Writers Solution

what makes the standard of living go up

Read each step of the assignment carefully and be sure to complete the bullet points for each step.

Complete each bullet point with detailed explanations. Don’t just list information quickly. Show

your mind working by providing explanations which prove you studied and understood the details of the lectures.

Don’t copy my sentences. Don’t use my sentences with just a few word changes. Write your own sentences. You may use words, phrases, and concepts from the lectures. But the sentences should be your own. That means your sentences should clearly be distinct from mine – in order to show your mind working.

Re-read your writing before submitting your work. Look for mistakes and unclear sentences to fix. The more time you invest in your writing, the more your writing will express your intelligence.

Here’s the assignment for Response Paper #3:

Write an essay completing the four steps below. Make sure your essay is based exclusively on studying the assigned lectures on Blackboard in the “Industrialization” folder.

➢Do NOT use the Internet or other sources.➢Do NOT use Artificial Intelligence – including translation technology – to write your paper.

1) Write a paragraph on industrialization which explains

• what makes the standard of living go up• why some societies are underdeveloped and others are developed • how a society produces value• what the “self-sustaining growth of capitalism” means

2) Write a paragraph discussing energy transitions. Be sure to

• identify three energy transitions in the history of industrialization, including dates • explain what an energy transition is• explain why energy transitions are important

3) Imagine I have an uncle who earned a good salary working for a camera company. But then my uncle lost his job about ten years ago. He was laid off. Write a paragraph

explaining how my uncle losing his job could be related to economic progress

discussing three other examples in the history of industrialization in which job loss is related to

economic progress, including dates

explaining why economic progress is multi-dimensional

4) Imagine Ms. Martinez is running for the presidency. Her campaign slogan is “Everyone Wins.” Her main point is that she has “a plan to create jobs which will benefit everyone.” She gives some details about “investing” money in “new technology,” “green energy,” and “artificial intelligence.” Based on studying the lectures, write a paragraph explaining


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When performing calculations, standard rounding rules apply. If the number to the right of the decimal is less than 5, round down to the nearest whole number

Submit your answers on a Word document, with the heading of Week 5 Assignment. For the questions requiring a written response, answer directly on the assignment and adhere to proper grammar and syntax, and provide references. For the questions requiring calculations, show all of your work and follow the format that has been provided for the calculations in the lesson for Week 5. In addition, further explanations and formulas on the break-even analysis are contained in the required reading resources. Key points for calculations When performing calculations, standard rounding rules apply. If the number to the right of the decimal is less than 0.5, round down to the nearest whole number, e.g., 33.4 = 33 If the number to the right of the decimal is 0.5 or greater, round up to the nearest whole number, e.g. 33.5 =34. Read the question carefully. Pay close attention to the units be asked and keep them consistent. For example, days vs months vs years; charges vs contribution margin; dollars vs percentage Provide ALL formulas with references. Designate which formula associates with which source. It is not sufficient to simply list the source at the beginning of the section. Write out the formula used BEFORE filling in the numbers. Formulas used should be taken from one of the required resources for this course.

Week 5: Break-even Analysis

Assignment Guidelineswith Scoring Rubric


The purpose of this assignment is to:

To provide learners with the opportunity todevelop break-even-analysisskills.

Total Points Possible:  100


Answer the questions and complete the calculations required for the assignment.

Submit your answers on a Word document,with the heading of Week 5Assignment.  For the questions requiring a written response, please adhere to proper grammar and syntax, and provide references.  For the questions requiring calculations, show all your work and follow the format that has been provided for the calculations in the lesson for Week 5.

1. When performing calculations, standard rounding rules apply. If the number to the right of the decimal is less than 5, round down to the nearest whole number, e.g., 33.4 = 33 If the number to the right of the decimal is 5 or greater, round up to the nearest whole number, e.g. 33.5 =34.

2. Read the question carefully. Pay close attention to the units be asked and keep them consistent. For example, hours vs FTEs; days vs months vs years.

