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Action plan based on the work of Wadsworth (2011) on disseminating results

Dissemination Action Plan- The research process is cyclical. The assessment tasks in this subject reflect this cycle. In Assessment 1
you compiled an Annotated Bibliography to build your understanding of existing studies in the area in which you were planning to focus your
research. In Assessment 2 you used that understanding, with other learnings from the subject and other sources, to prepare a Research
Proposal outlining the details of a particular study.

Executing the research study outlined in the proposal, analyzing the data, and presenting a report on the findings constitute the next stage of the research cycle in the real world.
However, conducting research is a difficult and time-consuming procedure that is outside the purview of this introductory subject, as has been observed throughout the semester.
The distribution of results is a crucial component of the post-research portion of the cycle, therefore Assessment 3 instead of addressing the conduct of the research study, does so.
You will create an action plan for this assessment exercise based on Wadsworth’s (2011) work on optimizing the effect of research and distributing findings (see pages 455–461 in your textbook for more information).
Obviously, you have not carried out any research, so you have no results to report. The action plan is a general outline of how you would
disseminate the results of the study you outlined in your Research Proposal (Assessment 2), if you had carried it out. You will draw on the
content of the Moodle pages, textbook, articles and other appropriate sources to complete this task.
Your research dissemination action plan must be presented in full sentences-not dot points – and paragraphs in essay form. You may have
subheadings within your essay.
Your plan must include;
a brief description of the study outlined in the Research Proposal
a description of what you want to achieve (your objective/s) by dissemination of your results, e.g. influencing policy and/or practice,
and/or an explanation of why this is necessary/desirable
an explanation of who (individuals and/organisations) you will inform about your research and why you will do this (Think in terms of
ethical reasons and how these people/organisations can help in the process of getting action taken as the result of you research)
a detailed description of when and how (contents and the way they will be presented) you will disseminate your findings in each of the
following formats;
I. a formal report (similar to the
NSW Carers Survey and the
NDIS Study)
II. a meeting with colleagues
III. a conference
An appendix to your plan, with one data gathering instrument you would have used in your proposed study if you had carried it out. e.g.
survey questions, interview protocol9/12/22, 9:43 amSubject Guide
Page 2 of 3
Length 1, 500 words
Weighting: 30%

Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
task is
presented in
essay form
employing full
sentences and
Assessment task is
presented in
sophisticated essay
form and employs
sophisticated full
sentences and
throughout the essay
Assessment task is
presented in very
good essay form and
employs very well-
structured full
sentences and
paragraphs throughout
the essay
Assessment task is
presented in good essay
form and employs well-
structured full sentences
and paragraphs
throughout most or all of
the essay
Assessment task is
presented in
satisfactory essay
form and completely or
mostly employs full
sentences and
Assessment task is not
presented in
appropriate essay form
and/or does not
employ full sentences
and paragraphs
The outlined
action plan
overall strong
coherence and
contains all
executed to an
The outlined action
plan demonstrates
excellent and
sophisticated overall
coherence, and all
required elements are
present, and all are
of excellent standard
The outlined action
plan demonstrates
very good overall
coherence, and all
required elements are
present, and all are of
very good standard
The outlined action plan
demonstrates good
overall coherence, and all
required elements are
present and all or most
are of good standard
The outlined action
plan demonstrates
satisfactory overall
coherence and all or
most required elements
are present and are of
satisfactory standard
The outlined action
plan lacks overall
coherence, and some
required elements are
absent and/or of
The outlined
plan is
consistent with
the research
study described
in Assessment
2 (Research
The outlined plan
demonstrates a
sophisticated level of
consistency with the
research study
described in
Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)
The outlined plan
demonstrates a very
good level of
consistency with the
research study
described in
Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)
The outlined plan
demonstrates a good level
of consistency with the
research study
described in Assessment
2 (Research Proposal)
The outlined plan
demonstrates a
satisfactory level of
consistency with the
research study
described in
Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)
The outlined plan is
not consistent with the
research study
described in
Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)
The statement
of desired
outcome/s is
cogent and
consistent with
the research
study described
The statement of the
desired outcome/s
excellent levels of
cogency and
consistency with the
research study
The statement of the
desired outcome/s
demonstrates very
good levels of cogency
and consistency with
the research study
described in
Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)
The statement of the
desired outcome/s
demonstrates good levels
of cogency and
consistency with the
research study described
in Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)
The statement of the
desired outcome/s
satisfactory levels of
cogency and
consistency with the
research study
The statement of the
desired outcome/s is
not cogent, and/or is
not consistent with the
research study
described in
Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)9/12/22, 9:43 amSubject Guide
Page 3 of 3
in Assessment
2 (Research
described in
Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)
described in
Assessment 2
(Research Proposal)
Identification of
individuals and
organisation to
be informed and
their inclusion is
All individuals and
organisations to be
informed are highly
relevant and their
inclusion is justified
in a sophisticated
All or most individuals
and organisations to
be informed are very
relevant and their
inclusion is very well
Most individuals and
organisations to be
informed are relevant and
their inclusion is well
Most individuals and
organisations to be
informed are relevant
and their inclusion is
satisfactorily justified
Relevant individuals
and organisation to be
informed are not
identified and/or their
inclusion is not
satisfactorily justified
Description of all
formats is
and consistent
with a) the
nature of the
research, and b)
the outlined
objectives of
Description of all
demonstrates an
excellent level of
and consistency with
a) the nature of the
research, and b) the
outlined objectives of
Description of all
dissemination formats
demonstrates a very
good level of accuracy,
and consistency with
a) the nature of the
research, and b) the
outlined objectives of
Description of most or all
required dissemination
formats demonstrates a
good level of accuracy,
comprehensiveness and
consistency with a) the
nature of the research,
and b) the outlined
objectives of
Description of most or
all required
dissemination formats
is satisfactorily
comprehensive and
consistent with a) the
nature of the research,
and b) the outlined
objectives of
Description of some or
all required
dissemination formats
is not accurate, and/ or
not comprehensive
and/or not consistent
with a) the nature of
the research and/or b)
the outlined objectives
of dissemination
The data
instrument is
of sound quality
and consistent
with the
research study
described in the
The data gathering
instrument is of
excellent quality and
demonstrates an
excellent level of
consistency with the
research study
described in the
Research Proposal
(Assessment 2)
The data gathering
instrument is of very
good quality and
demonstrates are very
good level of
consistency with the
research study
described in the
Research Proposal
(Assessment 2)
The data gathering
instrument is of good
quality and demonstrates
a good level of
consistency with the
research study described
in the Research Proposal
(Assessment 2)
The data gathering
instrument is of sound
quality and
consistency with the
research study
described in the
Research Proposal
(Assessment 2)
The data gathering
instrument is not of
sound quality and/or is
not consistent with the
research study
described in the
Research Proposal




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