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Calculate the percentage of the Sticker Price


 Exp19 Excel Ch04 CapAssessment Rockville Auto Sales 

Project Description:

You work for Rockville Auto Sales and have been asked to aid in the development of a spreadsheet to manage sales and inventory information. You will start the task with a prior worksheet that contains vehicle information and sales data for 2018. You need to convert the data to a table. You will manage the large worksheet, prepare the worksheet for printing, sort and filter the table, include calculations, and then format the table.

Steps to Perform:

Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch04_Cap_AutoSales.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.

Freeze the first row on the   Fleet Information worksheet.

Convert the data to a table,   name the table Inventory, and apply the Gold, Table Style Medium 19.

Remove duplicate records.

Sort the table by Make in   alphabetical order, add a second level to sort by Year Smallest to Largest,   and a third level to sort by Sticker Price Smallest to Largest.

Repeat the field names on all   pages.

Change page breaks so each   vehicle make is printed on a separate page.

Add a footer with your name on   the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on   the right side.

Click the Sales Information   worksheet and convert the data to a table, name the table Sales, and apply the Green, Table   Style Dark 11.

Type % of sticker in cell E1.

Create a formula with structured   references to calculate the percentage of the Sticker Price in column E.

Format the range E2:E30 with   Percent Style Number Format.

Add a table Total Row and then   display the Average of % of sticker and Sum of Sticker Price and Sale Price.

AutoFit the width of columns B:E   to show the total values.

Select the range E2:E30. Apply   Solid Fill Blue Data Bars conditional formatting to the % of sticker data.

With the range E2:E30 selected,   create a new conditional formatting rule that uses a formula to apply yellow   fill and bold font to values that sold for less than or equal to 70% of the   sticker price.

On the First Quarter Sales   worksheet, rename the table FirstQuarter.

Filter the data to display   January, February, and March sales.

Add a footer with your name on   the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on   the right side.

Select Landscape orientation for   all sheets.

Save and close EXP19_Excel_CH04_Cap_AutoSales.xlsx.   Exit Excel.




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Calculate the price-weighted percentage average return

