Writers Solution

Perform multistep calculations of FTEs and projection of future FTE needs for a selected nursing unit


This assignment provides learners with the opportunity to apply budgeting knowledge and skills by calculating full-time equivalents for a nursing unit, projecting FTE needs related to census changes, and analyzing a variance scenario.

Total Points Possible: 150


Description of the Assignment

This assignment is in two scenario-based sections each related to staffing budgets. In the first, the student will perform multistep calculations of FTEs and projection of future FTE needs for a selected nursing unit. The second section involves calculation of budget variance and its analysis. Each section requires supported written interpretation of findings.

Criteria for Content

Answer the questions and complete the calculations required for the two sections of the assignment.

Key points related to Calculations:

1. When performing calculations, standard rounding rules apply. If the number to the right of the decimal is less than 5, round down to the nearest whole number, e.g., 33.4 = 33 If the number to the right of the decimal is 5 or greater, round up to the nearest whole number, e.g. 33.5 =34.

2. Read the question carefully. Pay close attention to the units be asked and keep them consistent. For example, hours vs FTEs; days vs months vs years.

3. Provide ALL formulas with references. Designate which formula associates with which source. It is not sufficient to simply list the source at the beginning of the section. Write out the formula used BEFORE filling in the numbers.

Example: Efficiency Variance + Volume Variance + Cost Variance = Total Variance

Rundio, A. (2022). The nurse manager’s guide to budgeting and finance(3rd ed.).Sigma Theta Tau International.

  • Section One: Staffing Budget and FTEs
    • Calculations of full-time equivalents (FTEs)
    • Project FTE needs related to census changes
  • Section Two: Variance Analysis
    • Calculating variance
    • Variance analysis with explanation

Download the Assignment Word Document and submit your answers directly onto the form. When completed, upload into the assignment portal in your course. For the questions requiring a written response, please adhere to proper grammar and syntax, and provide references. For the questions requiring calculations, show all your work including the formula used. Include the references for formula chosen.

Preparing the Assignment

Section One—Staffing Budget and FTEs

Personnel Budget Case Study

Sandra Chambers has recently accepted the position of assistant administrator for the department of nursing at Potter Regional Medical Center where she will oversee the operations of five medical units. As she evaluates the budgets for the different cost centers, she finds that all are being used at near or full capacity. The activity in four of the five has remained steady over the past 2 years. A fifth unit has realized a steady increase in patient volume during that time and is currently at 88% capacity. It has been projected that within the next 12 months the volume of patients moving through that unit will increase by 20%. Sandra needs to determine if the current FTEs for the unit will be sufficient to ensure quality and safe care continues to be provided, and if not, what is the number of FTEs that will be needed to cover a 20% increase in volume.

  1. Suggest all the information Sandra needs to collect in order to project the FTEs needed for the next fiscal year accounting for the projected increased capacity. Remember, she is new to her position so be sure to include background data on the unit itself as it relates to previous budgets, nursing staff, and the organization. In other words, summarize your approach to this Case Study.
  • Sandra has collected the following census information on all five units for the last month, in

addition to what was asked in question number one. Calculate the ADC and Occupancy Rate for each unit using the Daily Census/Occupancy Rate table to determine which unit is currently at 88% occupancy rate and projected to increase over the next year.


   Beds12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Total Patient Days

(adapted from…..Healthcare Financial Management Association (2012).  Managing fiscal resources: A budget and productivity case study.  Retrieved from

Average Daily Census/Occupancy Rate
UnitADCOccupancy (%)

The Unit with an 88% occupancy rate is _____.

3. Using data contained in the first questions, complete the table below and determine the Average Length of Stay (ALOS) for the following three units.  Show your work.

Unit# BedsPatient Days# DischargesAverage Length of Stay (ALOS)
A     110 
C        96 
D        85 

What is the ALOS for the unit you identified earlier at an 88% occupancy rate?  _____

You have determined the Unit for which Sandra must make FTE projections. For the remaining questions in this section, refer to the figures used and or obtained related to the Unit identified in Question 1.