3. Provide ALL formulas with references. Designate which formula associates with which source. It is not sufficient to simply list the source at the beginning of the section. Write out the formula used BEFORE filling in the numbers.Formulas used should be taken from one of the required resources for this course.

Example: Total Contribution Margin (CM) = (CM) category 1 + CM cat 2 + CM 3

Leger, J.M. & Dunham-Taylor, J. (2018). Financial management for nurse managers: Merging the heart with the dollar, 4th Ed. Burlington, MA: Jones-Bartlett.


Preparing the paper

Break-Even Analysis Case Study

You and several of your colleague business partners have decided to establish an outpatient fertility clinic in your service area. All of you are very familiar with this patient population base, have completed an extensive market analysis thatdemonstrated a great need for the service, and are comfortable with setting up a business and the costs associated with this special group of patients.

As part of the business plan, you and your partners will need to convince stakeholders that this new service endeavor will be viable. They will want to know how many patients visits annually will need to occur and how long it will take for the service to be at least cost neutral or profitable. To provide them with this information you will perform a break-even analysis. Use the following data, conduct the analysis accounting for the contribution margin of each patient acuity category.

  • Fixed Costs: $9,788,000 (start-costs, specialty physicians, anesthesiologists, APNs, staff

 nurses and other staff salaries, specialty equipment, other miscellaneous)

  • Variable costs: $500/patient visit (specialty equipment, oxygen supplies, other


  • Clinic days: Monday-Saturday- 312 days/year
  • Projected patient visits per year: 7488
  • Patient charges by patient acuity category:
    • Simple (15%)————$2000/visit
    • Moderate (60%)——–$6500/visit
    • Complex (25%)———$10,000/visit
Break-even Analysis Data Table
Acuity CategoryPercentage %Charge per VisitVisits per YearCharges per YearVisits per DayCharges per DayContribution Margin
Expected Total Daily Charges  
ExpectedTotal Daily Revenue 
Break Even point in days 
Break Even point in visits 
  1. Describe your approach to this case study. In addition to the numbers given, what do you need to know before you can calculate the break-even analysis?
  • Perform the calculations needed for the break-even analysis. Show your work, formulas used, and reference the formula. When calculating the patient visits per day, round to the nearest whole. After you’ve completed the calculations, record your results in the appropriate place in the table.
  • How many patient visits are expected per day?
  • What is the contribution margin of each category of patient?
Approach to Break-Even Analysis55%Approach to Break-even analysis is clearly articulated and contains elements needed to address the scenario
Calculate the number of patients/category served per year and day.1515%Number of patients served by the fertility clinic is correctly calculated per year and day for each type/category. Formulas are correctly shown, used, and referenced. Calculations are shown
Calculate the contribution margin for each patient category3030%For each of the three patient/categories the contribution margin is correctly calculated. Formulas are correctly shown, used, and referenced. Calculations are shown.
Calculate the number of days to break-even.1010%Time to break-even in days is correctly calculated. Formulas are correctly shown, used, and referenced. Calculations are shown
Calculate the break-even quantity (number of visits).1515%The break-even quantity (number of visits) is correctly calculated. Formulas are correctly shown, used, and referenced. Calculations are shown.
Analysis of break-even analysis2020%Break-even analysis is clearly articulated. Includes elements potential for viability and profitability of service, recommendation for continuing the business. Specific data from the analysis is used to support your interpretation.
Writing conventions, format, and reference citations55%Writing is clear concise without grammatical and spelling errors. All references are correctly cited (if applicable) and written.
  100100A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria  Outstanding or highest level of performance  Very good or high level of performance  Competent or satisfactory level of performancePoor or failing level of performance  Unsatisfactory level of performance
Content Possible Points = 100 Points           
Approach to Break-Even Analysis5 Points 0 Points
Calculate the number of patients per category served at the fertility clinic per year and per day.15 Points105 0 Points
Number of patients served per year and per day is correctly calculated for each patient category served at the fertility clinic.2/3 categories correctly calculated1/3 of categories correctly calculatedAll categories incorrectly calculated
Calculate the contribution margin for each type of patient served at the fertility clinic.30 Points2010 0 Points
Contribution margin for all category types are correctly calculatedContribution margin for 2/3 category types are correctly calculatedContribution margin for 1/3 category types are correctly calculatedContribution margins for all category types are incorrectly  calculated
Calculate the number of days to break-even point.15 Points 0 Points
Number of days to break-even is correct.Number of days to break even is incorrect
Calculate the break-even quantity (number of visits)10 Points 0 Points
Number of visits to break even is correctNumber of visits to break even is incorrect.
Analysis of break-even analysis20 Points15 Points10 Points5 Points0 Points
Break-even analysis is clearly articulated. Includes elements potential for viability and profitability of service, recommendation for continuing the business. Specific data from the analysis is used to support your interpretation.3/4 of all elements of break-even analysis are present and correct.1/2 of all elements of break-even analysis are present and correct.1/4 of all elements of break-even analysis is present and correct.All elements of break-even analysis are missing or incorrect.
Writing conventions, format, references5 Points3 points1 point 0 points
Writing is clear and concise, contains no grammatical and spelling errors. All references are correctly cited (if applicable) and written.2/3 of elements are present and correct1/3 of elements is present and correctAll elements of writing conventions  are missing or incorrect.
Content Subtotal  of 100 points
Total Points  _____of  points
Writers Solution

