Writers Solution

What do sociologists mean when they say that race and gender are ‘socially constructed’?

You have several video clips and articles uploaded to this module. All documents should be uploaded in Microsoft Word or a compatible format. Respond thoughtfully to the following questions for this Module Response Paper on Race and Gender (Paper should be 950-1000 words, minimum):

1. (350-word minimum) What do sociologists mean when they say that race and gender are ‘socially constructed’? Why were these identity groups constructed? Make sure to include quotes or details that illustrate your understanding of Chapters 11 and 12, AND the following clips in your response: Race: The Power of an Illusion, (parts 1 AND 2) Race: Supreme Court Cases, The Story of Race, Anne Fausto-Sterling on Gender (parts 1 AND 2) and TED Talk: Beyond the Gender Binary. You may also use your own credible sources.

2. (350-word minimum) What does it mean to have privilege in a racial context (i.e. “white privilege”)? Describe CNN’s unveiling of ‘ white bias’ and ‘internalized racism’ (this term is not mentioned explicitly in the video) among children, as depicted in “ The Doll Test”. What are the implications of this? 3) What is institutional racism and what are its effects on nonwhite populations in this country in the areas of criminal justice and (choose ONE other institutional area) education, health care, housing, or employment? Important: Include details and quotes that show your understanding of Chapter 11 in Newman AND the following: “Tim Wise: Institutional Racism,” and the TED Talk by Baratunde Thurston. You may also use other examples from your own life, the news, or other trusted media sources.

3. (350-word minimum) What does it mean that ‘gender violence is a men’s issue’? What role do men play in the formation (and potential dismantling) of harmful gender stereotypes that lead to sexism and the subordination, objectification, and devaluation of women? What is sexism? Include details and examples that demonstrate your understanding of sexism and violence against women from Chapter 12 in Newman as well as a detailed response to the following video clips: “A Call to Men,” and “Gender Violence is a Men’s Issue.”

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What do sociologists mean when they say that race and gender are ‘socially constructed’?

You have several video clips and articles uploaded to this module. All documents should be uploaded in Microsoft Word or a compatible format. Respond thoughtfully to the following questions for this Module Response Paper on Race and Gender (Paper should be 950-1000 words, minimum):

1. (350-word minimum) What do sociologists mean when they say that race and gender are ‘socially constructed’? Why were these identity groups constructed? Make sure to include quotes or details that illustrate your understanding of Chapters 11 and 12, AND the following clips in your response: Race: The Power of an Illusion, (parts 1 AND 2) Race: Supreme Court Cases, The Story of Race, Anne Fausto-Sterling on Gender (parts 1 AND 2) and TED Talk: Beyond the Gender Binary. You may also use your own credible sources.

2. (350-word minimum) What does it mean to have privilege in a racial context (i.e. “white privilege”)? Describe CNN’s unveiling of ‘ white bias’ and ‘internalized racism’ (this term is not mentioned explicitly in the video) among children, as depicted in “ The Doll Test”. What are the implications of this? 3) What is institutional racism and what are its effects on nonwhite populations in this country in the areas of criminal justice and (choose ONE other institutional area) education, health care, housing, or employment? Important: Include details and quotes that show your understanding of Chapter 11 in Newman AND the following: “Tim Wise: Institutional Racism,” and the TED Talk by Baratunde Thurston. You may also use other examples from your own life, the news, or other trusted media sources.

3. (350-word minimum) What does it mean that ‘gender violence is a men’s issue’? What role do men play in the formation (and potential dismantling) of harmful gender stereotypes that lead to sexism and the subordination, objectification, and devaluation of women? What is sexism? Include details and examples that demonstrate your understanding of sexism and violence against women from Chapter 12 in Newman as well as a detailed response to the following video clips: “A Call to Men,” and “Gender Violence is a Men’s Issue.”

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What does the documentary say about the ways in which gender influences family life? 