Additional information includes

  • the budgeted hours of care per patient day (HPPD-budgeted) is 8.8; and
  • each employee receives 300 paid non-productive hours/year.
  • Calculate the number of FTEs needed for the Unit. Show the formulas used and all calculations. Include the reference used for your calculations at the beginning of your work.
  • Calculate the TOTAL FTEs needed accounting for nonproductive time. Include the reference used for your calculations at the beginning of your work.
  • Sharon now knows how many total FTEs are currently needed on the unit to provide safe, quality care to the patients on the unit. However, with a 20% projected increase in occupancy rate and average length of stay remaining steady on the unit, how will the required FTEs be affected?
  • Calculate the TOTAL FTEs required to reflect an increased patient volume of 20% (don’t forget to account for nonproductive time).Include the reference used for your calculations at the beginning of your work.
  • When Sharon calculated the number of FTEs budgeted currently in this unit and compared it to the number of actual FTEs being paid for, she found she was under budget by three FTEs. Explain how that could have happened and how this information affects her FTE budget request for the next year.


Section Two—Variance Analysis

Variance Analysis Case Study

During the month of February, an outpatient surgery clinic has incurred a significant unfavorable variance. The director of the clinic is quite concerned, as this has never occurred before. The director gathers information on total nursing care hours, average hourly rate of the employees, and total patient visits to determine what caused the variance.In addition, the director receives the patient acuity levels for the month of February.                  

 BudgetActualBudget Variance
Patient Days420510 
Nursing Care Hours   
Average Hourly Pay$35.00$45.00$10.00
Total Payroll Costs   

(Table adapted fromRundio, A. (2022). The nurse manager’s guide to budgeting and finance (3rd ed.). Sigma Theta Tau International)

  1. Complete the monthly personnel report for the surgical unit.
  2. Calculate each of the following. Include the formulas used with reference. Remember, as this monthly report deals with payroll, the variances should be in dollars.
    1. Volume (efficiency) variance:
  • Quantity (volume) variance:
  • Cost (price) variance:
  • What is the total variance in personnel budget for this month?
  • Analyze all the factors that made the differences and why the variances occurred. How can this variance be justified?


Section One: Staffing Budget and FTEs
Background Information1010%Approach to Personnel Case Study is clearly articulated and contains the elements needed to address the situation presented in the scenario.
ADC and Occupancy Rate1010%ADC/Occupancy Rate table completed with reference for formulas included, formulas and work shown, correct unit calculations, correct unit identified.
Average LOS1010%ALOS table completed with reference for formulas, formula and work shown, correct calculations, ALOS of identified unit correct.
Current FTE1515%Current FTEs of identified unit calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.
Total FTE (Current)1515%Total FTEs (accounts for nonproductive time) of identified unit calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.
Effect of Volume Increase on FTE1010%Describes effect of increase of patient volume on FTEs over the next year. Describes what effect an increased length of stay would have on FTEs.
Total FTE (Projected)1515%Total FTEs (accounts for nonproductive time) for projected volume increase of identified unit calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.
FTE Difference Explanation1010%Explains potential causes for being under budget and explicitly describes its effect on the budget request for next year. Uses data from given and calculated elements to support explanations.
Section Two: Variance Analysis
Calculation of Total Variance3535%Calculations that lead to the total variance of the unit are present and include volume efficiency, volume (quantity), and cost variances. References for formulas used, formulas and all work are shown, calculations are correct.
Analysis of Variances1515%All elements of variances explained, variance justification present and supported with evidence, effect on current and future budges explicit and clearly articulated.
Writing conventions, format, and reference citations55%Writing is clear and concise without grammatical and spelling errors. All references are correctly cited (if applicable) and written.
  150150%A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Grading Rubric

