Writers Solution

The nursing profession is not limited to the scientific side but also it is relies to the moral foundation to being a successful and professional nurse during the performance of the job

Nursing is a humanitarian profession that can’t be dispensed in all parts of the world, because it is considered as an essential profession that requires of observance of professional ethics and scientific practice based on a lot of skills and knowledge in order to provide high quality of care for patients for that reason there is internship period for the students of nursing which is means: the internship is period of field training (clinical practice) that will bring the trainee back their memory, also It requires rethinking the knowledge, information and theoretical applications accumulated during the nursing study period that was studied by the nursing students in the four past years ,so The internship period is one of the best way for that the nursing student should be join in the internship in order to increase level of skills also it is very important because it can increases experience and self-confidence when the student tries to integrate theoretical information with clinical decision making then use them to provide nursing care during the job In the future, In addition, there are very important things that the student must do during the internship, so they required by the concerned authorities, such as reflection. It is a basic element that can helps students to discover strengths and weaknesses, also reflection can effect on the personal level of the student moreover it can helps improve the relationships between students and coaches furthermore, the reflection is basic factor that can support in bridging the gap between the practice of the profession and knowledge also, the reflection is a necessary educational need during the internship. also the internship is not limited to these points but the students must be follow professional values ,nursing practice and decision-making ,communication and interpersonal skills, and leadership ,management ,team working in order to being good nurse and provide high level of care for patients so this assignment will discuss about my experience through my internship.

Domain 1: professional value The nursing profession is not limited to the scientific side but also it is relies to the moral foundation to being a successful and professional nurse during the performance of the job. At this time the nurse may face difficulty in applying all the professional values ​​so, the nurse should try to apply professional values ​​in order to build professional identity and maintain with develop them because any mistake may destroy all the things even it is small things, so professional values are: basic principles that must be applied during work in order to maintain human dignity (Segen’s Medical Dictionary.2012 Farlex, )so, when I was in (ER)which is means emergency department mother of 2 child patients she was worry about her two children because they have high fever she was come inside ER with out open the file and with out go to the triage room then she start shouting after that we was go to her with the Doctor and we was start to take care of her children and give her medication for her two children then after 15 minutes the two children being stable with normal temperature in same time the mother she was angry also she said the nurse did not take care of my children well and the nurse she is very bad also the Doctor is very bad he came just 2 time and i want the nurse stay with my children all time after that the nurse did not take in to account her circumstances then the nurse said I am here not just for your children I have a lot of work I am so busy also the nurse said with high voice and without respect! this is not my responsibility to staying with your children then the nurse was close the curtain without listen to the mother of patient after that I took the permission from the manager to talk with mother of patient kindly with respect her in order to solve the misunderstanding between the nurse and mother. So the respect of patient is dealing with patient politely whether by word or verb and It is an imposed moral duty for the nurse to the patient with taking into account the dignity ,shyness, patient independence and decisions of the patient (Ainslie,2012) ,Therefore respect is an integral part of the ethics of profession especially in nursing So in conclude the respect from nurse is very important to all patients; regardless of color, gender, or religion moreover the respect is not only for the patient but also for relatives and medical staff that’s why I feel more responsibility for the patient respect. I have learned from this position that respect is an essential and important element in the provision of health care by the nurse for patient and that the better the relationship in terms of mutual respect between the nurse and patient, which leads to builds confidence then it is achieved patient satisfaction for all care provided which leads to healing in the fastest time. Domain 2: Communication is an indispensable tool in nursing also it is considered as skill used by intern student in order to communicate with patient to meet his needs, to know his wishes and to provide care for him in full face moreover it is help to build a strong relationship between the patient and the nurse as(trusting relationship) through the exchange the information and participation during interventions(Schulz,2015), also communication is the exchange of information and speech between the patient and the nurse by sending and receiving them through writing or speaking also it is an effective method(Maureen ,Nokuthula2018) so when I was on emergency department girl child patient she was 9 years old came with her father, she has abdominal pain with vomiting since two days then the doctor was see the patient and he was wrote the order after that I was go with my preceptor to prepare the medication and insert the canula then when the patient was see the needle she start to crying also she was very afraid and she didn’t want anyone to hold her, even though I was spoke to her quietly and I took into consideration her young age after that I explained to her what I would do for her after that she accepted the subject and she allowed us to complete the treatment plan because I have used verbal exchanges that helped the patient understand smoothly so this is a proof that I have good communicated with her and I was able to convince her in smooth way so there are a lot of effective from good communication with patient which is 1.helping to communicating information and ideas quickly with real effectively,2. enhance confidence between the nurse and the patient also 3. helps to speed the patient’s recovery 4. improve the mental state of the patient moreover, good communication plays an active role in the effective performance of the organization ( Lawrence Robinson, May 2019.) It is also possible that there is a poor in communication between the nurse and the patient, whether unintentionally or intentionally, and this plays a large role in influencing the relationship between the nurse and the patient moreover may lead to misunderstanding between the parties and loss of confidence furthermore the most important things are mistakes during the transfer of patient information then h it can do health problems or wrong treatment also it can lead to poor cooperation between the nurse and the patient.( Dr. Kain 2017). There are ways to prevent poor communication and facilitate communication, between nurse and patient including increased transparency between patient and nurse, speak kindly with him or her and attend courses in order to acquisition important communication skills, so I have learned from this that good communication is important to build a bridge between the patient and his family and the nurse, which leads to medical procedures going nicely and accept the patient procedures and increase the experience that leads to knowledge to communicate with older , young and different kinds of people also different languages. There are ways to become a professional nurse in communicating with the patient including: trying to being calm even if there is something complicated also the nurse must remember that the patient does not attack her personally, but the patient acts like this because he is concerned. The nurse should engage in conversation and empathy with the patient, avoiding the patient’s argument also use good words and giving the patient an opportunity to speak and apologize in case of mistake. Finally, smile to the patient’s face in order to give him optimism(mumu,2019)