Please note carefully the following important corrections in the assignment questions:
1. Question 2b: Missing information: Standard
Deviation of risky portfolio is 24.5%
2. Question 2c: You do not need to complete this part.
3. Question 5b: Calculate -Duration- only, you do not need to calculate ‘Convexity’
4. Question 5cii: Missing information: Convexity of the bond is 10.2977765
Please Note::
i. This Assessment consists of five questions (all problems), some with multiple parts.
ii. All questions must be attempted.
iii. Solve each problem using the appropriate formula/e, which must be shown at the start of each problem.
iv. EXCEL formulae or workings using EXCEL will NOT be accepted.
v. Show all calculations
Submission requirements details:
A. Presentation.
– Answers to be typed. Handwritten answers will not be accepted and will not be marked.
– Please type each answer after each part question. The Assignment (below) is reproduced on Moodle, with space provided for each answer. If more space is required, then scroll down the page, and extra page(s) automatically will be produced.
– Typing should use Arial or Times New Roman or Calibri font (10, 11 or 12 pitch), 1.5 line spacing; and
– Left and right margins to be at least 2.5 cms from the edge of the page.
B. Research and referencing.
– All references sourced should be quoted at the end of the Assignment in a List of References.
– Use Harvard referencing. See http://en.wikipedia.orQ/wiki/Harvard referencing
– As the questions are calculation problems, there is no need to submit via Turnitin.
C. Submission
Every page should be clearly numbered. The lodged Assignment must include the following, in order:
(a) A KOI Cover Sheet for an Individual Assignment.
(b) A title page, which indicates Subject Title, Trimester Number, Assignment Title, Student’s Full Name; KOI Student Number; and Tutor’s name.
(c) Assignment Questions and Answers.
(d) List of references (using Harvard – Anglia style).
(e) A copy of the Assignment Marking rubric (see page XX below).
A copy of your Assignment, containing the requirements specified in Items (a) to (e) above, needs to be emailed to your Tutor at by the start of the week 10 tutorial. Late lodgments will be penalised – see Section 3.2 a) below.
QUESTION 1. [(CALC’NS a. + b. + c. + d. = 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16 Marks) + (REC’NS e. = 4 Marks)]
a. At 15 October, 2020, the share prices of Coal Ltd and Wood Ltd were $30 and $105 respectively. One year later, the respective share prices were $35 and $110.
i. Calculate the price-weighted percentage average return for these two stocks over the year to 15 October, 2021.
ii. Suppose instead, at 15 October, 2021, the final price of Coal Ltd was $35 (as above), but the price of Wood Ltd had fallen to $95. Calculate the revised price-weighted percentage average return for these two stocks over the year to 15 October, 2021.
b. What are both the payoff and the profit or loss per share for an investor in the following two situations?
i. Jean buys the June, 2022 expiration Paypal call option for $6.40 with an exercise price of $120, if the Paypal stock price at the expiration date is $132?
ii. Joan buys a Paypal put option for $4.50 with the same expiration date and exercise price as Jean’s call option, and the Paypal stock price is also $132 at the expiration date?
c. A large investor resident in your country seeks your advice on global investments.
i. State briefly two reasons why he/she should include international equities in his or her investment portfolio.
ii. Identify two risks which apply to the investor if he/she invests in international equities.
d. Two corporate bonds, issued respectively by F Ltd and G Ltd, have the same face value of $10,000 and the same term to maturity of 7 years. F Ltd’s bonds have a coupon rate of 8% per annum, payable half-yearly, and G Ltd’s bonds have a coupon rate of 7.8% per annum, payable bi-monthly (that is, every 2 months). Calculate the effective annual return (EAR) on each bond. [Show each answer as a percentage, correct to 2 decimal places.]
e. Asif is a fund manager with a share portfolio currently valued at $1 billion under management. He considers that the share market is much over-priced and fears a sharp downturn of 20% in the market by June, 2022, which will badly affect his share portfolio’s value and performance, which he wishes to protect. He seeks your advice as to whether he should take a short position in futures or buy a put option, each with an exercise price of $1 billion (the current value of his share portfolio). Explain each of the two strategies, and state your recommendation which Asif should follow, with reasons.
QUESTION 2. [{CALC’NS a. + b. = (3 + 3) + (2 + 2 + 2+ 2 + 2) = 16 Marks} + {REC’NS c. = 2 Marks}]
a. The expected return of the market index over 2022 is 10%. The standard deviation of returns of the market index is expected to remain at its long-term average of 18%. The risk-free rate is 4%. Calculate:
i. the degree of risk aversion (commonly denoted by ‘A’) for an investor in the market index.
ii. the Sharpe ratio of the market index portfolio.
b. The expected return of a risky portfolio in New Zealand over 2022 is 15%, while the risk-free rate is 7%. Terry wishes to set up a complete portfolio, with y (the proportion invested in the risky portfolio) = 0.75.
i. Define a “complete portfolio”.
ii. Describe the mix (or asset allocation) of Terry’s complete portfolio, including the percentages of each asset held.
