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An argumentative essay

An argumentative essay is written in a style of academic writing that requires you take a stance, or form an opinion on a topic or issue and then defend that stance or opinion using evidence collected from relevant and trustworthy source material. Reach our team at for help in an argumentative essay

It is a persuasive essay that presents your argument to the audience and attempts to convince them of your point of view.

An argumentative essay will typically ask you to do the following:

● Briefly summarize the issue, or research in question.

● Take a side in which you either disagree, or agree with claims made by the literature or content, or propose a different interpretation entirely.

● Back up your claims, or position using a variety of sources and form an argument using that information.

● Examine any counter positions and arguments, suggesting reasons (using references) why they are unsatisfactory.


Argumentative essays are an essential type of essay writing because they teach you to understand the different viewpoints on a given topic, providing you with a more well-rounded understanding of the subject matter or issue. Through evaluating existing critical perspectives, interpretations, or cause-and-effect statements and building them around a thesis statement (argument or opinion on it), the argumentative essay aims to convince your readers that your interpretation of events, or facts makes the most sense.

The argumentative essay is structured according to the following principles:

● There is a clearly outlined and well-defined thesis statement within the first paragraph of the essay.

● Logical and succinct transitions between the introduction, main body arguments, and conclusion.

● Each paragraph of the main body has a defined topic or issue of discussion and connects logically with the earlier thesis statement.

● Each main body argument is improved using evidential support (factual, statistical, etc.).

● The conclusion re-engages with the original thesis statement in light of new evidence and discussion provided by earlier sources

All this help at from a team of professionals. Writing is a very important exercise that every student should take part in. It is a requirement that students from all levels should meet; high school, sophomore, college, universities, Master’s students, and PhD students.

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