Writers Solution

Describe three (3) techniques that can be used to track the progress of a market research activity

Advanced Diploma of Events

LEARNER COPY- Assessment TasksUnit Code: BSBMKG607
Unit Title: Manage market research
Unit Code: SITXMPR502
Unit Title: Develop and implement marketing strategies
STUDENT DECLARATION: I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from any other persons work, except where due acknowledgment is made in the text, and no part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned.
Student Signature: ________________________________________________________
Student ID: PAASH07021
Result Result
(Please Circle)
S | NS
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory
Marking criteria – Student must demonstrate satisfactory performance in each task to be deemed Satisfactory.
Assessors feedback / Date for re-assessment if required:
Assessors signature:

Student Instructions
Unit Code & Title BSBMKG607 Manage market research
SITXMPR502 Develop and implement marketing strategies
Assessment Task 1 Written Questions
You need to provide a series of evidence demonstrating what you have learnt during the units. This assessment will contribute towards the assessment of your overall competency.
Purpose of assessment To demonstrate that you understand the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to manage market research activities and develop and implement marketing strategies.
Assessment methods and instructions This assessment activity is the Knowledge Questions section and requires you to demonstrate you have the knowledge and understanding of the required competencies to the required standard. Please write clearly and answer all sections. Use a pen. Assessments written in pencil will not be accepted. Please do not use white out on your assessments. If you need to make changes please cross out and initial the changes.
This is an open book assessment and you may reference your learning material to assist you in this task.
Note: Cheating and plagiarism is considered academic misconduct and will not be tolerated at Ashton College. Refer to the Client Information Handbook for more information
Trainers can apply reasonable adjustment to assessments. Reasonable adjustment is the process of adjusting or changing the assessment to meet the needs and characteristics of the student(s) being assessed, and taking into account any equity requirements.
Resources, equipment & material required Wrathall, J., & Gee, A. (2014). Event Management theory and practice. North Ryde, Australia: McGraw HillChapter 5 Event marketing
Van der Wagon, L., & White, L. (2014). Events Management For tourism, cultural, business and sporting events. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson
Chapter 6 Marketing activities Chapter 27 Marketing strategies
Assessment environment Classroom
Timeframe for assessment Approximately 1 hour to complete. Timeframe can be negotiated based upon student’s individual needs and requirements.
Marking criteria Standard
To be assessed as satisfactory for this assessment activity each question or statement must have the correct response.
If you do not answer every question correctly, then your assessor will give you the opportunity to go over the incorrect answers.
If you still do not answer all questions correctly then your assessor will arrange for you to re sit the entire assessment. Your trainer will provide guidance as to the areas of the learning materials that you need to review.
If on your third attempt you are unable to correctly answer all the questions then your assessor will discuss the most suitable options available to you, which may include attending further learning sessions or using additional resources.
You must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks to be deemed competent in this unit.
Assessment Appeals
If you wish to appeal an assessment decision you should initially talk with your trainer/assessor and see if the situation can be resolved. If you are not satisfied with the outcome you may then lodge a formal complaint. Formal complaints are to be made to the Academic Director.
Complaints and appeals are actioned within 5 days of receipt of a complaint or appeal. The College will act upon the outcome of any complaint found to be substantiated. Appeals must be lodged within 20 working days of the decision of a complaint process or assessment result.
For further information on this procedure refer to the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure.
Trainer Instructions
This document forms the basis of specific evidence that you, the trainer/assessor, need to collect from the student to complete the Knowledge Questions for this unit. The tasks and assessment requirements that are given to the student are also outlined in this document.
This guide contains instructions and suggested responses on how to assess the student and determine competency. After completion of the assessment you will need to collect the student’s Assessment Booklet and submit this to Ashton College as per the Trainer/Assessor Guidelines. Included in this guide are all questions and/or activities, forms and checklists that need to be completed by you and the student as part of the assessment requirements. All questions and/or activities, forms and checklists that make up the student’s Assessment Booklet will need to be completed by the student.
General instructions for completing the Assessment Results by the Assessor
• Student name to be clearly printed in the space provided
• Student to sign and date the Student Declaration
• Upon completion, please mark the assessment as either satisfactory, unsatisfactory or not yet submitted
• To be marked as Satisfactory, the student must complete all tasks and sections in a task, satisfactorily. This means:
o Question & Answer – 100% correct
o Activities – 100% correct
• Record the overall assessment outcome. If any task is unsatisfactory then the result must be NS
• Record your feedback to the student in the space provided.
• Please sign and date the Assessor Declaration.
• Give the student the opportunity to review the corrected assessment and feedback, and ask them to complete the Declaration confirming that feedback has been provided.

