment rates ; national income ; price indices ; and the interrelations among the different s ectors of the economy to better understand how the whole economy functions. They also develop models that explain the relationship between such factors as national income ; output ; consumption ; unemployment ; inflation ; saving ; investment ; international trad e; and international finance. While macroeconomics is a broad field of study ; there are two areas of research that are emblematic of the discipline: the attempt to understand the causes and consequences of short -run fluctuations in national income (the business cycle) ; and the attempt to understand the determinants of long -run econ omic growth (increases in national income). Macroeconomic models and their forecasts are used by governments to assist in the development and evaluation of economic policy. Macroeconomics deals with the economy as a whole; it examines the behavior of economic aggregates such as aggregate income ; consumption ; investment ; and the overall level of prices. Aggregate behavior refers to the behavior of all households and firms together. Macroec onomics and microeconomics ; a pair of terms coined by Ragnar Frisch ; are the two most general fields in economics. In contrast to macroeconomics ; microeconomics is the branch of economics that studies the behavior of individuals and firms in making decisio ns and the interactions among these individuals and firms in narrowly -defined markets. An Overview on Macroeconomics: Ideas, Approaches and Importance Copyright © 2019 | Seagull Publications 3. Importance When we study the consumption behavior or equilibrium of a consumer; the production pattern & equilibrium of a firm ; the entire analysis is ‘micro’ in nature……because We study a UNIT and not the SYSTEM in which it is operating. 3.1 Study of Macroeconomics a) The economic wellbeing of consumers rich or poor is affected by movement in interest rates ; exchange rates ; inflation etc. b) Businesses stand to gain or lose considerable amounts of money when their economic environment changes ; regardless of how well they are managed. c) The economic wellbeing of consumers rich or poor is affected by movement in interest rates ; exc hange rates ; inflation etc. d) Businesses stand to gain or lose considerable amounts of money when their economic environment changes ; regardless of how well they are managed. e) Being prepared for such changes in fortunes can have considerable value; more gener ally ; it makes us all better citizens able to grasp the complex challenges that our societies face. f) Macroeconomics is relevant to voters who wonder what their governments are up to. g) Study of Macroeconomics also help governments avoid the worst economic crises that have afflicted modern industrial societies in the past century — depressions and hyperinflations. h) These extreme situations can tear at a society’s social fabric ; yet can be prevented when policy -makers apply sound economic principles. 4. Origin of this Idea Before the publication of Keynes “General Theory…. ” the distinction between Micro & Macro economic issues did not arise at all. The need for separate study of macroeconomics was felt by Keynes while understanding and analyzing the Great Depression of 1929. 5. The Roots of Macroeconomics The Great Depression was a period of severe economic contraction and high unemployment that began in 1929 and continued throughout the 1930s. 24 The accepted economic theory of the pre – Keynesian era ; believed that the economy usually remains at full employment level (full utilization of resources). If there are any departures from this situation ; these are purely temporary and for a short period of time. However ; these classical models failed to expl ain the prolonged existence of high unemployment during the Great Depression. This provided the impetus for the development of macroeconomics. In 1936 ; John Maynard Keynes published The General Theory of Employment ; Interest ; and Money . Keynes believed governments could intervene in the economy and affect the level of output and employment. During periods of low private demand ; the government can stimulate aggregate demand to lift the economy out of recession. Macroeconomics encompasses a variety of conc epts and variables ; but there are three central topics for macroeconomic research. Macroeconomic theories usually relate the phenomena of output ; unemployment ; and inflation. Outside of macroeconomic theory ; these topics are also important to all economic agents including workers ; consumers ; and producers. 6. Long -Run Economic Growth We can explain this term – a) Rich nations have experienced extended periods of rapid economic growth. b) Poor nations either have never experienced them or economic growth was offset by economic decline. 6.1. Total O utput Total output is increasing because of increasing population ; i.e. the number of available workers. It refers increasing average labor productivity: the amount of output produced per unit of labor input. Rates of growth of output (or output per worker) are determined by: a) rates of saving and investment; b) rates of technological change; c) Rates of change in other factors. 7. Business Cycles Business cycles are short -run contractions and expansions of economic activity. An Overview on Macroeconomics: Ideas, Approaches and Importance Copyright © 2019 | Seagull Publications The most volatile period in the history of Canadian output was between 1914 and 1945. The business cycle ; also known as the economic cycle or trade cycle ; is the downward and upward movement of gross domestic product (GDP) around its long -term growth trend. The length of a business cycle is the period of time containing a single boom and contraction in sequence. These fluctuations typically involve shifts o ver time between periods of relatively rapid economic growth (expansions or booms) and periods of relative stagnation or decline (contractions or recessions). 