Writers Solution

Falstaff’s Chief Compliance Officer

How much for this paper? I only want 6 pages including references.  

Please consider the fact pattern below on a fictional company, Falstaff Corporation. You are Falstaff’s Chief Compliance Officer. Based upon the facts and items to address at the end of the fact pattern, you are to prepare a memorandum to the Falstaff Corporation Board of Directors. Your memorandum should be a maximum of seven pages, single-spaced, in 12 point font, and with one inch margins. In preparing your memorandum, you can use all lecture and reading materials from class, as well as any additional outside research you would like to include with proper citations.

Your final memorandum will have a possible total of 100 points, with the following factors to be considered:

Content = 70 points

Style/Coherence = 10 points

Organization = 10 points

Research/Citations = 10 points

Writers Solution

Casey Anthony trial

Casey Anthony trial

Case Study LEST 300:

In this Case Study, you will pick testimony to observe, either in person or online. You’ll use that case/testimony to answer questions, applying what you have learned from each chapter. You have to choose the testimony you will observe (Part 1) by Week 4. The Case Study (Part 2) needs to be completed by Week 7. However, since the Case Study follows what we will be learning each week, it may make sense to complete it as we go along. That way, you won’t need be re-reading everything and rushing to complete it!

Part 1:

Choose which trial testimony you would like to observe for your Case Study project. You are required to observe at least one hour of testimony. If you choose to go to a courthouse and watch live testimony, please indicate which court you plan on observing and roughly when you will go. It must be a court proceeding where a witness will be giving testimony, so plan on attending either a hearing or a trial. If you contact your local Court Clerk’s Office (their contact information will be on the court website), they should be able to tell you when hearings or trials are scheduled. Any Federal, State, County, or even Town Court will do. 

In the alternative, if you would like to watch testimony online, please provide me with the name of the trial, the parts of the trial you plan observe, and a link to the video(s). Here are some options for testimony. Note, these are just options. Feel free to search (or to click on other youtube videos) and find a trial/witness that is interesting to you. 

Jodi Arias Trial, opening statement, prosecution –

Jodi Arias Trial, direct examination –

Casey Anthony Trial, direct examination –

OJ Simpson Trial, cross-examination – 

If you are unable to view testimony, please indicate this along with the circumstances as to why, and we will make arrangements for you to read trial testimony in the alternative. 

Casey Anthony trial

Part 2: 

You are to use the testimony you observed to answer the following questions. You may either upload a video answering the questions, or a presentation (such as a prezi or power point), or you may provide written answers. Please note, you are to use complete sentences and proper grammar and are to fully answer/explain each question.

The questions follow along with the chapters in the book. You are to apply what you have learned from each week and will need to research the case a little more to answer the questions. If you view a case in person, you can ask the court deputy or the attorney or the court clerk for a little background on the case. If you choose a case online, do some additional research on it. If you use additional sources, please make sure to provide citations. 

Intro: Name your case and give a one to two paragraph description of the parties and the legal issue(s) in this case. 

Chapter 1 questions:  What law is allegedly being violated in this case? What is the source of the law? What type of court is hearing the case? Is it a bench or jury trial? 

Chapter 2 questions:  Which court is hearing the case?  (For example, is it the Wisconsin Municipal Court? Is it the Western District of New York Federal Court?) What do you know about the case that tells you this court has jurisdiction? 

Chapter 3 questions: Is this a Federal or a State case? Is it criminal or civil? How can you tell? What will be the burden of proof? Who has to prove it in this case? What are the possible outcomes and remedies? 

Chapter 4 questions: Use the research tools you learned, and find a case that could be used as precedent. Name the case and give a brief description of why it could be precedent. 

OR, if they’re alleging the defendant or respondent violated a law, look up & provide the text of the law. 

****You are to use one of the research methods discussed in this class, and you are to provide the citation for the source you used. 

Chapter 5 questions: Pay attention the lawyers and the judge. Take note of what is going on in the trial. What procedural laws did you observe? You don’t have to name a specific law, but describe your observations. Note: your answer most likely will not be “none.” Procedure is constantly used in court, whether asking the judge for something, objecting, or directing what is going on at the trial. Procedure is also used in deciding what evidence will be introduced. A review of page 36 in Introduction to the Law for Paralegals may be helpful in addition to Chapter 5.

Chapter 7 or 10 (depending on what type of trial you observe): If it is a criminal trial, what classification of crime is this? Is it a crime against the person? Property? Do you know what defenses may be used in this case? If it’s a civil trial, is it a tort? Which type? Do you know what type of remedy the plaintiff is looking for? Do you know what defenses might be used in this case?   

Conclusion: What are your thoughts on your courtroom observation? Did anything about the observation surprise you? Did anything strike you as unusual or unexpected? Please write one to two paragraphs summarizing what you have learned from the case study

Writers Solution

Tom, Dick, and Harry have been best friends since kindergarten

Tom, Dick, and Harry have been best friends since kindergarten. Tom is the business brain of the group. Dick is the mechanical one and Harry is the creative one. All grown-up, the boys decided that they should start making some serious money to provide for their expanding families. The boys decided that they salvage small scrap metal pieces, nuts, and bolts from junkyards and salvage yards which Harry would design and Dick would cast and weld into decorative art pieces. Tom will raise money from friends and family and look for distribution channels. Dick has a step-daughter, Dorothy, who is 16 and mechanically inclined as well. Dorothy could be Dick’s apprentice. Harry’s wife, Helen, is a recent BBA graduate from Yorkville University specializing in marketing and she could be recruited to help with sales and marketing. Helen’s good friend, Fern, is an award winning designer with a national home decor chain who the group might be able to induce to join them. Tom’s twin brother, Tim, recently won the lottery and is pursuing his dream to be a photographer. Dick’s wife, Janine, is a real estate agent; she believes she has found an old warehouse in the industrial part of town that could be turned into their headquarters. The owner of the warehouse, Jordan, is retiring and open to the idea of selling or renting the space.