Assignment CriteriaExceptional (100%) Outstanding or highest level of performanceExceeds (88%) Very good or high level of performanceMeets (80%) Competent or satisfactory level of performanceNeeds Improvement (38%) Poor or failing level of performanceDeveloping (0) Unsatisfactory level of performance
Content Possible Points = 150 Points           
Section One: Staffing Budget and FTEs
Background Information10 Points8 Points6 Points 0 Points
Approach to Personnel Case Study is clearly articulated and contains all the elements needed to address the situation presented in the scenario.Approach to Personnel Case Study is generally described and contains nearly all elements needed to address the situation presented in the scenario.Approach to Personnel Case Study is minimally described, generally stated and missing key elements needed to address the situation presented in the scenario.Approach to Personnel Case Study is absent or does not contain adequate elements to all the elements needed to address the situation presented in the scenario.
ADC and Occupancy Rate  10 Points8 Points3 Points 0 Points
Table completed with formulas referenced and shown, work shown with correct calculations, and correct unit identified.All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct.No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
Average Length of Stay (ALOS)10Points8 Points3 Points 0Points
ALOS table completed with formulas referenced and shown, work shown with correct calculations, ALOS of identified unit correct.All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct.No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
Current FTE  15 Points10Points5Points 0 Points
Current FTEs of identified unit calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct.No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
Total FTE (Accounts for nonproductive time-current)15 Points10 Points5 Points 0 Points
Total FTEs (accounts for nonproductive time) of identified unit calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct.No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
Effect of Volume Increase on FTE  10 Points5 Points 0 Points
Describes effect of increase of patient volume on FTEs over the next year. Describes what effect an increased length of stay would have on FTEs.Only one element present or is answered correctly.Both elements are missing or no elements are answered correctly.
Total FTE (Projected)15 Points10 Points5 Points 0 Points
Total FTEs (accounts for nonproductive time) for projected volume increase of identified unit calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct.No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
FTE Difference Explanation10 Points8 Points3 Points 0 Points
Explains potential causes for being under budget and explicitly describes its effect on the budget request for next year. Uses data from given and calculated elements to support explanations.All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct. No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
Section 2: Variance Analysis
Personnel Budget table5 Points 0 Points
Table completed with correct calculations.Table incomplete or complete with incorrect calculations.
Volume (Efficiency) Variance Calculated10 Points8 Points3 Points 0 Points
Calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct.No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
Volume Quantity Variance Calculated15 Points10 Points5 Points 0 Points
Calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.  All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct.No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
Cost (price) Variance calculated15Points10 Points5 Points 0 Points
Calculated correctly and includes reference for formulas used, formula and work shown, calculations correct.All but one element are present and correct.All but two elements are present and correct.No elements are present or they are present and incorrect.
Calculation of Total Variance5 Points 0 Points
Calculation of Total Variance is correct.Calculation of Total Variance is incorrect.
Analysis of Variances15 Points10 Points5 Points 0 Points
Analysis of Variances thoroughly explained; variance justification with evidence included;  effects on current and future budges explicit and clearly articulated.Analysis of Variances generally explained; or variance justification is missing or lacks support from evidence; or effects on current and future budges is missing or generally addressed.Analysis of Variances contains only one of the required elements: thorough explanation;  variance justification with evidence included;  effects on current and future budges explicit and clearly articulated.Analysis of variances is missing or is inaccurate.  
Writing Conventions, format, and reference citations5 Points3 Points1 Point 0 Points
No errors in any of the three elements of writing conventions, format, and reference citations.One error in any of the three elements of writing conventions, format, and reference citations.Two errors in any of the three elements of writing conventions, format, and reference citations.More than three errors in any of the three elements of writing conventions, format, and reference citations.
Total Points  _____of  points
Writers Solution

Perform a scoping literature review of critical factors that make e-commerce sites successful

Word count/Time provided: 2000 Words
Weighting: 25%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO 1, ULO 2
Assessment 3 Detail
For this assignment students will perform a critical analysis of selected e-commerce websites.