8. Recessions Recession is the downward phase of a business cycle when national output is falling or growing slowly. In economics ; a recession is a business cycle contraction when there is a general decline in economic activity. Macroeconomic indicators such as GDP (gross domestic product) ; investment spending ; capacity utilization ; household income ; business profits ; and inflation fall ; while bankruptcies and the unemployment rate rise. In the United Kingdom ; it is defined as a negative economic growth for two consecutive quarters. a) Hard times for many people b) A major political concern 9. Unemployment Recessions are usually accompanied by high unemployment: the number of people who are available for work and are actively seeking it but cannot find jobs. Unemployment or joblessness is a situation in which able – bodied people who are looking for a job cann ot find a job. The causes of unemployment are heavily debated. 9.1. The Unemployment Rate a) The unemployment rate can stay high even when the economy is doing well. b) After eight years of economic growth ; in 2000 ; the unemployment rate in Canada was near 7%. 10 . Inflation 100% Force Labour Unemployed Rate nt Unemployme   26 a) When prices of most goods and services are rising over time it is inflation. When they are falling it is deflation. b) The inflation rate is the percentage increase in the average level of prices. c) Effects of Inflation d) When the inflation rate reaches an extremely high level the economy tends to function poorly. The purchasing power of money erodes quickly ; which forces people to spend their money as soon as they receive it. e) Inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. When the general price level rises ; each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services; consequently ; inflation reflects a reduction in the purchasing power per unit of money – a loss of real value in the medium of exchange and unit of account within the economy. The measure of inflation is the inflation rate ; the annualized percentage change in a general price index ; usually the consumer price index ; over time. The opposite of inflation is deflation. 9.1 The International Economy An economy which has extensive trading and financial relationships with other national economies is an open economy. An economy with no relationships is a closed economy. International trade and borrowing relationships can transmit business cycles from country to country. 9.2 Exports and Imports Exports are one component of international trade. The other component is imports. They are the goods and services bought by a country’s residents that are produced in a foreign country. Combined ; they make up a country’s trade balance. When the country exports more than it imports ; it has a trade surplus. When it imports more than it exports ; it has a trade deficit. As example ; Canadian exports are goods and services produced in Canada and consumed abroad. Canadian imports are goods and services produced abroad and consumed in Canad a. An import is a good brought into a jurisdiction ; especially across a national border ; from an external source. The party bringing in the good is called an importer. An import in the receiving country is an export from the sending country. Importation an d exportation are the defining financial transactions of international trade. In international trade ; the importation and exportation of goods are limited by import quotas and mandates from the customs authority. 9.4 Trade Imbalances Trade imbalances (trade surplus and deficit) affect output and employment. An Overview on Macroeconomics: Ideas, Approaches and Importance Copyright © 2019 | Seagull Publications a) Trade surplus: exports exceed imports. b) Trade deficit: imports exceed exports. c) The balance of trade ; commercial balance ; or net exports is the difference between the monetary value of a nation’s exports and imports over a certain time period. Sometimes a distinction is made between a balance of trade for goods versus one for services. The balance of trade measures a flow of exports and imports over a given period of time. The notion of the balance of trade does not mean that exports and imports are “in balance” with each other. 10 .5 The Exchange Rate a) The trade balance is affected by the exchange rate: the amount of Canadian dollars that can be purchased with a unit of foreign currency. Exchange rates are determined in the foreign exchange market ; which is open to a wide range of different types of buyers and sellers ; and where currency trading is continuous. 11 . Macroeconomic Policy A nation’s economic performance depends on: a) natural and human resources; b) capital stock; c) technology d) economic choices made by citizens; e) Macroeconomic policies of the government. f) Fiscal policy: government spending and taxation at different government levels. g) Monetary policy: the central bank’s control of short -term interest rates and the money supply. 11.1 . Budget Deficits a) The economy is affected when there are large budget deficits: the excess of government spending over tax collection. b) The large budget def icits of the 1980s and early 1990s are unusual. c) Borrowing from the public might divert funds from more productive uses. d) Federal budget deficits might be linked to the decline in productivity growth. A budget deficit occurs when expenses exceed revenue and indicate the financial health of a country. The government generally 28 uses the term budget deficit when referring to spending rather than businesses or individuals. Accrued deficits form national debt. In cases where a budget deficit is identified ; current expenses exceed the amount of income received through standard operations. A nation wishing to correct its budget deficit may need to cut back on certain expenditures ; increase revenue -generating activities ; or employ a combination of the two. The opposite of a budget deficit is a budget surplus. When a surplus occurs ; revenue exceeds current expenses and results in excess funds that can be allocated as desired. In situations where the inflows equal the outflows ; the budget is balanced. The opposit e of a budget deficit is a budget surplus. When a surplus occurs ; revenue exceeds current expenses and results in excess funds that can be allocated as desired. In situations where the inflows equal the outflows ; the budget is balanced. 