Writers Solution

Conduct research into each country and produce a comparative analysis of the two countries

Assessment 1 Information
Subject Code: MAN304
Subject Name: Issues in International Business
Assessment Title: International Market Analysis
Assessment Type: Individual Written Report
Word Count: 1500 Words (+/-10%)
Weighting: 35 %
Total Marks: 100
Submission: Via Turnitin
Due Date: Week 5
Your Task
To undertake an individual International Market Analysis by developing a report to apply a range of international business analytical approaches within a global market context.
Assessment Description
To complete this assessment, you will need to select one firm. The firm can be a private or a public company based anywhere in the world.
A good criterion for the choice of a firm is the availability of public information about its products and services, corporate background and market reputation. Be careful in selecting your firm as further analysis of your chosen firm will be carried out in Assessment 3. You should discuss your choice of firm with your lecturer. Do this early and consult with your lecturer about the firm if in doubt.
You are required to select two (2) countries (Country A and Country B) as potential destinations for the firm to conduct its international business operations. You can choose, any two countries other than the country of origin of the firm. The firm must not have any existing operations in either of the countries you select.
The purpose is to develop a report with recommendations to be presented to the Board of Directors of your chosen firm.
1. Conduct research into each country and produce a comparative analysis of the two countries. The headings below are an indication of the type of information you may need to be able to collect and use:
a. The ease with which international firms report being able to do business in each country. You can find information about this from a range of sources including business news, official government websites or other online and offline sources.
b. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation Rate, Interest Rates
c. Education levels and the labour force skills available
d. Current interest rates
e. Current value of the local currency against the United States (US) dollar
f. Employment rate and average income per person per year
2. Use the following headings in developing your report.
a. Introduction to your chosen firm and its background
b. What are the commercial implications for your firm wishing to engage in an international business venture?
c. Provide an overview of products or services that your firm is seeking to use to expand into the two new countries that you have selected (their entry strategies).
d. What are the key factors/reasons that support the introduction of these new products/services and why do you think that their introduction will be successful.
Page 1 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline

e. Make a clear recommendation to the Board of Directors of your firm about which country they should consider opening up a new market in and the product/service.
3. The analysis does not require an executive summary.
Assessment Instructions
You must Submit via Turnitin as a “WORD” document
Please remember that you will need to cite the sources you used, so you are required to reference at least 5 sources of information. These may include corporate websites, government publications, industry reports, census data, journal articles, newspaper articles, and textbook material. In referencing sources, you must apply Harvard Referencing Style to your in-text citations and consequently to the reference list.
Please refer to the Assessment Marking Guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.
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Word Limits for Written Assessments
Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.

Assessment Marking Guide
Criteria Value (Marks) NN (Fail)
0 – 49 P (Pass)
50 – 64 CR (Credit)
65 – 74 DN (Distinction)
75 – 84 HD (High Distinction)
85 – 100
Analysis of Identified International Issues 10 Your analysis lacks depth, and your interpretation is not relevant to the assessment criteria. You briefly analyse some of the issues and your interpretation is not always relevant to the assessment criteria. You analyse most of the issues and your interpretation is well structured. You analyse and interpret issues thoroughly. You analyse and interpret the issues articulately and convincingly.
Recommendations 10 The quality of your recommendations is poor and/or incoherent. You have drawn some useful recommendations although a more comprehensive analysis of the case study would have been helpful. You have drawn mostly useful
recommendations. You have drawn varied, well-researched and compelling recommendations. You have drawn dynamic, comprehensive and convincing recommendations.
Research 10 Your research lacks focus because of an unsuitable choice of sources. You have selected some appropriate scholarly sources. Better use of quality sources would help focus your research. Your research is focused, drawn from an appropriate range of scholarly sources. It is obvious that your research is focused, complemented by a quality selection and range of scholarly sources. It is clearly obvious that your research is extensive and focused, complemented by a quality selection and range of scholarly sources.
Academic Writing 5 Spelling, grammar and presentation/or grammar is consistently incorrect. In-text referencing and/or reference list is mostly incorrect or non-existent. Spelling, grammar and presentation have numerous errors.
In-text referencing and/or reference list is obvious but there are major errors. Spelling, grammar and presentation have numerous errors. In-text referencing and/or reference list has only minor errors throughout Errors in grammar and spelling are rare and professionally presented. In-text referencing and the resultant reference list is correct, with only the occasional error. Correct grammar and spelling throughout the analysis with no obvious errors.
In-text referencing and the resultant reference list is correct, with no errors.

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