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Careers in Human Learning and Development:

As part of this assignment, you will be provided with a list of interview transcripts from previous semesters. These are transcripts of interviews conducted by students who visited community-based sites during a visit to the site. For our purposes this semester, a select number of these interviews will be made available to students to use towards their synthesis essay.

Please look over the list of available transcripts and identify the one you would like to use. Then go to the site’s website and record general observational notes. Use the TEMPLATE to record your observational notes. Included in this document are also guidelines on who to create your observational notes.  You need to collect at least two (2) pages of notes. During your perusing of the site’s website, identify types of jobs that are available at the site and remotely request a job call from the site or locate one for a similar position on either or

Then, in a 2-page double-spaced synthesis essay, drawing from the interview transcript, your observational notes from reviewing the site’s website, and the job call located, you will describe skills and competencies that are to be expected at the site along with a thorough and articulate discussion of interdisciplinarity that appears to be woven into the practice of the site. You are expected to elaborate on ways  interdisciplinary skills might be required of someone seeking employment at this particular site.





Careers in Human Learning and Development:

Guidelines for Observational Notes (from the Site’s Website) *

Name:                                                                   Worksite: Date:                                                                     Time Spent at Site:  
Descriptive NotesReflective Notes
In the interview with TAMIKA BAILEY, I was with Ale, Rebecca, Letty and Sasha who were members of Counseling Group 1. Tamika Bailey is the Resident Services Coordinator/Director. Her previous work was to pull resources together and bring communities together. She moved into a more philanthropy work because she like assisting people to secure employment. Currently she is supporting two students; a 22-year old and 18-year old. Tamika Bailey would prefer to run the organization by herself. The main function of the facility is to serve the communities by providing free programs and services based on their needs. The mission of the organization “is to be the leading provider of vital on-site health, education, and employment services to low-income families, children, and senior. The goal is to empower low income families to break the cycle of poverty, become healthier, further educated, and financially stable. The clientele is single and multi-generational families who live in the apartment communities that the organization serve. The atmosphere of the setting is family-oriented and welcoming, since the organization deals with a lot of kids, and the family are always encouragedto come in and participate. Tamika Bailey stated that new employee should have love for people and enjoy dedicating their time and service. New employee should also be creative, proactive, and open-minded. Among the professional development opportunities offered by the organization include team meetings, skill-building and company-wide training on different topics and subjects within our industry. The organization provides after school program, food program, ESL classes, Zumba classes, and Teen Programs.    The first part of the interview was introductory, where each one of us stated her name. Tamika Bailey then gave us brief introduction about her previous engagement prior to Project Access. She briefly told us about the current organization and the two kids she has as well as how she intends to run nonprofit organization all by herself. During the interview, Ale asked about the function/niche the facility serves in the community. Rebecca asked about the mission of the site. As a rejoinder, Ale asked Tamika Bailey to describe about her clientele. From the reply, it was evident that more than ½ of Tamika Bailey clients were aged below 18 years and majority of them are Hispanic/Latino. Rebecca also asked Tamika Bailey to describe the atmosphere in the office, which she gladly put it as family-oriented and welcoming. Ale also wanted know what would be the first advice Tamika would give to a new employee, which she clearly said they should be open-minded, be proactive and creative. Rebecca wanted to know the kind of professional development opportunities her site offers and Tamika explained the available opportunities for the volunteers as well as job seekers. Ale asked about the educational background/training the applicant should have to work at her site. Tamika made it clear that the job is an hourly and not salary. Letty asked Tamika the kind of services she provide. Sasha followed up with the kind of societal problem/issues/challenges the services/programs the Project Access offer seeks to address. Tamika responded by identifying poverty, health and unemployment as the key societal problem her site seeks to address. Letty further asked about interdisciplinary of the services/programs Tamika’s site offers.  

What to look for when taking observational notes?

