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The Early 20th Century and Welfare and Chapter 8: Classical Sociologists and their impact on Ideology in the United States

Textbook Reading is Attached 

Chapter Seven: The Early 20th Century and Welfare and Chapter 8: Classical Sociologists and their impact on Ideology in the United States.

Lesson 6 Discussion A

(In 250 Words)

On one page, discuss your view of progressives and what they stood for in the early 1900s and compare them to the progressives of today.  Are they similar?  What are the differences? 

Lesson 6 Discussion B

(In 250 Words)

On one page, pick two classical sociologists and state what you agree with or disagree with and why.





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Collision theory was developed by Max Trautz and William Lewis in the early 1900s when they established that particles must collide with one another in position to react.

Practical Report – At home Data Analysis Task
Jess Hynes
Red = not complete yet
Yellow = Needs working (editing)
Green = complete
Purple = Information about the report
The purpose of this experiment is to see how temperature and concentration affect the rate of a chemical reaction.
describe what happens during a chemical reaction
When a chemical reaction happens, a change in the chemical bonding that holds atoms together causes energy to be more evenly distributed among the atoms in the rearranged state. The most likely state of energy is for it to be in thermal equilibrium with the cosmic microwave background, which means that it will radiate energy into space in a uniform manner (Aoki and Shimosaka, 2018). A reaction is similar to a -square dance- because the atoms switch places with one another. Sometimes a response requires a little -pushing,- in the form of a bit of burst of strategic energy to get it off the ground. However, the reaction will not always continue to a complete stop; instead, it will proceed until it finds an -equilibrium,- which is described in terms of probability (Aoki et al., 2019).
describe collision theory and how reactants interact to form products (needs figure + reference)
Collision theory was developed by Max Trautz and William Lewis in the early 1900s when they established that particles must collide with one another in position to react. The collision theory of chemical reactions says that the pace of a chemical reaction is related to the number of collisions between reactant molecules between two reactant molecules. The more often reactant molecules collide, the more frequently they react with one another, and the more rapid the reaction rate is. Only a tiny percentage of collisions result in effective collisions with other objects (LibreTexts, 2020). Collisions that are effective in causing a chemical reaction are called effective collisions. Reactant particles must have a certain minimum amount of energy to create a successful collision. The activation energy is the amount of energy that is required to start the reaction from scratch. Some reactant particles have this amount of energy in every sample of reactant particle (Stojanovska et al., 2017). The bigger the size of the sample, the greater the number of effective collisions and the greater the pace at which the reaction takes place. The temperature of the reactants affects the number of particles that have enough energy to cause a reaction. If the reactant particles do not have the necessary activation energy when they collide, they will bounce off of each other without causing any reaction (Durmaz, 2018). Trautz and Lewis had concluded that 1.) For a reaction to occur, particles must collide. 2.) The particles must be able to break and form new bonds with enough energy. 3.) They must collide in the right direction.
• describe the chemical reaction used in the experiment, including a balanced chemical equation
describe what a precipitation reaction is and how we can represent it as a chemical equation.
The Liesegang (periodic precipitation) phenomena is the oldest pattern formation. It was found and documented in 1896 by Raphael Edward Liesegang, a German scientist and photographer. Liesegang had discovered that two equation solutions are mixed in a precipitation reaction, resulting in a solid substance called the precipitate. As the reaction progresses, the ions from the reactants aqueous solution create an insoluble ionic compound, which is the cause of precipitation. Because the polar water molecules surround the individual ions of the salt, most ionic solids, such as salts, are soluble in water. Those that do not dissolve and go into solution create precipitates, which are solid products. These precipitates come in a variety of colours, which can assist scientists in figuring out what kind of precipitate is there. Net ionic equations are commonly used to represent precipitation reactions. Because all ions are cancelled out as spectator ions when all products are watery, a nett ionic equation cannot be stated. To identify if an equation is a precipitation reaction, it is when you have a double displacement reaction.
Example: (is this correct?)
Pb(NO3)2 (aq) + 2NaI(aq
When we join these two solutions, the ions can either combine in the same way they entered the solution or trade partners. In this situation, lead nitrate and sodium iodide could form, or lead iodide and sodium nitrate could form; to decide which will form, we must look at the solubility laws (“Notes on Precipitation Reactions – General Chemistry | CHEM 142 – Docsity,” 2021).
describe in the detail what is meant by a “clock reaction”. Include references to both a technique using iodine, and our technique that uses sodium thiosulfate. (Needs fixing because its “apparently a bit too complex”)
A clock reaction is another way of measuring rate. Clock reactions are a really good way of investigating the effect of concentration or the rate of reaction while also being simple to perform. The disappearance of a reactant, such as a sulfite in the Landolt reaction, controls the clock time in the traditional clock reactions. However, there are various types of clock behaviors that may occur. This article provides a brief overview of several instances. The clock time in the bromate-cerous reaction is regulated by the autocatalytic rise in the concentration of an intermediate molecule, HBrO2, which occurs during the process (Yan & Subramaniam, 2016). In the BL reaction, the induction time when the iodide ions concentration is measured looks different when the iodine and iodide concentrations are measured. This period should be referred to as the pre-oscillatory period. We have discovered an entirely new kind of clock behavior in the process of iodine oxidation by hydrogen peroxide: the clock begins to beep when another reaction disrupts the stable steady state of the hydrogen peroxide breakdown (Jusniar et al., 2020). The transitions between various dynamical states that all clock reactions entail go beyond their distinctions. The experimental curves can be analyzed by identifying time intervals with identical combinations of the time concentration profiles first and second derivative signs. This trend analysis can provide helpful information about the dynamical state transitions involved in the experiments (Jusniar et al., 2020).
You will need to record your references correctly in APA style
Hypothesis (I had to re start)
• 2 to 5 sentences explaining your prediction of what should happen in this experiment. You need to back this up with information from your introduction.
sodium thiosulfate (0.5 M) solution 2 x 50 mL conical flask
hydrochloric acid (1 M) solution hydrochloric acid (2 M) solution
cold water bath hot water bath
5 mL measuring cylinder plastic pipette (3 mL)
deionised water stopwatch
thermometer marker pens
white paper

