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Basic Principles of Operating Systems

Assessment Description

In this topic, you will be introduced to the installation of a server operating system in a virtual environment and its hardware components. You will utilize this working environment to complete assignments throughout the course.

In this lab, you will create an enterprise virtual sandbox environment that will protect the confidentiality of the information from unauthorized sources and the availability of this information for the real owners. You will also set administration rights, users’ groups, and privileges through a command-line interface.

In preparation for the lab, research the command-line interface and review the “Command Line Interface” located in the topic Resource. Reference the following CYB-515 videos (located in the Class Resources) and documents as needed to complete the lab:

  • Basic Principles of Operating Systems
  • Create a Virtual Lab
  • Installing Server 2019
  • Install and Configure Active Directory

Provide screenshots of the successful installation and configuration of the server and its hardware components, the Active Directory configuration, the creation of 10 accounts through the command line interface, and the creation of groups using PowerShell.

Part 1:

Using GCU Virtualization Solution, located in the Class Resources, complete the following:

  • Download VirtualBox and install it on your desktop or laptop. Refer to the “Create a Virtual Lab” video to complete this step.
  • Download Microsoft Server 2019.
  • Install and configure Microsoft Server.
  • Install and configure DNS in Microsoft Server.
  • Install and configure Active Directory as a mechanism for access control.
  • Research command line interfaces. Using command line interface, create and configure at least 10 user accounts.
  • Using the PowerShell, which is a command-line shell and scripting language, create five groups: Research and Development Department, Marketing Department, Sales Department, Human Resources Department, and IT Department.
  • Design and implement password policies in Active Directory for the five groups.

Part 2:

Write a 250-500-word lab report and include a title page, table of contents, overview, required screenshots, and a summary.

  • Identify vulnerabilities and risks to an organization’s critical infrastructure if access control is not implemented.
  • Describe why each principle of access control is important to security and how it enables the development of security mechanisms that can implement desired security policies, as it relates to Active Directory.
  • Analyze two common security failures and identify specific design principles that have been violated.
  • Describe the basic security implications of modern computing environments.
  • Identify the design principles involved or needed in the creation of user accounts while ensuring principles of least privilege.
  • Explain how virtualization is different in the Windows and Linux operating systems.

Part 3:

Basic computer hardware is often overlooked yet remains a core requirement for any operation in the computing world. Often new IT and cyber professionals leverage resources for the best hardware and computing power the industry offers. Unfortunately, this can be cost-prohibitive and the resources within the system far exceed requirements. At its core, a system should be able to complete assigned tasks with only a 10-20% overage. Research and provide a link for a laptop you would recommend as a standard for your organization. Identify the following components, explain their functionality, and explain the advantages and disadvantages your system offers for the price:

  • RAM
  • Processor
  • Graphics
  • Motherboard
  • External connectivity capability (USB, CD, HDMI, VGA, etc.)
  • Audio Capability
  • Wi-Fi/Ethernet connection

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.  

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.  

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies: 

MBA Cybersecurity

5.1: Identify vulnerabilities and risks to an organization’s critical infrastructure.

MS Information Assurance & Cybersecurity

4.3: Identify vulnerabilities and risks to an organization’s critical infrastructure




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