Tiffany, Unilever Create New Standard for Supply Chain

Part 1 

  1. Write an initial response to the following key question(s) or prompt(s):
    1. In Workshop Two, you will be exploring ways to improve global supply chains through transparency. Refer the below article Tiffany, Unilever Create New Standard for Supply Chain.
  1. What are ethical pitfalls in the global supply chain that Tiffany is seeking to avoid?
  2. What are Tiffany’s ethical challenges mediation strategies that your company should consider before deciding to initiate a low-cost country outsourcing model?
  3. Why did you select these challenges and their mediations? Provide a one or two sentence explanation for each.

Part 2 

Ezekiel 34:18 (ESV) Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture, that you must tread down with your feet the rest of our pasture; and to drink of clear water, that you must muddy the rest of the water with your feet?

Elaborate on the above topic with few major points

Need part 1 and part 2 answered with two each references and part 1 (250-300 words) and part 2 (100 words)




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Standard Plot Structure: Introduction

Create a personal narrative. This narrative needs to be nonfiction but may have fictional elements if you so choose. It must be 3-6 pages in length. Three pages means at least 3/4 of the third page must be filled to complete the page requirement. Please abide by the guidelines in your syllabus for any additional formatting. When creating the paper, please keep in mind the ideas from class: 1. Standard Plot Structure: Introduction, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Conclusion 2. Dramatization: Setting, Character, Action, Method, Motive 3. Description: This includes sensory elements, color, weather, and imagery Remember, the key to good detail is Show Don’t Tell. Also, it may be helpful to keep in mind the other rule of thumb: The most important parts in the narrative get the most description. NOTE: The rough draft of this will be for peer review. You will need at least two copies of your paper for the small group peer review. This means that you will be getting into small groups and the group members will read your narrative and give you suggestions on how to improve your paper. As a writer you may also bring up trouble spots that you are having in your narrative and ask for specific help. This does not mean that you can come to class with brief notes and not a fully formed paper and ask for help. You must have at least two copies of your 3-6 page narrative present for the review




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Determine the “know” and “do” for your content standard.

The purpose of this Assignment is to get you thinking about your Five-day Instructional Unit, which will be due in Unit 6. You should plan to work on your Instructional Unit a little bit each week.

For this Assignment, think about the topic and learning objectives of your Five-day Instructional Unit. You may want to orient your curriculum around a theme (e.g., “change” or the relationship between individual and society; themes that are important in many academic disciplines); an entity (e.g., a literary text or an event or trend); a skill (e.g., conjugating verbs or understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem), or a sensibility (e.g., understanding and appreciating “perspective” in drawing). Do not be afraid to think “outside the box” for your discipline. Consider units that are oriented in non-traditional ways (e.g., a social studies unit not based on an event but on the acquisition of map-reading skills. Alternatively, a Language Arts unit based not on the entity of a book but on a particular theme, etc.).

