Writers Solution

FHOG to the HomeBuilder grant

 MicroeconomicsAssesses the understanding of the application of some of the knowledge garnered from the microeconomics part of the unit content to analyse real life situations.
Prepare a 2500 word research report. The report focuses on analysing the First Home Owners Grant (FHOG) and HomeBuilder Grant instituted by the Federal government of Australia during this COVID19 pandemic to boost individual demand and supply.
You are expected to critically evaluate the following statements and address the issues highlighted in the questions below.
1. What is FHOG?
1.1 How different is FHOG to the HomeBuilder grant?
1.2 Explain in detail the features of FHOG and HomeBuilder grant.
1.3 Compare and contrast FHOG with HomeBuilder grant
1.4 Explain which of these will be effective in boosting the demand and supply and how? You must draw and support your answer with suitable diagrams (must draw demand and supply diagrams and draw how they shift righrtward or leftward as a result of these grants) and explanations. Do not cut and paste graphs from diverse sources. We would require proper demand and supply diagrams.
2. Explain how the FHOG and HomeBuilder grant could influence the price elasticity of demand in the housing market. You must draw and use appropriate diagrams (must draw price elasticity of demand diagrams for both grants) to support your answer.
2.1 Discuss who benefits from these grants. You must draw and use appropriate diagrams to support your answer.
2.2 Explain the working of both elastic and inelastic demand and supply resulting from FHOG and HomeBuilder grant.
you must draw both elastic and inelastic demand and elastic and inelastic supply diagrams for both FHOG and hoebuilder grants separately and describe how diagrams change or shift left or rightwards as a result of these grants and explanations based on those diagrams to support your answer.
3. Do you think that stamp duty exemption given to first homebuyers could be effective by itself in helping to increase individual demand and supply?
You must draw demand and supply diagrams and use any other appropriate diagrams to support your answer and must discuss stamp suty exemption itself increase individual demands and supply.
3.1 What are the other recommendations you are able to provide through this report? You must draw and use appropriate diagrams to support your answer and write at least of five recommendations.
4. References (Minimum of 20)
(Note – You don’t need to write introductions and conclusion so just answer above questions. )

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