Domain 3: There are very rapid changes in the field of health care so this is why requires from the nurse to play big role in making the right decision quickly, by using critical thinking, ideas and information to make effective decisions that allow the nurse to provide nursing care also one of the most important reasons to being success nurse in her practical life is making the right decision at the right time ,so decision making is The process of making a decision for an urgent and important matter in order to reach a solution to the problem and seek the existence of a goal which is an ongoing and contextual process through collecting and evaluating the data in order to obtain conclusive evidence (Prachi Juneja 2015) So when I was in maternity ward patient X she was deliver the baby after that she admitted to postpartum ward then she start to breastfeeding ,she has difficult ,shortness of breath and pain when she is feeding the baby ,more over when I check the temperature it was very high so the doctor said the patient has infection that’s why she should take medication and it can affect breast feeding so indeed the baby did not want sleep after the mother take the medication then me with my preceptor we are start to make real and fast decision in front of this situation and we suggested to her as stopped breastfeeding then the mother she start to thinking about the subject after that she said I making decision which is I will stop the breastfeeding because not just me will affected also my baby so this indicates the nurse’s intelligence and good thinking in avoiding problems that may occur when she let the mother keep in breastfeeding by she using decision making after that the mother she thanked the nurse because she felt high quality of care for mother and baby submitted by nurse and she felt comfortable in the body and rapid healing. so I feel very proud of myself also I feel more responsibility after I take decision making moreover I feel some of difficulty in take decision making but I trusted myself more when I saw the positive results after making the right decision further more I felt that I could decisions making in the future without fear. I learned from this position is read more information from book or internet about decision-making in order to avoid the mistake that could happen with intention or without intention and attend the educational courses on decision-making in order to gain experience. I also learned to being courage in front of the patient with hide the fear and anxiety, I have also learned that there are disadvantages sometimes in decision making, including taking inappropriate decision for new conditions, also when take decision without good study it can leads to the failure in the results(Collins A,2011). Furthermore, decision-making is the only thing that can protects the patient’s right because it depends on clinical experience, evidence, data and experiences, so the nurse is the right person to make the clinical decisions. However, the nurse must respect the patient’s opinion even she like it or not because the patient is only one who has the final decision making about his situation( Health , Human Services 2015 ). There are steps that the nurse must follow it when she making the decision including: knowing the patient’s problem fully, collecting information, weighing the options correctly in order to choose the best option while following the procedures with take full responsibility(By Management Study Guide Content Team2015). Domain 4: The work of the nurse requires to development of leadership skills and management in order to promote patient care. Moreover, the presence of managers in leadership matters is a very important part in the organization of all hospital departments, controlling the problems that can occur, directing and supervising staff, and making the nursing intern student should try to development management and leadership skills. So when I was in critical area we were to (ICU) which is means intensive care unit with 2 intern student from our group, there are a lot of work there also there is shortage of staff so one of the days was very busy then the manager call us to help the staff in other said which is (IMCU) then he divided us in order to divide tasks equally between us in order to provide high quality of care for all patient also to maintain time management during doing patients service and and decrease pressure ,so there was patient X in (ICU) , she is heavy weight and she is bedridden patient she need to change position ,suction and change diaper so all staff was busy with her around 15 minutes in order to take care of her well because her condition is very urgent and dangerous also she need special care because she is in the last stage of life while relative of other patient come to the nursing station and they want one nurse but there is no nurse because they are busy with other patient then the relatives was started angry and they say how the (ICU) nursing station with out nurse so me as a nursing intern student i was try to reassure family also I answer the question but the family they were not satisfied with my answer then I go to the manager then he came and he solved the problem also he said to family don’t worry about your father he is ok and his condition stable after that I feel I am proud of manger of ICU also I feel I am happy because he divided us while in the same time I feel disappointment and grief because the family did not belief my talking.( Thomas,2015) I learned from this position how to solve the problems quietly in the future and how to become a successful manager and I like when the manager divided the tasks equally between us moreover I hope to become like him. Therefore, we conclude that the leader has many roles in order to reach a certain goal, and the leader is the only one who has the right to distribute the work, coordinate the staff and arrange all things in order to reduce the work, pressure and speed in providing services to patients with attention to patient care needs and ability to lead others and supervise all nurses, their work and encourage them to cooperate between other staff and give them incentives in order to increase morale with use positive terms(Warren Buffett,2014). According to Health force there is a difference between management and leadership, but they complement each other so the leadership is: the ability to manage the situation and make quick decisions and encourage the team to work on the performance moreover the leader needs to be strong personality and have ethics and confidence of other staff, especially the new staff and listen to employees and answer their questions and assess their fears (Jack Welch,2019) so the management is : Organize care activities to achieve a specific goal(Drucker,2015). To sum up the training period is very important as it teaches the student a sense of responsibility towards the things that can happen. Moreover, the nursing profession is not only concerned with providing care for patient , but also it is interested to have good ethical while communicate with others, Therefore, the nurse must apply professional values ​​by respecting others and caring for their dignity. Also, the way to communicate with the other if there is good communication it can help to build a strong relationship. Moreover, making the right decision after thinking which leads to increased confidence and complete psychological satisfaction from the service provided from the nurse also The implementation of leadership and management is the most important things that help in the success of the continuity of work, So I must apply all these things in order to be successful nurse in the future. REFERENCES

