Writers Solution

Trace the historical development of law, the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. Court system, legal terminology, and legal procedures.

Final Project – Civic Engagement Through the Political Process

This portion of the final project is a written paper that focuses on the processes involved in making the laws that we study as part of the GBS 205 course.  It meets the following course competency:

• Trace the historical development of law, the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. Court system, legal terminology, and legal procedures.

The written paper should be divided into three distinct sections.  It should be written as a paper and not a question and answer worksheet.  

SECTION 1 – Civic Engagement Through Contact with Representatives

This section should include the following:

1. A list of the names of the people that represent the area you live in each of the following offices:

• Two U.S. Senators – (These are the people that represent Arizona in Washington DC.)• 

One U.S. Congressman – (Also serves in Washington D.C., determined by your Congressional district)• 

 The governor of Arizona• 

Two state representatives – (represent the district where you live; they meet in Phoenix Arizona.)• 

One state senator – (represent the district where you live; they meet in Phoenix Arizona.)• 

The mayor of the city where you live.• 

A city council member that represents the area of the city where you live.

2. A copy of a letter (or an email) written to one of the above representatives discussing an issue that is important to you and suggesting to them an appropriate way of dealing with it.  You should actually send this letter (or email) to the person to whom it is addressed.

3. A discussion of why you chose this issue, why you chose this representative for dealing with this issue and the importance of communicating with representatives in this manner.  Do you think they read communications such as this and respond to them or are they simply ignored?

SECTION 2 – Understanding the State Legislative Process

For this section of the paper you will need to watch a video archive of a meeting of the state legislature.  To find a meeting go to the Arizona State Legislature webpage.  Select either the Senate or House drop down menu.  Select “Archived Meetings” and you will get a list of previously held meetings that you can watch online.  Choose a meeting that is at least 30 minutes long on a topic that interests you and watch it in its entirety. (Hint: The most interesting topics are discussed early in the year so go back to a meeting in February or March). Write about it in this section and include the following:

1. The name of the group holding the meeting (“Joint Legislative Budget Committee” or “Senate Judiciary” etc.), the date and the length of the meeting.

2. A detailed summary of what happened in the meeting including an identification of any bills that were discussed.

3. Your own evaluation of the importance of the topics discussed in the meeting to both Arizona residents and the Arizona business community.

4. Your understanding and evaluation of the state legislative process.  Are the needs and effects on business adequately presented and discussed at these meetings?  How can businesses influence policy and legislation in the state?  Can you think of anything that might be done to improve this process from a businessperson’s perspective?  

SECTION 3 – Understanding Local Government

For this section of the paper you need to watch a video archive of both a city council meeting and a city council study session.  (If you can demonstrate with pictures or video that you actually attended these meetings you can receive up to 50 extra credit points.). Go to the city’s website and find a link to archived meetings (all cities sites are different – you should be able to navigate through this fairly simply) and watch both meetings in their entirety.

Write about the following in this section of your paper:

1. The city, date and time of both meetings.

2. A detailed description of what happened in each meeting – including prayers, awards, pledge of allegiance, contracts and ordinances discussed, contents of consent agendas etc. 

3. Your evaluation of the importance and relevance of the what happened in the meetings to the residents of the city or town.

 4. Your opinion on the city council process overall.  Is it accessible, valuable, important for residents to attend these meetings?  Do citizens have an adequate say in what takes place in a meeting such as this?  

5. Do the mayor and councilmembers seem to have a good understanding of the issues?  Are they considering the interests of local businesses and citizens when they make their decisions?  Are local businesses represented at the meetings?  Do businesses have good opportunity to express their positions on the issues?  Do you have any suggestions for improving the process?

The length of the paper is not as important as its completeness.  You will be graded on having included a thoughtful discussion on all of the topics presented in this prompt.  Simple “yes” or “no” type answers will not receive credit without further explanation of the reasoning behind the answer. 

Writers Solution

Grove & Gray (2019)

According to Grove & Gray (2019), which of the following statements are important when considering the significance and relevance of a study’s problem and purpose? (Select all that apply.) Does it predict the non-significant findings anticipated in the study? Does it consider ethical principles in its design? Does it specifically influence nursing education in university settings? Does it identify the future research to be generated by the study? Does it promote theory testing or development? Does it identify extraneous variables?

