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ernest hemingways story

Research paper on ernest hemingways story: the problem of undesired pregnancy. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. For instance, there are a lot of disputes with pro and con arguments concerning the legalization of marihuana, animal deaths for the sake of scientific experiments, the problem of corruption or possible methods to reduce alcohol dependence, and others. Within the entire variety of such ‘everlasting’ matters, there is also one that causes considerable interest from the point of view of morality, ethics, social aspect, and medicine simultaneously. Its level of development can affect the demography and living standards of any country dramatically. This pressing issue manages to bring sometimes undesirable changes to people’s lives. And finally, the present query deals with human health conditions, which can be damaged irreparably if required preventive measures are not used in time. The problem which the present paper is dedicated to is the matter of abortions in modern society.

The world statistics show that the biggest percentage of women who are prone to obtain abortions goes to a group of girls under twenty-five years old. Over 60% of all medical procedures are done on women who have never been married (Henshaw and Kost 11). Moreover, only 7% of abortions happen due to rape or health problems, meanwhile, about 93% of all abortions are committed because of social reasons when a woman deliberately and consciously desires to get rid of unwanted babies.

Today the question about whether abortion is ethically right or wrong action still quite a controversial issue. Hence, in some states of the USA authorities provide financial assistance to insolvent women for enabling them to obtain the mentioned medical procedure. However, in some countries, such as Brazil, Peru, Bangladesh, Colombia, and Mexico, abortion has the official status of an illegal deed.

The matter of abortions from the view of ethics has been always a disputable notion among numerous philosophers. Jane English differentiates their own visions concerning the mentioned issue due to the stages of pregnancy.

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