1.Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2014). TeamSTEPPS 2.0 course management guide. Rockville, MD: Author. Retrieved from

2.Ainslie DC. ‘Watching’ medicine: do bioethicists respect patients’ privacy? Theor Med Bioethics. 2012. 2. Paterson C, Chapman J. Enhancing skills of critical reflection to evidence learning in professional practice. Phys Ther Sport. 2013. 3.. Aitken, L. M., Marshall, A., Elliott, R., & Mckinley, S. (2011). Comparison of “think aloud” and observation as data collection methods in the study of decision making regarding sedation in intensive care patients. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 4. Banning, M. (2007). A review of clinical decision making: models and current research. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 5. Hannawa A. F., Garcia-Jimenez L., Candrian C., Rossmann C., & Schulz P. J. (2015). Identifying the field of health communication. Journal of Health Communications, 6. Wright K. B., Bylund C., Ware J., Parker P., Query J. L., & Baile W. (2009). Medical student attitudes toward communication skills training and knowledge of appropriate provider-patient communication: A comparison of first-year and fourth-year medical students. Medical Education . 7. Segen’s Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, <a href=””>professional values</a>. 8. Effective Communication: Improving Your Social Skills – Communicate more effectively, improve your conversation skills, and become more assertive. (AnxietyCanada) ( Lawrence Robinson May 2019. 9. Fakhr-Movahedi A, Salsali M, Negarandeh R, Rahnavard Z. Exploring contextual factors of the nurse-patient relationship: A qualitative study. Koomesh.  10. Effective Communication in Nursing By Maureen Nokuthula Sibiya Submitted: October 27th 2017Reviewed: February 6th 2018Published: March 21st 2018 11. The Impact of Poor Communication Patterns between Nurses and Providers December 03, 2018 By Nicole Kraut RN . 12. Effects of the Poor Communication in Hospitals .( Dr. Kain 2017). 13. The article is Written By “Prachi Juneja” and Reviewed By Management Study Guide Content Team. MSG Content Team comprises experienced Faculty Member, Professionals and Subject Matter Experts. We are a ISO 2001:2015 Certified Education Provider. 14.  Coulter A., Collins A. Making shared decision-making a reality: No decision about me, without me.London, UK: King’s Fund; 2011. 15. National Center for Biotechnology Information. (2014). Enhancing clinical decision making: development of a contiguous definition and conceptual. 16. The Role of a Nurse Manager by Dr. Kelly S. Meier; Updated June 29, 2018. 17. Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services . (2017). negligence and malpractice. Available at: . Last accessed 15 Jan 2019. 18. University of Massachusetts. (2018). Decision-making process. Available at: . Last accessed 15 Jan 2019. 19. Wikström BM, Svidén G. Exploring communication skills training in undergraduate nurse education by means of a curriculum. Nursing Reports. 2011. 20. Woods M. Nursing ethics education: are we really delivering the good (s)? Nurs Ethics. 2005. 21. University of Saint Mary . (2019). The Responsibilities of a Nurse Manager. Available at:

Writers Solution

How MDMA has and can help PTSD.

Topic: How MDMA has and can help PTSD.

For each assignment you must hand in a Literature Review of a minimum of three (if you its

an individual work) to four (if its a group work) texts. Remember that the selection of literature must be valid and consist of articles from a scientific/academic journal or chapters from a specialized book(that either offers empirical studies or a systematic theoretical review) that elaborates about your selected research topic. In this sense, only primary or secondary sources are valid for this type of review. If you are ever unsure on the validity of the source, send me an e-mail and/or bring it to class to assess it (please do this at least a few days before the due date to hand in said reviews). Remember thata relatively good “rule of thumb” is that journals published from renown and respectable universities and research institutions tend to go though rigorous editorial process (and tend to be peer-reviewed) that safe-guard (at least in theory) from spurious, fallacious or wrongly made articles or studies.

Writers Solution

How do neuro-psychological assessments provide information about impairment?

 (175 word count)

How do neuro-psychological assessments provide information about impairment? How could this information be misused?

Writers Solution

Stress, Depression, and the Immune Response

For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources as well as the “Stress, Depression, and the Immune Response” section of the “Stress, the Immune System, Chronic Illness, and Your Body” handout. Then reflect on the different ways stress, the stress response, and depression are connected. Finally, consider what part depression plays in the immune and inflammatory response systems.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 an explanation of the relationships between stress and depression. Then describe two factors of stress response that influence the development of depression and explain how. Finally, explain the influence of depression on the immune and inflammatory response systems. Be specific.