    PART A: Scoping Literature Review
    Perform a scoping literature review of critical factors that make e-commerce sites successful. As part of your research, you should cite at least five reference articles in your review. You may include factors listed in the Australian Post report on e-commerce (link below). For example in your review you may include but not limited to factors such as the web site design, ease of use, information quality, trustworthiness, security, payment options and social network presence.
    Part B: Evaluation Matrix
    Create an evaluation matrix based on the factors you uncovered in your literature review. You should group similar attributes in a few key categories. It is important to include a quantitative method for evaluating each attribute such as a score out of 5.
    Please read the following article on how to setup a scoring matrix:
    Use your evaluation matrix to critically appraise ONLY the e-commerce sites listed in this assignment. After completing the matrix for each of the sites, you need to justify why you gave the scores including examples of best practice, and comparisons between the same attributes on different sites.
    As part of the discussion, you may refer to additional sources and provide links to appropriate sections of those sites to highlight good or bad design.
    Part C: E-Commerce Site Improvements
    For the lowest scoring website in your analysis in Part B, suggest a number of improvements to their e-commerce site. You should address the criteria which have scored the lowest points, for example you could suggest improvements to their home page layout or improve the shopping trolley purchase experience. You must demonstrate in this task a good understanding of the criteria and be able to justify the improvements you have suggested.
    Academic Skills:
    The report should be presented professionally, have a cover page, table of contents, introduction include Part A literature review and Part B evaluation of the 10 websites. In the appendix you should place your final evaluation matrix. References should be included using the Harvard method.
    Academic Integrity:
    Please be aware that Assignments with a similarity rating above 25% will be investigated and may result into reporting for academic misconduct with a risk of a fail grade for the assignment and/or the subject. Always create your own work and do not use any other work with proper paraphrasing and referencing.
    Assessments 3 Marking Criteria and Rubric
    • The assessment will be marked out of 100 marks and will be weighted 25% of the total unit mark.
    • The marking criteria and rubric are shown on the following page.
    Assessment 3 Marking Criteria and Rubric
    Marking Criteria Not Satisfactory
    (0-49% of the criterion mark) Satisfactory
    (50-64% of the criterion mark) Good
    (65-74% of the criterion mark) Very Good
    (75-84% of the criterion mark) Excellent
    (85-100% of the criterion mark)
    Part A: Literature Review
    (10 marks)
    Literature review of state of the art in E-
    Limited evidence of reading and/or poor synthesis of information. The attributes identified are poorly linked to E-commerce.
    A satisfactory attempt is made to synthesise existing research relating to Ecommerce, and to identify attributes for success. Some major gaps in the depth and scope of the literature review.
    A thorough attempt is made to synthesise existing research relating to Ecommerce, and to identify important attributes for success. Some gaps in the depth and scope of the literature review.
    The literature review is comprehensive, relevant and demonstrates the ability to synthesise information and to critically reflect on existing research. The
    identified attributes are well connected to E-commerce and to the synthesis of the literature.
    The literature review is extremely comprehensive, relevant and demonstrates an outstanding ability to synthesise information and to critically reflect on existing research. The identified attributes are very clearly connected to Ecommerce and to the synthesis of the literature.
    Part A: Critical Factors
    (10 marks)
    Identification and discussion of selected critical factors
    Critical factors not identified, or they are very poorly related to Ecommerce. A few critical factors identified and connected to E-commerce with some brief discussion. Several critical factors identified with clear connection to E-commerce and includes some reasoning for decisions. Several critical factors identified with clear connection to E-commerce, good reasoning for decisions, and good references to literature. Many critical factors identified with excellent connection to E-commerce, high quality reasoning for decisions and very well referenced to literature.
    Part B: Evaluation Matrix
    (30 marks)
    Construction and completion of evaluation matrix, with categories for selected factors and a scoring system. 10 sites are evaluated. Matrix contains less than 5 general factors that do not give a useful outcome. Scoring system is not present or is ineffective. Matrix is basic with a small number (around 5) of general factors and an adequate scoring system. Matrix contains a good number (5-10) of factors and a mixture of specific and general factors. Scoring system is effective. Matrix contains a good number (around 10) of mostly specific factors and an effective scoring system. Matrix is very well constructed with over 10 logical and specific factors and a very effective scoring system.
    Part B: Discussion of sites
    (15 marks)
    Effective discussion of pros/cons of each site
    Scores and discussion are poorly aligned or missing. Very little explanation provided for scores. Scores and discussion are somewhat aligned with some discussion of the reasons for scores. Scores and discussion are mostly well aligned with some basic justifications provided for scores. Scores and discussion are very well aligned with good justifications provided for scores. Scores and discussion are perfectly aligned with strong justifications provided for scores.
    Part C: E-Commerce Site
    (25 marks)
    Suggested improvements/best E-commerce practice
    Few or no improvements provided. No links made to evaluation or E-commerce practice.
    Some improvements
    discussed in relation to the evaluation and basic connections made to Ecommerce practice. Good discussion of the evaluation and improvements; some useful links made between the evaluation and E-commerce practice.
    Thorough discussion of the evaluation and improvements; clear links made between the evaluation conducted and best practice in E-commerce.
    Comprehensive discussion of the evaluation and findings; In-depth improvements such as use of storyboards and new design work, where ideas are directly drawn from the evaluation conducted and Ecommerce best practice.
    Academic skills
    (10 marks)
    Quality of writing and referencing Poor ability in report writing, with several gaps in the quality of written expression and presentation. Several major referencing errors or absent referencing.
    Some major gaps evident in the quality of written expression and presentation. Significant further work needed in report writing technique, improvement needed in the formatting of references and citations.
    Some gaps evident in the quality of written expression and presentation. Further work needed in report writing technique, including some minor issues formatting of references and citations.
    Quality of written expression and presentation mostly conforms to academic standards relating to clarity of expression, syntax, grammar, and punctuation. No significant gaps in referencing technique using the Harvard referencing system.
    Quality of written expression and presentation is excellent and conforms fully to academic standards relating to clarity of expression, syntax, grammar, and punctuation. No gaps in referencing technique using the Harvard referencing system