Writers Solution

Epidemiology. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females)


Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females). During 2001, there were 1,000 deaths from all cause. All cases of tuberculosis have been found, and they total 300 (which were twice more than found in 2000). 200 of these cases were males and 100 were females. During 2001, there were 60 deaths from tuberculosis, 50 of them in males.Use this data to answer the question: The Crude Mortality rate for Jasonville is

A. 300 per 100,000

B. 60 per 1,000

C. 10 per 1,000

D.  100 per 1,000


Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females). During 2001, there were 1,000 deaths from all cause. All cases of tuberculosis have been found, and they total 300 (which were twice more than found in 2000). 200 of these cases were males and 100 were females. During 2001, there were 60 deaths from tuberculosis, 50 of them in males.Use this data to answer the question: The proportionate mortality due to tuberculosis is

A.   20%

B.   30%

C.     6%

d.       3%


Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females). During 2001, there were 1,000 deaths from all cause. All cases of tuberculosis have been found, and they total 300 (which were twice more than found in 2000). 200 of these cases were males and 100 were females. During 2001, there were 60 deaths from tuberculosis, 50 of them in males.Use this data to answer the question: The case fatality rate for tuberculosis is

A.    20%

b.      6%

c.        3%

d.       25%


Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females). During 2001, there were 1,000 deaths from all cause. All cases of tuberculosis have been found, and they total 300 (which were twice more than found in 2000). 200 of these cases were males and 100 were females. During 2001, there were 60 deaths from tuberculosis, 50 of them in males.Use this data to answer the question: The cause-specific mortality rate for tuberculosis is

a.    60 per 100,000

b.     300 per 100,000

c.    200 per 1,000

d..       20%


5 points   


Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females). During 2001, there were 1,000 deaths from all cause. All cases of tuberculosis have been found, and they total 300 (which were twice more than found in 2000). 200 of these cases were males and 100 were females. During 2001, there were 60 deaths from tuberculosis, 50 of them in males.Use this data to answer: The sex – specific mortality rate for tuberculosis in males is

A.      11 per 100,000

B.       11 per 10,000

c.      111 per 10,000

d.       Cannot be calculated due to insufficient data

1.      Refer to Table 5-3 on page 99. What are possible reasons for the observed differences in death rates between those of Hispanic origin and those not of Hispanic origin?

2.      Refer to the following estimated statistics for the US and Malaysia in 2005:


Crude mortality rate = 800 per 100,000

 Crude birth rate = 14 per 1,000

 Life expectancy = 77.7 years


Crude mortality rate = 500 per 100,000

Crude birth rate = 23 per 1,000

Life expectancy = 72.2 years

Can the lower crude mortality rate in Malaysia be explained by the fact that the US has a larger population? What factors could explain differences in birth rates and life expectancy?

3.      Which of these is an example of a ratio:

    Number of men who died from heart disease in a given year divided by the corresponding male population in the same year.

    Number of men who died from heart disease divided by the number of women who died from heart disease.

    Number of women taking an epidemiology class divided by the number of students in the class.

4.      How does prevalence proportion differ from incidence?

5.      What is the death-to-case ratio and how is it different from the case-fatality rate?

Writers Solution

Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health

The IOM published report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” makes recommendations for lifelong learning and achieving higher levels of education.

In 1,000-1,250 words, examine the importance of nursing education and discuss your overall educational goals

Include the following:

  1. Discuss your options in the job market based on your educational level.
  2. Review the IOM Future of Nursing Recommendations for achieving higher levels of education. Then, explain your reasons for wanting to become a CLC within the next year and then attain a Masters Degree in Education within the next 10 years along with becoming a IBCLC. 
  3. Discuss how increasing your level of education would affect how your competitiveness in the current job market and your role in the future of nursing.
  4. Discuss the relationship of continuing nursing education to competency, attitudes, knowledge, and the ANA Scope and Standards for Practice and Code of Ethics.
  5. Discuss whether continuing nursing education should be mandatory. Provide support for your response.

You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.


Writers Solution

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

You are part of a team selected by the Chief Information Officer (CIO) to perform a security audit for one of the companies explored in this course. 