Preparation for Writing Paper 1:

Review course materials on gender and the American family.

Watch the Documentary Gender Fluidity (CNN’s This Life): (Links to an external site.)

Focus on the questions below while watching and take notes. 

Your notes will help provide more detail for your answers and analysis. 

Your paper should include the following:


Explain what the documentary about by using the following questions as a guide. 

What does the documentary say about the ways in which gender influences family life? 

What message does the documentary have about gender as a social construct. 

Overall Body of Paper

This is where you bring in course materials while discussing gender socialization and gender roles in the American family. This is where you also include stories or examples from the documentary. Also think about the following: 

1. What role does the media play in gender socialization? 

2. How are gender stereotypes perpetuated in school, among peers, and within family relations? 


Why does this documentary matter? Give us a summary of what you observed. 

Reference Page

Include a reference page with the documentary listed and class sources you used. 

You may also bring in outside sources (not required). 

An excellent place to start is the “Web of Science DatabaseLinks to an external site.”, which you can access via the FAU library website (you do not have to be on campus to access the database – you will just have to log in via off-campus access).

If you are a fan of Google, be sure to check out the library’s tailored google scholar search. It allows you to access the content available through FAU directly and request it via inter-library loan (again a login is required to do this off campus).

You must list your four resources in reference formatting APA or ASA.

Don’t forget that the librarians are available to help you with your searches!

Following Directions

Paper 1 should be 2-3 pages in length.

Make sure that all of the required information is clearly detailed.

Here is what we will use to score your paper: 

You will earn an A if you your paper meets all the required parts; Your references are in APA or ASA formatting; and have a strong intro that includes the answers to the guiding questions, a compelling literature review and examples, followed by a strong conclusion. Use in-text citations.

You will earn a B if you turn in a good paper 1, but are missing minor parts and/or formatting is off.

You will earn a C if you are missing details (or parts) in one of the sections of paper 1. Your work is difficult to follow or sloppy, your intro/conclusion is weak.

If you earn a D or F, this means you are missing significant details or sections from Paper 1.




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Issues of Sex and Gender in Society Today

Identify an issue that is facing our society today that is in some way related to sex and/or gender and has opposing sides. Consider a law that was recently put into or taken out of effect or is being debated. You could also look to the statements or actions of a public figure or organization that has generated significant attention from the media. The issue you select should have ample material from which you may pull to gain insight into the details surrounding it. Feel free to email your instructor if you would like to verify that an issue is appropriate or if you would like some suggestions as to what you could cover.

Explore multiple sides of the issue you have selected until you have a good understanding as to why each side believes it is right. Research the historical events that have caused the circumstances of this issue. Engage in discussions with others who have strong feelings about the issue to learn the reasons why they feel they way they do. 

Make sure you research both sides thoroughly as your goal with this paper will be to write it in a manner that does not allow the reader to know which side of the issue that you are on. You will not be condoning or condemning either side- your goal is to be as objective as possible in reviewing the issue you select.

Construct a 1,000-1,250 word essay that demonstrates your understanding of the following:

  • The issue that you have identified (a concise synopsis of what the issue is)
  • Historical context (previous events in history that have contributed to the rise of the issue)
  • Both sides of the current argument (provide an objective review- the reader should not know which side of the issue that you personally are on)
  • At least two possible resolutions to the issue (include the potential ramifications of each resolution for both sides)

Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion, at least 5 cited references (only 2 of which may be your discussions with others, excluding those identified as subject matter experts in your writing), and must adhere to APA formatting.

