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content standard from the Common Core Standards

Topic 2: Instructional Goals

In Chapters 1-3, the focus is on designing instruction by first determining what students will be able to know and do at the end of the instructional lesson and/or unit. Through this instructional design method, you determine what the demonstrated student learning will look like and the measures to help share that determination with your students. Objectives are statements of what students will know and be able to do after they have learned what we intend them to learn.

In the Discussion this week, you will discuss the importance of the learning objective selection, how to unpack the learning objective in order to determine performance outcomes, and identification of performance levels demonstrating student mastery.

In the Discussion, respond to the following questions:

How do you select a learning objective for your weekly instruction?
Identify a content standard from the Common Core Standards (
for your class or area of study.
How do you unpack the learning objective or content standard (steps, stages, strategies)?
What are important factors in identifying student performance outcomes for the content standard?
How do you determine the smaller learning objectives (subtasks) inside a larger one?
What steps do you take to make sure all portions of the learning objectives are included in the daily or weekly plans?
How do you communicate the learning objective or content standard to your students?
How do you know that students have mastered the learning objective or content standard?

Discussion 2

Feedback and Technology Tools

Providing effective feedback to students is essential in supporting their growth and guiding their progress. You want to be able to provide feedback to help your learners understand their strengths, areas of weakness and what they need to do to plan to achieve their next levels of performance. Share with your classmates how you might use one of the following feedback methods in your Five-day Instructional Unit:

Social construction
Instructive coaching
One-on-One Feedback
Group feedback
Student ledconferences
Consultancy models
Student reflection
Share when you would use it in your Five-day Instructional Unit, what format you would use (individual, small group, large group, written, etc.), and the benefit it will have to foster student performance growth.

Technology can be a useful and efficient tool to provide feedback to students. Research one technology tool that can be used to provide feedback to students and share your finding in the Discussion Board. Post the following:

The tool that you found (include a URL link to the tool).
How it supports student learning during the feedback loop.
How you might use this technology tool in your Five-day Instructional Unit.

Discussion 4.1
Designing learning activities requiring teachers to break down the process of thinking into stages. Interactive teaching is about instructing students in a way that they are actively involved in their own learning process. There are different ways to create involvement through:

Teacher-student interaction
Student-student interaction
The use of audio, visuals, video
Hands-on demonstrations and exercises
The goal with developing activities that access knowledge, engage learners, and promote deep thinking is to get students moving, thinking, and responding. Experiential learning activities help students remain focused and are less likely to become bored. Students learn faster and boost engagement thus accelerating and improving retention.

In this week’s Discussion Board, you will research and then present three interactive teaching processes that engage all students. Share the activity and the benefits the activity has for the students. Share the URL and/or resource where your activity was found.

Discussion 4.2
Topic 2: Differentiated Instruction

Within each classroom, there are a variety of learning styles, learning modalities, and needs that cause teachers to differentiate their instruction. Differentiation deals with the Content, Process, Product, and Learning Environment. Before you continue, take a few minutes and watch this Learning Activity.

As you think of your Five-day Instructional Unit and the learners that are in your classroom, identify a specific learner or small group of learners who you will need to provide differentiated instruction for within this environment. In the Discussion Board share:

The specific needs of the identified learner or group of learners.
How will you address them through addressing the content, process, product and learning environment and what specific things will you do?
How will you guide and monitor the students through the five days of instruction and what specific instructional strategies will you have in place in order to support their successful mastery of the learning objectives?




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