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Network Administration Processes and Procedure Guide

The first step will be to select an organization as the target for your Network Administration Processes and Procedure Guide. This organization can be real or hypothetical, and it will be used as the basis for each of the assignments throughout the course. It should conform to the following guidelines:

  • Nontrivial: The selected organization should be large and should contain a network infrastructure that requires the implementation of network administration processes and procedures.
  • Domain knowledge: You should be familiar enough with the organization and typical network administration needs without significant time required for network administration research and education.
  • Accessibility: You should have good access to network administration officers and management in the organization

Network Administration Processes and Procedure Guide

Your Company Name

Network Administration Procedures and Processes Guide



Network Administration: IT642

Network Administration Processes and Procedure Guide

Table of Contents

Project Outline (Week 1) …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2

Company Profile ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

Architecture Evaluation (Week 1) …………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

Network Administration Processes Evaluation (Week 2) …………………………………………………………. 4

Network Administration Procedures Evaluation (Week 3) ……………………………………………………….. 5

Best Practices Evaluation (Week 4) …………………………………………………………………………………… 6

Network Administration Procedures and Processes Guide (Week 5) ………………………………………….. 7

References ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8


Your Company Name

Network Administration Processes and Procedure Guide

Project Outline (Week 1)

Company Profile

The Education Community Services Group (ECSG) has been leading the market in educational services enrollments the past five years. After reviewing proper data and statistics, the company needs to address issues in its response for better future requirements of the business. When the chief executive officer (CEO) noticed that something had to be done to respond to the competition from online and traditional campus-based education, he and the rest of the management team decided to instill confidence by transforming the current network administration architecture and information technology (IT) infrastructure to create a better network infrastructure and educational offerings. Revamping the IT network administration architecture is an important infrastructure improvement, and it will help transition an adequate network administration capability to the very latest-state-of-the-art technology standard.


Your Company Name

Network Administration Processes and Procedure Guide

Architecture Evaluation (Week 1)

Evaluate the current network administration architecture (NAA) for Education Community Services Group (ECSG). Develop a course of action based on the resources that NAA supports and are used at ECSG. As a consulting company, you need to discuss how you will automate the company as well as revamp its enterprise network administration architecture. Identify positive and negative aspects of the selected model in relation to the operational health of an organization. Further interviews, observation, visiting sites, questionnaires, or surveys may be needed as fact- finding analysis that will help in the NAA evaluation stage. After fact-finding is complete, the course of action is designed. Once the design is reported to ECSG, then other things such as price and charge or quotations should be set.

The network administration architecture has to be evaluated and then demonstrate the availability of a suitable network administration architecture. The company can outsource, design from scratch, buy already existing network hardware and software and configure it, or buy hardware and software off the shelf. The network administration architecture will run on the listed and needed hardware and software discussed the in the next section.

  • Table of Contents
  • Project Outline (Week 1)
  • Company Profile
  • Architecture Evaluation (Week 1)




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