Task 1: Questions and Answers
Please write your answers clearly in the space provided. All questions must be answered, ask your assessor if you don’t understand any of the questions. If you require more space attach a page clearly marked with your name, the Session number (which can be obtained from the front of this Assessment booklet and the question you are responding to. Some questions may require you to reference the learning materials provided by Ashton College. Your assessor will ensure that you have been provided with all relevant documentation.
Agreed deadline for submission on or before: ……………………………………………………….
Q 1. Describe three (3) techniques that can be used to track the progress of a market research activity.
Assessor Use Only: ? Correct Written Response ? Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)
Q 2. Describe three (3)ways to can monitor and manage external stakeholders during a market research project?

Assessor Use Only: ? Correct Written Response ? Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)

Q 3. Describe two (2) impacts on marketing functions for each of the following factors: which impact the following of economic, social and industry directions, trends, and practices on marketing functions?
a) Economic factors:
b) Social factors:
c) Industry direction:
d) Trends and practices:
Assessor Use Only: ? Correct Written Response ? Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)

Q 4. How can you submit a market plan to managers for approval?

Assessor Use Only: ? Correct Written Response ? Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)
Q 5. How can you communicate changes to the market plan?

Assessor Use Only: ? Correct Written Response ? Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)
Further Comments
Assessor Declaration By signing below, I declare that all of the above questions have been satisfactorily completed and where required I have verbally authenticated two of the answers.
Assessor Name
Assessor Signature Date: ____/____/_____
Assessment Task 2
BSBMKG607 Manage market research
STUDENT DECLARATION: I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from any other persons work, except where due acknowledgment is made in the text, and no part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned.
Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ____/____/_______
Student Name:
Student ID:
Result Result
(Please Circle)
S | NS
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory
Marking criteria – Student must demonstrate satisfactory performance in each task to be deemed Satisfactory.
Assessor’s feedback / date for re-assessment if required:
Assessors signature: Date:

Unit code and Title BSBMKG607 Manage market research
Assessment Task 2 Project
You need to complete the Project tasks, Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the following pages.
Purpose of assessment To demonstrate that you have an understanding of the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to:
• Plan market research activities
• Develop policies and procedures
• Identify and select external consultants
• Prepare contracts
• Conduct market research activities
• Report on market research findings
• Evaluate market research processes
Assessment methods and instructions This assessment activity requires you to complete a project whereby you research and develop a variety of documents to plan, implement and report on market research.
Your project needs to be completed in a written typed format (word document) following the Ashton College Style Guide.
Note: Cheating and plagiarism is considered academic misconduct and will not be tolerated at Ashton College. Refer to the Client Information Handbook for more information.
Trainers can apply reasonable adjustment to assessments. Reasonable adjustment is the process of adjusting or changing the assessment to meet the needs and characteristics of the student(s) being assessed, and taking into account any equity requirements.
Resources, equipment & material required Wrathall, J., & Gee, A. (2014). Event Management theory and practice. North Ryde, Australia: McGraw Hill
Chapter 5 Event marketing
Van der Wagon, L., & White, L. (2014). Events Management For tourism, cultural, business and sporting events. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson
Chapter 6 Marketing activities
Chapter 27 Marketing strategies
Ashton College Style Guide
Assessment environment Classroom
Timeframe for assessment Approximately 4 weeks to complete. Timeframe can be negotiated based upon student’s individual needs and requirements.
Marking criteria Standard
To be assessed as satisfactory for this assessment activity each task in the project must be completed and answered correctly.
If you do not answer every question correctly, then your assessor will give you the opportunity to go over the incorrect answers.
If you still do not answer all questions correctly then your assessor will arrange for you to re sit the entire assessment. Your trainer will provide guidance as to the areas of the learning materials that you need to review.
If on your third attempt you are unable to correctly answer all the questions then your assessor will discuss the most suitable options available to you, which may include attending further learning sessions or using additional resources.
You must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks to be deemed competent in this unit.
Assessment Appeals
If you wish to appeal an assessment decision you should initially talk with your trainer/assessor and see if the situation can be resolved. If you are not satisfied with the outcome you may then lodge a formal complaint. Formal complaints are to be made to the Academic Director.
Complaints and appeals are actioned within 5 days of receipt of a complaint or appeal. The College will act upon the outcome of any complaint found to be substantiated. Appeals must be lodged within 20 working days of the decision of a complaint process or assessment result.
For further information on this procedure refer to the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure

Part 1: Market research plan
Student instructions: Createa market research plan for a business which has been approved by your trainer/assessor. You may choose an appropriate event business or base this on your own business. Complete each of the following points from 1 to 4.
1. Develop a procedure for conducting market research. This should explain how you will engage stakeholders in accordance with legislative requirements and ethical practices.
2. A project plan for a market research activity. This should include:
o Purpose and objectives
o Data collection techniques
o Sample size
o Resource requirements, including external consultants, goods and services
o Budget
o Constraints
o Hypotheses
o Examples of survey instruments
3. A briefing document for external consultants that explains the key requirements of the project.
4. Legislative considerations including:
• Australian Consumer Law and consumer protection
• copyright
• privacy
• specific issues arising from use of new technologies
Assessor Use Only: ? Correct Written Response ? Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)

Part 2: External consultants
Instructions: Complete each of the following points.
1. Research three different external consultants online. Prepare a report explaining:
• How each consultant can assist
• Which consultant you would select and why
• How you would obtain the services of the preferred consultant
2. Prepare a contract to be supplied to the preferred consultant.
Assessor Use Only: ? Correct Written Response ? Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)
Part 3: Market research
Instructions: Conduct the market research as per your plan and prepare a report showing your findings. Your report should be written in an appropriate format and in line with the Ashton style guide.
Assessor Use Only: ? Correct Written Response ? Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)
Part 4: Market Research Evaluation
Instructions: Provide a self-reflection evaluating your performance during the market research activity. In your reflection, discuss:
• How you ensured you satisfied stakeholders
• Your ability to stick to the plan
• Improvements for the future, including changes to the procedure you developed.
Assessor Use Only: ? Correct Written Response ? Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)

Part 5: Marketing plan
Instructions: Prepare a market plan that includes at least two marketing strategies for your business. You may choose to complete this task based on your current workplace or a business that you are familiar with or intend to start.
Your trainer will provide you with a marketing plan template in addition to resources on the 7 P’s of marketing.
At a minimum, your plan must include the following components:
1. An analysis of the internal business environment, including:
o Core business activities
o The customer base
o The current business direction
o Strengths and weaknesses (you may do a SWOT analysis)
o Critical success factors
o Previous marketing activities
o Capabilities
o Resources
2. An analysis of the external business, including:
o Market growth or decline
o Relevant legislation
o Projected changes in the labour force, population and economic activity
o Competitors
o Customer trends and developments in the industry
o Ethical issues
o Sustainability issues
o Current and emerging technologies
3. An explanation of opportunities for new marketing approaches, including distribution networks
4. Marketing strategies
5. Roles and responsibilities
6. Timelines
7. Budget
Assessor Use Only: ? Correct Written Response ? Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)

Part 6: Marketing Plan Evaluation and Report
Instructions: Develop a customer feedback survey for one of the marketingplans you developed in Part 5.
You are required to explain your marketing plan and survey at least eight (8) “customers”
You may ask fellow students, friends, family members or colleagues to act as customers to complete the survey. You must attach the completed surveys (or copies) to this part of your project submission.
Once completed, review the results from your surveys and prepare a report for management describing the success of the activity and changes you would make to the market plan based on the feedback.
Assessor Use Only: ? Correct Written Response ? Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)

Assessment Task 3
BSBMKG607 Manage market research
SITXMPR502 Develop and implement marketing strategies
STUDENT DECLARATION: I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from any other persons work, except where due acknowledgment is made in the text, and no part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned.
Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ____/____/_______
Student Name:
Student ID:
Result Result
(Please Circle)
S | NS
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory
Marking criteria – Student must demonstrate satisfactory performance in each task to be deemed Satisfactory.
Assessor’s feedback / date for re-assessment if required:
Assessors signature: Date:

