Writers Solution

Domestic Violence amongst Women and Children

Assessment Details 

There are two components to this assessment.

1. Write a report that examines a social issue and presents an innovative, disruptive and critical social work response to bring about social change and social justice outcomes.(  Domestic Violence amongst Women and Children)

2. Pitch your innovative critical social work solution to your class audience in week 12. ‘Pitch It’ will be a simulated rapid fire presentation for a philanthropic funding grant. The intention of the presentation will be to secure a $1 million grant towards implementing your proposed approach.

Both components of the assessment should utilise a critical and innovative social work response to working with a population group which is experiencing a social issue.  Population groups experiencing social issues can include; refugee and asylum seekers, older adults, people with mental health issues, people with a disability, people who are unemployed, people who are homeless, people experiencing domestic violence, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Assessment Process/ Assessment criteria – Report

The report should include the following information:

1.       An examination of the social issue and the effects of the social issue on the population group using anti-oppressive language

2.       A historical context of the social issue including past strategies, programs and/ or policies that have been raised for addressing the issue

3.       Structural and critical policy analysis

4.       Power analysis and stakeholder identification demonstrating critical thinking

5.       Strategic and innovative critical social work practice response 

6.       A clear demonstration of the use of critical social work theory in responding to the social issue.

Academic writing criteria for the Report:

1.       It is expected that students follow a report style format (introduction, use of sub-headings, body, conclusion, with in-text citations and a reference list)

2.       Main ideas clearly and logically presented

3.       Referencing using APA (6th edition) conventions. Academic style guidelines followed as outlined in the learning support website

4.       Clarity of expression

5.       Word count is within + or – 10% of requirement

6.       Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation

Assessment Process/ Assessment criteria – Pitch it presentation

The “Pitch it” presentation should include the following:

1.       A brief summary of the challenge, issue or problem area (1 minute)

2.       A critical and innovative social work solution

3.       Explanation of how this solution will address the issue and why this response should be supported and funded

4.       Demonstrated ability to clearly and appropriately communicate with audience.

How to do well in Assessment Task 3

1.       Use all previous assessments as foundational to this last assessment piece

2.       Meet regularly and structure your meetings for effective learning and outcomes

Apply your learning to social work practice

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