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Hospital Strategic Management and Planning

1Assessment 2and final project for the capstone course “Hospital Strategic Management and Planning”Assessment 2: Development of a research proposal on a “Business Model”: The learners are required to write a proposal for a business model for improving the operation / adding value for a specific service within a hospital department.Final Project: The final project (week 15, 40 marks) will take the form of a pilot study whereby at least aspects of the research proposal are trialed/implemented and evaluated2Sections of the proposal I.Situational Analysis –hospital assessment The internal and the external environments of the hospital will be analyzed 1.External environmental analysis components of the health care environment that currently affect or are likely to affect the study hospital in the near future.(Assignment 1)2.Internal environmental analysis: the internal environment will be analyzed through a value-based healthcare delivery system a.Major strengths and weaknesses across the value chain ofservice delivery will be recognized. Strength and weakness should be stated in terms of service delivery; pre-service, point of service and after service.support activities; organizational culture, structure and strategic resources b.Strengths and weaknesses’ competitive relevance based on value, rareness, imitability and sustainabilitywill be evaluatedc.Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis will be conducted through organizing internalenvironmental weaknesses and strengths and external environmental opportunities and threats. II.Servicebackground and descriptionBased on the results of external environmental and internal environmental assessments and building on a recognized competitively relevant strength to capture a market opportunity or to face a threat, a specific service / quality improvement initiative in a specific hospital department will be selected.This section describes the service profile namely; Service descriptionA selected service will be described in terms of a.service location b.service boundaries c.Demand level for the selected activity e.g. number of outpatient visits for a specialized clinic per month, number of operations for a selected type of operations per monthd.Performance indicators for the selected service3III.Proposed interventions / strategy1.General goala.The general goal of the strategywhich should fit with the hospital strategic direction represented in the hospital mission and vision. b.The proposed strategy should aimat improving theoutcomes, value, and/orcost.Examples for service improvement ideas within different hospital departments•Improving flow of patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome•Providing a model for “patient-centered-care” for diabetic patients•Providing a vertically integrated model of care for pregnant females •Improving patient flow and reducing waiting times for patients presenting to the emergency department•Reducing operation cancellation rates and maximizing the efficiency of utilization of operative theatre •Improving patient experience and continuity of care in outpatient settings through reducing the internal and external waiting times with application of open access appointment scheduling 2.SpecificobjectivesThe objectives of the strategyneed to flow from the general goal. They are statements indicating the key outputs for the service to achieve and therefore form a basis for assessing the performance of the selected service. The strategy is expected to improve outcomes in monetary and non-monetary terms relative to the cost invested in the proposed strategyThe objectives of the service will need to be aligned to hospital goals and stated in a measurable time-bound, specific and attainable terms. Specific objective for Example for a specific objective to one of the aforementioned goals;a.Implementing a scheduling system in the operation room to i.increase OR utilization from ……% to …….%ii.reduce overtimes by …..%iii.reduce delayed operations by ……..%iv.reduce cancellation by ……%v.Reduce start time tardiness by …..%b.Financial performance of the proposed strategy will be based on estimates of the financial gains when compared to the costs of implementing the Hospital Strategic Management and Planning proposed intervention. Estimation will be based on reviewing the relevant literatureon cost saving from applying similar strategies.





Doubling oncology referrals at SKSH: A research proposal

This is a research proposal that looks at ways to double the number of patients visiting Sheikh Khalifa Specialty Hospital’s (SKSH) oncology center of excellence. SKSH is a tertiary hospital in Ras Al Khaimah that has three centers of excellence – oncology, cardiovascular and neuroscience (SKSH, 2017). Most of the patients to these centers of excellence are referred from surrounding primary and secondary healthcare centers. Yet there is room to increase the number of patients being referred to the centers. The research will look at ways the number of patients visiting the oncology center through referrals can be doubled in the next two years.

This research proposal will include a situational analysis of the SKSH’s internal and external environments with a view to establishing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the hospital’s oncology center. The center’s location, boundaries, demand levels and performance indicators will also be discussed. Further, the proposal will lay out the specific objectives to be achieved towards the strategy of doubling the number of patients in the next two years as well as an implementation plan that will look at activities to be performed towards achieving the strategy. A cost-benefit analysis based on the cost and gain estimates will help determine the financial performance of the proposed strategy.

The proposal also constitutes an implementation plan that looks at the work required and estimates the direct and indirect costs. Performance measurement of the intervention will be tied to SKSH’s strategic direction as it relates to the financial performance,internal business processes, customer satisfaction as well as training and education (balance score card).

Situational Analysis

This situational analysis looks at the internal and external environments of SKSH. It is an overview of the hospital’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

  1. Internal environment

So as to better understand the oncology center of excellence at SKSH, it is important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of SKSH…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Hospital Strategic Management and Planning


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