Before you begin your Assignment, view this interaction about writing objectives.

Include the following information in your plan and use the Unit 1 Assignment template to complete it: attached

Decide on a central focus or theme for your Instructional Unit. The topic should be from the primary academic curriculum.
Select the content standard(s) that are related to your topic/theme.
Determine the “know” and “do” for your content standard.
Determine the necessary vocabulary in order to understand the standard.
Include as many learning objectives in your plan warranting 5 days of instruction. These important learning objectives will become your lesson topics and should include concepts, principles, and skills encompassed in your topic/theme.
Identify each type of learning objective (Thinking, Content, or Product).

Unit 1 Assignment TemplateBlack and gold Purdue University Global logo

Assignment Directions:


For this Assignment, think about the central focus for the learning segment. You may want to orient your curriculum around a theme (e.g., “change” or the relationship between individual and society; themes that are important in many academic disciplines); an entity (e.g., a literary text or an event or trend); a skill (e.g., conjugating verbs or understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem), or a sensibility (e.g., understanding and appreciating “perspective” in drawing). Do not be afraid to think “outside the box” for your discipline. Consider units that are oriented in non-traditional ways (e.g., a social studies unit not based on an event but on the acquisition of map-reading skills. Alternatively, a Language Arts unit based not on the entity of a book but on a particular theme, etc.).

Include the following information in your plan:

  • Decide on a central focus or theme for your Five-day Instructional Unit. The topic should be from the primary academic curriculum.
  • Select the content standard(s) that are related to your topic/theme.
  • Include as many learning objectives in your plan warranting 5 days of instruction. These important learning objectives, which will become your lesson topics, should include concepts, principles, and skills encompassed in your topic/theme.
  • Create learning objectives for the unit that are student-centered/thinking-centered and state what students will know (concepts that they will understand) and be able to do (skills) by the end of each day.

Use the template below to complete your Five-day Instructional Unit.

Instructional Plan

Central Focus: (Decide on a broad topic or theme for your Five-day Instructional Unit. The topic should be from the primary academic curriculum.)

<Erase this and type your topic here.>

Content Standard(s)(type it out exactly as worded):    
Look at your content standard above, review what it is asking them to do? What do they need to know in order to master the standard? (terms, facts, formulas, events, procedures, etc.)    
Look at your standard above and asking yourself that question…”what do they need to be able to do?” (big ideas, concepts, principles, “how’s and whys”)    
What TERMS will students need to know? (vocabulary)  
Now that you have determined the “know” and “do” from the above content standard, break it up into five days of instruction. If your standard can be accomplished in a day or two, then complete the process above for the next sequential standard and continue the process until you have five days’ worth of instructional goals.
Five Day Learning ObjectivesWhat students know…?     (Explain what students will know by the end of the day)What students will be able to do…?   (Explain what the students will be able to do by the end of the day)Type of Learning Objective:   Thinking Skill Content Objective Product Objective  
Learning Objective Day 1:   
Learning Objective Day 2   
Learning Objective Day 3   
Learning Objective Day 4   
Learning Objective Day 5   




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content standard from the Common Core Standards

Topic 2: Instructional Goals

In Chapters 1-3, the focus is on designing instruction by first determining what students will be able to know and do at the end of the instructional lesson and/or unit. Through this instructional design method, you determine what the demonstrated student learning will look like and the measures to help share that determination with your students. Objectives are statements of what students will know and be able to do after they have learned what we intend them to learn.

In the Discussion this week, you will discuss the importance of the learning objective selection, how to unpack the learning objective in order to determine performance outcomes, and identification of performance levels demonstrating student mastery.

