Writers Solution

What is the teacher’s perspectives on the effectiveness of RTI in preschool settings?

To prepare for writing the research proposal, identify a topic of personal and professional interest that is relevant to the early childhood field. Conduct an initial review of the literature and narrow your topic by discussing it with Faculty, colleagues, or fellow students.

Topic of choice – What is teacher perspectives on the effectiveness of RTI in preschool settings

Part 1- research proposal

The 10- to 15-page research proposal must include all of the following components, in order:

Title Page (1 page)

Abstract (1 page)

150- to 200-word summary of the proposal

Introduction (2–3 pages)

The introduction provides the reader with an overview of the literature related to the topic and justifies the need for the research study. The introduction is typically written after completing the literature review.

Your introduction should include:

Your research question and an explanation of the problem your question is designed to explore

A rationale for importance of this topic, including an explanation of the gap in the research literature that your topic will explore

Literature Review (3–6 pages)

discuss RTI strategies implications, effects, research etc.

The main purpose of a literature review is to synthesize current research related to your topic. In addition, the literature review is where you consider the implications of research that has already been published on your research question. Must also include the different RTI techniques

The literature review should include an:

Analysis of the context in which the problem is situated and current thinking about solutions, including the theoretical perspectives presented in the literature and a discussion of the research findings

Explanation of the implications of the research to your research question

Note: Your literature review must include a minimum of five highly relevant , up-to-date and credible resources.

Methodology and Data Collection (2–3pages).

Name the research design you will use (i.e., quantitative design, qualitative design, or mixed method design), and the reasons for your choice. If your study is quantitative or mixed methods, define the independent and dependent variables.Add examples base on US were you will use U.S based school data

Describe the study participant(s) and your sampling process. Discuss any sampling issues/challenges you might encounter.

Describe the data collection method(s) you will use—and what influenced your choice.

Describe any major ethical issue(s) you perceive for your study— and ways you will address ethics.

Describe the benefits, limitations, and challenges you perceive in your study.

References (1-2 pages)

Appendices pages

Part 2- sharing and reflection

The video presentation / PowerPoint must be 7 minutes and include an:

Introduction that explains your research question, how you arrived at the research question, and the methodology

Explanation of how this research can contribute to positive social change in the early childhood field




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