Writers Solution

Virtual Museum Visit

This week, answer all three of the questions below. You should reference your book as well as online materials for the answers to these questions (remember to cite outside resources)Virtual Museum Visit. Your answers should be in essay format, be a minimum of three-five sentences each, and include at least three glossary terms per question.

   1. Visit the Google Art Project: Look at Hotel Room, a painting by Edward Hopper in the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza.
        Describe in formal terms how the strong verticals and horizontals securely hold the parts of the painting together. What does the diagonal of the bed provide? Now move close and examine the paint work. How do the near-architectural elements fit with the lush paint?
    2. Re-Read the article in this week chapter Art and Society, “Degenerate Art,” AND go online and watch the video “Art in Nazi Germany,” at SmartHistory (LINK: After reading the article in the book and watching the online video, and based on your understanding of the threat that ideas generated by the arts can have to repressive governments, what are your thoughts on something like this happening in the United States? Do you think in our current information-saturated culture that the arts still have the ability to sway popular opinion?

Textbook Kleiner, F. S. (2016). Gardner\’s art through the age: A global history. (15th ed.) Boston, MA: Wadsworth/ Cengage Learning.
ISBN: 9781285754994

    Review Chapter 29 in your textbook

3.    Identify and Detail: Thomas Hart Benton, Pioneer Days and Early Settlers Painting. The following website is the pictures.


    Who is the artist?
    Which movement does this represent and why?
    What is the subject of this work?

Glossary Terms

    Analytic Cubism

Virtual Museum Visit
        -The first phase of Cubism, developed jointly by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, in which the artists analyzed form from every possible vantage point to combine the various views into one pictorial whole.

    Art Deco
       – Descended from Art Nouveau, this movement of the 1920s and 1930s sought to upgrade industrial design in competition with \”fine art\” and to work new materials into decorative patterns that could be either machined or handcrafted. Characterized by streamlined, elongated, and symmetrical design.

    Avant-garde Virtual Museum Visit
        -French, \”advance guard\” (in a platoon). Late-19th- and 20th-century artists who emphasized innovation and challenged established convention in their work. Also used as an adjective.

       – A school of architecture in Germany in the 1920s under the aegis of Walter Gropius, who emphasized the unity of art, architecture, and design.

       – A composition made by combining on a flat surface various materials, such as newspaper, wallpaper, printed text and illustrations, photographs, and cloth.

       – An early-20th-century Russian art movement formulated by Naum Gabo, who built up his sculptures piece by piece in space instead of carving or modeling them. In this way the sculptor worked with \”volume of mass\” and \”volume of space\” as different materials.

       – An early-20th-century art movement that rejected naturalistic depictions, preferring compositions of shapes and forms abstracted from the conventionally perceived world. See also Analytic Cubism and Synthetic Cubism.

        -An early-20th-century art movement prompted by a revulsion against the horror of World War I. Dada embraced political anarchy, the irrational, and the intuitive. A disdain for convention, often enlivened by humor or whimsy, is characteristic of the art the Dadaists produced.

    De Stijl
        -Dutch, \”the style.\” An early-20th-century art movement (and magazine), founded by Piet Mondrian and Theo van Doesburg, whose members promoted utopian ideals and developed a simplified geometric style.

    Der Blaue Reiter
        -German, \”the blue rider.\” An early-20th-century German Expressionist art movement founded by Vassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc. The artists selected the whimsical name because of their mutual interest in the color blue and horses.

    Die Brücke
        -German, \”the bridge.\” An early-20th-century German Expressionist art movement under the leadership of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. The group thought of itself as the bridge between the old age and the new.

    Expressionism (adj. Expressionist)
       – Twentieth-century art that is the result of the artist\’s unique inner or personal vision and that often has an emotional dimension. Expressionism contrasts with art focused on visually describing the empirical world.

        -French, \”wild beasts.\” See Fauvism.

       – An early-20th-century art movement led by Henri Matisse. For the Fauves, color became the formal element most responsible for pictorial coherence and the primary conveyor of meaning.

        -An early-20th-century Italian art movement that championed war as a cleansing agent and that celebrated the speed and dynamism of modern technology.

