Writers Solution

Describe the four phases of the resource allocation process

1) Describe the four phases of the resource allocation process. You need to explain the details of each phase (who, what, when, where, why).PPBEEnactmentApportionmentExecution Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page.Writing Instructions (Please do read this):•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than a two page paper.•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


2) Week 8 Research Paper(attached is the topic and abstract) 

Send in a 7–10 page report describing a significant initiative that has been overseen over the last ten years through the acquisition process. The paper’s content should show that you comprehend the program manager and acquisition procedures that have been covered during the last eight weeks. The abstract assignment turned in during Week 4 should serve as the basis for this essay.

Examine each and every learning objective. Look up the learning aim online and in the library.Together with the title page and reference page, write this 7–10 page paper.This implies that a document with seven pages would really have nine pages, while a paper with ten pages would actually have twelve pages. The title page and the reference page are never counted in a formal college paper.Writing Instructions (Please do read this):

•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.

•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages of 7 to 10 page paper (the content section).

•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


3) Instructions. Each student is required to read a journal article on issues addressing a contracting issue related to this course. The journals must be research oriented, such as those found at Air University or APUS library related journals. The selected article should cite references and have a bibliography at the end of the article. After reading the article, you should prepare a one-page single-spaced abstract of the article and provide the abstract, not the entire article, to the professor. At the beginning of your abstract, please include the bibliographic citation. Your abstract should be succinctly written in a descriptive and informative manner and not exceed one single-spaced typewritten page in APA format.

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Enterprise Content Management and Data Governance Policies and Procedures Manual

Update the Enterprise Content Management and Data Governance Policies and Procedures Manual title page with a new date and project name.Update the previously completed sections based on instructor fee

  • Update the Enterprise Content Management and Data Governance Policies and Procedures Manual title page with a new date and project name.
  • Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
  • Suggested Headings for Data Governance Evaluation
    • Basis
      • base
      • Explain the benefits and drawbacks of governance as well as how their companies should respond to the influx and use of data. Look over and address the areas of your governance research that directly affect the company’s compliance and productivity. Create a diagram that illustrates how the elements of the EDM framework you found mix with your research-based explanation of governance to benefit the organization.
      • standards
      • The governance results are sorted using the most recent criteria.
      • It is critical to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of the area.
    • Standards
      • Categorize the governance outcomes based on current standards.
      • Strengths and weaknesses of this area should be noted.
    • Data Quality
      • Categorize your data quality analysis from IP4.
      • Strengths and weaknesses of this area should be noted.
    • Data Privacy and Security
      • Categorize data privacy and security in the organization based on your IP4 findings.
      • Strengths and weaknesses of this area should be noted.
    • Management Alignment
      • Categorize the overall benefits of the EDM on governance and improved alignment in the organization.
      • Strengths and weaknesses of this area should be noted.
  • Be sure to update your table of contents and project should be 15-20 pages.
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Comparative Human Experience

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the instructions for the Week 5 Comparative Human Experience final project. In addition, keep in mind the LIB101 research guide: Library resources and primary sources as a resource that help you in researching your topic and finding primary and secondary sources.

The purpose of this assignment is to prepare you for your final project by guiding you through the research and writing process. To complete this activity, download the required Final Project Preparation Template Download Final Project Preparation Template and fill out each section.

Final project preparation template

To complete the Final Project Preparation Template successfully, use the Week 3 Assignment Help Sheet with Worked Examples Download Week 3 Assignment Help Sheet with Worked Examples.

To complete the template, you will

  • Choose two societies or civilizations that you would like to examine in your final project, including the time periods you will consider.
  • Choose one theme for your analysis of the societies or civilizations.
  • Choose a format to present your analysis.
  • Choose two works from each society (four total) that express your chosen theme (works of history, literature, philosophy, theology, art, architecture, or music) and list them using APA-formatted references. These works are considered primary sources.
  • Choose two scholarly secondary sources, one for each society or civilization, relevant to your chosen theme and list them using APA-formatted references.
  • Provide brief annotations for each source (six total) including a description of its content and relevance to your Final Project.
  • Develop a preliminary introduction for your final project.
  • Develop a preliminary thesis statement for your final project.
  • Outline three topic sentences for each society or civilization to shape the main points of your analysis.
  • Cite at least one source from your reference list to support each topic sentence.
  • List your sources in an APA-formatted references list (two scholarly sources and four primary source works)
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Belief system and the Human Experience

Instructions for assignment:

Belief system and the Human Experience

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, Read Chapter 4 and complete the LIB101: Week 3 Civilization TourLinks to an external site. interactive.