All assignments are submitted to Turnitin, which is a plagiarism checking tool.  Any assignment receiving a score of 30% or better raises serious concerns about the originality of your work.  An originality score should generally be no more than 20%.  Assignments with originality scores between 20 and 50% will have points deducted. Any originality score over 50%  after review will be graded with a 0.  Please keep this in mind as you are submitting work




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SACR-2100. Gender, Sexuality and Social Justice

This course examines the personal and cultural meanings of women’s sexual identities in Canada today. Students consider how these identities are created and experienced in conjunction with other identities such as race/ethnicity, social class, and (dis)ability and how women challenge the personal, social, political, and economic inequities that continue to be based on these identities. Students are encouraged to analyze how their beliefs and behaviours are shaped by heterosexual privilege.(Also offered as Women’s and Gender Studies WGST-2100.) (Prerequisites: WGST-1000)


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SACR-2100. Gender, Sexuality and Social Justice

This course examines the personal and cultural meanings of women’s sexual identities in Canada today. Students consider how these identities are created and experienced in conjunction with other identities such as race/ethnicity, social class, and (dis)ability and how women challenge the personal, social, political, and economic inequities that continue to be based on these identities. Students are encouraged to analyze how their beliefs and behaviours are shaped by heterosexual privilege.(Also offered as Women’s and Gender Studies WGST-2100.

This course will examine the interdisciplinary field of Women’s and Gender Studies, paying particular attention to the construction of gender both in the past and in our contemporary moment. We will examine the ways social justice is intimately tied to discussions of gender, and our focus will be in tracing the historical and cultural narratives that eventually produced the concept of intersectionality. We will be particularly attuned to discussing the ways gender intersects with other identities, like race, class, sexuality, and ability. We will trace the development of Women’s Studies by examining texts associated with the three waves of the women’s movement as well as work from the 21st century. Ultimately, this course will study multiple viewpoints related to gender as well as its many intersections and ask students to thoughtfully engage these topics with both empathy and open-mindedness. This course will include works by Lucretia Mott, Sojourner Truth, Sarah Grimké, Margaret Sanger, Pauli Murray, Simone de Beauvoir, Fannie Lou Hamer, Gloria Steinem, Angela Davis, bell hooks, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Roxane Gay, Malala Yousafzai, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and many others.


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SACR-2140. Gender, Culture, and Power

A feminist exploration of how sex/gender system intersects with other organizing categories to frame masculinity and femininity and people’s roles and status in Canada and globally. It will examine how gender works in areas such as: popular culture, family, marriage, education, work, crime, migration, globalization or politics.(Prerequisites: third semester standing.)


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Writers Solution

First, watch the video below for an introduction to the gender spectrum, a second framework in which gender in comprised of a dynamic line between two ever-changing ideals

Gender as Spectrum From EDUC 251

Session Slides

(Links to an external site.)

1) First, watch the video below for an introduction to the gender spectrum, a second framework in which gender in comprised of a dynamic line between two ever-changing ideals.

2) Next, take two minutes to reflect and journal about the ways in which you have been taught that gender is a spectrum going from masculine to feminine.

· Where have you seen this line or fragments of it? What places you more toward one end of the spectrum or the other? What places you more toward the middle? For example, when have you have been told “As a boy/girl you should … more.” or “Because you’re a boy/girl you need to do … less.” Please note that these messages also apply to people who are genderqueer in the middle of the spectrum except that they are given messages to be or do more or less to fit into either masculinity or femininity rather than being more genderqueer.

· What rewards or opportunities will you receive if you stay where you are or move in one direction or another?

· What costs do you incur or risks do you take if you stay where you are or move in one direction or another?

3) Then, watch Makkai (2002) below for a shelf resource to balance with your self.

4) Now take two more minutes to reflect and journal about balancing your own story of your self with Makkai’s (2002) story from the shelf. What windows and mirrors came up for you?

5) Post your reflection on the discussion board below. Read and respectfully respond to other people’s posts.


Makkai, K. (2002). Pretty. National Poetry Slam




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Writers Solution

Imagine that your school is deciding whether to offer single-gender classes to students

Put part 1 on one page and part 2 on another page

Part 1

Imagine that your school is deciding whether to offer single-gender classes to students. For your initial response, write a letter (including research) to your fellow teachers explaining your stance on the issue. Indicate which gender you would want to teach and why. Post your letter to the Discussion Board.