In the Discussion, respond to the following questions:

How do you select a learning objective for your weekly instruction?
Identify a content standard from the Common Core Standards (
for your class or area of study.
How do you unpack the learning objective or content standard (steps, stages, strategies)?
What are important factors in identifying student performance outcomes for the content standard?
How do you determine the smaller learning objectives (subtasks) inside a larger one?
What steps do you take to make sure all portions of the learning objectives are included in the daily or weekly plans?
How do you communicate the learning objective or content standard to your students?
How do you know that students have mastered the learning objective or content standard?

Discussion 2

Feedback and Technology Tools

Providing effective feedback to students is essential in supporting their growth and guiding their progress. You want to be able to provide feedback to help your learners understand their strengths, areas of weakness and what they need to do to plan to achieve their next levels of performance. Share with your classmates how you might use one of the following feedback methods in your Five-day Instructional Unit:

Social construction
Instructive coaching
One-on-One Feedback
Group feedback
Student ledconferences
Consultancy models
Student reflection
Share when you would use it in your Five-day Instructional Unit, what format you would use (individual, small group, large group, written, etc.), and the benefit it will have to foster student performance growth.

Technology can be a useful and efficient tool to provide feedback to students. Research one technology tool that can be used to provide feedback to students and share your finding in the Discussion Board. Post the following:

The tool that you found (include a URL link to the tool).
How it supports student learning during the feedback loop.
How you might use this technology tool in your Five-day Instructional Unit.

Discussion 4.1
Designing learning activities requiring teachers to break down the process of thinking into stages. Interactive teaching is about instructing students in a way that they are actively involved in their own learning process. There are different ways to create involvement through:

Teacher-student interaction
Student-student interaction
The use of audio, visuals, video
Hands-on demonstrations and exercises
The goal with developing activities that access knowledge, engage learners, and promote deep thinking is to get students moving, thinking, and responding. Experiential learning activities help students remain focused and are less likely to become bored. Students learn faster and boost engagement thus accelerating and improving retention.

In this week’s Discussion Board, you will research and then present three interactive teaching processes that engage all students. Share the activity and the benefits the activity has for the students. Share the URL and/or resource where your activity was found.

Discussion 4.2
Topic 2: Differentiated Instruction

Within each classroom, there are a variety of learning styles, learning modalities, and needs that cause teachers to differentiate their instruction. Differentiation deals with the Content, Process, Product, and Learning Environment. Before you continue, take a few minutes and watch this Learning Activity.

As you think of your Five-day Instructional Unit and the learners that are in your classroom, identify a specific learner or small group of learners who you will need to provide differentiated instruction for within this environment. In the Discussion Board share:

The specific needs of the identified learner or group of learners.
How will you address them through addressing the content, process, product and learning environment and what specific things will you do?
How will you guide and monitor the students through the five days of instruction and what specific instructional strategies will you have in place in order to support their successful mastery of the learning objectives?




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National/State Learning Standards – list the geometry standard from the Assessment Analysis Action Plan

Assessment Description: National/State Learning Standards – list the geometry standard from the Assessment Analysis Action Plan

After analyzing assessment data to understand patterns and gaps in learning, the next step in instructional planning is to develop lessons that integrate the information to create appropriate learning experiences.

For this assignment, select a topic from your Assessment Analysis Action Plan to create a single lesson plan using the “COE Lesson Plan Template.”

Focus on the following:

National/State Learning Standards – list the geometry standard from the Assessment Analysis Action Plan

Specific Learning Objectives –  aligned to selected standard

Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology – including a rationale for how resources provide differentiated learning experiences

Anticipatory Set – including rationale for how student interest and prior knowledge are integrated

Multiple Means of Representation – including rationale for how assessment data was used to adapt the planning and instruction for differentiated learning

Multiple Means of Expression – including rationale and modifications for how the assessments in the lesson plan can be used to monitor and adjust instruction and create diverse learning experiences 

Review this lesson plan with your mentor teacher prior to implementing it in Clinical Field Experience C.