11 .2. Aggregation a) Macroeconomists ignore distinctions between individual product markets and focus on national totals. b) The process of summing individual economic variables to obtain economy wide totals is called aggregation. c) Aggregation in the futures markets is a principal involving the combination of all future positions owned or controlled by a single trader or group of traders. Aggregation in financial planning is a time – saving accounting method that consolidates an individual’s financial data from various institutions. It is increasingly popular with advisers for servicing clients’ accounts. 12 . What Macroeconomists Do Most important acts are – a) Macroeconomic forecasting b) Macroeconomic analysis c) Macroeconomic research d) Data development Macroeconomic forecasting – prediction of future economic trends – has some success in the short run. In the long run too many factors are highly uncertain. Macroeconomic analysis – analyzing and interpreting events as they happen – helps both private sector and public policymaking. An Overview on Macroeconomics: Ideas, Approaches and Importance Copyright © 2019 | Seagull Publications Macroeconom ic research – trying to understand the structure of the economy in general – forms the basis for macroeconomic analysis and forecasting. e) Economic theory: a set of ideas about the economy to be organized in a logical framework. f) Economic model: a simplified description of some aspects of the economy. Economists can disagree on normative issues because of differences in values. Economists disagree on positive issues because of different schools of thought. The invisible hand of Economics: General welfare will be maximized (not the distribution of wealth) if:there are free markets; individuals act in their own best interest To maintain markets’ equilibrium – the quantities demanded and supplied are equal: • Markets must function without impediments. • Wages and prices should be flexible. Thus ; according to the classical approach ; the government should have a limited role in the economy. 13 . The Keynesian Approach a) Keynes (1936) assumed that wages and prices adjust slowly. b) Thus ; markets could be out of equilibrium for long periods of time and unemployment can persist. c) Therefore ; according to the Keynesian approach ; governments can take actions to alleviate unemployment. d) The government can purchase goods and services ; thus increasing the demand for output and reducing unemployment. e) Newly generated incomes would be spent and would raise employment even further. f) After stagflation – high unemployment and high inflation – of the 1970s ; a modernized classical approach reapp eared. g) Substantial communication and cross -pollination is taking place between the classical and the Keynesian approaches. 13.1. Unified Approach to Macroeconomics a) Individuals ; firms and the government interact in goods ; asset and labor markets. 30 b) The macroeconomic analysis is based on the analysis of individual behavior . c) Keynesian and classical economists agree that in the long run prices and wages adjust to equilibrium levels. d) The basic model will be used either with classical or Keynesian assumptions about flexibility of wages and prices in the short run. 14. Importance of Macroeconomics a) To understand the working of the economy Macroeconomic variables like Total Income ; Total Output ; Employment and General Price level help us in analyzing the functioning of the economy. In Economic Policies – Macroeconomic study helps us to find a solution to complex economic problems of modern times. i. General Unemployment ; ii. National In come data helps in forecasting the level of economic activity & to understand th e distribution of income among different groups of people in the economy. b) In Economic Growth – To plan for economic growth ; it is necessary that the macro economic variables like income ; output and employment are evaluated. In Monetary P roblems – Frequent changes in the value of money (?) affects the economy adversely!! c) In Business Cycles – Macroeconomics began to be studied only after the Great Depression. Thus ; its importance lies in analyzing the causes of economic fluctuations and in providing remedies. 15 . Conclusion Thus we can discuss about all the spheres of macroeconomics. We can understand importance of this macroeconomics by this article. This article introduces the importance of this course. The main functions of macroeconomics are the collection ; organizing ; and analysis of data; determining national income; and formulating appropriate economic policies to maintain economic growth and full employment in a developing country. An Overview on Macroeconomics: Ideas, Approaches and Importance Copyright © 2019 | Seagull Publications Reference 1. Blanchard ; Olivier (2011). Macroeconomics Updated (5th Ed .). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. ISBN 978 -0-13 -215986 -9. 2. Blaug ; Mark (1986) ; Great Economists before Keynes ; Brighton: Wheatsheaf. 3. Blaug ; Mark (2002). “Endogenous growth theory”. In Snowdon ; Brian; Vane ; Howard ( Eds .). An Encyclopedia of Macroeconomics. Northampton ; Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing. 4. Macroeconomics: Principles ; Problems ; & Policies (Irwin Economics) by Campbell McConnell ; Stanley Brue and Sean Flynn 5. Principles of Macroeconomics (Mankiw’s Principles of Economics) by N. Gregory Mankiw




