Writers Solution

Benchmarking: an international journal Business Strategy and the Environment Business Strategy Review

Task Description
This is a business case analysis of 1600 words +/­ 10%
This individual written assessment is designed to assist you to develop your knowledge of management and business
contexts. The secondary purpose of this assessment task is to give you the opportunity to enhance skills in research,
professional responsibility, and written communication.
Task details
Your task is to write a business case comparing two companies from the following web site: hhps://
Please make sure that you choose two companies from different countries.
It is suggested that you use articles from the following journals to support your theoretical arguments. You must include the doi for each journal article on your reference list. Please note that this is a suggested list of reference sources, and you may use other journals, but please make
sure that they are of a high academic quality
Asia Pacific Business Review
Benchmarking: an international journal
Business Strategy and the Environment
Business Strategy Review
Competition and Change: the journal of global business and political economy
Contemporary Pacific
European Business Review
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
European Management Journal
Global Governance
Human Resource Development Quarterly
IIMB Management Review
International Journal of Organizational Analysis
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences
International Studies of Management and Organization
Journal of Business Strategy
Journal of General Management
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
Journal of Management and Organization
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
Journal of Organizational Change Management
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance
Management Decision
Measuring Business Excellence
Nonprofit Management and Leadership
Pacific Affairs: an international review of Asia and the Pacific
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management
Quality Management Journal
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
The TQM Journal
In terms of analysing the organisation all of the companies listed on this web site have an extensive list of annual and business reports, as well as media reporting. It is suggested that you also use these sources of information when seeking to apply theory to practice. Again, you will need to provide a reference for each source used, as well as the doi, where possible, or the appropriate web address in accordance with APA
referencing conventions. You are required to:
· You must first select TWO companies from the following web site.
· Undertake a cross­case comparison, which correspond to week 2¬4 topics, with a focus on
critically analysing the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and decision making of your chosen organization:
(a). How are the business and governance structures of your chosen companies different/similar, and why might this be the case?
(b). What are the environmental factors that influence your chosen companies’ performance and/or decision­making?
(c). What are the top three risks your chosen companies face and how might this influence their decision making?
(d). Make 3 suggestions regarding how the companies might improve their business practices.
· Your business case analysis must include at least five (5) peer reviewed journal articles published after year 2009 from the list of journals provided.
Note: further support on writing, referencing, etc. is given on the Moodle site for this course. Assessment Due Date
Week 5 Friday (20 Dec. 2019) 11:59 am AEST
All submissions must be uploaded through the Assessment Item 1 link on the unit Moodle page. The essay can be
uploaded as a pdf or word document. Penalties for late submission are applied according to the policy.
Return Date to Students
Week 7 Monday (7Jan. 2020)
Every effort will be made to return your assignment by the date indicated. You will find your mark and feedback through
the Feedback Studio portal on Moodle.
Weighting 30%
Submission Instructions
All submissions must be submitted through the Moodle site. No email submissions will be accepted. Please contact
SDesk if you have difficulty accessing the Moodle site.
Learning Outcomes Assessed
Critically analyse the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and
decision making of organisations
Synthesise and utilise key theories, concepts and terms relevant to internal and external contextual factors to
examine organisational environments Graduate Attributes
Cognitive, technical and creative skills
Ethical and Professional Responsibility
Assessment Due Date Week 5 Friday (20 Dec. 2019) 11:59 am AEST
Business Case Analysis submission
Return Date to Students Week 7 Tuesday (7 Jan. 2020)
Business Case Analysis return date ­ Takes into account the university closure over the Christmas period
Weighting 30%
Assessment Criteria Assessment Criteria
· Criteria 1. Introduction * 3 marks Clearly outlines the purpose, scope, structure of the essay.
· Criteria 2 Body—Theoretical knowledge * 8 marks Demonstrated ability to define key terms and utilize the theories and concepts presented in Topics 1¬5.
· Criteria 3. Body—Research efforts and analysis * 12 marks Level of research effort demonstrated regarding the chosen companies and ability to critically analyse the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and decision making of the chosen companies by addressing the four proposed questions.
· Criteria 4. Conclusion *3 marks All aspects drawn together in a brief, concise summary. Consistent with findings, no new material introduced but highlights implications or a comment on the future of the company.
· Criteria 5. Presentation *2 marks High quality of expression, grammar, spelling, punctuation and proofreading.
· Criteria 6. Referencing * 2 marks Inclusion of an accurate reference list on a separate page listing only the sources that actually have been used. The reference list is arranged in alphabetical order according to the authors’ last names. At least 5 academic references post 2009 have been used, together with a numerous number of non¬academic references.
Referencing Style
American Psychological Association (APA)
Referencing Style American Psychological Association (APA)
Submission Online
Submission Instructions
All submissions must be submitted through the Moodle site. No email submissions will be accepted. Please contact SDesk if you have difficulty accessing the Moodle site.
Learning Outcomes Assessed Critically analyse the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and decision making of organisations
Synthesise and utilise key theories, concepts and terms relevant to internal and external contextual factors to examine organisational environments
Graduate Attributes
Cognitive, technical and creative skills Research
Ethical and Professional Responsibility


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