  • Course Text: Baum, A., Lorduy, K., & Jenkins, F. J. (2011). The molecular biology of stress: Cellular defense, immune response, and aging. In R. J. Contrada & A. Baum (Eds.), The handbook of stress science: Biology, psychology, and health (pp. 87–100). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Course Text: Bekkouche, N. S., Holmes, S., Whittaker, K. S., & Krantz, D. S. (2011). Stress and the heart: Psychosocial stress and coronary heart disease. In R. J. Contrada & A. Baum (Eds.), The handbook of stress science: Biology, psychology, and health (p. 394). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
    • Read the section titled “Psychosocial Traits Associated With Chronic Stress and CAD”
  • Course Text: Gatchel, R. J., Howard, K., & Haggard, R. (2011). Pain: The biopsychosocial perspective. In R. J. Contrada & A. Baum (Eds.), The handbook of stress science: Biology, psychology, and health (pp. 461–474). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Course Text: Grant, K. E., McMahon, S. D., Duffy, S. N., Taylor, J. J., & Compas, B. E. (2011). Stressors and mental health problems in childhood and adolescence. In R. J. Contrada & A. Baum (Eds.), The handbook of stress science: Biology, psychology, and health (pp. 359–372). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. 
  • Course Text: Gutman, D. A., & Nemeroff, C. B. (2011). Stress and depression. In R. J. Contrada & A. Baum (Eds.), The handbook of stress science: Biology, psychology, and health (pp. 345–357). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Course Text: Perez, G. K., Cruess, D. G., & Kalichman, S. C. (2011). Effects of stress on health in HIV/AIDS. In R. J. Contrada & A. Baum (Eds.), The handbook of stress science: Biology, psychology, and health (p. 451). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
    • Read the section titled “Depression Among PLWHA”
  • Article: National Institute of Mental Health. (2008, July 29). Errant stress/immune indicators detected in depression-prone women’s sweat. Retrieved from
  • Article: Wilson, D. R., & Warise, L. (2008). Cytokines and their role in depression. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 44(4), 285–289.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Academic Search Complete database.
  • Handout: Laureate Education, Inc. (2012). Stress, the immune system, chronic illness, and your body. Unpublished document. 
    • Read the sections titled “Stress, Depression, and the Immune Response,” “Chronic Illness,” and “Autoimmune Disease.” 
  • Web Resource: American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, Inc. (n.d.). List of autoimmune and autoimmune-related diseases. Retrieved from
  • Website: National Institutes of Health. (2012). Health information. Retrieved from
  • Web Resource: National Institute of Mental Health. (n.d.). Health topics: Depression. Retrieved from  


Writers Solution

Project folder containing your Java program

The first step in writing a software application is to determine the requirements. There is no value in writing a program that does not address the needs of the client. Requirements can be gathered in many ways, but ultimately, the requirements serve to document what the application should and should not do. After the requirements are written, the application design can be prepared, followed by the actual coding. For this project, you will gain some practice in the design phase of software development by designing a program that will meet a given set of requirements.

In this assignment you will develop a console program that simulates a restaurant menu. The project instructions are as follows:

Program Requirements:

  1. Each item on the menu must have a different price.
  2. Your menu must define at least 10 different items.
  3. Program Requirements:
    • Display the menu to the user.
    • Allow the user to select an item from the menu. (Record the selection in a variable.)
    • Once the user has selected an item, ask them how many they want (quantity). (Record the quantity in a variable.)
    • Calculate the total. (Sales tax is not included in this exercise.)
    • Ask the user to enter the amount of their payment. (Record this amount in a variable.)
    • Subtract the order total from the payment amount and present any remainder on screen as the customer’s “change”.
    • Remind the program operator to thank the customer for their patronage.
  4. Remember to test your program fully to ensure that all functions operate correctly.