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Causes of the Civil War


Causes of the Civil War

For more than 160 years, historians have painstakingly searched for the one factor that caused the American Civil War, the event that caused disunion to turn to war. The search is so intense that the American Civil War is one of the most researched events in the history of the United States. Throughout Unit VII, we have seen various events or variables that could be identified as a factor that has set the United States on a path toward the American Civil War. This one factor and its impact will be the focus of our Unit VII assignment.  

Assignment Instructions:

After reading the Unit VII Study Guide and Chapter 14, construct an essay that skillfully answers the following prompt:

Select one event from the list below and describe why you believe this single event caused such intense disunion within the United States that the country was placed on a trajectory toward the American Civil War.  

The Compromise of 1850

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

Presidential Election of 1856

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates

John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry

Presidential Election of 1860

Assignment Requirements:

Provide an insightful and thorough overview of the event and clearly describe how it served as a catalyst for the American Civil War.

Because this is an academic research paper, no personal opinions are to be used. Stay focused on the research.

In-text citations and a reference list are required. A title page and abstract are not.  

At least two resources from the CSU database collection must be cited within the text of your essay and noted on your reference page.

Peer-reviewed resources are preferred, but are not required.

Academically viable Internet resources are permitted, but are supplemental to the two required resources from the CSU database collection.

Required minimum length: 2 pages  

Recommendations for Success:

Do not begin to work on the Unit VII assignment until you have read (in full) the Unit VII Study Guide and read/viewed the assigned Required Unit Resources.

After you have read/reviewed the Unit VII material, carefully review the Unit VII Essay Rubric so that you are aware of how your work will be evaluated.

Recommended electronic databases to use:

America: History and Life


Academic Search Ultimate

Construct what is known as a 3×5 essay. That means you will write a total of five full paragraphs, three of which will be supporting evidence paragraphs focused on one specific supporting point identified by a clear topic sentence. The other two paragraphs will be the introduction, which comes first and will include your thesis statement, and the conclusion, which comes last and will recap all your main points.

Remember the all-important 5 Ws of information; dive into the details to help present strong content. Remember to always incorporate the 5 Ws of research into your writing: who, what, where, when, and why. All of these are needed in each of your five paragraphs.

Organization is important too! Consider that the essay may have the strongest content available, but if its structure or pace is weak, the content is negatively impacted.