For this forum discussion you must

Must be 250 words

  • Identify two major religions or belief systems addressed in the readings this week that you would like to examine further.
  • Identify the society or societies where the belief systems were followed.
  • Identify the key elements of the two belief systems.
    • How were these beliefs integral to the society?
    • How did societies, groups, or individuals express or demonstrate their spiritual or ethical beliefs?
    • What was the impact of revelation- versus enlightenment-based beliefs?
  • Discuss how spiritual or ethical beliefs in two major belief systems impacted one of the following areas:
    • Aesthetic and intellectual achievements in the realm of art, architecture, philosophy, theology, literature, sciences, or music.
  • How does belief shape such works?
  • How do such works impact belief?
  • For what purposes are such works created?
  • What ideals are expressed in such works?
    • Government or system of rule
  • What is the relationship between spiritual or ethical beliefs and systems of rule?
  • Are ideals of rule associated with spiritual or ethical beliefs?
  • Do spiritual or ethical beliefs shape legal systems or laws? How is justice conceived?
    • Gender roles
  • What spiritual or ethical ideals shape family relationships? Between parents? Parents and children? Siblings? Ancestors? Larger kinship networks?
  • What spiritual or ethical ideals shape ideas about what is considered appropriate or inappropriate sexuality?
  • How are spiritual or ethical ideals experienced by men versus women?
    • War and peace
  • What position do different spiritual or ethical systems take on war?
  • How do different spiritual or ethical systems justify war?
  • How do different spiritual or ethical systems address tolerance or intolerance of other belief systems?
    • Socioeconomic systems
  • How does spiritual or ethical belief shape ideas about poverty and charity?
  • How does spiritual or ethical belief uphold or challenge social hierarchy?
  • How do spiritual or ethical beliefs contrast material versus spiritual well-being?
  • How do spiritual or ethical beliefs impact ideas about personal responsibility to the larger community?

Discussion 2

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review Chapter 4 in your textbook and the LIB101: Week 3 Civilization TourLinks to an external site. interactive.

Must be at least 100 words

In your initial posting, address the following questions:

  • What struck you in particular about the human condition and the expression of humanity as you explored the course materials this week?
  • What insights have you had?
  • What has caused you to struggle or feel confused?
  • What questions have come up for you at this point?
  • Do you have any helpful tips that you have picked up in this course or a past one?

Discussion 3

Annotated Bibliography Builder Learning Acivity

Prior to beginning work on this learning activity discussion forum,

  • review the Week 5 Comparative Human Experience final project, and
  • review the LIB101 Research Guide: Library Resources and Primary SourcesLinks to an external site..

A Annotated Bibliography Builder Annotated Bibliography Builder This template will assist you with creating a reference and an annotation for each of the two sources you are required to contribute to the annotated bibliography in the Annotated Bibliography Builder Learning Activity discussion forum in Week 3.

APA References for Your Article, Chapter, Webpage, Artifact, Work of Art, or Architectural Monument

APA Format for Journal Article:

Author, A. (Year). Title of article. Publication Title, volume number(issue), pp–pp. URL


Mendoza, V. (2010). How to cite a journal article. History of Citation, 62(4), 56-75. https://url_goes_here

APA Format for Chapter in a Book:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of chapter. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (edition, if other than the first, pp. XX–XX). Publisher Name. URL


Mendoza, V. (2010). How to cite a journal article. In J.K. Holloway (Ed.), A Brief History of Citation (pp. 56-75). Major University Press. https://url_goes_here

APA Format for Webpage:

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of web page. Site Name. URL


Mendoza, V. (2010, June). How to cite a journal article. A Brief History of Citation.

APA Format for Artifact:

[Description of Artifact]. (Date of the artifact’s creation). Name of the Museum Collection (Box, File, or

Call Number). Name of the Museum, Location of Museum. Website data (if applicable).


[Coral Pounder, Caroline Islands, Micronesia]. (n.d.). Artifact Number 03292, Hawaiian National

Museum Collection. Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI.

APA Format for Work of Art:

Artist (Year of completion). Title [Description of material]. Name of Institution, Museum, or Collection, City, abbreviated Province/State. Website data (if applicable).


