Writers Solution

Middle Adulthood

The subject is Psychology

The topic is :Middle Adulthood
In this discussion, you will explore middle adulthood and the concepts of mid-life crisis or reflection. The purpose of this discussion is to encourage you and your classmates to reflect on this topic and foster a conversation that illuminates the concepts in this module.
InstructionsPost your response to either option A or B in the forum with an appropriate subject line that includes which option you have chosen. Respond to a least two other student posts, either offering comparisons if you did the same option, or furthering the discussion with questions or research suggestions if you chose a different option.
A)    How do proponents of the mid-life crisis and the life events perspective approach middle age differently? What are some stereotypes of mid-life crisis in men and women? Are these stereotypes supported by research, your own observations, or experience? How might culture influence a mid-life crisis? In our culture, are we more afraid of aging because of how it impacts our physical appearance or more afraid of aging because it reminds us of our mortality? Please provide examples and evidence to support your argument.   
B)    Please watch the documentary Season of Life – Middle Adulthood in its entirety. As the documentary explains, middle adulthood is often a time of reflection and introspection about one’s life. Using the Life Review Chart, reflect on these aspects of your life in the past, present, and future. What areas of your life have you been pleased with and why? What areas do you feel you need to improve on and why? How might a life review be important in this specific developmental stage (middle adulthood) and help in the process of aging? 
Discussion Guidelines ******************Quantity
The goal for module discussions is to have an interesting and academic dialogue where we will explore various developmental issues. For each discussion, you will be required to write an initial post and respond to a minimum of two other students’ posts. Continuous interaction throughout the module discussion helps to build community. Enhanced learning will occur through interaction with your peers and the instructor. Spread your posts over different days during the time the module discussion is open. Posting all discussions in the same day or meeting the quantity requirements on the final few days of any module discussion will earn minimal points. Please refer to the Discussion Rubric for details.
A quality post includes efforts to synthesize your learning by using course terms and concepts in replies. Critical thought is expected. Draw connections between current and past material, other courses you may be taking or have taken, personal experience, current events, web resources, and so on to enhance the discussion.  In replying to fellow students, the goal is always to say what you agree or politely disagree with or what you find interesting about your peers’ posts and expand the conversation! To earn full credit, your replies must bring new information and/or thoughts to the discussion. Community building is important in the online classroom. Refer to the “Course Policies” section of the Start Here! module for a brief explanation and link to further information on the Mutual Respect in CCC-Online Communications policy. In addition to this policy, community is demonstrated by integrating the comments of your peers (including the instructor) in elaboration on a question to expand the discussion. The discussion should be interactive, not a series of monologues!
Try to keep your discussion posts concise and meaningful. You are required to write an initial post of no less than 500 words. You are also required to reply to two other students’ posts with posts of no less than 200 words each. Think of your peers before posting and ask yourself if you would want to read the post you are about to make. What does it add to the conversation? How does it enhance the discussion? If you can provide solid answers to these questions for both your initial post and your replies, then you likely have very good posts.  Specifically, focus on one claim in two fellow classmates’ responses that you think deserves to be developed in more depth. Suggest how that claim could be further developed and supported with evidence.
CitationYour initial post must include two resources (textbook + one peer-reviewed scholarly journal article) and be appropriately cited in APA. Both of your replies must include one resource (textbook or other scholarly resource) each, appropriately cited in APA. Refer to the Course Policies section of the Start Here! module for an explanation of plagiarism. Remember, you must cite all information you take from other sources. Many students make the mistake of citing only when they directly quote a source. You must also cite when you paraphrase information from a source.  Review the APA style guide provided on the Purdue Owl Website at Purdue OWL: APA Formatting and Style Guide



ASSIGNMENT COMPLETED AT https://capitalessaywriting.comNO PLAGIARISM

Middle Adulthood and Mid-life Crisis

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Mid-Life Crisis and Life Events Perspective

            Several models have been advanced to explain changes that occur during the middle age. The life events perspectives have been advanced and explained by McAdams and Erikson, whereas the mid-life crisis model has been advanced by Carl Jung. All these models offer different approaches in explaining the personality traits and changes that occur in middle-age. However, the two perspectives approach middle-age in different ways.

            The life events perspectives differs from the mid-life crisis model in the sense that it asserts that though personality traits remain the same, the life priorities among mid-adults change. Erikson referred this as generativity, which means people in mid-adulthood, people become more concerned about others and how their life can shape the life of the other members of the society (Boyd & Bee, 2014). In contrast, the mid-life crisis models assert that mid-life is characterized by periods of alternating stability and transition, which occurs in fixed sequence. The models suggest that a change in cognitive abilities is responsible for the changes (gains and losses) that people undertake in mid-life corrections.             Some of the stereotypes in men and women that occur during mid-life crisis regard their views on the assessment of the way they deal with mid-life challenges. According to (Boyd & Bee, 2014) the most pressing issues for women at this stage are their adolescent children than their aging parents, while men focus more on how they deal with their aging parents rather than their children. The presence of stereotypes among men and women during mid-life crisis is supported by research. The study by (Osborne, 2016) has found death anxiety and fear of death to be associated with men during mid-life, where men start to worry more



ASSIGNMENT COMPLETED AT https://capitalessaywriting.comNO PLAGIARISM

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