End of chapter 2, Page 61, Case 2.1: Island Shades
Answer questions 1-3 below directly into Canvas.
1. Analyze Terry’s goal and plan based on the concept you learned in this chapter. Are there additional key performance areas that Terry could identify for action? Is her goal realistic? Why or why not?
2. Do you agree with Terry’s view that Island Shades will be successful? Why or why not?
3. Would you recommend any changes or modifications to her goal or plan? Discuss.
You are required to make at least two comments on the responses posted by your classmates with a minimum of 50 words. Make sure you design your response with your own words. Your responses to your classmates must be of substance; not just “I agree” or “Good Post.” The purpose of the responses is to convert the discussion forum into a quality academic environment through which you improve your knowledge and understanding. Read and review all assigned course materials and chapters before you start working on your assignments
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