To help ensure strong content and strong organization, go through at least five rounds of proofreading and editing your essay after you have put it in its final draft. This will allow you to see glitches and correct them. Give yourself time in between each round of proofreading and editing so that when you come back, you will see new glitches




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Heart disease remains one of the top causes of mortality in the Unites States.

Heart disease remains one of the top causes of mortality in the Unites States. Consider the various types of heart disease covered in class this week. For your discussion, complete these items:

  • The etiology of the selected heart disease
  • Modifiable factors
  • Non-modifiable factors

Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, textbooks, reference texts, and CINAHL nursing guides. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format.

You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide:

Have questions about APA? Visit the online APA guide:


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What causes economic growth and/or human development

Assignment details: Write a scientific paper about what causes economic growth and/or human development. The paper should include a quantitative analysis of the significance of these causes.
The dependent variable is optional, but it should be an indicator of human development.
Successful candidates should have clearly defined variables derived from different theories with
multiple references. The paper should be well structured, preferably in IMRAD-style.
It should be sufficient for a top mark to do a multivariate model estimated by OLS, but
candidates who try to do more advanced models should be rewarded.-
Please do not take this assignment if you do not have knowledge in Economics, politics, and quantitative social science methods.
Also, during the obligatory assignments we needed to use R or Stata, where theoretical knowledge was used to test hypotheses about what causes economic growth and/or human development. You would need to do this now also.
I have attached one of the assignments done in class, and some lecture notes. There are also some other resources that might be useful.
Again, please do not take this assignment if you cannot complete it satisfactory, as this is a graded assignment.


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Causes of floods in Manitoba

Assignment: Causes of floods in Manitoba. 

Please site all the sources in a reference list (using IEEE) and the length required is 2 pages. 


– Paginate the document using Arabic numerals (1,2,3) starting after the title page

– Maintain a 1″ (2.54cm) margin on all sides, use a 12-point font, and 1.5 line spacing throughout. 


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Explain the ‘audit expectation gap’. What causes the gap?

Assessment Weight: 50 total marks
• All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper.
• Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time.
Submission instructions are at the end of this paper.
This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit

Adapted Harvard Referencing
Holmes has now implemented a revised Harvard approach to referencing:

  1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources which provide full text access to the source’s content for lecturers and markers.
  2. The Reference list should be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled: References.
  3. It should include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged alphabetically A-Z by author surname. In addition, it MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source.
    For example;
    P Hawking, B McCarthy, A Stein (2004), Second Wave ERP Education, Journal of Information Systems Education, Fall,
  4. All assignments will require additional in-text reference details which will consist of the surname of the author/authors or name of the authoring body, year of publication, page number of content, paragraph where the content can be found.
    For example;
    “The company decided to implement an enterprise wide data warehouse business intelligence strategies (Hawking et al, 2004, p3(4)).”
    Non – Adherence to Referencing Guidelines
    Where students do not follow the above guidelines:
  5. Students who submit assignments which do not comply with the guidelines will be penalised by 10% from total awarded marks.
  6. Late penalties will apply per day after a student or group has been notified of a resubmission requirements.
    • Students whose citations are identified as fictitious will be reported for academic misconduct.