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EMCA Pool Company to perform maintenance on the inground pool at their home

Frank and Clair Barbosa entered into a contract with EMCA Pool Company to perform maintenance on the inground pool at their home. The cost of the maintenance was $3,500. While EMCA was doing the work, they noticed a crack in the surface of the pool. They spoke with Frank and Clair and told them they could fix the issue and that it would cost an additional $1,000. The Barbosas agreed to pay the money and EMCA indicated that the repair would not delay the deadline for the maintenance that was already underway. EMCA made the repair shortly before all of their other maintenance work was completed and the pool looked beautiful. Frank asked if they needed to be concerned about any potential leaks related to the crack before paying for the work that EMCA did. EMCA assured Frank that he should have no further issues.  However, EMCA was not sure what caused the crack or if it had been fully addressed. The Barbosas made payment in the amount of $4,500. Two days later the Barbosas opened their pool for the season. Within a week, the pool began to leak. The Barbosas immediately sued EMCA Pool Company. What is the outcome?


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Perform secondary data analysis by visiting the US Census Bureau’s American FactFinder

 Demographic Report

You will present demographic data on the city, town, or county where you currently live in preparation for the Research Paper, which is due in Week 5. To do this, you will perform secondary data analysis by visiting the US Census Bureau’s American FactFinder (Links to an external site.). Identify the various social and economic characteristics (i.e., education, population, housing, race, gender, age, income, etc.) of this locale and report the statistics. You can also check government websites for your state, county or city for data. Then, using the statistics you report, identify your findings of social stratification or social inequality found in this locale as highlighted in the reading in the text, Sociology: Beyond Common Sense, for Week 3. In other words, what does the data tell you about the social stratification and social inequalities found in your locale? Be sure to choose a locale that you have access to, as you will be conducting in-person observations in this locale for the Research Paper due in Week 5. If you are currently living outside of the U.S. or will have difficulties physically accessing a location in the U.S., please contact your instructor for additional instructions.

Your demographic report should follow the following structure:

· Introduction (including the locality chosen and general socio-economic info on your locality)

· At least five body paragraphs presenting the social or economic characteristics and specific data for the locality (please state both numbers and percentages if available). In this section of your paper, be sure to present statistics related to education, population, race, gender, age, income (and poverty), housing, as well as any other factors you think relate to the stratification and/or inequality in your chosen locale.

Examples of how data can be presented:

· A table of all the variables you found (if you select this option, please do not copy and paste tables from the American Factfinder website.  Rather, create your own table with all of your variables).

