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Christian based movie, Fireproof (2008)

7.0 Question about Upcoming Assignment:

What movie about loving relational success are you considering for Assignment 9? Include the release year and few sentence synopses. Make sure that the movie has adequate content to answer the assignment questions. The instructor will indicate if the movie is approved. 

<Read “Movie Analysis Based on Course Studies” under, the Assignment 9 Question/Answer Instructions. Choose a movie with a love/relationship theme. 

For example, the Christian based movie, Fireproof (2008) has been a popular choice. Be sure to review the Assignment 9 questions and pre-assess if your selected movie has supporting depth in story and characters for adequate responses to related questions. A quality movie may be determined from an online search and may be found in various free or paid venues. Limit 7.0 to a ½ page or less.>

7.1 Significant Other’s Evaluation of You:

<Ask a significant other, be it a family member, friend, or associate who knows you well for honest responses to the question below. Record the responses of the evaluator. Remember, the purpose of this exercise is to listen, learn, and do to improve. Talk at non-conflicting times and focus on the subject and not the other person. This is a time to listen and fully understand from the other’s point of view, and not argue or deny.> 

a. Question to Evaluator: Since I have been taking Amberton’s course, The Power and Wisdom of Love, I have become more aware or been reminded of key relational enrichments. What constructive suggestions do you have for me to improve or continue to have a good or better and more productive relationships? 

<Choose words that best fit the type of evaluator’s relationship. Include the relationship or position of the evaluator.>

b. For self: What was your emotional reaction to or learning from the results? 

c. What course teachings or reminders will help most with the suggested changes, improvements, or positive continuations of your interpersonal relations? 

<7.1 needs to be about 1 page.>

7.2 Self-Evaluation Analysis: (Document cited answers as instructed.)

Ponder your Self Evaluation questions and subparts 7 (Devoted Consideration?) and 8 (Respectful Communication?). Scan the supplements PPT-7a/8a, particularly the segments under Food for Thought. When reflecting on the above Self Evaluation questions and the above PPTs, what mostly relates to you and can help you, directly or indirectly for the past, present, and/or future, and specifically explain how or why.

<For these PPTs, the 7.2 answer needs to be 1-2 pages. Self-Evaluation and PPT parts need to be reflected in your answer. Use APA style references only for direct quotes. Please identify other people by relationship, by position, or by a first name.>

7.3 Short Text Related Question: (Document cited answers as instructed.)

From this week’s assigned text reading, Smalley covers three key relational topics: a. Changing a Need to Always be Right; b. Listening to the Heart; and c. No Lose Teamwork. Choose one of these three points, summarize the author’s view, and briefly tell how and/or why that would benefit your relationship with others.

<The 7.3 answer need needs to be ½ to 1 page. Use the APA style text references for direct quotes and paraphrasing on text related parts. Please identify other people by relationship, by position, or by a first name.>

7.4 Major Question: PWL Text Help for Relational Improvement Goal #3

<The page requirement for this question is about 2 pages or more.>

Each of the three Relational Improvement goals needs to address a different relationship or a different issue within the same relationship.

1. What relationship do you want and need to improve? (Chose an important relationship to you, be it a spouse, child, family member, friend, co-worker, or acquaintance.) What is the main issue and/or specific difficulty regarding this person?

2. What is your specific goal, which is both realistic and achievable, that you can and will do for relational improvement and what do you want to see happen?

3. Self-Evaluation Title: Just give the number and title from the ten Self-Evaluation questions that best matches your goal.

4. What about you that needs to change or improve for your goal to make this part of your relationship healthier, more productive, and/or more harmonious? 

5. What are some specific and documented teachings from this assignment’s required text that will be helpful in your attaining your goal? In Assignment 8, you will need to generally report on the results of your goal successes. 

<For #5: In about a page, refer only from the designated text reading for this assignment, make multiple nonsequential APA citations from the said text, blended with your thoughts, that can help with a solution to your issue.>

7.5 Optional Comments or Questions to the Instructor:

< If you have no comments or questions, delete 7.5.>


<Properly reference all sources used, including the texts per the APA style.




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