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CASP Randomised Controlled Trial Standard

11 questions to help you make sense of a randomised controlled trial (RCT)
Main issues for consideration: Several aspects need to be considered when appraising a randomised controlled trial:
Is the basic study design valid for a randomised controlled trial? (Section A)
Was the study methodologically sound? (Section B)
What are the results? (Section C)
Will the results help locally? (Section D)
The 11 questions in the checklist are designed to help you think about these aspects systematically.
How to use this appraisal tool: The first three questions (Section A) are screening questions about the validity of the basic study design and can be answered quickly. If, in light of your responses to Section A, you think the study design is valid, continue to Section B to assess whether the study was methodologically sound and if it is worth continuing with the appraisal by answering the remaining questions in Sections C and D.
Record ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘Can’t tell’ in response to the questions. Prompts below all but one of the questions highlight the issues it is important to consider. Record the reasons for your answers in the space provided. As CASP checklists were designed to be used as educational/teaching tools in a workshop setting, we do not recommend using a scoring system.
About CASP Checklists: The CASP RCT checklist was originally based on JAMA Users’ guides to the medical literature 1994 (adapted from Guyatt GH, Sackett DL and Cook DJ), and piloted with healthcare practitioners. This version has been updated taking into account the CONSORT 2010 guideline (, accessed 16 September 2020).
Citation: CASP recommends using the Harvard style, i.e., Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (2021). CASP (insert name of checklist i.e. Randomised Controlled Trial) Checklist. [online] Available at: insert URL. Accessed: insert date accessed.
©CASP this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution – Non-Commercial- Share A like. To view a copy of this licence, visit
Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) Part of OAP Ltd
Study and citation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Section A: Is the basic study design valid for a randomised controlled trial?

  1. Did the study address a clearly focused research question?
    • Was the study designed to assess the outcomes of an intervention?
    • Is the research question ‘focused’ in terms of:
    • Population studied
    • Intervention given
    • Comparator chosen
    • Outcomes measured? Yes No Can’t tell
  2. Was the assignment of participants to interventions randomised?
    • How was randomisation carried out? Was the method appropriate?
    • Was randomisation sufficient to eliminate systematic bias?
    • Was the allocation sequence concealed from investigators and participants?
    Yes No Can’t tell
  3. Were all participants who entered the study accounted for at its conclusion?
    • Were losses to follow-up and exclusions after randomisation accounted for?
    • Were participants analysed in the study groups to which they were randomised (intention-to-treat analysis)?
    • Was the study stopped early? If so, what was the reason?
    Yes No Can’t tell

Section B: Was the study methodologically sound?
• Were the participants ‘blind’ to intervention they were given?
• Were the investigators ‘blind’ to the intervention they were giving to participants?
• Were the people assessing/analysing outcome/s ‘blinded’?
Yes No Can’t tell

  1. Were the study groups similar at the start of the randomised controlled trial?
    • Were the baseline characteristics of each study group (e.g. age, sex, socio-economic group) clearly set out?
    • Were there any differences between the study groups that could affect the outcome/s? Yes No Can’t tell
  2. Apart from the experimental intervention, did each study group receive the same level of care (that is, were they treated equally)?
    • Was there a clearly defined study protocol?
    • If any additional interventions were given (e.g. tests or treatments), were they similar between the study groups?
    • Were the follow-up intervals the same for each study group? Yes No Can’t tell
    Section C: What are the results?
  3. Were the effects of intervention reported comprehensively?

• Was a power calculation undertaken?
• What outcomes were measured, and were they clearly specified?
• How were the results expressed? For binary outcomes, were relative and absolute effects reported?
• Were the results reported for each outcome in each study group at each follow-up interval?
• Was there any missing or incomplete data?
• Was there differential drop-out between the study groups that could affect the results?
• Were potential sources of bias identified?
• Which statistical tests were used?
• Were p values reported? Yes No Can’t tell