· [Insert/Table in MS Word; add as many columns and rows as you like]:

Location: [examples] San Diego, Kern County, etc…PercentageNumber (n=)
Population (male):\45%45,000
Population (female)55%55,000
Median Income $40,000
% of Population with College Degree30%30,000

· Or a bullet point list of all the variables you found.

· Location

· Population

· Male – 45% (n=45,000)

· Female – 55% (n=55,000)…etc.

· At least two body paragraphs describing how the statistics you report relate to social stratification and social inequality (use your text, Sociology: Beyond Common Sense as reference). In other words, think about what picture the statistics paint about the type of social hierarchies and inequalities that exist in your locale. (Hint: Think about stratification and inequalities based on race, gender, age, social class, etc. Finding statistics about education, income, housing, etc. by race/gender/age can be useful places to make these observations).

· Conclusion (summarize the socio-economic status of your locality based on your findings and related discussions on social stratification and social inequality )

· Reference page.

The paper must be four to five pages in length and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least five resources from the Census website. You must use your text to support your work on social stratification and social inequality. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page


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Perform SWOT analysis ( strength, weakness, opportunities, threats) associated with this technologies.

Perform SWOT analysis ( strength, weakness, opportunities, threats) associated with this technologies. ( Alternative energy technologies ( e.g. solar, tidal , Geothermal).  write 500 words in APA style. Put references and citations also





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perform market basket analysis (apriori and association rules) on the groceries – groceries.csv file

Python using Juypter Notebook

You are required to perform market basket analysis (apriori and association rules) on the groceries – groceries.csv file.

  1. Plot the 20 most frequent items in the dataset
  2. Get frequent itemsets that have a minimum support of 0.001
  3. Obtain the rules for the itemsets obtained in step 2 and display them in descending order by lift.





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Will Polly have enough campaign donations to perform all activities? Won’t she?

So you’re looking at the exams and seeing a total of six questions! Whoa!

Please remember, this is a graduate exam. All answers should be written to a graduate level. This means that, where it fits, I’m looking for you to 

  1. Address the question
  2. Identify the drivers 
  3. Link those drivers to the case 
  4. Make recommendations

Question 1.

So, looking at the first question, it doesn’t fit – write an honor statement. What does that mean? Well, I’m really only looking for you to write a paragraph or two highlighting how you’re not going to cheat, how this is an original work, etc, etc. It doesn’t need to be a work of Shakespear to get full credit, but you need to let me know that you’re playing by the rules. In the past, some students have given personal antecdotes or short stories about how being a good student, a person of integrity, or following an honor code is important to them; or lessons that they have learned about integrity. In any case, I’m expecting a paragraph.

Question 2.

Looking at the second question, finding assumptions, it’s a little more detailed. 

Each assumption should be reasonable – i.e. make an assumption about something – Will Polly have enough campaign donations to perform all activities? Won’t she? What about her ability to hire and staff workers? What about these workers? What about her ability to appeal to the entirety of her district? Etc. 

Any assumption that is entirely generic (i.e. she doesn’t have unlimited resources) will result in a 3 point deduction (30%) of the response. Assumptions should be linked to the case and linked to the contextual drivers of the case. Not generic. If you’re concerned about her resources, where do these resources come from? How will she aquire them? How do the details of the case impact the assumption?

Furthermore, assumptions should draw back on theoretical models here (5 Forces, Value Chain, SWOT, etc…) to identify different constructs and contexts that may or may not impact subsequent responses. Any assumption that isn’t linked to an appropriate identified construct will result in a 3 point deduction (15%).

Assumptions that link to constructs from models or theories should identify and reference those models and/or theories. Any assumption that isn’t linked to an appropriate reference will result in a 3 point deduction (30%) of the response. 

And each assumption SHOULD be linked to a subsequent question. This is why I’d do these assumptions last. If your assumptions do not link to subsequent questions 5 points (50%) will be deducted. Assumptions should add something to those questions.

Furthermore, assumptions 

Questions 3-5.

These questions are pretty similiar and have a similar format.

First, you need to define the function the question is asking for (management, organization, and technology). Definitions should be from an academic source beyond the text for full credit. I.E. find a definitive, academic, business reference to ground the definition.