Finally, review the responses from at least two peers’ postings and respond to the following:

Playing devil’s advocate, convince those classmates that disagree with you to switch to your side of the issue. In addition, feel free to respond to those who have agreed with your initial response. You can also change your mind based on your classmates’ arguments.

Part 2
Download and use the MAT Classroom Management Strategies Workbook to complete the following:

After you read the MAT Classroom Management Strategies Workbook, define classroom management.

Identify and explain one culturally responsive classroom management strategy.
Now, take what you have learned through the readings, and read the case study of Warren Benson’s classroom from Chapter 12 in your textbook and respond to the following questions:

What evidence of possible cultural conflict do you find in this classroom?
How do you think these students experienced cultural conflict in their previous schooling?
What advice would you give to Mr. Benson to help improve the behavior of his students?




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Writers Solution

Males and gender minorities in eating disorder prevention

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Eating Disorders The Journal of Treatment & Prevention

ISSN: 1064-0266 (Print) 1532-530X (Online) Journal homepage:

Including the excluded: Males and gender minorities in eating disorder prevention

Leigh Cohn, Stuart B. Murray, Andrew Walen & Tom Wooldridge

To cite this article: Leigh Cohn, Stuart B. Murray, Andrew Walen & Tom Wooldridge (2016) Including the excluded: Males and gender minorities in eating disorder prevention, Eating Disorders, 24:1, 114-120, DOI: 10.1080/10640266.2015.1118958

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Published online: 15 Dec 2015.

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Including the excluded: Males and gender minorities in eating disorder prevention Leigh Cohn, Stuart B. Murray, Andrew Walen, and Tom Wooldridge

National Association for Males with Eating Disorders, Naples, Florida, USA

By operating under the outdated premise that eating disorders (ED) predo- minantly affect females, prevention efforts have been disproportionately aimed at girls and young women. This article will show how one-sided the research and program development has been, and present recommendations for how to expand curricula and policy to be more gender inclusive. Ultimately, ED and related issues (e.g., body image dissatisfaction, obesity, comorbid conditions, weight prejudice, etc.) cannot be expected to decrease unless everyone is involved, regardless of gender. We wouldn’t only inoculate girls for measles—preventing ED across the board is the only fully effective approach.

Adolescent girls: The face of a disorder

Try telling a stranger that you specialize in “males and eating disorders,” and the typical response is, “You mean like those poor starving girls. I didn’t know guys got eating disorders.” It’s infuriating, but somehow worse when it is members of the ED field thinking that way. This kind of ignorance starts with inaccuracies. Since the 1980s, the oft-repeated, not-cited statistic has been that 10% of individuals with ED are male. Erroneous to begin with, the number originated from a study that counted 241 people referred for ED at one hospital over a period of 3.5 years, prior to 1985. Twenty-four were males, some of which didn’t meet ED criteria, but because it wasn’t clear how many of the women fully met the criteria, the 10% is somewhat vague (Andersen, 1985). The figure does not represent other treatment providers’ admissions or the general population, and it was not replicated. Further, few physicians or members of the general public knew much about ED in the early 80s, and the admissions in those years predated the field’s emergence that soon followed. It is likely that the actual male prevalence at that time was much higher, as became evident in later studies.

Nonetheless, 10% has been parroted in books, professional articles, on ED organizations’ websites, and in popular media for the nearly 30 years, and it

CONTACT Leigh Cohn Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, P.O. Box 2238, Carlsbad, CA 92018, USA.