Documentation Requirements:

Create a document in Word and add the following:

  • Title page
    • Course number and name
    • Project name
    • Student name
    • Date
  • List the data items that must be stored and used by the program. Each data item should be given a name for reference. Create a diagram that illustrates where this data comes from (such as “selected by the user,” “entered by the user,” “item name from menu,” “price from menu,” etc.) and how it is handled by your program (what happens to that data).
  • List the decisions the program must make. References to the data items in the previous step should be used where appropriate.
  • Describe the flow of operation of the program so that a potential user can understand how it works. All key activities should be included, and references to the data items and decisions listed in the previous steps should be used.

Project deliverables are as follows:

  1. Create a ZIP file that includes:
    • Project folder containing your Java program (see Program Requirements above).
    • Word document (see Documentation Requirements above).
  2. Upload your ZIP file to the course portal.
  3. Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at
Writers Solution

Organizations contract or hire individuals with specific skills to conduct internal audits.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

Organizations contract or hire individuals with specific skills to conduct internal audits. This is done to ensure their organizations are following their documented policies, procedures, and processes. In addition, federal mandates placed on organizations require continuous audits, leading organizations to contract outside auditors to work with their internal auditors and determine the health of the organization.

Identify the internal and external processes used by auditors for the organization you choose.

Writers Solution

practice and the literature of the Management and Business Administration program

Unit 2 [GM591]

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Unit 2 Assignment: Value of Projects Focus Paper

The practice of project management has been with us for a long time. This discipline and its evolution as a profession are detailed throughout this course. Today, project management has reached a maturity that entitles it to a rightful place in the practice and the literature of the Management and Business Administration program. However, the ability of the project management profession to remain viable in an ever-changing world is dependent upon the members of the profession to recognize change, and to adjust to that change for the good of the organization.

Write a focus paper discussing the importance of aligning projects with the organization’s strategic goals. In your discussion, consider the advantages of having the leadership team support the project. Please be mindful that executives are interested in initiatives that promote the vision and mission of the organization.

Remember, a focus paper is an argumentative essay that attempts to persuade the reader of the truth or plausibility of a specific claim or position. A focus paper is NOT a summary, commentary, journal entry, personal reflection, analysis, compare and contrast essay, or an expository essay. The objective is NOT to convey information, show how much you know, or analyze a text. Rather, the primary goal is to persuade the reader that an important, interesting, and debatable thesis is true or plausible, and that the alternative position is untenable.

Criteria for the Assignment

● Select any project (your choice, a project you know about or one that you would like to join).

● Map organizational objectives, goals, and strategies to the project outcomes.

● Discuss (at the level of practical application) if the project organization reflects organizational strategies.

● Discuss (at the level of practical application) if there has been a proper selection of project sponsor and project manager, and the advantages of their support for the project.

● Demonstrate the adequacy of project policies, procedures, and techniques.

● Discuss (at the level of practical application) the uses of scope, risk, time, cost, and quality with associated planning and performance standards.

● Discuss (at the level of practical application) how to communicate the project to the organization and stakeholders.


● Title page formatted in APA 6th edition style with the following information: Title of the paper, your name, course number and section number, and date.

● A table of contents using the following headers: Executive Summary, Introduction (3–5 sentences including thesis statement), Project Overview, Analysis of Project (Assess the core project concept. Determine the costs and benefits of the project. Assess if the project scope, risk, and strategy was defined clearly.), Recommendation and Course of Action, Conclusion (4–8 sentences stating your recommended solutions in terms of project management techniques and tools), and References.

● A minimum of three scholarly journal and textbook source references cited and credited according to APA 6th edition formatting style using a minimum of six in-text citations.

● The paper should be focused and to the point, containing between 600–800 words from the Executive Summary to the end of your Conclusion.

Unit 2 [GM591]

V2.1801D Page 2 of 2

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Submit your paper to the Unit 2 Assignment Dropbox. Make sure that you save a copy of the files you submit.