If you decide to use the text, 3 points, or 15% of the response will be deducted. Graduate students should go beyond the textbook – especially for a take home exam that is not timed.

If you decide to use a dictionary for the definition, 10 points, or 50% of the response will be deducted. Anyone can use a dictionary. Graduate students are expected to be familiar enough with domain specific literature to NEVER need to use layperson definitions. 

Once defined, each element of the definition should be addressed within the context of the case. Then, those issues that are identified as a critical issue should be grounded in the case. For example, if Management had dimensions of A, B, C, & D I would expect to see each issue addressed, and whichever issues identified as critical identified as such. I.E. tell me it is critical or not.

These dimensions should be grounded in the case. Tell me something from the case that links those ideas to the definition. Failing to link these ideas to elements of the case will result in deductions of up to 10 points. 

Do not provide recommendations here. There is an entire question at the end of the exam for that! If your response provides recommendations here, 10 points (50%) will be deducted for not following directions. Graduate students should follow directions, right?

Question 6.

Here is where recommendations should link to critical issues identified in the management, organizational, and technological questions. All critical issues identified should be addressed. Incomplete identification and recommendations for critical issues may result in up to 10 points (50%) being deducted from the response.

Recommendations need to be actionable. “Hire staff” is not an actionable item. It is more of a suggestion, a general idea. Kind of like “you should go on vacation!” Where? When? How much will it cost? What were the alternatives? Why did you choose this one? 

Instead, think in specific terms that flesh out the response. For example, instead of “Hire staff” the client should “Immediately place ads in the following job sites: Indeed and Zip recruiter. Why? Because these sites have strong presences in the client’s location. What were the alternatives? Why were these chosen? These will be questions that will be expected to be answered. Recommendations that do not ‘flesh out’ responses with the details of alternatives and justifications for the recommendations made may be penalized up to 10 points (50%) for this response. 

All recommendations should be grounded in a reference. As stated below, references should be made in APA format. Not using APA references and formatting will result in 5 points (25%) being deducted from this response.

Finally all recommendations should link back to the case. Recommendations made that do not have clear ties to the case may be penalized up to 10 points (50%) for this response.

Case: Healthy Texan Medical Clinic

The Healthy Texan Medical Clinic in Middleberg, Texas has hired your company to consult on a major upgrade to its information systems used in its clinic. The clinic consists of 22 doctors working in general practice and specialty medicine. The clinic supports over 10,000 patients in the Middleburg area.  The clinic’s last systems upgrade occurred in 2002 and consists of outdated equipment and has limited networking and integration abilities.

The doctors and administration have hired you to study their practice and make recommendations on how they can improve their efficiency and effectiveness.  The main areas of functionality include:

Diagnostic: Doctors want their systems to integrate with medical systems that will help them improve patient diagnosis.  This may include easy access to specialized databases such as PDR (Physician Desk Reference) and other resources specific to their area of study. The doctors must have access to a patient’s complete medical record and they need software to increase their efficiency in charting.  Charting is the process of recording the interaction between the patient and the doctor, as well as recording any diagnosis, recommended treatment, lab work, or referral. 

In addition to internal documentation, the doctors would like easy ways to distribute electronic information to their patients about their diagnosis and recommended treatment plan.  Finally, doctors would like to be more mobile and interactive with their patients instead of tied to the PC in the examination room. The doctors recommend the use of mobile devices to use when moving from exam room to exam room.

Medical Records:  The clinic needs a sophisticated records system that stores a multitude of information about its patients.  In addition to the medical history of a patient, each visit, diagnosis, and treatment must be documented, insurance information must be stored, and payment information must be maintained.  The records system must be secure and meet all requirements of local, state, and federal privacy and security laws. The system must be able to securely transmit medical records to other users outside of the clinic, including other doctors that patients may be referred to, insurance companies, and any other authorized users of the patient’s medical information.  In addition to this, the clinic is interested in implementing a resource for its patients to allow the patient to view information about their medical history, current diagnosis, and instructions for their treatment plan(s).