iii. What is the expected return of Terry’s complete portfolio?
iv. What is the standard deviation of returns for Terry’s complete portfolio?
v. What is the Sharpe ratio for Terry’s complete portfolio?
c. Mabel is more risk averse than Terry, and her degree of risk aversion, A, is 4.0. Using the data supplied at the beginning of part b. above, calculate the percentages of each asset class you would recommend she should hold in her optimal complete portfolio. [Show percentages correct to 2 decimal places.]
QUESTION 3. [{CALC’NS a. + b. + c. = (3 + 3) + (2 + 2 + 4) + 2 = 16 marks} + {REC’NS d. = 2 marks}]
a. Historical data for the All Ordinaries Index indicates that:
– the standard deviation of returns from the Index has been 17%; and
– the degree of risk aversion (A) of an investor in the Index is 3.6.
i. What market risk premium is consistent with the above historical standard deviation?
ii. If the market risk premium is 12%, what would be the historical standard deviation?
b. The expected return of the market in Iceland is 15%. Stock H has a beta of 1.3 and the risk-free rate is 5%.
i. What is the expected return of Stock H, according to the CAPM?
ii. What is the alpha of a stock? (Definition or explanation required.)
iii. What is the alpha of Stock H, if Iceland Stockbrokers, investors in – and researchers of –
the stock, believe that Stock H will provide a return this year of:
I. 20%; or alternatively, if they consider the return this year will be:
II. 14%?
c. Based on your answers to part b. iii. above, is Stock H over-priced, underpriced or fairly priced in each of the situations I. and IL? Would you recommend that Iceland Brokers buy more of – or sell – or just hold Stock H in each of these situations?
d. Jackie, an analyst with Betta Brokers, uses a two-factor (F1 and F2) CAPM index method to evaluate the expected return of stock in Z Ltd. The model uses the following data:
E(R) of F1 = 12%; E(R) of F2 = 8%; p (beta) of F1 = 1.3; p (beta) of F2 = 0.4; and Rf (risk-free rate) = 5%.
What is the expected return of a share in Z Ltd?
QUESTION 4. [{CALC’NS (3 + 2 + 3) + (2 + 2) + (2 + 2) = 16 Marks}]
A. The yield curve for Government-guaranteed zero-coupon bonds is based as follows:
Term to maturity (years) Yield to maturity (% per annum)
1 8%
2 9%
3 10%
i. What are the implied one-year forward rates for years 1,2 and 3 respectively?
ii. If the expectations hypothesis of the term structure of interest rates is correct, in one
year’s time, what will be the yield to maturity on a one-year zero-coupon bond?
iii. Based on the same hypothesis as in ii. above, in one year’s time, what will be the yield to maturity on a two-year zero-coupon bond?
B. On 15 January, 2021, you bought a Government bond, with a face value of $1,000; a term to maturity of 5 years; a coupon rate of 6% per annum payable yearly, and a yield to maturity of 5% per annum. You paid the market price of $1,043.76 for the bond.
On 15 January, 2022, you sold the bond to Jill, providing her with a yield to maturity of 4% per annum.
[NOTE: You bought and sold the bond immediately after payment of the interest coupon due on 15 January each year- that is, the interest payments due on 15 January in 2021 and 2022 are not included in the bond prices.]
i. What price would Jill have paid for the bond? [Show answer correct to the nearer cent.]
ii. What is your holding period return for holding the bond for one year, receiving the
January, 2022 interest coupon, then selling the bond? [Show answer as a percentage, correct to 2 decimal places.]
C. With the aid of hypothetical illustrative examples, briefly explain each of the Expectations and the Liquidity preference hypotheses relating to the term structure of interest rates. Which of the two hypotheses do you consider to be the more relevant? Why?
QUESTION 5. [{CALC’NS a. + b. + c. + d. = (1 + 1 + 1) + (3 + 3) + (2 + 2 + 2) + 1 = 16 Marks} + { REC’NS e. = 2 Marks}]
A. Briefly explain the following concepts relating to bond portfolio management.
i. Duration.
ii. Convexity.
iii. Immunisation.
B. Illustrate your answer to A. above with the calculation of the duration and convexity of a bond with a face value of $1,000, term to maturity of 3 years, a coupon rate of 6% per annum, payable yearly, and a yield to maturity of 4% per annum.
[NOTE: As a by-product of these calculations, you should calculate the current market price of the bond, which price should be used as a base or starting point to your answers required in C. i. and C. ii. below.]
C. Calculate the expected price of the bond described in B. above, if the yield to maturity fell immediately to 3% per annum, by each of the following 3 methods.
i. The duration adjustment method.
ii. The duration-with-convexity adjustment method.
iii. The present value of future cash flows method.
D. Which of the methods listed in C. above is most accurate? Why?
E. Explain how a pension fund can use zero-coupon bonds to immunize its obligation to pay out $10 million a year in pensions in perpetuity, if the forecast long-term interest / discount rate is 5% a year forever.
LIST OF REFERENCES USED (Student to complete)
IMPORTANT DECLARATION: “By uploading / submitting this Assignment, I declare that the Assignment answers are my own work and I have not sought or obtained help.”
MARKING GUIDE: Marks will be awarded as follows:
Element Marks
Calculations, including research and analysis (as above) 80
Recommendations and Conclusions (REC’NS above) 10
Presentation 10
The TOTAL will be converted to a mark (correct to the nearer whole number) out of 30%