EATING DISORDERS 2016, VOL. 24, NO. 1, 114–120

© 2016 Taylor & Francis

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has minimized the drive for gender equality within the ED field. Usually, the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is attributed as the source, because up until 2015—when Leigh Cohn updated their website’s statistics on males—they published this prevalence figure, although without a refer- ence. Had anyone dug deeper, they would have discovered that, not only was the 10% figure dated and misrepresented (instead of referring to males in treatment, as the study indicated, sometimes it is incorrectly used to indicate general prevalence), it was also always wrong for reasons that persist today. Oftentimes, men do not seek treatment because they are reluctant to ask for help; but beyond that, they are consistently stigmatized by the idea that they might have an adolescent girl’s problem. Men and boys are less educated about ED, so they might not even consider that their behavior (e.g., extreme weight loss, purging, binge eating, compulsive exercise, etc.) is on the ED spectrum. They might actually suffer from a diagnosable ED and think that it is normal behavior. In one study, male patients with anorexia nervosa emphasized the lack of gender-appropriate information and resources for men as an impediment to seeking treatment (Räisänen & Hunt, 2014). Additionally, assessment tests underscore males because they have been written for females (Darcy & Lin, 2012). For example, the Eating Disorders Inventory has a question, “I think my thighs are too large,” which resonates far less for men than women, whereas the Eating Disorders Assessment for Males (EDAM) uses a statement “I check my body several times a day for muscularity,” which is more oriented toward the concerns of males (Stanford & Lemberg, 2014). However, the EDAM was not available back in the 80s and the EDI was the standard. So, let’s forget about that 10% number once and for all!

The best data available (Hudson, Hiripi, Pope, & Kessler, 2007) indicate that males account for 25% of individuals with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa and 36% with binge eating disorder. Further data from pre-adolescent samples illustrates that up to half of those with selective eating are boys (Nicholls & Bryant-Waugh, 2009), which is significant when considering the evidence suggesting that selective eating is often a precursor to the develop- ment of full-blown ED psychopathology in adolescence (Nicholls, Christie, Randall, & Lask, 2001). When it comes to subclinical eating disordered beha- viors, according to a review of numerous studies (Mond, Mitchison, & Hay, 2014), the percentages are even higher for males in subclinical ED (42–45% binge eat, 28–100% regularly purged, 40% endorsed laxative abuse and fasting for weight loss). Perhaps the most illustrative recent data point to disordered eating practices in the community, for the very first time, increasing at a rate faster in males than females (Mitchison, Mond, Slewa-Younan, & Hay, 2013). Okay, if this rising prevalence now means that about 25–50% of individuals with ED are male, shouldn’t we see at least a similar distribution of prevention studies? Doesn’t the absence of prevention studies continue to marginalize the


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male experience of disordered eating, and continue to propagate the notion that eating disorders just don’t bother the boys?

A 2007 meta-analysis described 32 prevention studies, only four (12.5%) of which included boys (Stice, Shaw, & Marti, 2007). Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention has published 69 articles focused on prevention prior to this current issue, and 54% were exclusively female, and 39% of those that mentioned gender included males. None addressed gender minorities. Only one, “Beauty Myth and the Beast: What Men Can Do and Be to Help Prevent Eating Disorders” by Michael Levine (1994)—in the journal’s second issue—solely addressed males, but only within the context of how they can help females not to develop ED. Actually, when Levine’s contributions are removed, only 34% of this journal’s articles have included males. The authors of a university prevention study summed up the popular thinking of researchers, “Men were not recruited because women are much more likely than men to develop body image disturbances and eating dis- orders (Ridolfi & Vander Wal, 2008).” In other words, the 25–50% of males with disordered eating are insignificant—or the investigators were stuck with the 10% figure.

Incidentally, overall research shows a similar bias. At a session on males and ED at the International Conference on Eating Disorders in 2013, Mark Warren reported that a PubMed search for papers on anorexia nervosa between 1900–2010 showed that men were included in 26% of them. Speaking on the same panel, Cohn stated that “males” were found in fewer than 7% of abstracts between 2000–2012 that referenced “eating disorders.”