Because the clinic has moved to digital imaging for many diagnostic tools in imaging (mammograms, CT scans, etc.), patients’ records are dramatically increasing in storage requirements and the system must be able to handle all current patients’ records for some time to come.  In addition to current patient records, the system must also maintain former patient medical records as required by law. 

Scheduling and Billing:  The system must be able to handle the scheduling of all patient appointments with doctors, lab work, and other diagnostic treatment such as imaging and physical therapy.  In addition to scheduling, the system will handle all of the financial transactions of the clinic. This includes, but is not limited to, patient billing, insurance claims, collections, purchasing, and inventory control.  The clinic is interested in improving the efficiency of its business staff and would be interested in systems that could maintain and order supplies automatically and could interact with other systems to decrease the amount of paperwork needed for processing of purchasing and insurance claims.

Additional Processes: The information in the clinic’s database is integral to the clinic’s business as well as the health of its patients.  The clinic needs your company to review current processes and recommend a plan that ensures the quality and safety of its databases.  The clinic’s current backup plan will need to be adapted to the new system installation and the clinic’s disaster recovery plan is out of date and has not been thoroughly reviewed in the past five years. 

Dr. Alex Who, the managing partner of the clinic, will be the contact for the initial stages of this project.  To begin the process, Dr. Who has been working with her internal IT department (7 personnel who mostly maintain workstations and servers) to prepare the clinic for the systems upgrade. On a day to day basis, the IT department reports to the senior managing partner, Dr. Bobby Oops, who founded the clinic. Dr. Who is the newest Managing Partner with the Clinic, and is serving as the contact with the consulting team because of her experience leading a system upgrade at another clinic in 2010.

The IT Director and Assistant IT Director were with the Clinic when the systems were upgraded in 2002. Since the last upgrade, they have been responsible for all maintenance patches and customizations (e.g., they  recently added an Ebola risk flag to the medical records system) to the current systems. Both the Director and Assistant Director understand the need to upgrade the systems at “some point in time”. However, they are both near retirement, and have recommended to Dr. Oops that the system upgrades should be delayed until they retire in 2018. The remaining employees in the IT department have very limited knowledge of the inner workings of the current systems.

Dr. Who has the following questions for members of your consulting team.

  1. Here, you should write a paragraph about how this is an original work; that you have not violated the honor code in any way. Tell me how it is appropriate to trust you, that your instructor is not a sucker for doing so, and how you believe in truth, honor, or some kind of value beyond ‘whatever it takes’…because ‘whatever it takes’ includes a lot of nasty things. (10 points)


  1. In addition to the information provided in the case, what additional information systems-related “reasonable” assumptions are you making related to Ms. Dogooder’s campaign? Note: “Reasonable” assumptions do not include that the organization has unlimited amounts of resources (e.g., money or personnel). To which specific question or questions (2 through 5 below) does each assumption pertain? Why are you making these assumptions? How do these assumptions add to the subsequent answers? (10 points)


  1. Define what management means in the context of inforamation systems. Based upon this definition, what are the most critical information systems-related management issues facing Ms. Dogooder’s campaign? Why? (20 points)


  1. Define what organization means in the context of information systems. Based upon this definition, what are the most critical information systems-related organizational issues facing Ms. Dogooder’s campaign? Why? (20 points)


  1. Define what technology means in the context of information systems. Based upon this definition, what are the most critical information systems-related technology issues facing Ms. Dogooder’s campaign? Why? (20 points)


  1. Based on the issues outlined in items 2, 3, and 4, what specific recommendations do you have for Ms. Dogooder to address the most critical information systems related issues? If you identified one or more issues in questions 2-5, what do you think I’m going to expect? Make sure that you identify SPECIFIC, ACTIONABLE items. (20 points)


NOTE: Make sure to cite all references used within this section. In addition, provide a complete list of references at the end of this section for all sources that you cite in support of your answers for Part II.  Your citations and references need to follow APA format. 

NOTE: Bold your answer (the contrast makes it easier to read).

NOTE: Be sure to reference “credible” electronic resources to support your responses and cite accordingly. Wikipedia may be used but should not be used without other sufficient supporting resources.

NOTE: Academic dishonesty on any section of the exam will result in automatically failing the entire exam.