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A high-risk investment is “one for which there is either a large percentage chance of loss of capital or under-performance

Respond to each classmate 100 words or more 

Classmate 1 

A high-risk investment is “one for which there is either a large percentage chance of loss of capital or under-performance – or a relatively high chance of a devastating loss” (Simpson, 2021). In other words, a risky investment in assets means how much the return of investments deviates from its expected returns. If two assets are earning the same expected return, but one of the assets are riskier, then the investor should choose the less riskier asset as this option will provide fewer benefits for the investor. One of the first options on an investing app given to the investor is if they want to be a risky investor, or more conservative and safe. As discussed in text, the risk-return tradeoff highlights that the higher the risk, the higher the return. This is also an inverse relationship. A riskier asset can, sometimes, provide a greater amount of returns but can also result in a major loss. Any kind of investment is a risk, whether high or low. All business deals can be a gamble. This week, the text for this concept discusses the differences between high risk and low risk assets. “Small spreads between risky and less risky assets meant either that the world had become less risky or that investors were simply ignoring risk in search of higher returns” (Froeb et al., 2018). In order for a corporation to efficiently receive a favorable return, it needs to ensure that the managers and financial analysts are operating accurately and wisely. This is the reason why maintaining an equally weighted portfolio is imperative.

Classmate 2 

How risky an investment in asset means how much the investment returns deviate from the expected return of the investment. The standard deviation is a statistic measure use to calculate this. If two assets are earning same expected return but one is riskier than other, then the investor should choose less risky asset over riskier asset for the investment. This is because as per the risk averse concept, many people will want to minimize the uncertainty by choosing investments/assets which have a lower risk. Individuals differ when it comes to willingness in bearing risks. Nevertheless, if two assets have a similar return, most individuals will prefer the asset that presents less risk. Also, investors sell the risky asset, driving down its price and increasing its expected return. Expected return will keep going up until investors are just indifferent between the risky stock and the less risky stock. Investors want to earn the highest return possible for a level of risk that they are willing to take. One way to adjust the riskiness of a portfolio is by varying the proportion of the risk-free asset and the risky asset. The investment opportunity set is the set of all combinations of the risky and risk-free assets, which graphs as a line when plotted as return against risk, as measured by the standard deviation. The line begins at the intercept with the minimum return and no risk of the risk-free asset, when the entire portfolio is invested in the risk-free asset, to the maximum return and risk when the entire portfolio is invested in the risky asset





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services A high-risk investment is “one for which there is either a large percentage chance of loss of capital or under-performance

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Writers Solution

A high-risk investment is “one for which there is either a large percentage chance of loss of capital or under-performance – or a relatively high chance of a devastating loss

Respond to each classmate 100 words or more 

Classmate 1 

A high-risk investment is “one for which there is either a large percentage chance of loss of capital or under-performance – or a relatively high chance of a devastating loss” (Simpson, 2021). In other words, a risky investment in assets means how much the return of investments deviates from its expected returns. If two assets are earning the same expected return, but one of the assets are riskier, then the investor should choose the less riskier asset as this option will provide fewer benefits for the investor. One of the first options on an investing app given to the investor is if they want to be a risky investor, or more conservative and safe. As discussed in text, the risk-return tradeoff highlights that the higher the risk, the higher the return. This is also an inverse relationship. A riskier asset can, sometimes, provide a greater amount of returns but can also result in a major loss. Any kind of investment is a risk, whether high or low. All business deals can be a gamble. This week, the text for this concept discusses the differences between high risk and low risk assets. “Small spreads between risky and less risky assets meant either that the world had become less risky or that investors were simply ignoring risk in search of higher returns” (Froeb et al., 2018). In order for a corporation to efficiently receive a favorable return, it needs to ensure that the managers and financial analysts are operating accurately and wisely. This is the reason why maintaining an equally weighted portfolio is imperative.

Classmate 2 

How risky an investment in asset means how much the investment returns deviate from the expected return of the investment. The standard deviation is a statistic measure use to calculate this. If two assets are earning same expected return but one is riskier than other, then the investor should choose less risky asset over riskier asset for the investment. This is because as per the risk averse concept, many people will want to minimize the uncertainty by choosing investments/assets which have a lower risk. Individuals differ when it comes to willingness in bearing risks. Nevertheless, if two assets have a similar return, most individuals will prefer the asset that presents less risk. Also, investors sell the risky asset, driving down its price and increasing its expected return. Expected return will keep going up until investors are just indifferent between the risky stock and the less risky stock. Investors want to earn the highest return possible for a level of risk that they are willing to take. One way to adjust the riskiness of a portfolio is by varying the proportion of the risk-free asset and the risky asset. The investment opportunity set is the set of all combinations of the risky and risk-free assets, which graphs as a line when plotted as return against risk, as measured by the standard deviation. The line begins at the intercept with the minimum return and no risk of the risk-free asset, when the entire portfolio is invested in the risk-free asset, to the maximum return and risk when the entire portfolio is invested in the risky asset





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services A high-risk investment is “one for which there is either a large percentage chance of loss of capital or under-performance – or a relatively high chance of a devastating loss

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dataset that lists estimates of the percentage of body fat determined by underwater weighing and various body circumference measurements for 252 men from K.W. Penrose

For your Final Paper,  you will have the opportunity to apply your knowledge for a real data set in order to understand the applicability of all the Statistical tools learned in this course.

Attached is a dataset that lists estimates of the percentage of body fat determined by underwater weighing and various body circumference measurements for 252 men from K.W. Penrose, A.G. Nelson, A.G. Fisher, FACSM, Human Performance Research Center, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 as listed in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, vol. 17, no. 2, April 1985, p. 189.