  1. Add 5 mL of deionised water to the conical flask, using the measuring cylinder.
  2. Add 5 mL of sodium thiosulfate (0.1 M) solution to the conical flask, using the measuring cylinder.
  3. Put the conical flask into a container of ice water for 1 to 2 minutes, until the temperature of the solution is 10°C. Record this temperature.
  4. Remove the conical flask from the ice water and dry its base.
  5. Draw a cross on a piece of white paper and place the conical flask on top of the cross.
  6. Add 2 mL of hydrochloric acid (1 M strength) solution to the conical flask using the plastic pipette and use the stopwatch to time how long it takes before the solution has become so cloudy that you can no longer see the cross under the base of the flask.
  7. Repeat steps 1 to 5, but use 2 M hydrochloric acid solution instead of 1 M hydrochloric acid solution.
  8. Repeat steps 1 to 5, but use the hot water bath in step 2 instead of cold water. Put the conical flask in the hot water for 1 to 2 minutes, until the temperature is 30 °C.
  9. Repeat steps 1 to 5, but use 2 M hydrochloric acid solution and the hot water bath in step 2 instead of cold water. Put the conical flask in the hot water for 1 to 2 minutes, until the temperature of the solution is 30 °C.
    1M acid and cold bath – 12 minutes 2M acid and cold bath – 8 minutes
    1M acid and hot bath – 2 minutes 2M acid and hot bath – 40 seconds.
    Discussion – 2 pages maximum (had to restart)
    • written as text, with no dot points and a new paragraph should be started for each new point.
    • include a paragraph describing your results and relating them to collision theory.
    • Refer to the student observations. In reference to these observations, in what ways could the experiment be improved to ensure that the results are accurate and consistent between groups
    • describe several applications and everyday occurrences that can be explained using the concepts involved in collision theory and analysing the rate of reaction
    Evaluation – Answer the Questions in Bold in reference to the following information
    Alan and Belinda carried out some reactions using hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate (marble chips). They did an experiment four times, each time changing one variable. The table below gives the conditions for each of the experiments:
    Reaction A B C D
    Volume of Acid (mL) 50 50 50 100
    Volume of water added (mL) 0 50 0 0
    Temperature (oC) 20 20 60 20
    From your experiences:
    Write the reaction that is most likely to produce the most gas. Explain your answer.
    Determine which reaction is likely to be finished first? Explain your answer in relation to collision theory.
    Which of these experiments is likely to be the control reaction? Explain why you think this is.
    The was carried out and Experiment D was completed in about the same time as experiment B, but produced twice as much gas.
    Alan said “Obviously there was an error in the measurement. Both experiments should have produced gas at the same rate as reaction D because they both use 100ml of solution. Acids have water in them anyway, so it makes no difference that there is 50ml of acid and 50ml of water.
    Belinda said “Well, they have the same volume of solution, but its not the water that reacts with the marble chips it’s the acid. So reaction B really only has half the amount of acid as reaction D, so the results should be different.”
    State who you agree with, why, and relate this to collision theory.
    Conclusion (Was told too complex and had to re start)