Question 1 (7 marks)
a: Explain the ‘audit expectation gap’. What causes the gap? (3 marks)
b: Potter and Partners are a chartered accounting firm with offices in capital cities in most states. The head of the business development department is seeking to grow the firm’s revenue from non-audit services. (4marks)
What non-audit services could a chartered accounting firm provide to its listed company clients? Explain why a company would buy these services from its audit firm instead of another consulting firm.
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Question 2 (7 marks)
The audit team is preparing to audit a new client in the toy retail industry. The client imports items from manufacturers in several Asian countries and retails them in a chain of shops located throughout the country.
You have access to the following information for the client:
• prior period financial reports
• anticipated results for the current year
• industry averages.
Explain how you would use the information to understand your new client.
Question 3 (7 marks)
You are testing the controls over bank accounts for your audit client, Orleans Ltd. You note that the responsibility for bank reconciliations has changed due to a corporate reorganisation halfway through the current financial year. Both the staff member performing the bank reconciliations and the supervisor have changed. You are able to talk to only the current staff member and supervisor because the other staff took voluntary redundancies and left the client’s employment six months ago.
(a) What techniques are available to you to gather evidence about the bank reconciliations? Explain how you would use each technique and comment on the quality of the evidence obtained from each . (2 marks)
(b) When you ask the employees responsible for bank reconciliations about how they perform the reconciliations there is a possibility that they will not tell the whole truth about their performance of the reconciliations. Given this, will you bother to ask them? Explain (3 marks)
(c) Explain the impact of the staff changes on your controls testing program. (2 marks)
Question 4 (7 marks)
You are the senior in charge of the audit of Jewels Manufacturing Limited. The information below has been prepared to assess the going concern of the company at the planning stage of the audit and to identify other issues that may impact on audit risk.
Ratio Unaudited 2020 figures 2019 2018 2017
Inventory turnover 1.45 1.83 2.69 3.35
Quick asset ratio 0.97 1.4 1.81 1.8
Accounts Receivable turnover 3.8 5.5 4.1 5.4
Required: Identify issues that affect going concern and/or raise issues and explain the audit steps that you would undertake to minimise audit risk. Complete the table below in the answer box.
Question 5 (11 marks)
Consider the following independent situations relating to the audit of five different audit clients for year ended 30 June 20X8. Assume that all the situations are material.
(i) A new client has changed its valuation method of property, plant and equipment. It has adopted the Fair Value Revaluation Model to replace the Historic cost measurement method. Whilst the auditor does not object to the change in the valuation model, the new method has a material effect on the financial statements and has not been disclosed. A special meeting was held between the CFO and the Finance Team and the Lead Partner from the Audit team, but nothing was resolved. (2.75 marks)
(ii) A new start-up company specialising in air-drone mail/package delivery has grown strongly in the past year. Over the past three years the company has made consistent losses, borrowed heavily, experienced staff turnover and dealt with some significant regulatory and operational issues. Nonetheless, the current CEO believes the company is turning around and will soon improve profitability. She is a high wealth individual who has invested more funds (equity) into the company, which is fully disclosed. No material misstatements were noted in the Auditor’s report. (2.75 marks)
(iii) The Auditors of ROME, a high-profile bank, were unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence concerning the carrying amount of ROME’s investment in ITA Pty Ltd as at 30 June 20X8. ITA Pty Ltd is a small firm of five financial planners in total. The auditors were denied access to the financial information of ITA, and they were not allowed to interview ITA’s Management. Consequently, the auditors were unable to determine the correct valuation of ITA Pty Ltd. (2.75 marks)
(iv) The introduction of a new accounts receivable system in August 20X7 resulted in numerous errors in accounts receivable. As at the date of the Audit report, management was still in the process of correcting the system errors. As a result of these issues, the Auditors were unable to determine whether any adjustments are required in relation to the recorded or unrecorded inventories and accounts receivables, as well as the elements making up the Income statement and the Cash Flow statement. (2.75 marks)
For each of the above cases, state the appropriate audit opinion that the auditor would require. Give reasons.
Write your answer in the answer booklet formatted following the table below:
Client Audit Opinion Justification
Question 6 (11 marks)
ACCO Ltd is a large producer of organic medicinal products. The audit report for the year ended 30 June 20X8 was signed on 6 August 20X8 and along with the financial report was mailed to shareholders on 11 August 20X8.
Consider the following independent events. Assume that each event is material.
i. On 5 July, ACCO Ltd entered into a new contract to supply organic facial and skin treatment products to MYA, a new major department store. The contract was similar in nature to other contracts previously negotiated. (2.75 marks)
ii. ACCO Ltd has invested significant funds in developing a new range of organically sourced skin cancer treatment ointments. On 8 July, ACCO Ltd applied for a patent for the ointment, only to discover that a competitor had lodged a similar application on 20 June. The granting of ACCO Ltd’s application is now in serious doubt. (2.75 marks)
iii. Internal audit has uncovered a major fraud at one of ACCO Ltd’s branches. The fraud was perpetrated by two senior staff, acting in collusion over a number of years. The internal auditors released their report to management on 15 July, after a highly confidential investigation spanning several months. (2.75 marks)
iv. One of ACCO Ltd’s major customers, Cheap Vitamins Pty Ltd, suffered a fire on 20 July. Since Cheap Vitamins Pty Ltd was uninsured, it is unlikely that their accounts receivable balance will be paid. (2.75 marks)
For each of the above events, state the appropriate action (if any) that the auditor would require. Give reasons.
Client Subsequent Event Justification
Submission instructions:
• Save document with your STUDENT ID NUMBER and UNIT CODE e.g. EMV54897 HI6026
• Document must be in MICROSOFT WORD FORMAT ONLY
• Upload your document to the appropriate link on Blackboard
• Only one submission is accepted. Please ensure your document submitted is the correct one.
All submissions are automatically passed through SafeAssign to assess academic integrity





