Writers Solution

Ethics impact business relationships within an organization?

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to think critically about business ethics, business relationships, leadership, and how each contributes to an organization’s overall culture. Write a 500-word reflection paper by addressing each of the following items:

  • How does ethics impact business relationships within an organization?
  • How can leaders and their leadership styles impact the ethical practices within an organization?
  • How does ethics impact an organization’s overall culture?
  • Based on what you have learned in this course, how would you describe your approach to business ethics (i.e., What are your principles? What is your guide?)?
  • Conclude with a reflection on how the insights you gained from this course might affect the way you view your actions and thoughts in the future.

Your essay should be at least 500 words in length, double-spaced, and written in Times New Roman, 12-point font. You will not need a title page or a reference page, as this paper is all about your thoughts.


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            Business ethics, business relationships, and leaders play critical role in the overall organization’s existing culture, since they influence the achievement, success and the overall development of an organization in different aspects. It’s important to understand that business ethics, business relationships and business leadership impacts organization both positively and negatively. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the management to ensure the impact is positive and not negative.

How ethics impact business relationships within an organization

            Ethical behavior is essential in forging for good and health business relationship within an organization. To achieve long-term career success, it is very important for the business owner and employee to behave ethically. Good ethical behavior includes observing all the ethical regulations and doing what is morally right such as respect to all stakeholders, being environmentally conscious and practicing good corporate social responsibility, thus enhancing peaceful co-existence among the employees and with the community.

How leaders and their leadership styles impact the ethical practices within an organization

            The leadership adopted by the management have impact on the ethical practices within an organization. For instance, the ethical behavior exhibited by a leader influences the loyalty, motivation, and morale of the employees. Leaders serves as an example to the junior staff, thus the code of ethics they incorporate to their leadership styles influence the ethical practices and discipline procedures within an organization. For example, when the leadership exhibits high ethical standards within the organization, junior staff are challenge to raise their ethical match that of their leadership. It is important to note that ethical leadership also influence the organization’s reputation in the community and financial market. Analysis have showed that integrity in leadership enhance investor confidence and it ensure workers conduct themselves in an honesty and integrity manner. Leadership style that is guided by ethics adheres to employee rules and policies by ensuring the organization achieve its goals.

How does ethics impact an organization’s overall culture?             Code of ethics within an organization play critical role in shaping the overall culture of an organization. It is the leadership that develop a specific code of conduct within the organization and demonstrate it to the junior by practicing themselves, thus becoming the overall culture within the organization through assimilation by the all staff within the organization. The leadership may use rewarding system to motivate the employees…………………………………………………………………………………………………




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