Some experts claim BMI (Body Mass Index) as the most accurate and simple way to determine the effect of weight on your health. Meanwhile, in September 2000, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study showing that body-fat percentage may be a better measure of your risk of weight-related diseases than BMI.

An important question that arises is whether there is a relationship between ‘Body Fat Percentage’ and ‘Body Mass Index’ as a predictor.

Body Mass Index is defined as 

With the use of the statistical techniques used in this programme (especially simple linear regression), explain whether BMI can be used to explain the Body Fat percentage for an individual based on the dataset provided. Clearly explain and interpret your results.

  • Use introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion headings
  • Your paper should have 1,500 words maximum
  • At least 5 references of an academic or scholarly source are required for this paper.  You are expected to use academic sources in peer-reviewed databases or Internet sources, such as: “.org”, “.edu”, “.mil”, “.gov”, “.zm”  Sources not allowed are Dictionaries, wikis, or blogs.
  • Use APA, writing style for in-text citations, and each reference source that you use.  Remember, all wording that is not your own must be cited.
  • Limit the use of direct quotes. Direct quotes should not exceed 1/4 page in total.  Deductions will result if this rule is violated.
  • The cover sheet should include name and course information
  • Include a reference page in APA style

You can access the file by clicking the link below:





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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. percentage of body fat determined by underwater weighing and various body circumference measurements for 252 men from K.W. Penrose

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SafeAssign (SA) provides:A.A percentage that represents how much of the assignment matches data in the SA databaseB.Sources of matching informationC


  1. SafeAssign (SA) provides:A.A percentage that represents how much of the assignment matches data in the SA databaseB.Sources of matching informationC.Color-coded matching phrases in the SA databaseD.All of the above

5 points   


  1. Which statement is not a good definition of plagiarism?A.Plagiarism is the paraphrasing of another person’s ideas into your own words and adding an appropriate citation.B.Plagiarism is the use of the views, opinions, or insights of another without acknowledgment.C.Plagiarism is the paraphrasing of another person’s characteristic or original phraseology, metaphor, or other literary device without acknowledgment.D.Plagiarism is the use of intellectual material produced by another person without acknowledging its source.

5 points   


  1. Walden and APA do allow for certain circumstances where you may need to cite yourself in your text; however, reusing your own work without proper citation can be considered self-plagiarism.A.TrueB.False

5 points   


  1. You read an article, used one of the ideas of the author who wrote the article, and placed a citation at the end of the sentence giving credit to the author. In your paraphrase, you began with the author’s original words but changed some of the words around, using synonyms and deleting/adding some words from the original material. Is this plagiarism?A.Probably, because you did not use your words for the author’s ideas.B.No, because you changed the sentence so it is not copied verbatim.

5 points   


  1. Walden University takes academic integrity seriously for student intellectual development. Academic integrity does not include:A.Reusing your own papers/ideas for different courses without citationsB.A free exchange of ideasC.Agreeing to abide by regulations governing work stipulated by the academic unit or academic program and, in turn, the InstructorD.Giving credit to the original author if a person uses or replicates the work

5 points   


  1. Your spouse was in an auto accident on the day your 7-page paper is due. You expect your Instructor to be flexible, and he or she must give you extra time to submit your assignment.A.True, the faculty must assist students with emergencies.B.False, contact your Instructor as soon as possible. Describe your situation and see if flexibility may be available.

5 points   


  1. Academic integrity violations may include the following: plagiarism, cheating, copyright violations, misrepresentation of credentials, and alteration of University documents.A.TrueB.False

5 points   


  1. You withdrew from a class last term and now you want to reuse a paper that you wrote and researched. Can you reuse the paper in a new course?A.You should ask permission from your Instructor first. Since you withdrew but submitted the paper in the previous term, the paper will have a high SafeAssign match percentage. The APA Manual shows how to format your own unpublished work.B.No, it is a violation of academic integrity and Walden University policy.C.Yes, it is your own work and not a violation of the academic integrity policy.

5 points   


  1. To prevent plagiarism, the DBA faculty recommend that you use primarily direct quotations rather than paraphrasing. Using direct quotations is more scholarly than putting another author’s ideas into your own words and using a citation for acknowledgment.A.TrueB.False

5 points   


  1. Joe submits his paper to SafeAssign (SA) and the results indicate that 33% of the paper matches sources in the SA database. Joe has committed plagiarism. True or false?A.TrueB.FalseC.Not necessarily

5 points   

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      • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. SafeAssign (SA) provides:A.A percentage that represents how much of the assignment matches data in the SA databaseB.Sources of matching informationC
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    • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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