Writers Solution

American Red Cross model

Briefly describe the second organization you chose (the organization other than the Red Cross).
Explain the similarities and differences between the American Red Cross model and the other one you selected in terms of their elements and applications.
Explain what recommendations you might make to aid counselors in terms of their selection and/or use of the models.

The Stafford Act specifically points to national agencies’ involvement in crisis responding. These agencies include the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army along with others. The National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) is one of the oldest crisis response agencies; it was originally established to aid crime victims. Professionals at responding organizations have a number of intervention models available to them. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) is a model that has been subject to some criticism because the usefulness of a debriefing or a reliving of a crisis is not always appropriate or helpful. More recently, Psychological First Aid was developed by the National Center for PTSD and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network as an evidence-informed modular approach for intervening with children, adolescents, adults, and families in the immediate aftermath of disaster and terrorism. In this Application Assignment, you explore both responding organizations and the crisis intervention models they employ.

To prepare for this assignment:

article, “Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended, and Related Authorities
article, “In the Wake of Hurricane Katrina: Delivering Crisis Mental Health Services to Host Communities
article, “Preparation, Action, Recovery: A Conceptual Framework for Counselor Preparation and Response in Client Crises
article, “Toward a Positive Perspective on Violence Preventions in Schools: Building Connections,” and think about which violence-prevention models would work best with children.
Research crisis management organizations’ crisis-intervention models, such as the American Red Cross’s model, and think about how they compare with each other.
Review the American Red Cross model and select an additional model with which to compare it in this Assignment.

Think about the recommendations you might make to counselors about choosing a crisis-intervention model





Red Cross and World Vision Crisis Intervention Models

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(Student’s Name)


Red Cross and World Vision Crisis Intervention Models

            When disasters strike they cause various forms of destructions to the critical infrastructure and even loss of life. Mohammadinia, Khorasani-Zavareh & Ardalan (2017) point that occurrence of a disaster can produce a range of physical, psychological, economical and social effects to people of all age groups. In order to avert such effects, it is imperative that first responders engage in immediate response to any crisis in order to relief the victims. However, the effectiveness of any crisis response is dependent on the choice of crisis intervention model adopted by the first responders. The paper will explore Red Cross and World Vision and the crisis intervention models that the two responding organizations employ.

The World Vision

            Founded in 1950 by Robert Pierce, The World Vision is a Christian not-for-profit organization which focuses on global relief, development and advocacy, with a dedication on children, families and communities in fight against poverty and injustice (World Vision, 2018). The organization has its global office in Monrovia, CA, U.S, while it has some other regional headquarters across different parts of the continent. In addition to their operations in the United States, the organization has its operations in South and North America, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Middle East.

Comparison of World Vision and American Red Cross Crisis Intervention Models            The major goal of any crisis intervention strategy is the resolution of the most pressing problems facing the victims. There are numerous situations that could lead to crisis such as economic situations, family situations, community situations and natural elements. In order to assist first responders in provision of temporary and……………………………………………………………………………………………………


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