GM591 Unit 2 Assignment: Value of Projects Focus Paper

Points Possible

Points Earned

Content (50 pts)

Response successfully answers the assignment question(s); thoroughly uses the text and other literature. Includes a strong thesis statement, introduction and conclusion. The main points of the paper are developed clearly. All arguments are supported well (no errors in logic) using outside sources.


Sources are primarily academic journals, with thoughtful use Web sources. References are applied substantively to the paper topic. Skillfully addresses counter-arguments and does not ignore data contradicting its claim. Refers to sources both in-text and in the reference page.


Analysis (30 pts)

Response exhibits strong higher-order critical thinking and analysis (e.g., evaluation). Paper shows original thought.


Analysis includes proper classifications, explanations, comparisons and inferences.


Critical thinking includes appropriate judgments, conclusions, and assessment based on evaluation and synthesis of information.


Writing (20 pts)

Grammatical skills are strong with typically less than one error per page. Correct use of APA 6th edition formatting style.


Appropriate to the assignment, fresh (interesting to read), accurate, (no far-fetched, unsupported comments), precise (say what you mean), and concise (not wordy).


Project is in 12-point font. Narrative sections are double-spaced with a double space between. Project is free of serious errors; grammar, punctuation, and spelling help to clarify the meaning by following accepted conventions.

Writers Solution

Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management

  •  Topic 1: Strategic Approaches to Project Portfolio Management Read the following article before posting to this Discussion. You can locate this article from the Library: Note: Reflection for this article – Do you have experience dealing with an international project team? Often dealing with individuals that are using English as a common means of communication, although it may not be their native language, puts us in a position to do the best we can extracting technical nuggets, even when the material or written communication may not be what many native English speakers deem to be easy to read or understand. This article was selected on purpose by the course developers to give everyone an opportunity to experience an international scenario. At any one time, firms manage a diversity of projects all at different stages of evolution. Some firms manage their project portfolios through the management systems and processes applied to operational activities while others are increasingly relying on one or multiple project management systems. This reading assignment is intended to discuss theoretical approaches to project portfolio management maturity. Institutions use projects to solve strategic problems, to perform integrated processes, and to generate innovative strategies. To manage strategically within business environment, it is essential to discuss the maturity process of projects, programs, and project portfolios, their potential development, as well as strategy management within the organization. The expansion of project-based organizations only enhances the significance of project portfolio management. The results of a correspondence analysis show that project size, impact, and complexity were the most significant variables in the formation of project portfolios. Question: What were the authors’ conclusions, and do you agree or disagree? Be sure to substantiate your analysis of your position (premise), and synthesize the results of your analysis into a stated conclusion or conclusions. Topic 2: Strategic Project Implementation You are a new project manager who has been asked to deploy a new operating system to 17,000 employees with the help of one other employee. This software, the first enterprise-wide project, will run industry-specific applications. You have general procedures and guidelines, but where do you begin? Choose from the following options your course of action. Please consider current events that global companies are using. Ask each employee to watch a webinar and install the software on his/her own computer. Find a support structure of internal and external mentors to help you organize and implement this rollout. See if your organization will hire an outside consulting firm to do this project while you watch and learn. Place the other employee as head of the project, so that when it fails no one will blame you.
  • Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at
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Why Kids Hate School?: Nikhil Goyal at TEDxYouth@BFS (Links to an external site.)

Nikhil Goyal is a successful high school student who, like many students his age, hates school. But unlike most students his age, Nikhil wrote a speech about it and delivered it to a global audience his presentation Why Kids Hate School?: Nikhil Goyal at TEDxYouth@BFS (Links to an external site.). In his presentation, Nikhil shares the story of another student, Nick Perez. The central theme of the presentation is relevance and, specifically, how schools often lack relevance to the lives of their learners.