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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Collision theory was developed by Max Trautz and William Lewis in the early 1900s when they established that particles must collide with one another in position to react. 

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Adaptive strategies of early members of the Homo genus, including tool technologies, diet, migration patterns, and other behavioral trends

early members of the genus Homo. We have already explored H. habilis in more detail — now I’d like you to choose another early member of our genus to explain.


  • Describe what is known about the adaptive strategies of early members of the Homo genus, including tool technologies, diet, migration patterns, and other behavioral trends.


Choose one of the following members of the genus Homo: H. rudolfensis, H. ergaster, H. erectus. In an extended paragraph (approximately 200 words), answer the following prompt:

Where did this hominin live? When? What kind of variability exists in the fossil record? Did they migrate anywhere? What kinds of tools did they use? Do you think they should be considered the same species as any other hominin we have studied this week? Why or why not?


Genus Homo paragraph

Genus Homo paragraph


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDating Methods ParagraphChooses one fossil hominin from the list above and thoroughly describes the record in an extended paragraph.

10 to >7.0 pts

Full Marks

Thoughtfully and thoroughly addresses all aspects of the question. Approximately 200 words.

7 to >0.0 pts

Partial credit

Does not address all aspects of the prompt, or is too brief.

0 pts

No Marks

Not submitted or off-topic

10 pts

Total Points: 10

Requirements: 20 minutes

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Between early parent reading to children and childhood literacy in general

For this assignment, you will submit a literature review.  First, be sure you have completed all your readings and watched the videos assigned in this unit.

Using the articles, you found for your Annotated Bibliography from the Unit 2 assignment, write your Literature Review. Your Literature Review should include three main components: an introduction, main body, and conclusion.

  • Introduction: In two to three paragraphs:
    • Topic: Define your topic and provide context for the review (your main thesis).
    • Organization of Literature: Explain the organization – i.e. sequence – of the review;
  • Main Body: In two to three pages
    • Topic Review: Organize and discuss the literature you reviewed (a minimum of six sources). Your main body should be organized by topic using headings.  Within each topic, discuss multiple sources comparing and contrasting what the various findings of each study were.  DO NOT simply provide a summary of the study.
    • Wider Subject Area: Analyze the relation between your chosen topic and the wider subject area (e.g. between early parent reading to children and childhood literacy in general)
  • Conclusion: In two to three paragraphs

Your paper will be peer-assessed on how well the above areas have been covered.  In addition, the below aspects will also be assessed:

  • Page Requirement: The assignment should be 4-5 pages, not including title and reference pages.
  • APA Formatting: Use APA formatting consistently throughout.
  • Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Your written work should contain no errors and be very easy to understand.
  • Source Requirement: Use no less than six scholarly sources, providing compelling evidence to support ideas. All sources on the reference page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.


1. Choosing & Using Sources: A guide to academic research. (2020). Teaching & Learning, University Libraries.  American University. (n.d.). Literature review tutorial: Why do a lit review. 3.Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Annotated bibliography examples. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Writing a literature review. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. h 

Optional Video

1. Taylor, D. (28, June 2010). Writing the literature review (part one): Step by step tutorial for graduate students [Video]. YouTube.  (5:21)  

2. Taylor, D. (28, June 2010). Writing the literature review (part two): Step by step tutorial for graduate students [Video]. YouTube. (7:40)

  • This is a two-part series of videos that will explain how to write your literary review.

3.  Uwlibraries.  (2011, July 19). What is a scholarly journal article? [Video]. YouTube. (2:55) 

  • This video gives you a specific explanation and examples of what scholarly articles include and shows you how to locate them





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Did America actually reflect the images portrayed in early Hollywood movies or was it simply made up

Questions to answer after viewing:

Did America actually reflect the images portrayed in early Hollywood movies or was it simply made up?

Who was the audience that the early Hollywood films made for? Jewish, African-American, or wealthy white audiences

Why do you think that the Hollywood moguls made films that stereotyped African-Americans when Jewish people were also marginalized and stereotyped  at that time?

Why do you think the 1915 film Birth of A Nation was a blockbuster film at the time? Who was the audience for that film?

Does Hollywood still use stereotyping in many of its films today?

Name your favorite film of all time? why?





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  • Writing services provided by experts. Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?  film dealing with the march on Washington on August 28, 1963
  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. images portrayed in early Hollywood movies or was it simply made up
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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Did America actually reflect the images portrayed in early Hollywood movies or was it simply made up?

Questions to answer after viewing:

Did America actually reflect the images portrayed in early Hollywood movies or was it simply made up?

Who was the audience that the early Hollywood films made for? Jewish, African-American, or wealthy white audiences

Why do you think that the Hollywood moguls made films that stereotyped African-Americans when Jewish people were also marginalized and stereotyped  at that time?

Why do you think the 1915 film Birth of A Nation was a blockbuster film at the time? Who was the audience for that film?

Does Hollywood still use stereotyping in many of its films today?

Name your favorite film of all time? why?





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. Did America actually reflect the images portrayed in early Hollywood movies or was it simply made up?
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The Evolution of Democracy in the Early Republic

Assignment details: The Evolution of Democracy in the Early Republic Create a 500-750-word essay depicting the evolution of democracy from the time of President Jefferson to President Jackson. Be sure to include the following: 1.) How was the form of the American Republic different under Jackson than it was under Jefferson? 2.) What caused these changes? 3.) Why were these chang





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es significant to the future development of the American Republic?


Up till now, Most American think that democracy is one of the best forms of governance. Many historian have argued that early political leaders from the time of President Jefferson to President Jackson were the first to allow democracy to prevail in the leadership and since democracy have evolved(Greenstein, 2006). Nonetheless, democracy has faced a lot of challenges because some few individual preferred the oppression of the multitude at the expense of the wealth and comfort. When President Jefferson promoted the rule of democracy and allowed the voice of the common man to be heard, his opposition criticized him. Similarly, President Jackson received a lot of criticism from the opposition when he allowed common man to visit Whitehouse during his inauguration

How the form of the American Republic different under Jackson that it was under Jefferson

            Thomas Jefferson was a spokesman and strong supporter for the multitude which is considered a common man in this essay. He…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….The Evolution of Democracy in the Early Republic……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….





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protected. Therefore, these changes were necessary in order to create a level a ground for the multitude and reach people to compete equally. It was necessary to create bills that would support the growth of democracy.




Greenstein, F. I. (2006). Presidential Difference in the Early Republic: The Highly Disparate Leadership Styles of Washington, Adams, and Jefferson. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 36(3): 373-390.

