Writers Solution

Anomie and Strain Theory

Criminology Discussion unit 4

1. According to Anomie and Strain Theory, crime is caused by culturally defined goals being unachievable for groups of people with insufficient means. Would there be less crime if the goals set for lower class people were lower?  Would setting goals lower for some segments of the population be fair?  Who should have the power to determine what goals should be and for whom?

2. In Delinquency and Opportunity, it is argued that the course of delinquency is dependent upon skills and opportunities.  Do you agree with this?  How is this similar or different from social learning theory (prior chapter) where it is argued crime is learned?

3.Crime and the American Dream argues that imbalances in the power held social institutions causes crime, specifically that economic institutions possess too much power in defining goals and means.  Are people simply a blank sheet of paper where society defines everything?  Or are they individuals who make decisions and choose which social rewards to pursue?  Do you have friends or family who are not obsessed with material acquisition or does society really have that much control over pursuits?

4.Other than insanity, can all crime be rational? After discussing the question, provide an example where a criminal act seems irrational but actually is completely rational.

5.Should people be punished for what they did in the past?  Or what they might do in the future?  Phrased another way when punishing people are we addressing a past wrong or trying to prevent a future wrong?




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