Assignment Content
Must Select one of the following options to complete this assignment:
- Your current role in a hospital setting
- A professional role, such as an administrator, a nurse, respiratory therapist, health information specialist, physical therapist, or radiology technologist.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that summarizes the certifications and continuing education that would be appropriate for a professional role in a hospital or other applicable health care setting. Your paper should include the professional role selected, required education or certification and the following:
- Include the professional role you selected and additional information stated in the above instructions.
- Identify a professional organization/association that would provide professional development opportunities for the role you have selected. This is Not an employer, but an organization/association that requires membership.
- Describe the professional development and other opportunities the professional organization would provide to you as a member.
- Explain the importance of being a member in a professional organization.
- Include the link to this organization.
Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references, in-text citations to support your assignment.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
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