In this assignment, you will reflect on the story of Nick Perez and analyze it based on what might have happened differently if Nick’s education targeted the learning of 21st century skills through culturally relevant learning opportunities. Additionally, you will recommend a culturally relevant learning experience that might have been able to meet Nick’s needs in high school. Review the Instructor Guidance for this week for additional information and use the Ladson-Billing (1995; summarized in the Instructor Guidance) resource and Chapters 4 and 8 of Wardle (2013) to define a culturally relevant learning experience; apply this framework to the creation of solutions. Then, create your paper to meet the content and written communication expectations stated below.

In your paper, include the following: (3 points)

  1. Discuss the learning experiences and cultural competencies that you believe were valued at Nick’s school, based on the information presented in the video and which learning experiences and cultural competencies would be most applicable and interesting to Nick using his interest in computers as a form of his cultural identity (think about the way that he described his life at home and at computer camp). Include examples using at least two of the following four characteristics of cultural competence:
    • Awareness of one’s own cultural worldview (including biases)
    • Knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews
    • Positive attitudes and open-mindedness toward cultural differences
    • Ability to work successfully with others from different cultures
  2. Determine which of the 4C skills (i.e., creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, communication, and collaboration that are presented in The 4Cs Research Series (Links to an external site.)) you perceive are most likely relevant to Nick’s current position as a programmer in an advertising firm and which of these skills you perceive are not adequately addressed in typical classroom environments today (2 points).
  3. Summarize how the acquisition of learning and innovation skills through culturally relevant instruction can lead to greater student success in the classroom and in the real world. Include examples using at least three of the following nine areas of culturally relevant instruction (2 points):
    • Maximizing academic success through relevant instructional experiences
    • Addressing cultural competence through reinforcing students’ cultural integrity
    • Involving students in the construction of knowledge
    • Building on students’ interests and linguistic resources
    • Tapping home and community resources
    • Understanding students’ cultural knowledge
    • Using interactive and constructivist teaching strategies
    • Examining the curriculum from multiple perspectives
    • Promoting critical consciousness through opportunities to challenge predominant elements of the students’ social norms

If you are enrolled in the MAED Program, it is imperative that you keep copies of all assignments completed in this course. You will return to them for the portfolio that you will create in your final MAED course. This portfolio is a culminating project that will demonstrate that you have met program outcomes.

Review this week’s Instructor Guidance for additional information about completing this assignment. Contact your instructor for clarifications about this or any assessment in the course before the due date using the “Ask Your Instructor” forum. Then, also using the Grading Rubric as a guide for your performance on this assignment, construct your assignment to meet each of the content and written communication expectations.

Review your assignment with the Grading Rubric to be sure you have achieved the distinguished levels of performance for each criterion and submit the assignment for evaluation no later than Day 7.

Cultural Competencies in the Classroom

Writers Solution

Ambiguity faced by Organigram?

Refer to attached case study and articles; 



  • thoroughly read the case. It is recommended that you read 2-3 times.
  • Prepare a 5-page report (12-point font, double spaced not including the title page or reference page), that addresses the following questions:
    • Describe the industry in which Organigram is operating.
    • What factors contribute to the ambiguity faced by Organigram?
    • What possibilities currently exist for Organigram to grow?  Will they change with legalization and if so how?
    • What evaluation criteria should Organigram use when assessing growth options while keeping in mind the recommendations from the Task Force?
    • What would you recommend Organigram’s next steps be?
    • What changes may occur within the industry that may impact Organigram’s growth? 


Charlebois, S., Somogyi, S., & Sterling, B. (2018). Cannabis-infused food and Canadian Consumers’ willingness to consider “recreational” cannabis as a food ingredient. Trends in Food Science and Technology74, 112-118.


DMZ. (n.d.). Canada’s tech entrepreneurs cashing in on cannabis. Retrieved from

Government of Canada (2016).  A Framework for the Legalization and Regulation of Cannabis in Canada: The Final Report of the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulations. Chapters 1-6.  Retrieved From: