Writers Solution

Bureaucratic agency: what the agency does


        The paper for the course will be based on a bureaucratic agency and will follow the format as laid out below.  To submit the paper click the button to the right that says submit assignment. 

General paper guidelines

        Each paper MUST be a minimum of 1500 words and should not exceed 2500 words.  All papers must be written in a paragraph format, typed double spaced, with one inch margins, a 12 cpi times new roman font, do NOT fully justify the paper, using in-text citations, including page numbers,  and a references page.  Each paper will have three sources not counting the text book, encyclopedias and dictionaries do not count as sources.  Direct quotes should be kept to a minimum, on average a sentence or two or about four lines per page.  Only PDF or DOC files may be uploaded. 

        No late papers will be accepted.  Papers are due on November 15th.  PAPERS THAT DO NOT MEET THE 1500 WORDS REQUIREMENT, OR DO NOT HAVE A REFERENCES PAGE WILL NOT RECEIVE A PASSING GRADE.

Content instructions

Students will find a federal bureaucratic agency (Links to an external site.) and describe what the agency does, how they do it, and how it affects society.  In describing the agency the student should discuss the agency’s mission and jurisdiction and what problem the agency is trying to solve. The paper should address a recent controversial issue surrounding the agency.  The controversy should be discussed in detail providing arguments on both sides of the controversy.    Finally, the paper should discuss whether the agency is effective and what is their mission, what is the agency’s effect on society as a whole?

In other words:

The bureaucracy is a paper in which each student will find a national bureaucratic agency.  The paper will describe the agency and its mission, what it does, how it does it, a recent controversy surrounding the agency, and the agency’s its impact on society.  A minimum of 3 sources is required for this paper. The paper will be a minimum of 1500; papers which are not a minimum of 1500 words will not receive a passing grade.

Paper Expectations:

Section headings are an important tool for writing an effective paper.  Section headings accomplish two goals, first they help the writer organize the paper in a logical fashion. Secondly, they help the reader know what they are reading. 

Section 1. The paper will thoroughly describe a bureaucratic agency, the description should include a discussion of the mission of the agency,  and how it fulfills its mission.  This section should be roughly 1 page in length.

Section 2. The paper will discuss a controversy surrounding the agency.  The paper should define the controversy, why it is important, and both sides of the issue. The discussion of how the controversy should constitute the bulk of the paper roughly 2-3 pages in length.

Section 3. The last section of the paper should focus on the the agency’s impact on society.  In this section the paper will address whether or not the agency is effective or not in fulfilling its goals and whether or not fulfilling its goals. Specific examples should be used to define the arguments of the paper. This section should be 2 pages in length.

FAQ on bureaucratic agency

Help me pick a bureaucratic agency

The professor will not help you pick an agency part of the assignment is for you to find a controversial agency.  

 What is a controversy?

 A controversy is when there is an open debate over an issue with arguments on at least two sides.  A good example of a controversy would be the use of detention centers in regulating immigration.  

Is there a time frame for the controversy?

Yes, the controversy should be fairly recent, something within the last 2 years.  I do not want to read about controversies regarding the Civil War pension fund.  The controversy should be ongoing, do not write about controversies that have been resolved. 

 Can I use the agency’s website as a source?

 Yes, the agency’s website is a good source to gain information not only about the mission and actions of the agency but sometimes even the controversy surrounding the agency can be found here. 

What is paragraph structure? 

A paragraph contains one idea.  Each section of the paper should be more than one paragraph as there are multiple issues per each section of the paper.  A paper that is 3 or fewer paragraphs will NOT receive a passing grade. 

Three sources are required for the paper.  The best source for this type of paper is the agency’s web page and newspaper articles dealing with the agency.  Online sources may be used but they must be from a legitimate governmental agency, or media outlet, for example, ABC, NBC, CBS, and Huffington Post.

Agency website, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, FOXN

NY Times, LA Times, Vox, Reuters, The Hill (Government)

Time, The Economist, Newsweek, U.S. News and world report

Citation and references:

Students should use in text citation and a legitimate and consistent format.  The Owl Purdue Online Writing Lab  (Links to an external site.)is a great resource for citation formatting. 

Look at the grading rubric for more details on how the paper(s) will be graded.

If you have any other questions do not hesitate to ask.

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Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Name of Student

Institutional Affiliation

Course Name

Name of Instructor

The Role and Mission of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

            The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is a lead federal agency whose main role is to help to improve the health and quality of the healthcare system in the United States (Henriksen et al., 2017). According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, (2018) the AHRQ develops and offers a range of tools, data, and knowledge that the United States healthcare system needs to enhance the delivery of quality healthcare services. Their role also includes providing the professionals in the healthcare sector and the policymakers with adequate information for making informed healthcare decisions.

            The roles of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality are focused on three major areas. First, the agency’s primary focus is healthcare research whose aim is to provide safe and quality care services to the population (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2018). Second, the agency creates and provides the tools required for teaching and training of the healthcare workforce in the country. For example, the development of the Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program. Besides, the agency generates and provides healthcare data to be employed by healthcare policymakers in making decisions. For example, through its Health Cost and Utilization Project, the agency provided data related to hospitalizations for insurance providers among opioid users.

            The agency’s mission is to provide evidence that is necessary for the provision of safe, accessible, equitable, more affordable, and quality healthcare. Besides, it seeks through its mission to partner with the U.S Department of Health and Human Services and other partners in providing healthcare evidence that is understandable and usable.

Controversy Facing the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality             One of the most significant overarching roles of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to ensure the availability of quality evidence for healthcare professionals (Kronick, 2016). The presence of quality evidence ensures that Americans access the best care in hospitals. However, there is evidence that some of the available evidence has been ineffective, which casts doubt on the role of agencies charged with the evaluation of the latest evidence. Recent news has indicated the instances where evidence says no but the doctors……………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………





Bureaucracy paper rubric

Bureaucracy paper rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper components How well are the paper instructions followed?20.0 pts A All the instructions are followed, and the paper is formatted properly 17.0 pts B Not all instructions followed, or minor paper formatting issues. 15.0 pts C Several instructions not followed, or significant formatting issues such as font size is too big or too small. 13.0 pts D Major formatting issues, such as not double spaced, or fully justified. 10.0 pts F Paper formatting makes the paper hard to read, lack of paragraph style writing, no references page, or not 1500 words.20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary of the agency How well are the duties and responsibility of the agency defined20.0 to >18.0 pts A A through summary of the agency, its mission and actions. 18.0 to >16.0 pts B A good summary of the agency, its mission and actions. 16.0 to >14.0 pts C An average summary of the agency, its mission and actions. 14.0 to >12.0 pts D The summary is missing a large component either a description of the mission or its actions. 12.0 to >0 pts F A superficial summary that does not include detail of the mission or of the actions of the agency20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of controversy How well is the controversy about the agency described, are the pros/cons balanced20.0 to >18.0 pts A A through summary of the controversy, including a balanced discussion of the pros and cons 18.0 to >16.0 pts B A good summary of the controversy, including a balanced discussion of the pros and cons. More detail needed. 16.0 to >14.0 pts C An average summary of the controversy, pros/cons are not balanced, or controversy not explained in enough detail 14.0 to >12.0 pts D Significant balance issues, one side of the controversy is not addressed, or the controversy has been resolved. 12.0 to >0 pts F Controversy is not discussed in detail, pros/cons are not discussed.20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeImpact on society How well is the agency’s impact on society described20.0 to >18.0 pts A A through discussion of the impact on society including thoughtful examples. 18.0 to >16.0 pts B A good discussion of the impact on society, better examples or more detail is needed 16.0 to >14.0 pts C An average discussion of the impact on society, need more detail, or needs to use examples 14.0 to >12.0 pts D A superficial discussion of the impact on society, lacks detail or examples. 12.0 to >0 pts F A minimal discussion of the impact on society, no examples given.20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall and mechanics Is the paper free from grammatical errors? What is the overall reaction to the paper?20.0 to >18.0 pts A The paper is free from grammatical errors, has outstanding content, and is organized logically 18.0 to >16.0 pts B The paper has minor grammatical or citation issues. 16.0 to >14.0 pts C The paper has significant grammar or citation issues. 14.0 to >12.0 pts D The grammar issues are severe and take away from the substance of the paper. 12.0 to >0 pts F Lacks paragraphs, lacks references page, not 1500 words.20.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0

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