    Naturalistic Surrealism
       – A successor to Dada, Surrealism incorporated the improvisational nature of its predecessor into its exploration of the ways to express in art the world of dreams and the unconscious. Biomorphic Surrealists, such as Joan Miró, produced largely abstract compositions. Naturalistic Surrealists, notably Salvador Dalí, presented recognizable scenes transformed into a dream or nightmare image.

        -The Dutch artist Piet Mondrian\’s theory of \”pure plastic art,\” an ideal balance between the universal and the individual using an abstract formal vocabulary.

      –  A composition made by pasting together pictures or parts of pictures, especially photographs. See also collage.

       – The incorporation in early-20th-century Western art of stylistic elements from the artifacts of Africa, Oceania, and the native peoples of the Americas.

       – A 20th-century American art movement that portrayed American rural life in a clearly readable, realist style. Major Regionalists include Grant Wood and Thomas Hart Benton.

       – A successor to Dada, Surrealism incorporated the improvisational nature of its predecessor into its exploration of the ways to express in art the world of dreams and the unconscious. Biomorphic Surrealists, such as Joan Miró, produced largely abstract compositions. Naturalistic Surrealists, notably Salvador Dalí, presented recognizable scenes transformed into a dream or nightmare image.

    Synthetic Cubism
        A later phase of Cubism, in which paintings and drawings were constructed from objects and shapes cut from paper or other materials to represent parts of a subject, in order to engage the viewer with pictorial issues, such as figuration, realism, and abstraction.

    Trompe l\’oeil
       – French, \”fools the eye.\” A form of illusionistic painting that aims to deceive viewers into believing that they are seeing real objects rather than a representation of those objects

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Art: Virtual Museum Visit

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Qz. # 1: Google Art Project

            The use of the horizontals and verticals secured the painting together and looking at them made the picture look real. The diagonal made the bed look like an old wooden bed. A keen look at the paint and the artist use of dull colors makes it look so dull, unexciting and depicting a depressive mood. A further deep analysis of the picture depicts a woman who is hurting inside as seen from body language and the facial expression.

The overall analysis of the whole painting, the presentation of the room, its arrangement, it shows that probably an old era. The painting represents a depression era and the use of the near-architectural elements fits with lush painting depicted by the type of floor and room.

Qz. #2: Degenerate Art

            After the Nazi took power in Germany, two exhibitions were organized in order to show the artist representation in the country. The first exhibition took place few years after Nazi took power in 1937 and the art represented the work that were approved by Hitler. The major paintings represented nude blonde-haired women women, idealized soldiers and landscapes. However, a second exhibition would be done, few years after the first one and the Nazi described them as “degenerate” a term they used to express their dislike.

            According to the wish of Hitler, he wanted art that would be understood easily without some accompanying graffiti (Burns, 2013). However, in the same art exhibition that took place in Munich, it represented expressionism and abstract work, where most of the paintings were meant to mock the Nazi regime and its soldiers. Furthermore, the artists developed the art in order to represent an evil plot against the German people. Although some of the paintings were destroyed, the exhibition attracted huge viewers across the country.

            In view of the threat that such paintings pose in oppressive regimes, the case could be different if such exhibitions were to take place in the United States. Although the reaction would be different in terms of the viewers, I believe such exhibitions would have less force to sway the popular opinion. More importantly, there are many sources of information and the presence of the more powerful social media would render such an exhibition less powerful than when it was used in the past. It appears that the early artists used their creative art to represent what was happening and that which affected the public. Such was a success that the exhibitions would attract many people.

Qz. #3: Thomas Hart Benton, Pioneer Days and Early Settlers Painting           The art “Pioneer Days and Early Settlers Painting” were done by Thomas H. Benson, a regionalist movement artist. His early work was characterized by fierce criticism. His pioneer work centered on Iowa before later he laid his attention to his native Missouri (Kleiner, 2008, pg. 890). One of his major arts was the mural, where he depicted a history of the Missouri featuring art that represented the ancient political meetings, the……………………………………………….Virtual Museum Visit…

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