The website is

  • Mission of site.
    • This site believes that every student and recent graduate deserves a great part-time, seasonal, internship, or entry-level job. By posting the jobs and through other interactive media solutions, high-quality students and recent graduates at scale are connected to great part-time, seasonal, internship, and entry-level career opportunities.
  • Staff and people.
    • The founder and the President of College Recruiter is Steven Rothberg. His entrepreneurial skills started in early age in fifth grade when he sold candy in math contest class. In college, he was running a massive fantasy hockey league. After graduating, Steven channel his entrepreneurial passion into something more productive(College Recruiter, 2020). Being a accomplished lawyer, Steven started the business that later morphed into College Recruiter. The impetus for creating the site was his strong believe that every student and recent graduates deserve an opportunity to get connected with the employers.
  • Physical setting.  
    • The background color of the site is grey with a watermark photograph of students or recent graduates. On the first page of the site are three search tabs where a student can search a job, the second tab is the location search and the third search tab is a clickable with red color. Within the same page is the small clickable tab where the employer can post a job. Just below the first page are the tabs organized in grid arranged in the following order: Job search advice, Articles, blogs and videos, Testimonial and Awards, FAQs, Resume Builder, popular Job searches, and Recent Articles(College Recruiter, 2020). In each of the tab in the grid is a background picture that depict the function of the tab. In general, the site is user friendly and the top left corner is a drop-down menu that assist the user to freely navigate the page and get the information he/she is searching.
  • Programs/services/activities.
    • The programs/service/activities provided in the website are job search advices where the job seekers are guided to get the job that suit their qualifications; Articles, blogs and videos where the user can access articles, blogs and videos that aid in job searching; testimonial and awards; the FAQs where user can ask any questions and get clarification; and the other services available in the site is resume builder where new graduates entering job market can use to make tailor made resume to fit the job market.
  • Interactions.
    • The available interactions in the website are the Articles, blogs and video. The social media menu does not have specific procedure for the website users to interact.
  • What types of things do you not see?
    • One of the observable features that is missing in the website is the social media interactions. The other that is not seen in website is the name of the directors and other staffers.

Part Three

            The interview gave us an insight of what the founder of Project Access intends to achieve in the society. Prior to starting Project Access, Tamika Bailey used to host live events where he worked with people and pulling resources together as well as facilitating the communities to come together. She was motivated by the fact that Tamika wanted to be more into philanthropy work, more human capital, and human services. The purpose of the interview was to get insights of the services and programs Project Access was focus in delivering.

            Being a nonprofit organization and the mission of the organization as the leading provider of vital on-site health, education, and employment services specifically to the low-income families, children, and seniors. It was clear that the essence of Project Access was to create an enabling environment to break the cycle of poverty, achieve good education and healthy as well as become financially stable. The project envisions a situation where all the residence in the area in which the organization offer its service get affordable housing. Further, the organization envisaged to empower the communities to have the opportunity to become self-sufficiency and maximize their full potential.

            Analysis from the interview showed that most of the clientele of Project Access are students age 18 years and below, which contributed 51 %. While 44 % were aged 19 to 54 years. In terms of race, majority of the clientele were Hispanic/Latino, which is among the minority groups. According to Tamika Bailey, the working environment should be family-oriented and welcoming since most of the clients are either young adults. It is very imperative to also encourage the families to actively participate.

            Further analysis of the interview showed that Tamika Bailey envisaged to provide professional development such as team meeting, skill-building and company-wide training on different topics and subjects within the industry. To effectively provide professional development, Tamika schedule off-site training. The student graduating with Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services are the most suitable to work in this non-profit organization. However, they must have a positive attitude and willing to assist the children to achieve their full potential.

            Some of the programs offered by Tamika’s organization include Teen Programs, Zumba classes, ESL classes, food program, and school program. The children are given the opportunity to choose the program they would like to engage in. Based on the information provided in the interview, most member of the community are in Zumba classes. Tamika is currently looking for a person to teach the Zumba classes. The after-school programs start from 2:30 and run to 5:30, but it is compulsory for the children to stay the entire time. Since the organization handles kids from different cultural background, global and intercultural fluency is key to volunteers and people employed in the organization.

            The Project Access is comparable to College Recruiter since the founder envisaged to connecting the new graduates and students to employers. There is no doubt that new graduates find it challenging to either into job market due to lack of experience(College Recruiter, 2020). However, the availability of websites like College Recruiter make it possibility to the students as well as new graduate to secure employment opportunities in the organizations they would like to work in. This website also creates a platform where the new graduate can build their resume to meet the market demand.


College Recruiter. (2020). College Recruiter believes that every student and recent graduate deserves a great part-time, seasonal, internship, or entry-level job. Retrieved from College Recruiter:

* This guide was adapted from the document created at Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville titled “Observation and Fieldnotes” and found online at…/How_CI_Observation%20and%20Field%20Notes.pdf





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