  • Vampire Legends (Week 1)
  • Cruisin’ Fusion (Weeks 2- 3)
  • Devil’s Canyon (Weeks 4 – 5)

Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation (not including the title and reference slides) that shows the results of your security audit based on the following audit process:

  • Potential Risk to be Reviewed:Describe the risk.
  • Example: Viruses and malware can negatively impact the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of organizational data.
  • Regulation and Compliance Issues:Analyze how regulations and compliance issues could impact the organization.
  • Provide a detailed analysis of regulations and compliance issues, beyond the simple explanation in score point two.
  • Regulation and Compliance Resources and Tools: Analyze what resources and/or tools are available to address regulations and compliance issues.
  • Describe the control objective and the specific controls you will evaluate to determine potential risk is mitigated. Please note that typically, there will be more than one control that should be reviewed for a potential risk.
  • Example: Determine whether anti-virus software is in use.
  • Example: Determine whether virus signatures are periodically updated.
  • Example: Determine whether periodic virus scans are performed.
  • Provide a detailed analysis of the resources and/or tools available, beyond the simple explanation in score point two.
  • IT Security – Processes and Methods: Differentiate between the various processes and methods involved in management of IT security resources.
  • Review the various options available to address those processes and methods previously explained, and which ones might be feasible.
  • IT Security – Measures: Analyze the various security measures that could be taken within the organization.
  • Demonstrate a detailed understanding of what the alternatives are to approach security, how much security is needed, different methods to employ, etc.
  • Describe the criteria/measures that you will use to evaluate the adequacy of each area/review step that you review (i.e., what criteria will you use to perform your evaluation/how will you determine that the risk has been mitigated to an acceptable level).
  • Example: 100% of servers and PCs have virus software installed.
  • Example: 100% of the virus software installed is set to automatically update, including virus signatures.
  • Example: 100% of the virus software installed is set to automatically perform a scan at least weekly.

Include a 1/2- to 1-page executive summary to support your presentation. Include appropriate references.

Writers Solution

Risk Management and the Supply Chain

Describe four unknown-unknown sources of risk that can affect a supply chain and four known-unknown sources of risk that can affect a supply chain. For each source, apply a management strategy that may eliminate or lessen the effects on the overall supply chain.

The Risk Management and the Supply Chain paper:

  • Must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Writers Solution

Cognitive Development Activity for Infant Room: Peekaboo.

Cognitive Development Activities

[WLOs: 1, 3, 4] [CLOs: 1, 4, 5, 6]

Prior to completing this assignment, read Chapters 7 and 8 in your textbook and read the Piaget’s Enduring Contribution to Developmental PsychologyOn Major Developments in Preschoolers’ Imagination, and The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture: Working Paper No. 5 (Links to an external site.) articles. Also, review the Week 5 Final Project instructions for creating the proposal, and review the videos: Play: A Vygotskian approach and Piaget’s Stages of Development (Links to an external site.).

The purpose of this assignment is for you to continue working on  elements that will become part of your Community Center Proposal Final  Project. This week you will be creating three activities that address  cognitive development in the age groups assigned. These will become part  of the infant room, early childhood room, and adolescent room of your  center.

Using Piaget’s, Vygotsy’s, and/or Information processing theories of  cognitive development, you will continue to build your Community Center  Proposal by identifying activities for the assigned rooms that promotes  cognitive development for children and adolescents. The activity must be  focused on the cognitive milestones of the age group and must be  clearly tied to specific theory. You must use at least one credible  source.  Your activities might be focused on object permanence for  infants, conservation, egocentrism, or conservation for early childhood,  or deductive reasoning for adolescence. Table 7.1 in your textbook will  be useful in completing this activity.

Focus on the primary developmental tasks of each age period. For each  of the three activities, write a paragraph that addresses the  following:

  • Describe the activity in some detail (provide more than just the name of the activity).
  • Identify the specific concept from cognitive development theory that supports the use of this activity.
  • Identify how the activity enhances cognitive development in the specific age group.

Here are two examples providing you a model of how to approach this  assignment and how to build the elements of the rooms in your community  center.

Examples of Activities:

Example 1: Cognitive Development Activity for Infant Room: Peekaboo. 