This current special issue of this journal includes 12 articles besides this one, and no one else is addressing the importance of including males. Although the authors, many of whom are the field’s foremost experts, offer excellent ideas, they are all overlooking the needs and roles that males play in the ED continuum. Only four even mention males (two of which added information about male prevention after being queried editorially), and the others either ignore gender, which is fine, or use offer feminine examples (e.g., Girls Scouts, sororities, school-based programs for girls, etc.). Again, no one mentions gender minorities.

Prevention amongst high-risk male groups

Male eating disorders and related issues are multi-cultural and exist across age groups, but there are certain specific populations that are particularly at high risk. The types of universal and selected prevention strategies that are described elsewhere in this journal should be gender inclusive, but beyond that, special attention needs to be focused on certain groups. Most school programs have been developed in consideration of risks for girls (e.g., pressure to be thin), but they also need to take into account the concerns

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of boys (e.g., pressure to be lean and muscular); and, lessons, about media literacy for example, should be gender inclusive (e.g., show before and after computer-altered images of women and men). Additionally, there are a few specific populations in which non-female members should be reached.

People who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) are at higher risk of developing an ED (Brown & Keel, 2012). While approximately 3% of men in the general population identify as gay or bisexual, studies show that they comprise as high as 42% of men in treat- ment. Although globally more heterosexual males have ED, there are a higher percentage of gay males (15%) who are diagnosed (Feldman & Meyer, 2007). The idealized body type of being lean and muscular is particularly desired by gay men, many of whom suffer from body dissatisfaction, anxiety about appearance, excessive body checking, and negative physical-self evaluation, which all are risk factors for developing an ED. The LBGTQ community is proactive in seeking equal rights and recognition, and concerted efforts within the ED prevention community should be integrated into existing avenues for information and education. For example, university advocates who organize eating disorders awareness education and prevention efforts should coordinate with the LBGTQ Center on campus. Also, beginning at the pre-elementary level, putting an end to bullying (an identified precursor to ED behaviors) and teaching acceptance about gender diversity (including stereotypes as they relate to sexuality) should be a part of every prevention curricula.

Certain athletes are at higher risk for an ED. For example, wrestlers, boxers, jockeys, gymnasts, and long distance runners often lose weight by purging, fasting, and excessively exercising. Some football linemen force feed themselves to gain weight, and many athletes binge and exercise to work off the calories, unaware that their behavior might be considered bulimia ner- vosa. Through decades of prevention work with the NCAA and Olympic Committee, Ron Thompson and Roberta Sherman have led the way toward educating coaches at the college level. They’ve collaborated with adminis- trators, coaches, athletes, and cheerleaders; and, in this journal’s first issue, they contributed an article, “Reducing the Risk of Eating Disorders in Athletics” (1993) in which they outlined risk reduction strategies including deemphasize weight, eliminate group weigh ins, and stop dangerous “weight cutting” behaviors. In 1998, Thompson wrote a “Last Word” editorial in this journal after three wrestlers had died from exercising in saunas—two were wearing plastic suits at the time. He indicated that the NCAA was moving to adopt new restrictions on the use of destructive weight loss techniques, and shortly afterward the NCAA implemented prohibited practices that are still enforced, “The use of laxatives, emetics, excessive food and fluid restriction, self-induced vomiting, hot rooms, hot boxes, and steam rooms is prohibited for any purpose. The use of a sauna is prohibited at any time and for any


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purpose, on or off campus (NCAA, 2013).” In the 16 years after these rules were put into effect, no collegiate wrestler died as a result of unsafe weight cutting practices (Rosenfeld, 2014). While this is evidence that prevention efforts can save lives, the same ideas Thompson and Sherman voiced 24 years ago still need to be more widely implemented from elite levels down to children’s teams. Furthermore, prevention programs must be repeated reg- ularly due to the high turnover rate among coaches, especially in youth leagues, where many of the parents who coach are uneducated about body image issues, teasing, and other risk factors for ED, especially among males.