Unit code and Title BSBMKG607 Manage market research
SITXMPR502 Develop and implement marketing strategies
Assessment Task Role Play
Your assessor will break the class into groups for this Role Play assessment and you are required to work with three (3) other class members. Your class members will play the roles of a key stakeholders.
During the role play, you are to present, explain and respond to questions about your market research report to the stakeholders and seek their feedback on your findings and your market research techniques.
This assessment will contribute towards the assessment of your overall competency.
Purpose of assessment To demonstrate that you have an understanding of the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to:
• Present and explain information
• Evaluate market research activities
• Seek feedback from stakeholders
• Use appropriate communication and consultation techniques
Assessment methods and instructions This assessment activity requires you to organise and conduct a consultation with a stakeholder based on the market research report you prepared in Assessment 2.
You are required to provide a copy of the market research report to the other participant.
Cheating and plagiarism is considered academic misconduct and will not be tolerated at Ashton College. Refer to the Client Information Handbook for more information
Trainers can apply reasonable adjustment to assessments. Reasonable adjustment is the process of adjusting or changing the assessment to meet the needs and characteristics of the student(s) being assessed, and taking into account any equity requirements.
Resources, equipment & material required Wrathall, J., & Gee, A. (2014). Event Management theory and practice. North Ryde, Australia: McGraw Hill
Chapter 5 Event marketing
Van der Wagon, L., & White, L. (2014). Events Management For tourism, cultural, business and sporting events. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson
Chapter 6 Marketing activities
Chapter 27 Marketing strategies
Observation/Discussion Checklist
Assessment environment Classroom
Timeframe for assessment Approximately 60 minutes to complete. Timeframe can be negotiated based upon student’s individual needs and requirements.
Marking criteria Standard
To be assessed as satisfactory for this assessment activity each task in the observations checklist must be completed and questions answered to the satisfaction of your assessor.
If you do not perform each task correctly, then your assessor will give you the opportunity to go over the task or ask you prompting/clarifying questions.
If you are not able to perform the task/s correctly then your assessor will arrange for you to re sit the entire assessment. Your trainer will provide guidance as to the areas of the learning materials that you need to review.
If on your third attempt you are unable to correctly perform the task/s then your assessor will discuss the most suitable options available to you, which may include attending further learning sessions or using additional resources.
You must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks to be deemed competent in this unit.
Assessment Appeals
If you wish to appeal an assessment decision you should initially talk with your trainer/assessor and see if the situation can be resolved. If you are not satisfied with the outcome you may then lodge a formal complaint. Formal complaints are to be made to the Academic Director.
Complaints and appeals are actioned within 5 days of receipt of a complaint or appeal. The College will act upon the outcome of any complaint found to be substantiated. Appeals must be lodged within 20 working days of the decision of a complaint process or assessment result.
For further information on this procedure refer to the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure
Observation forms an important part in any competency-based assessment. It allows you to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and attitudes in a usual or simulated work environment.
Ashton College assessors utilise a simulated environment for observation. During this course your assessor may inform you about such a simulated observation. Please be prepared to actively participate in such simulations and be sure to ask your trainer/assessor any questions you may have at any time.
Your assessor will provide you with the date and the task/s that will be assessed, with detailed instructions including:
• the specific tasks you will be required to demonstrate
• which Competency and Performance Criterion he/she will observe
• the industry relevant timeframes for completion of the specific tasks.
Below is a checklist which will be used by your assessor to record his/her observations. Please familiarise yourself with it. This will aid your own preparation and allows you to be focussed on your performance.

Observation / Discussion Checklist
Student Name:
To be completed by Assessor
Step The candidate was able to: Obs. Result Assessor Comments/Initials
Dates of observations: S US
1 Present market research findings
2 Consult with stakeholders
3 Seek feedback from stakeholders
4 Organises selection process according to job requirements
Use appropriate questioning and listening techniques
6 Record and discuss feedback from stakeholders
7 Use relevant consultation techniques
8 Share information about marketing activities
Feedback to student:2

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