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introduction to discrete mathematics in IT

Topic introduction to discrete mathematics in IT is a sample of Web server statistics for a computer science department. Write an essay of 2 pages that contains the following: A complete overview of the data, identifying anomalies in different weeks, and the weeks that the data are not regular. Choose 5 different sections of data, examine these sections, and provide the specific selection process and criteria you used to select this data set. Provide the measures of tendency and dispersion for each of the 5 different sections of data you selected. Provide 1 chart or graph for each of the 5 processed sections. This may be a pie or bar chart or a histogram. Label the chart or graph clearly. Explain why the graph you provided gave a good visual representation of the data. Based on your explanation above, identify some specific advantages why, in general, Write an essay of 2 pages that contains the following: A complete overview of the data, identifying anomalies in different weeks, and the weeks that the data are not regular. Choose 5 different sections of data, examine these sections, and provide the specific selection process and criteria you used to select this data set. Provide the measures of tendency and dispersion for each of the 5 different sections of data you selected. Provide 1 chart or graph for each of the 5 processed sections. This may be a pie or bar chart or a histogram. Label the chart or graph clearly. Explain why the graph you provided gave a good visual representation of the data. Based on your explanation above, identify some specific advantages why, in general,introduction to discrete mathematics in IT


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Introduction to discrete mathematics in IT


            The overview of the data set showed that different weeks registered varying total successful request. Also, some of these requests were not successful and some received total failure and some were redirected. These variations lead to difference in total data transferred in megabytes. Some of the issues that were noticeable in the data set was that the number of corrupt files were significantly low(Kenneth, 2012). In addition, the data set contain a column of total data transferred in megabyte and average data transferred per day in kibibytes, which I considered the units should have been the same. Another anomaly is that week threeregistered lowest numbers in six columns, which was much lower than the means. Similarly, week five registered the highest numbers in most of the column, which was higher than the mean. The anomalies were identified through the use of Box and Whiskers plot of the entire data set as shown below.

The five sections of the data selected for further analysis were total successful request, total failed requests, number of distinct files requested, corrupt logfile lines and total data transferred in megabytes. The process of selection was to remove columns that were related. For example, the first three column: total successful request, average successful request per day, total successful requests for pages, and average successful requests for pages per day were related and one column needed to be further analyzed and make inference relating to successful requests. The second process was to remove the column remove the column of total redirected request since most web server will redirect when wrong request is made. Also, the column on number of distinctions were related and one was enough to carry out further analysis. Finally, the last two columns on total data transferred in megabytes and average data transferred per day kibibytes needed one column to make inference about the amount of data transferred.

weekTotal successful requests:Total failed requests:Number of distinct files requested:Corrupt logfile lines:Total data transferred:(in Mbytes)
Standard Deviation37236.793202.8313052.24515.31702226.0664

The five sections of data were analyzed using a stacked column chart which used to compare parts of a whole, which in this case were weeks one to…………………………………………………………………………………………………




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