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The cause-and-effect diagram is important in determining causes and effects of a problem.

Cause-and-Effect Diagram

The cause-and-effect diagram is important in determining causes and effects of a problem. The cause-and-effect diagram is also known as the Ishikawa diagram, or the fishbone diagram. Creating the diagram requires knowledge of causes for a problem and the effect of the problem. This is also a good brainstorming tool.

Read the following scenario and respond the questions that follow in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.

A large farm produces a number of vegetables for sale to the highest bidder (usually buyers who aggregate the produce from lots of small farms and sell the produce to grocery store chains). The farm is receiving complaints about the quality of its produce. More specifically, complaints are being received about the produce being damaged or bruised, becoming inedible too quickly, or not being consistent with the package label (in terms of how much produce is in each box or container).

  • Assess potential quality concerns in the traditional areas of machinery, employees, measurements, and materials.
  • Organize these quality concerns using a cause-and-effect diagram.
  • Recommend potential changes to these traditional areas to attempt to reduce or eliminate the quality problems that are leading to the complaints.

Submission Details:

  • Submit your report in a three- to four-page Word document, using APA style





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  • Writing services provided by experts. Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services The cause-and-effect diagram is important in determining causes and effects of a problem.

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Writers Solution

The cause-and-effect diagram is important in determining causes and effects of a problem.

Cause-and-Effect Diagram

The cause-and-effect diagram is important in determining causes and effects of a problem. The cause-and-effect diagram is also known as the Ishikawa diagram, or the fishbone diagram. Creating the diagram requires knowledge of causes for a problem and the effect of the problem. This is also a good brainstorming tool.

Read the following scenario and respond the questions that follow in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.

A large farm produces a number of vegetables for sale to the highest bidder (usually buyers who aggregate the produce from lots of small farms and sell the produce to grocery store chains). The farm is receiving complaints about the quality of its produce. More specifically, complaints are being received about the produce being damaged or bruised, becoming inedible too quickly, or not being consistent with the package label (in terms of how much produce is in each box or container).

  • Assess potential quality concerns in the traditional areas of machinery, employees, measurements, and materials.
  • Organize these quality concerns using a cause-and-effect diagram.
  • Recommend potential changes to these traditional areas to attempt to reduce or eliminate the quality problems that are leading to the complaints.

Submission Details:

  • Submit your report in a three- to four-page Word document, using APA style





  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers. Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
  • Timely Delivery. believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Writing services provided by experts. Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services The cause-and-effect diagram is important in determining causes and effects of a problem.

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Sleep Deprivation article to show you’ve mastered Problems/Causes/Solutions (P/C/S)

 Communication class 

Use the Sleep Deprivation article to show you’ve mastered Problems/Causes/Solutions (P/C/S).  Bring the evidence from the article into your submission as you’re identifying P/C/S by either paraphrasing or direct quotation.  This is a great article because it nicely illustrates the definitions of Problems, Causes, and Solutions we established earlier.

Sleep Deprivation P/C/S analysis:  



Solutions: the attached form as the article on sleep deprivation! please follow the prompt





  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers. Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
  • Timely Delivery. believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
  • Customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
  • Privacy and safety. It’s secure to place an order at We won’t reveal your private information to anyone else.
  • Writing services provided by experts. Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Sleep Deprivation article to show you’ve mastered Problems/Causes/Solutions (P/C/S).

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