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Children’s Exercise and Nutritional Evidence-Base

Topic; Children’s Exercise and Nutritional Evidence-Based Practice Proposal
This is Evidence Based Project Proposal the title topic will be: Children’s Exercise and Nutritional Evidence-Based Practice Proposal  2-3 page paper that explores the background of your issue. For this paper #1 you will be defining this issue or disease using the literature.  It will end with the PICOT question of  Will obese children in public school between the ages of 6-11 (P) benefit from a Nurse Practitioner led nutrition and school based  physical activity program (I) compared to having no nutritional/physical activity program (C) to achieve a weight loss of 5% (O) in one academic year (T)? ( this is PICOT question must be include this research proposal project) The parts of your paper should include:Introduction on Children’s Exercise and Nutritional Evidence-Base
Clinical Presentation
Conclusion with PICOT Question, use Children’s Exercise and Nutritional Evidence-Base

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Children’s Exercise and Nutritional Evidence-Based Practice Proposal

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Children’s Exercise and Nutritional Evidence-Based Practice Proposal


Childhood malnutrition is a complex topic encompassing undernutrition and overnutrition(Mathur & Pillai, 2019). While undernutrition and its corollary diseases are mainly experienced in developing and underdeveloped countries, overnutrition is continually becoming an issue of great concern for all population categories in developed countries, the united states included. This underscores the double burden of nutrition to healthcare systems and the economy. This is paper gives background information on the topic of overnutrition ending with a PICOT question on the same topic.


Overnutrition, a form of unbalanced nutrition(malnutrition), is caused by excessive intake of nutrients, causing the excess to be converted and stored as body fat, which accumulates over time, leading to obesity and overweight, which impairs health(Mathur & Pillai, 2019).The CDC (2019) defines childhood obesity as weights above the healthy weights or normal for their age and height. The causes of childhood obesity are multifactorial. Increased urbanization, improved living conditions, and food security is among the key drivers of overnutrition among children. A sedentary lifestyle among children living in areas with no playgrounds or hooked to videogames along with genetic factors is other causes of childhood obesity.

Epidemiology. The CDC (2019) notes that the prevalence rate of obesity among children is too high. Obesity prevalence among children of 6 to 11 years is approximately 18.4%. About 13.7 million American children and adolescents aged between …use Children’s Exercise and Nutritional Evidence-Base…………………………………………………………………………………………………




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