Writers Solution

computers and software are changing everything vis a vis how computer science is taught or not taught in schools

  • Read about how computers and software are changing everything vis a vis how computer science is taught or not taught in schools (‘What’s wrong with this picture?’, 2015).  Examine the extent to which computer science is changing our world yet schools seem to lag behind in computer education. Suggest how STEM education can change ‘this picture’. Include strategies you would use to convince parents, administrators, and peer teachers of this. make your presentation real by including real class experience. 


1. Gokce, S., Yenmez, A. A., & Ozpinar, I. (2017, March 23). An analysis of mathematics education students’ skills in the process of programming and their practices of integrating It into their teaching. International Education Studies, 10(8), 60.

  • There is need to appraise approaches to teaching computer science in secondary classrooms. This is necessitated by recent developments in technology have changed the learner’s profile and the learning outcomes. Today, with the emergence of higher-order thinking skills and computer literacy skills, teaching through traditional methodologies likely to fail to achieve the learning outcomes (Gokce et al., 2017).

2.  ICT in STEM education – impacts and challenges: setting the scene. A STEM Alliance literature review. (2016, November). European Schoolnet. 

  • Due to the fast developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), many young people are constantly connected to digital devices and the Internet. This has changed the way they receive and process information, and the education system is slowly starting to adjust and explore the opportunities that ICT can bring for students’ learning and development (European Schoolnet, 2016).

3. Mallios, N., & Vassilakopoulos, M. G. (2015). Evaluating students’ programming skill behaviour and personalizing their computer learning environment using ‘The hour of code’ paradigm. International Association for Development of the Information Society, pp. 131- 135.

  • One of the most intriguing objectives when teaching computer science to students in secondary school is attracting and mainly maintaining their concentration within the limits of the class. In this paper, an empirical study is performed with the support of the “Hour of Code” initiative. The initiative was presented to a number of students as a motivation for teaching computer programming to them. An evaluation of the students’ programming skills is attempted with the aid of a questionnaire and a simple personalization framework is presented in order to adapt to the students’ personal needs.

4. Why computer science? (n.d.). CODE.

  • Computers and software are changing everything yet the majority of schools do not teach computer science (‘What’s wrong with this picture?’, 2015). It seems that our education system today is not set up for everyone to participate in the emerging economy and opportunities. Computer science is not widely taught in our schools. The irony is that parents want their children to learn computer science. Our education system clearly needs to evolve to bring computer science to students that want to learn this subject.

Optional Video

1. TEDx Talks. (2016, November 3). Smashing STEM stereotypes with coding | Fiona Quin | TEDxTownsville [Video]. YouTube.  (11:52)

  • We live in a rapidly changing technological world. Technology dependence and jobs are increasing but the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) workforce isn’t (TEDx Talks, 2016). What if YOU – parents and families – hold the key to the STEM workforce diversity and growth issues? You Can Code! Everyone can code! Let’s setup Workplace Maker Spaces and watch the imagination, creativity, innovation, and collaboration grow. It’s good for you, your kids, your business, your country, and the STEM workforce


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  • computers and software are changing everything vis a vis how computer science is taught or not taught in schools

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