Writers Solution

How would receiving a scholarship impact your educational goals?

ALL 250 WORDS Describe how you identified the need. How did you approach this creatively? Was this part of a group effort? If so, what individual role did you play?

Describe how you exercised initiative and took the lead to address a solution. Did you accept a leadership position because it was offered to you or did you seek out a leadership role to participate in this project? Were you part of a leadership team or did you take on the sole leadership role and supervise others?

* How did you apply academic/intellectual skills to complete the project? How difficult was this project? Who did you involve in the solution?

What was the outcome? Did your endeavor fail or succeed? Did you help others succeed? Did you fail? What did you learn from the endeavor? Illustrate your impact on others with data and numbers that quantify your outcome.

What was the most academically challenging endeavor you’ve ever engaged in? Please articulate and describe your process/project, challenges faced, lessons learned, and any tangible outcomes (e.g. publications produced, research or data that spurred action, etc.).

Examples may include:

  • Describe a research project you participated in.
  • Speak to a project you worked on that was published.
  • Share what you learned as part of an academic internship.
  • Discuss how an extra-curricular project ties in to your major and the work you hope to accomplish in your career.

How would receiving a scholarship impact your educational goals?

How much money do you spend each month on school (tuition payments, fees, books, etc. – do not include transportation costs)?




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