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Sunshine Skyway Bridge Disaster is traced back to the early morning of May 9, 1980

write an article on The Sunshine Skyway Bridge Disaster. It needs to be at least 1250 words. The tragedy surrounding the Sunshine Skyway Bridge Disaster is traced back to the early morning of May 9, 1980, in Tampa Bay. The disaster started when a 609-foot cargo ship accidentally hit the Sunshine Skyway Bridge and thereby causing the collapse of the segment of the bridge. The ship, the phosphate freighter Summit Venture had made an attempt at navigating beneath the two spans of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge which was guarding the entry point of the bay. At that moment, a Greyhound bus and seven cars fell over the edge of the bridge, into the water. 35 people died as a result, with only one person surviving.

The morning had been blustery and somewhat blinded by receding rainfall and wind. All the same, John Lerro as the harbour pilot had decided to let the ship through. The Summit Venture hit one of the anchor piers before hitting the cantilevered bridge’s main supporting pier. Resultantly, nearly half a mile of concrete and steel that had made up the Sunshine Skyway Bridge’s south span broke down and disappeared into the water.

Bartlett (2011) divulges that above the ship, Wesley Macintyre was driving his pickup truck which resultantly plunged 100 feet, into the bay. Interestingly, Macintyre unlike many others survived. Right behind MacIntyre’s pickup truck was the aforementioned Greyhound bus which carried 25 passengers. The events that surrounded the accident transpired too fast for the Greyhound Bus to slow down or brake. It veered off the precipice, slammed down into the water. Thus, the pickup truck, the six cars, and the Greyhound Bus crushed into the bay on this fateful morning and claimed thirty-five lives. It was only Richard Hornbuckle’s Buick Skylark which managed to stop, just inches from the edge of the bridge.

So far, almost everyone who was involved in the tragedy has passed on. MacIntyre passed on in 1989, followed by John Lerro, Al Ford, and Tillie the Toiler have passed on.

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How early childhood professional development informs and enhances practice in order to maximize learning outcomes.

As an educator, the learning process never stops. Once in the classroom, continuing to keep up with trends, research, and best practices is critical to excelling professionally. In addition, educators are required to obtain hours of professional development or continued education to maintain their teaching certificates long-term.

For this assignment, you will be outlining a lifelong learning plan for your own professional growth and development. Begin by researching your state’s professional growth and continuing education requirements for maintaining a teacher’s license.

Research local, state, and national organizations that offer professional development for early childhood educators. In your search, consider the ethical expectations of a teacher, the responsibilities of teachers to serve as advocates for the education of young children, and the importance of staying up-to-date on education related issues and current trends.

Create a 12-15 slide digital presentation for first year educators describing your ongoing professional development plan.

Include in your presentation the following:

  1. How early childhood professional development informs and enhances practice in order to maximize learning outcomes.
  2. A summary of themes from NAEYC professional standards and how they inform early childhood education.
  3. Apply theories from research that would promote professional practice within early childhood education.
  4. Examples of current professional development opportunities (webinars, conferences, workshops, courses, etc.) in the field of early childhood.
  5. Title slide, references slide, and detailed speaker’s notes.

Support your assignment with 3-5 scholarly references, one of which should be professional and ethical standards.  

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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Early Childhood Educational Philosophies

 Philosophies of education are important for teachers to understand, as these philosophies will guide a teacher’s educational beliefs, practices, and decisions. Early childhood education standards, such as the 2010 NAEYC Standards, are informed by well-researched educational philosophies. In order to develop a philosophical stance you will need to compare the different philosophies.

For this assignment,  complete the “Early Childhood Educational Philosophies” template. Describe four main philosophies of education – perennialism, progressivism, essentialism, and reconstructivism – and at least one philosopher who influenced the development of the philosophy, and the timeframe in which it was developed. Be sure to include the following:

  • A description for each of the philosophies of education (origin, proponents, and main tenets). 
  • A philosopher associated with each philosophy and the timeframe in which it was developed.
  • How each philosophy aligns with NAEYC standards and the child-centered approach.

Below the chart, write a 250-500 word reflection discussing one of the philosophies, and how it applies to the foundation of teaching practice.

Support your reflection with 2-3 scholarly references.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the 7th APA Style Guide, An abstract is not required.


Early Childhood Educational Philosophies

Philosophy   Description     Related Philosopher and Timeframe  Alignment with NAEYC standards




