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What is the new technology?

Assessment item 3 – Annotated Bibliography and Journal Synopsis

Value: 35%

Length: 2000 words (10-12 pages)

Submission method options: Alternative submission method


You are required to prepare for this Assessment Item by:

1. READING the Subject outline,

2. COMPLETING Topic 3, 4 and 5 on sections that discuss how to do an Annoatated

Bibliography and a Journal Synopsis paper.

WHAT TO DO: Tasks 1 and 2 below

TASK 1 – 25%

Annotated Bibliography

1. Write an Annotated Bibliography for your Capstone Topic with a collection of 12 articles following a set structure. The Annotated Bibliography is a critical examination of the most relevant and recent scholarly research on the topic area that is not just a summary of the articles you have read.

2. An Annotated Bibliography is a detailed analysis of sources that can be used later in an expanded Literature Review.

3. Use the latest online search tools (CSU PRIMO, Google Scholar, Online databases) and efficient bibliographic organisers – CSU supports the use of EndNote. (available on iPad). EndNote is a bibliographic citation program, allowing references and footnotes to be translated into a variety of standard formats.

4. As a CSU student you can download and install EndNote X7 for Windows or Mac OS platforms from

5. Ensure that the Annotated Bibliography submitted by you is your own work and has not been submitted elsewhere and comply with the University’s requirements for academic integrity.

6. You can get help in Building and Writing an Annotated Bibliography from several Topics in the ITC571 Interact2 site sidebar menu and other study advice and tips from:

1. Study Resources (PDF files to download): resources

2. APA style Referencing from 

Example below shows APA6 style with 2nd and subsequent line indentation and use of DOI link to source if available:

3. The CSU Library website for LibGuides in Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics at

4. EndNote Bibliographic software and tutorials LibGuide at

7. Review the emerging technology (use internet for journals, conference papers, magazines, news articles, online databases, eBooks) and submit a 12-article Annotated Bibliography on your topic.

8. A good place to start a collection of articles in your annotated bibliography is via the PRIMO search tool located on the CSU Library website at division/library

9. Self-Evaluation Report on Originality (100-150 words)

a. Select a 1000-word sample of annotations text only (exclude references) from and submit it for testing at Turnitin

b. Save and append a copy of the originality report obtained.

c. Critically evaluate and interpret the originality report, from your context or point of view as your personal Self-Evaluation Report on Originality (100-150 words).

10. NOTE: Tasks 1 and 2 (below) can be appended into the one document and submitted via Turnitin as PDF or other document format.

As an example, the Capstone Topic PRIMO search on a research topic like “IoT security in smart

cities” returned the following snapshot from a large list of very recent journals related to the Topic, by using the “articles” filter to cut out books, eBooks etc. Next when applying another filter “peer-reviewed” and a sort by “Date-newest”, joined with a show only “Open access” and “Available Online”, then the second screen reveals a 2019 journal paper not readily seen on the first broader search result page 1:

Library Resources

Information Technology Journal Databases:

Information Technology & Computing LibGuides :


The following questions may be useful while reviewing the topic:

1. What is the new technology?

2. What does it do and what are the special features it has?

3. When is it coming out in the market and how much will it cost?

4. What industry will the new technology affect? (Medical, agricultural, computer, business, etc….).

5. In your opinion, will the new technology be beneficial to society? Why or why not.

6. What did you learn from a critical analysis of your sources of information on this new technology?

TASK 2 – 10%

Write a 120-200 word Journal Synopsis paper based on your Task 1 results. The purpose of this final assessment activity is to produce a 120-200 word Journal Synopsis paper on your findings, lessons learnt and a discussion that will be supported by your annotated bibliography with references from respected sources. After submission, post a copy to share with your peers on the ITC571 Discussion Forum. The challenge is to communicate the most about your project in the least amount of words.

What is a synopsis?

It is another name for an Abstract, that you will have read at the beginning of academic journal articles when researching your A4 Annotated Bibliography. If you have read these synopses or abstracts, you’ll already know that they are:

“a summary of the article; its arguments and conclusion.”