In the related demographic of body builders, increased research, educa- tion, and prevention surrounding muscle dysmorphia is crucial. The drive for muscularity becomes a compulsion for some men (and some women), who spend excessive hours in the gym and abuse steroids or performance enhan- cing supplements like creatine and protein powders, which are typically increased over time. Trainers, lifters, and fitness club staff, should be edu- cated about harmful consequences (e.g., kidney or liver problems, distorted body image, body objectification, social isolation) and the difference between healthy and unhealthy exercise and eating.

Last but not least, more research and prevention must be devoted to binge eating disorders. The most common ED and affecting far more males than anorexia and bulimia combined, BED, especially how it presents in males, is understudied clinically and is virtually absent in the prevention literature. Many men who can be classified with BED don’t even realize that bingeing isn’t normal guy behavior. Too often it is lumped together with obesity, even when the prevention field is perfectly aware that not everyone who is obese binges and not everyone who binges is obese. The insecurities that men have about their weight and body, sex and money, global fears and archaic definitions about what it means to be a man can result in binge eating for emotional comfort, so men need to be educated about feelings, commu- nication, community, and other areas that may be unfamiliar to them. They also must learn about principles of healthy living, because, frankly, a lot of men have misconceptions about nutrition, fat versus fit, and body/self- empowerment—to name just a few.

Transforming beauty and the beast

Levine’s aforementioned article was directed at how fathers, husbands, broth- ers, and other men can help women. In the abstract, he writes, “Eating disorders are in part created and maintained by the inter-related phenomena of male-female relationships…” but he is clearly most concerned about the women, “I am frightened—for my daughter, my wife, my female colleagues…” instead of men, including his sons. Although the article is monumental as the only prevention article that purely spoke to men—even though he ignored

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those with ED—it misses an important point: when males are more sensitive to the needs of females, the better it will be for both sexes, and visa versa.

This is certainly not a revolutionary concept—compassion for everyone— but the ED prevention field has been too female centric. If it is good prevention strategy to teach a class of high school girls that pictures of thin models are digitally enhanced, can lead to poor body image, and are emo- tionally manipulative; then, shouldn’t boys be instructed in the same lessons too? In that instance, boys would discover that these kinds of sexually objectifying images are not only demeaning and harmful for the girls, but that their own preconceptions about beauty were being influenced. And, shouldn’t they all be shown how the men on magazine covers have their muscles highlighted with body makeup and Photoshop, and that those models were possibly abusing anabolic steroids or supplements in the pursuit of those six-pack abs and ripped chests? Shouldn’t women be told that men are insecure about their bodies in profound ways, that they engage in stigmatized behaviors that fill them with shame and other feelings that they have difficulty expressing in words. Women are learning to become empow- ered with tools like mindfulness, self acceptance, body love, media literacy, and self-respect; but, their insights to self awareness are only going to be truly effective if men learn these same methods for their own benefit, as well as for the women in their lives. That’s how both men and women can find support, eliminate stigmas surrounding ED, and experience an overall better life.

Society must move away from the paternalistic hegemony, and nowhere is that more true than in the arena of ED. That women have been victimized by men is not breaking news. Most women with ED have had negative experi- ences with men (e.g., father hunger, cruel words, sexual abuse) in one way or another, but so have males with ED! While feminism has campaigned so ardently for gender equality, the continued focus on female approaches to ED prevention and treatment—at the exclusion of non-females—may be funda- mentally anti-feminist. Beyond that, a new paradigm must emerge that reflects a society with increasing gender equality. While the LGBTQ com- munity makes inroads in areas such as gay marriage, and women are making strides in corporate boardrooms, a new heterosexual male must also manifest itself. He has to give up the chauvinistic mentality and develop underutilized cognitions (i.e., his feminine side) to exist more evenly in the balanced utopian world we’d all like to see. While that world may not be realistically possible, we should, nevertheless, strive toward that goal.


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  • Adolescent girls: The face of a disorder
  • Prevention amongst high-risk male groups
  • Transforming beauty and the beast
  • References




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