One of the activities we will incorporate into the infant room is  peekaboo. This is a game where the caregiver hides himself from the  child (covering the child’s eyes or hiding behind a chair, etc.) and  then appears again by uncovering the child’s eyes or coming out from  behind the chair. Another variation of this would be hiding a treasured  object under a scarf and then revealing it again. One of the milestones  of the first year of life is the development of object permanence.  Object permanence occurs when an infant grasps that something (an  object, a person) still exists even when the infant cannot see it. This  is a concept from Piaget’s theory of cognitive development and is one of  the developmental tasks of the sensorimotor stage. Newborns do not have  a sense of permanence. When they cannot see you, you do not exist for  them. During the first year of life, they slowing learn that objects and  people continue to exist even with they cannot be seen (Mossler, 2014).  Playing peekaboo is one way to foster the development of object  permanence. Infants usually delight in seeing someone appear and then  hide, only to reappear. This activity will support the cognitive  development domain and also the psychosocial domain because of its  interactive nature.

Mossler, R. A. (2014). Child and adolescent development (2nd ed.). Retrieved from

Example 2: Cognitive Development Activity for Adolescent Room: Board Games Involving Strategy and Problem Solving. 

In the adolescent room, we propose having a collection of board games  that require logical thinking and problem solving. Adolescence is the  beginning of more sophisticated thinking. Children in this age group  move from concrete operations to what Piaget calls formal operations.  They are becoming capable of deductive and hypothetical reasoning  (Mossler, 2014). Games like chess, Battleship, and checkers all require  players to engage in this kind of thinking. Another game that can be  used is the game of Clue. This game supports the development of  prepositional logic and requires players to think hypothetically  (Neller, Markov, and Russell, 2006). These games will not only promote  cognitive development but will further support psychosocial development  because of the required interactions.

Mossler, R. A. (2014). Child and adolescent development (2nd ed.). Retrieved from

Neller, T. W., Markov, Z., & Russell, I. (2006). Clue deduction:  Professor Plum teaches logic. Retrieved from

Writers Solution

nature of bond discount or premium.

Explain the nature of bond discount or premium. How does it occur and how do we account for it? Please provide all Reference

Writers Solution

Effective financial reporting depends on sound ethical behavior.

Effective financial reporting depends on sound ethical behavior. Financial scandals in accounting and the businesses world have resulted in legislation to ensure adequate disclosures and honesty and integrity in financial reporting. A sound economy is contingent on truthful and reliable financial reporting.


  • Read the following scenario.
  • Answer the questions that follow. This will be a 2-3 page submission in a question and answer format (also in paragraph form). An introduction and conclusion is not required.
  • Refer back to your textbook for guidance on how to think through the scenario.

You have been recently hired as an assistant controller for XYZ Industries, a large, publically held manufacturing company. Your immediate supervisor is the controller who also reports directly to the VP of Finance. The controller has assigned you the task of preparing the year-end adjusting entries.  In the receivables area, you have prepared an aging accounts receivable and have applied historical percentages to the balances of each of the age categories.  The analysis indicates that an appropriate estimated balance for the allowance for uncollectible accounts is $180,000.  The existing balance in the allowance account prior to any adjusting entry is a $20,000 credit balance.

After showing your analysis to the controller, he tells you to change the aging category of a large account from over 120 days to current status and to prepare a new invoice to the customer with a revised date that agrees with the new category.  This will change the required allowance for uncollectible accounts from $180,000 to $135,000. Tactfully, you ask the controller for an explanation for the change and he tells you “We need the extra income, the bottom line is too low.”


In a 2-3 page paper, discuss the following:

  1. Consider what you have learned relative to ethics and financial reporting. What is the rationale for the calculations/process used to estimate the $180,000 uncollectible allowance?
  2. How do you think the misstatement of funds will impact the income statement and balance sheet?
  3. What is the ethical dilemma you face? What are the ethical considerations? Consider your options and responsibilities as assistant controller.
  4. Identify the key internal and external stakeholders. What are the negative impacts that can happen if you do not follow the instructions of your supervisor?
  5. What are the potential consequences if you do comply with your supervisor’s instructions? Who will be negatively impacted?

Additional Requirements:

  • Use at least one (1) quality academic resource (in addition to your textbook) for this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. You have access to Strayer University’s Online Library at and the iCampus University Library Research page at

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Your paper should be double spaced (Arial or Times Roman 12 pt font) and follow general Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) as they relate to references and citations. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details (more information and an example is included in the Strayer Writing Standards menu link located in your Blackboard).
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. 

Writers Solution

Moral philosophy, justice, white-collar crime, differential association

Pick one of the following terms for your research: Moral philosophy, justice, white-collar crime, differential association, or power.





minimum 450 words

Edit question’s body