  1. Was the precision of the estimate of the intervention or treatment effect reported?
    • Were confidence intervals (CIs) reported? Yes No Can’t tell
  2. Do the benefits of the experimental intervention outweigh the harms and costs?
    • What was the size of the intervention or treatment effect?
    • Were harms or unintended effects reported for each study group?
    • Was a cost-effectiveness analysis undertaken? (Cost-effectiveness analysis allows a comparison to be made between different interventions used in the care of the same condition or problem.) Yes No Can’t tell
    Section D: Will the results help locally?
  3. Can the results be applied to your local population/in your context?
    • Are the study participants similar to the people in your care?
    • Would any differences between your population and the study participants alter the outcomes reported in the study?
    • Are the outcomes important to your population?
    • Are there any outcomes you would have wanted information on that have not been studied or reported?
    • Are there any limitations of the study that would affect your decision? Yes No Can’t tell
  4. Would the experimental intervention provide greater value to the people in your care than any of the existing interventions?
    • What resources are needed to introduce this intervention taking into account time, finances, and skills development or training needs?
    • Are you able to disinvest resources in one or more existing interventions in order to be able to re-invest in the new intervention?
    Yes No Can’t tell

APPRAISAL SUMMARY: Record key points from your critical appraisal in this box. What is your conclusion about the paper? Would you use it to change your practice or to recommend changes to care/interventions used by your organisation? Could you judiciously implement this intervention without delay?


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Risk Management” Standard deviation and Beta

Problem: 1 Calculate Standard Deviation for S&P 500 and the four funds listed : 40 points

Problem: 2 Calculate Beta for the four funds 40 points


Percent (%) changes in values in years 2003 through 2012   Fund-1Fund-2Fund-3 Fund-4
year S&P indexsmall cap stock fundLarge cap Bond fundLarge cap stock fundHybrid Fund : Includes Both stocks and bonds
Problem 1Standard Dev?????
Problem 2BETABase line????

Problem 3: For each scenario explain, based on the data above and risk parameters assessment (STD deviation and beta) which funds would you recommend and explain why? 40 points

  1. Jack would like to make on average 8 % return but is uncomfortable with major drops. Any drop over 15 % in one year makes him nervous.
  2. Jill is very nervous investor and even a 10 % drop makes her very uncomfortable.
  3. Jane is young and comfortable riding the market over next 30 years.





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Leadership is the ability to guide others to a standard desired goal by motivating them, inspiring them, having a vision, and making others see it


One post written in response to fellow learners’ post and is between 100-150 words. Response is substantive insightful and contain at least one reference


Leadership is the ability to guide others to a standard desired goal by motivating them, inspiring them, having a vision, and making others see it, be it your peers or your clients (Marshall& Broome 2017). The discipline and art of guiding, motivating, inspiring, and moving a group or organization to achieve a common goal can be summed as leadership (Marshall, 2011, p. 2). To be a leader, you don’t need to have a designated position. Managers are more focused on staff members’ daily operations and supervision and usually are not involved in direct patient care.

Managers are appointed in their position and require to perform their designated jobs. Managers primarily focus on organizations and the formal process of the organization rather than the individual character (Marshall, 2011). A boss manages the employees and is more interested in getting the work completed. Bosses are task-oriented, focuses on profits and structure. Followers are an essential part of the organization as the success of an organization, project, or process depends on the followers. Successful followership requires active participation in achieving organizational goals.

According to Marshall (2011), leadership requires commitment, communication, creativity, credibility, and managing people, resources, and information. As the health care system is constantly changing and as change is the only constant in our complex health care system, it is only through tenacity and perseverance one can become an exceptional leader. Nurses must assume a transformational leadership role in increasing the healthcare system’s quality, safety, access, and value.

By embracing innovation, we ensure to prevent patient harm and promote safety for our patients. With innovation, we can ensure that healthcare providers and systems are up to date on new and emerging technologies that optimize patient care, minimize errors and prevent harm. The organization can successfully implement and sustain the change using innovative measures like electronic health records by transformational leadership.

Marshall, E. S. (2011). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (1st ed.). Springer publishing company.

Sensmeier, Joyce MS, RN-BC, CPHIMS, FHIMSS, FAAN Cultivating a culture of innovation, Nursing Management (Springhouse): November 2019 – Volume 50 – Issue 11 – p 6-12 DOI: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000602800.19443.68





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