Writers Solution

Biographies of John Wycliffe and John Huss

Paper Requirements:

1.    Write a 5-page research paper (using 12-point, Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins on all sides).
2.    Use 5 scholarly sources. Your textbook is a scholarly source, but it will not count as part of the five sources you need. You can use it, but you will also need five other sources. You may use scholarly websites, but also use at least 2 scholarly articles and/or books. You can find scholarly articles through the Liberty University Library (which you used in the research exercise). If you need help finding scholarly books, you can use Be careful to choose scholarly sources; do not use Wikipedia or blogs. If you are uncertain if a source is scholarly, feel free to send an email with the source information to your instructor; he will let you know.
3.    Use current Turabian reference style and place your bibliography as the last page.
4.    Upload your paper to the proper Discussion Board Forum at the same time you submit your paper to SafeAssign. Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 7.

Choose 1 of the following to write on:

1.    The legacy of the Crusades, whether positive or negative, has been contested among Christians and non-Christians alike. Although there were clearly political, intellectual, and technological benefits to Europe as a result of the Crusades, can it be said that the Crusades advanced the cause of Christ? This paper will have 2 parts:
(1) Write on one of the following:
•    why the Crusades were started
•    one of the Crusades, or
•    all of the Crusades
(2)  Determine whether they were representative of a Christian worldview. This second part will be subjective.

2.    John Wycliffe and John Huss (also Jan Hus) are considered pre-reformers in that they wrote about and taught many of the ideas that the Protestant Reformers also presented. Write a brief biography of both of these men, describe their reforming ideas, actions, and writings, and tell how both died (including what eventually happened to Wycliffe’s body).







(Student’s Name)

Religion and Theology: Research Paper

Biographies of John Wycliffe and John Huss

            The church faced heresy in the 1300s, but some Christians were courageous, willful thinkers and independent[1].  These courageous Christians remained steadfast in their thoughts and expressed their views through writings. For instance, the tussle between Pope Boniface VIII and French King Philip IV, led to a brief kidnap of the papacy to Avignon in 1303. These fourteenth century reforms owe much credit to John Wycliffe and John Huss for their efforts to reform the church.

Brief Biography of John Wycliffe

            John Wycliffe was a preacher, translator, theologian and a philosopher, who was born in 1330 in North Ridings, Yorkshire[2]. His family was of the Saxons origins. John moved to Oxford, Balliol College, to study theology, mathematics and natural sciences. He would later become a master of Balliol, though his interest remained in the study of scripture and theology.             In 1365, John was made the head of the Canterbury hall by Archbishop of Canterbury. It was through his great understanding of the law and his reputation as a great scholar that made the Archbishop make him the head of Canterbury hall. When the Pope pressed England to pay taxes, Wycliffe was instrumental in making the reply to

[1] Roberts, Donald L. 2016. “Christian History Institute.” Accessed 2016.

[2] Orme, Nicholas. 2009. “John Wycliffe and the Prebend of Aust.” The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 61 (01): 144.

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