The journal abstract or synopsis was very useful to you perhaps, in helping you to decide if an article is relevant to your research, and in deciding the worth of futher reading and are an integral feature of most conferences. The presenters are required to submit an abstract or synopsis of their papers, which conference delegates later receive. This helps the delegates decide which presentation they will attend. So you need to be convincing with your synopsis and include an overview of your arguments and conclusions. Synopses are generally only one or two paragraphs long, and they are placed at the beginning of the paper.

Adapted here from the Source: uow195641.pdf

It should make it easier if you use the simple template below for your 120-200 word Journal Synopsis paper as it has the following headings and length as a guide: TITLE (10 words of the synopsis paper and NOT the same as your Project Title)

1. AIM OF THE PROJECT ( 1 sentence or 15 words)

2. METHOD (2 sentences or 30 words)

3. RESULTS (1-2 sentences or 15 to 30 words)

4. DISCUSSION (2 sentences or 30 words)

5. CONCLUSION (1 sentence or 15 words)


· The ABSTRACT of an article is written LAST. See a-10-step-guide-to-make-your-research-paper-abstract-more-effective (

• The final task is to refine is the TITLE of the paper

• Include your references in APA style as usual ( referencing-at-csu (

• Ensure that the Journal paper is your own work and has not been submitted elsewhere and complies with the University’s requirements for academic integrity.

• Post a message about your Journal Synopsis paper on the Discussion Forum to share with your lecturer and peers.

• Your lecturer will advise further on how the format can be modified to suit the nature of your work.


This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

• be able to perform literature searches and critically analyse the literature in the chosen topic.

• be able to critically reflect on and synthesize complex information, problems, concepts and theories in the chosen topic.

• be able to apply established research methodologies with autonomy.

• be able to apply project management and information and communication echnologies (ICT) tools to plan, execute, record and present their research and project work as a capstone experience.

The rationale of this assessment is to test your ability to review, evaluate, critique and support others opinions as well as existing literature, using a scholarly writing style. You will also demonstrate your ability to carry out independently research and locate information from various sources such as journals, conference proceedings, online databases, eBooks and industry magazines.

The Learning Outcomes being assessed in task include your ability to perform literature searches and critically analyse the literature in the chosen topic and then to critically reflect on and synthesize complex information, problems, concepts and theories in the chosen topic. As the Annotated Bibliography develops, so will also be demonstrating your advanced communication and academic writing skills in transmitting your capstone experiences and ideas to others.

What does a well-constructed annotated bibliography contain?

That is a research topic on its own, however I recommend the list of SIX structural elements below

1. Interpretation and evaluation of an overview of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation;

2. Evidence of literature searches and critical analysis of the literature in the chosen capstone topic;

3. Critical reflection and synthesis of complex information, problems, concepts and theories in the chosen topic;

4. Original opinion on the benefits of your capstone project to others;

5. Reflective comments on what was learnt from a review of the literature;

6. Use of correct citations and referencing conforming to recognised referencing format.

The Checklist for the Annotations elements can be used as a quality check as you write:

Content Elements

• Coverage of topic

• Depth of discussion

• Development of argument and reasoning

• Selection of literature

Writing Style Elements

• Structure of review

• Technical competence

• Use of citations and quotations

• Referencing

Task 2

After studying something quite intensely in task 1 Annotated Bibliography, you are now an expert in that area of research. As such, you need to be able to present that knowledge as a compact 120 to 200 word Journal Synopsis paper as a final demonstration of your knowledge and understanding in deploying a range of research principles, methodologies and academic writing skills.

Research is defined in the AQF as follows: “Research comprises systematic experimental and theoretical work, application and/or development that results in an increase in the dimensions of knowledge.”

Your ITC571 research includes original, exploratory, experimental, applied, clinically or work-based, and other forms of creative work undertaken systematically to increase knowledge and understanding, deploying a range of research principles and methodologies.

The aims of this Journal exercise are based and modified on those for which CORE was established:

• to create a professional journal experience for those postgraduate students engaged in computer science and information technology in higher education and research institutes and to facilitate their research skills development;

• to assist and advance research in computer science and information technology in higher education and research institutes;

• to assist and advance teaching and research in computer science and information technology in higher education;

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