Writers Solution

The Latino Experience

Paper Exercise: – Reflection on the Course

The Latino Experience

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This is your final paper exercise. Please answer the questions in a one-page essay (exclusive of bibliographical references).  This paper should be type written, single spaced, font size of 12, and normal margins. Make sure to provide proper documentation (quotes, footnotes, examples) for your answer.  Papers will be evaluated on their structure, on their depth of analysis and insight, and on their use of course concepts, readings and film. The more you incorporate the assigned readings, documentaries/films, and lectures to your paper the stronger it will be.

Identify the most significant idea or moment of the class The Latino Experience.

Questions to think about:

– What was the most significant idea you learned in the class The Latino Experience, or what was the most powerful moment of your learning? Why?

– How has your perspective or understanding of the Latinos in the United States been changed, challenged, reinforced, or deepened due to this idea/moment?

– What is one way you intend to use or apply your learning in your future endeavors? Think how you will use your new knowledge as a future professional.

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