How might the business be structured? What might be some of the legal issues that could arise in operating the business and selling the product? What are some of the agreements that might be needed? 

Writers Solution

President and Congress to remove the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Complete a briefing paper of at least five pages (double-spaced— not including the title page, abstract, references or appendixes) on the following: 

Should the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recommend to the President and Congress to remove the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) from the DHS structure and make it an independent agency of the US Executive Branch? Discuss challenges facing FEMA responding to disasters. What strategies should be taken to lessen these challenges?  

Provide a short legal brief you might submit to your superiors.  The writing assignment should provide a balanced analysis of the issue assigned based on pertinent legal and other materials. The material for each assignment will come both from the required readings and outside research in order to fully assess the issues. 

Technical Requirements:

Length: 5 pages (not including the title page, abstract, references or appendixes), double spaced, 1″ margins, 12 pitch type in Times New Roman font

Citations/References:  You must use the APA style for this assignment.

Writers Solution

Incident Operational Period

Define the “Incident Operational Period”.

Waldo Canyon Fire Incident Commander

1.  Who is responsible for establishing these periods, and why?

2.  What transition does the initial response to the next Incident Operational Period signify for an incident?

Use the following supplements to develop your answer:

FEMA – The Planning Process

HHS – see ‘Transitional Management Meeting’

Fire Engineering – Setting Objectives and Strategies 

450-500 words excluding reference, APA format, and minimum of two reference

Writers Solution

Dan and Asha are both married, working adults

Dan and Asha are both married, working adults. They both plan for retirement and consider the $4,000 annual contribution a must.

First, consider Asha’s savings. She began working at age 20 and began making an annual contribution of $4,000 at the first of the year beginning with her first year. She makes 15 contributions. She worked until she was 35 and then left full-time work to have children and be a stay at home mom. She left her IRA invested and plans to begin drawing from her IRA when she is 67.

Dan started his IRA at age 40. The first 20 years of his working career, he used his discretionary income to buy a home, upgrade the family cars, take vacations, and pursue his golfing hobby. At age 40, he made his first $4,000 contribution to an IRA and contributed $4,000 every year up until age 67, a total of 27 years/contributions. He plans to retire at age 67 and make withdrawals from his IRA.

Both IRA accounts grow at a 8% annual rate. Do not consider any tax effect.

A. Using TVM calculate the amount in Asha’s account when she turns 67

B. Using TVM calculate the amount in Dan’s account when he turns 67

Writers Solution

Current state of the financial health of the company

Using the analytical tools each of you will learn, each student will prepare an analysis of a public company. The company will be evaluated from the perspective of both fixed income securities (e.g., would you buy the bonds in the medium to long-term?) and equity securities (e.g., would you buy or sell the stock in the medium to long-term?).

Approaches to the analysis should include:

ü Current state of the financial health of the company

ü Trends in the financial health over recent years and potentially into the future

ü Comparison of the subject company with competitors and/or industry sector

ü Analysis of the subject company’s industry sector

o Relative strengths or weaknesses

o Factors affecting the industry such as product, technical innovation, regulation, economic cycles, etc.

ü Assessing the company’s position within the industry context

o Is it a leader?

o Does it have a clear advantage vis a vis other industry participants?

o Is it subject to extreme competition or pricing pressure?

The company chosen is at your discretion, but should not be so complex or one for which the information is not readily available that makes it more difficult than necessary. Students should pick a subject company outside his/her usual frame of reference. For example, if a student is employed in the technology sector, he/she should choose a company in another industry, such as food. In my experience, retail companies make the best selection.

The company paper analysis should not exceed 8 to 10 pages, double spaced using font 12 or 14. The page limit does not include the cover page and exhibits. Please number each page

Writers Solution

inmate or offender with antisocial personality disorder.

The powerpoint that will be used is attached below. Please only answer part with my name and assign a 

Assignment Content

  1. Create a case scenario describing an inmate or offender with antisocial personality disorder.
    Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on your case scenario. Include the following in your presentation:
    • Provide a brief summary of your case scenario.
    • Describe the behaviors associated with antisocial personality disorder that were shown in the case scenario.
    • Describe the relationship between the crime that the inmate or offender committed and antisocial personality disorder.
    • Describe difficulties you may face while working with this inmate, along with special strategies for management of this inmate or offender.
    • Describe possible ways that this inmate or offender may use manipulation in the correctional setting.
    • Describe possible treatment interventions for this inmate or offender, as well as the pros and cons of each.
    • Include a minimum of three sources.
      Format any citations in your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
      Submit your case scenario and presentation.
    • Center for Writing Excellence
    • Reference and Citation Generator
    • Grammar and Writing Guides
    • Learning Team Toolkit

Hi Team! We have 7 team members and 6 bullets for a 10 slide presentation. I will create the power point for us to work on, do the intro, conclusion, add pictures and proof read. Just add your name next to what bullet point you would like to do. I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and I look forward to working with all of you.

Writers Solution

pollution of water along Slbovia river

discussion about the pollution of water along Slbovia river 

the essay must be between 400 to 650 words in total

Writers Solution

Essay on what is greenwashing and why businesses would participate in greenwashing.

Essay on what is greenwashing and why businesses would participate in greenwashing.