Giotto di Bondone (1305). The Lamentation of Christ [Fresco]. Scrovegni (Arena) Chapel, Padua.

APA Format for Architectural Monument:

Name of Structure (Year of completion). [Description of the structure]. Location. Website data (if applicable).


Parthenon (432 BCE). [Temple]. Athens.

For further guidance on creating APA references for other kinds of sources, go to the UAGC Writing Center’s APA: Formatting Your Reference List.

What to Include in Your Article, Chapter, or Web Article Annotation

1. Explain what makes your source scholarly: a. What do you know about the author? Do a Google search on the author; find their biography at the place they teach, and look for their Curriculum Vitae (an academic resume). What information establishes them as a credible expert on this topic?

b. What are some examples of scholarly sources that are referenced and cited in this article, chapter, or web article?

2. In your own words, what is the author’s thesis or the central focus? What would you answer if you described what you read to someone, and then they asked “So what’s the point?”

What to Include in Your Primary Source Annotation

1. Explain what makes your source primary: a. Was the source created close to the time of the event?

2. In a sentence or two, what do we know about this author (e.g., dates, social or marital status, relevant places of residence, etc.)? You might need to get more information about the author! a. Did the original author have firsthand knowledge of the subject at hand? Or, did he or she report what others saw and heard?

b. What opinions or interests did the author have that influenced what was recorded?

3. What do we know about the source? When, where, and/or why was it created? What type of source is it (e.g., treatise, law code, letter, journal, etc.)? a. For what purpose was the piece originally written?

b. For whom was the piece originally directed? Did the writer produce the source for personal use, for one or more individuals, or for a large audience? Was the source meant to be public or private?

c. What were the author’s motivations for writing? Did the writer wish to inform or persuade others? Did the writer have reasons to be honest or dishonest? Any ulterior motives? What might they have been?

4. Why is this source important? a. What was going on at the time and place that the source was created? What are the most important issues closely associated with this source?

b. What broader themes does or could the source address that provide insight into the period under consideration?

c. What impact might the source have had in context of its time and/or place?

d. How would you use this source as a piece of historical evidence? i. What does this source tell us?

ii. What strengths does this source have as historical evidence?

iii. What limitations does this source have as historical evidence?

iv. What questions does it leave unanswered?

v. What other sorts of evidence might support it?

5. What specific part of your week 5 Comparative Human Experience final project could this primary source support? Why?

Where to Find Sources to Review

1. LIB101 Research Guide: Library Resources and Primary Sources (accessible through the online classroom)

2. Multimedia Tours (accessible through the online classroom)

LIB101: Week 1 Civilization Tour

LIB101: Week 2 Civilization Tour

LIB101: Week 3 Civilization Tour

LIB101: Week 4 Civilization Tour

LIB101: Week 5 Civilization Tour

The purpose of this activity is to help you develop your library research skills, so you can locate primary sources, books, and journal articles related to your Week 5 Comparative Human Experience final project. You are required to find two sources that you can use for the final project. Your first source must be a primary source and your second source must be a scholarly, secondary source. (Tip! Your primary source should be one of the works of history, literature, philosophy, theology, art, architecture, or music that expresses your chosen theme in one of the societies you will discuss in the final project). Remember to download your sources, if possible, or save the reference somewhere safe as you will be using these sources again as a part of your Final Project Preparation assignment this week. Do not select tertiary sources such as encyclopedia articles for this exercise, as they do not meet the research requirements for the final project.

This activity will also help you focus on analyzing sources by writing annotations. What is an annotation? An annotation is a brief written commentary on a scholarly book, chapter, journal article, or primary source that summarizes its central points and main argument. In the case of primary sources, you will identify key elements of the source that will help you analyze its significance.

For your initial posting, use the Annotated Bibliography Builder TemplateLinks to an external site. as a guide for creating a reference and annotation for each of your two sources. Post your annotated bibliography in the discussion forum for your classmates to view

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ESL strategies to use in your toolkit which will enhance learning for English Language Learners

1)You will read about ESL strategies to use in your toolkit which will enhance learning for English Language Learners.

2) Explore ESL and ELL strategies and add appropriate ones to your Toolkit.


Review the following:


Explore ESL and ELL strategies to add to your Toolkit by viewing the following link:


Add ESL strategies to toolkit from assigned resources. You should be working on toolkit each week , and it will be successfully complete by due dates. 

Share what you learned from the resources and  a favorite strategy you found on Engagement and one for ESL /ELL students.  Post by Friday – Sunday morning  and then respond to 2 others by Sunday evening . 

Be sure to refer to Discussion R

Writers Solution

Critical Thinking and Reflection:Critical Thinking and Reflection:Critical Thinking and Reflection

5-3 Journal: Final Project Question 2

In this assignment, you will write a journal entry in which you choose another question or area that you would like to address as part of your final project; you will explain how the concepts you have learned in the modules so far apply to the cultural or ethnic group you have chosen for your project. Please see the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric to choose a question for this assignment.

Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric.

Journals are private and between you and the instructor only. Approach these activities as (a) an opportunity to reflect upon and apply wha
readings, discussions, and activities and (b) an opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise based on your past educational and prof
you will need good reflection and writing skills. Journal activities give you the opportunity to further develop these skills.
In this journal, you will choose another question or area from the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric that differs from the question or area
Specifically, you must address the following critical elements:critical elements:critical elements:critical elements:
I. Critical Thinking and Reflection:Critical Thinking and Reflection:Critical Thinking and Reflection:Critical Thinking and Reflection: Support your claims with relevant examples of personal experience, previous learning, or logic
II. Integration and Application:Integration and Application:Integration and Application:Integration and Application: Show good depth of knowledge of the module content and demonstrate that you have read the mo
III. Voice:Voice:Voice:Voice: Write in a style that is generally appropriate for the intended audience and attempt to use a consistent voice.
What to Submit
Submit the assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

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Discuss how a leader’s personality traits are essential in adapting a leadership style

In Unit VII of this course, you will submit a research paper concerning a leadership theory and how it is applied in the workforce. In the finished paper, you will evaluate leadership roles and strengths, analyze the leadership theory you chose, evaluate leadership behavior and motivation, analyze leader influence, analyze research in leadership, demonstrate how leadership skills are used, and compare and contrast how leadership approaches are used to lead organizational learning and change.

For this assignment, you will submit a literature review focusing on relevant literature related to your leadership theory and its application. Since we are focusing on communication and leadership theories in this unit, the literature you select for your literature review should cover the following topics:

Discuss how a leader’s personality traits are essential in adapting a leadership style. 

Compare and contrast behavior attributes of your chosen leadership theory with a contingency leadership theory. 

If your chosen theory is a contingency theory, compare and contrast your theory with another contingency theory. Explain effective communication strategies for leaders. 

Your literature review should be at least two pages in length, not including the title and reference pages, which are required as part of this assignment. You are required to use at least four outside sources, three of which must come from the Online Library. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

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What policies and procedures exist in the project environment that governs resource acquisition?

Part 4: Stakeholder Plan

For the project selected in Unit III, create an abbreviated stakeholder management plan. Your plan should follow the guidance in the PMBOK Guide for the plan stakeholder management process as well as Table 4.1 in the textbook.

The deliverable for this element of the project is a table that you may create in Word or Excel. The table should include at least 10 project stakeholders using the following headings:


Communication Needs



Further, each stakeholder is labeled in the table using the PMBOK Guide categories:






Finally, include a column for Strategies to succinctly list your planned approach to the management of each stakeholder.

Part 5: Resource Acquisition Plan

For the project you selected in Unit III, create a simple project resource acquisition plan. Your plan should follow the guidance in the PMBOK Guide for the acquire project resources process as well as Figures 5.1 and 5.2 in the textbook. Your plan should include an introduction, and should be able to answer the following questions:

What policies and procedures exist in the project environment that governs resource acquisition?

What are my criteria for resource selection?

How many resources am I likely to require?

What skill sets will I require?

With whom should I plan to negotiate for resources, and how?

How do I document and explain the detailed requirements in terms of time required, skillsets, budget, and accounting?

Feel free to make use of tables with the resource acquisition plan when describing itemized elements such as skillsets, numbers, criteria, and policies and procedures. Note also that the plan should end with an example of a project work package. An example work package can be found in the Unit V Lesson.

Submit your resource acquisition plan in the form of a document of at least two pages. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Part 6: Team Development Plan

For the project selected in Unit III, create a simple project team development plan. Your plan should follow the guidance in the PMBOK Guide using the processes under “Develop Team” on pages 336–344, “Manage Team” on pages 345–349, as well as Figures 6.1 and 6.2 in the textbook. Your plan should include an introduction and should answer the following questions:

What human resource tools will you draw upon in the overall development and management of the project team

What approach will you take to kick off the project team?

What ground rules will you establish for team meetings and interaction?

What specific ways will you demonstrate emotional intelligence in the development of the project team?

What methods will you employ to resolve conflict throughout the stages of team development?

What will be the conflict sources within the team development process?

How will you set and measure goals and reward achievement?

Compile the team development plan that addresses the questions above. Feel free to use a table to summarize your policy and approach. (As one example, refer to Table 6.2 in the textbook).

Submit your team development plan in the form of a minimum two-page document. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Part 7: Team Performance Reporting

For the project selected in Unit I, create a simple project team development plan. Your plan should follow the guidance in the PMBOK Guide for manage communication (Executing Section 4.7) as well as Figures 8.1 and 8.2 in the textbook. Your plan should include an introduction and should answer the following questions:

What project documents will you use to report project progress (see PMBOK Guide, Section 4.7.2 for examples)?

How will you present and deliver project work performance reports?

What historical organizational project artifacts will you review and include in your reports?

What project communications management tools will you employ?

How will you report revisions to resource requirements based on project progress?

What ethical guidelines will you include in your project communication policies?

How will you collect and ensure accuracy of project performance information used for reporting?

What, if any, templates will you employ to document, present, and communicate team performance?

Compile the project reporting plan that addresses the questions above. Feel free to use tables, graphics, or document template examples to summarize your policy and approach.

Submit your team development plan in the form of a minimum two-page document. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

This formal paper example provided by the CSU Writing Center shows this type of formatting.

Part 8: Stakeholder Engagement Monitor and Control Plan

For the project selected in Unit I, create a simple stakeholder engagement monitor and control plan. Your plan should follow the guidance in the PMBOK Guide for manage stakeholder engagement and monitor stakeholder engagement (Sections 13.3 and 13.4) as well as Figures 9.1 and 9.2 in the textbook. Your plan should include an introduction, and should answer the following questions:

What specific soft skills will you employ in managing project stakeholders?

What ground rules will you establish for managing project stakeholders?

What types of meetings do you plan to have with project stakeholders? How often do you plan to hold them?

How will you manage change requests from stakeholders?

How will you monitor stakeholders and levels of stakeholder engagement?

How will you manage changes to stakeholder requirements?

What historical documents will you update in the process of managing and monitoring stakeholders?

Create the stakeholder management and control plan that addresses the questions above. Feel free to use tables, graphics, or document template examples to summarize your policy and approach. As a guide to depth, your stakeholder management and control plan should be at least two pages in length. If you use tables, you may either create your table in Word and include it at the end of the document or submit it as a separate Excel file.

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

This formal paper example provided by the CSU Writing Center shows this type of formatting.

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Theory of the writing process and also collecting and analyzing

Purpose of the Assignment: To learn about your writing process. To learn that you have a writing process that can be shaped and reshaped. To learn how to think about that process.

Intended Audience: Instructor. Classmates. Writing teachers. Scholars interested in studying the writing process.

Assignment Topic: What have you learned about yourself as a writer from studying the theory of the writing process and also collecting and analyzing your own data in light of this theory? Describe data that you collect about your writing process over the course of two weeks, then analyze the data to describe your writing process. Use the concepts and terms from the course readings to frame your analysis.

Assignment Description: For this assignment, I want you to examine your writing process and literacy influences and then reflect on your process and influences. You will write an essay describing your own writing process based on a) concepts you’ve learned from the course readings and b) data that you have collected about your writing process. You’ll use discussions and readings from this unit to write a 3-4 page analysis of what you learned from studying your writing process. The idea behind this paper is very similar to that of the Rhetorical Situation Assignment: read and learn what the parts of the writing process are, then compare your own writing process to what you’ve learned and write a paper that a) describes your own writing process using the theory you’ve learned and b) considers what shaped your writing process and how you might reshape it. (If you think about it, that is similar to the first paper, where you learned the parts of the Rhetorical Situation, then analyzed a text that you wrote and described the parts of the rhetorical situation of your text. The third and last paper for this class will also follow a very similar process.)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1) TODAY, start creating some data about your writing process. You’ll keep this log for two weeks. You’re going to post the log and a list to a discussion forum/peer review two weeks from today. You’ll also be attaching your writing log to the end of your second essay, the Writing Process Assignment. It’s going to be one of the sources that you cite for this paper, along with the class readings. Make sure to keep up with it as it’s part of the final grade for the work for this paper.

  • Document your writing process every time you write something for any purpose (a class assignment, social media post, blog post, website page, etc.) over the next two weeks.
  • Keep track of all your writing journal notes in a writing log. If it were me, I would print out a paper chart to keep at my desk, so that I can easily jot down notes in it during writing sessions. Then I’d scan it to a file to save for submission later.
  • Look over this sample of a writing log kept in an Excel spreadsheet Download sample of a writing log kept in an Excel spreadsheet(just one possible way to keep track of your writing data–you could also create a chart by hand, in Word, etc.): Download sample writing logLinks to an external get an idea of what a writing log should or could look like. The writing log should keep track of:
  • When did you write? Write down the date and time you wrote.
  • How long did you write?
  • Where did you write?
  • What did you work on during each writing session?
  • What course or purpose did you write for? If you wrote for a course, what was the assignment?
  • What was hard about each writing session? What was easy? Why?
  • When and how did you get distracted? What distracted you?
  • How long did you plan for your writing?
  • How many times did you revise your writing?
  • When did you have writing bursts? What type of writing?
  • What types of writing did you write well?
  • What types of writing were you doing when you struggled and when you did not struggle?

Keep all of the answers to these questions in a journal or log. Keep as many notes about your writing process as you possible over the next week or two. 

  • Finally, when you start to write the paper, look over the writing process data from your log/journal and tell us what you are seeing about yourself as a writer. Here are the questions to try and answer as you write your first rough draft:
  • a) What are you noticing about yourself as a writer, and what do you need to do to develop your writing processes?
  • b) Which phases of the Writing Process) did you tend to lean more strongly on?
  • c) Which phases did you spend less time on, or skip?
  • d) Has your experience as a student had any similarities or differences to the student’s experience  in the case study in the course reading from Malowski? To Villanueva’s in the excerpt from Bootstraps?
  • e) What are your strengths in terms of the writing process, and which ones can you work on developing?
  • f) Overall, what have you learned about yourself as a writer from studying the theory of the writing process and also collecting and analyzing your own data in light of this theory?
  • g) Where do you see the potential to develop your writing process and why? What can you say about your writing process or writing processes?

To get an idea of what to aim for and grading criteria:

Look over  this sample final paper for an idea of what the paper could look like. (Link forthcoming.)

Look over the   Evaluation Standards for The Writing Process Assignment

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Phycological and physiological indicators of stress

Discussion Question:

Stress has not only become a way of life, but it has also become a sometimes-welcomed friend. Add it to your college, job, family, and you have the potential for continual stress. Understanding that stress is a part of life and cannot be avoided, strategies must be developed to facilitate adaptation.

Discussion Questions:

1-What is your definition of stress?

2-What are the phycological and physiological indicators of stress?

3-Identify a personal situation you found highly stressful?

4-Which techniques can be used to manage or reduce stress?

Note: You are to submit your answers in the Discussion Board and to reply to two peers. Support your responses with at least 2 peer-reviewed references within 5 years of publication. All responses must be in a narrative format and each paragraph must have at least 4 sentences. 

Grading Criteria

 Your answer to the discussion question should be supported with research, examples or references to the literature, and personal experiences in order to be considered substantive. You must make an initial posting in order to view other threads to complete peer responses. If you submit a blank thread, you will earn a zero.

  1. Respond to at least 2 postings of a classmate each week. Use the “reply” prompt to the entry to keep the discussion “threaded”. Points are also awarded for your substantive response to each peer (See grading rubric for point calculation).
  2. All initial postings must be a minimum of 200 words.
  3.  All peer responses must be a minimum of 150 words. Postings less than the required minimum will not earn any points. Greetings, signatures, and references are not part of the word count.
  4. American Psychological Association (APA) edition 7 format must be used appropriately, citing a minimum of 2 references per initial posting and 1 reference per peer response. If APA formatting for references is not used correctly, no credit will be earned – both in the sections of the grading rubric requiring a minimum number of references and in the APA section. References that are not in APA do not count for any credit.
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