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Develop and manage performance-management processes

Adv Dip Community Sector Mgt 2B

  BSBHRM512 Develop and manage performance-management processes

Participant Assessment

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Assignment Activities

There are 3 parts to this assignment.

Use a word processor to create one document with your responses to all parts.

Part 1 is a Scenario. Read through the scenario carefully. Answer, 250 words. Part 2 is an Activity. Read through the activity carefully. Answer, 250 words. Part 3 is the Project. Read and follow the instructions provided.


You are responsible for developing and monitoring KPIs for a staff member who is responsible for recruitment in your unit.

a.   Provide examples of at least four possible key performance indicators (KPIs)

that are specific, measurable and align with business goals.

b.   Explain how you would monitor these KPIs.

c.   How frequently would you meet with the employee regarding the KPIs? Explain

your rationale for this.

d.   find the employee is not meeting their KPIs, describe briefly the steps you would take to deal with the situation?


a.   Provide a sample learning and development plan for a junior manager whose training needs have been identified by their manager as managing people and delegating effectively.

b.   Part of your suggestion for the manager is to enrol in a Certificate IV in

Leadership and Management which can be undertaken on the job. What process would you use to select the sup plier to satisfy the needs of this manager?

c.   How would you monitor the success rate of the training and notify his/her


d.   The manager has come back to you during his/her training and expresses concern about the training provider in particular the l ack of support being provided. How would you manage this?


Assume you have recently joined a tech company “High Tech Pros” (simulated, not a real business) that has grown rapidly from a small start -up to now employing over 200 staff. Of the 200, 125 are full-time staff and 75 are contractors (who are hired as required). Most are technical officers (analysts, programmers etc.) with 16 being administrative staff looking after accounts, marketing, sales, HR and general administration.

Both the owners and the managers they have employed are highly skilled technically but have little true management experience. The owners have plans to grow by up to 100% over the next 12 months and know they need processes to ensure they manage their staff. They have read about Google’s success in motivating and managing staff and have asked you to complete Parts A  to D below in order to:

        Put a performance management process in place for all staff

     Help their managers transition from being competent technicians into being great managers

Read the following case study about the real company “Google” (no need to google

this, ha ha):

Sourced 13/10/2016 from European CEO magazine, (15/06/2015 ed .): talent-retention-success/

This March, Fortune named Google, already the world’s biggest search engine, the number one employer for the sixth year in a row, making the tech company the ultimate talent magnet.…

The capabilities of IT systems allow a more sophisticated and analytical approach to HR than was possible in the past”, says Mark Thompson, Head of Reward Consulting at management firm Hay Group. Thus, cold hard facts are employed in order to keep the chances of unexpected outcomes to an absolute minimum.

At Google, employees are considered the company’s most valuable asset – the backbone of the organisation. They are given freedom, a healthy work-life balance, incredible perks, and even the chance to have fun at work. There are many who maintain that such radical practices are a waste of money and time, and some may find them simply absurd. And yet, the results speak for themselves.

What HR should and must focus on is understanding the relationship between the things which motivate and engage people as individuals”, says Laurence Collins, Director of HR and Workforce Analytics at Deloitte. “The environment, work, growth, reward and flexibility it offers, [are] part of the employee proposition.”…

Each year, two million people apply for around 5,000 vacancies at Google. With better odds of being accepted into Harvard or even of being struck by lightning, many hopeful candidates turn to unorthodox means to make themselves stand out. Lazslo Bock, Head of People Operations at Google, told Forbes in a recent interview that he often receives pleas, bribe offers and even threats from applicants. …

During the recruitment process, Google uses an algorithm to make predictions regarding which candidates have the best chances of succeeding at the role in question. Those with a very high IQ are often chosen, although the ability to learn and absorb information is considered more important. Riddles and brainteasers are no longer used, as analysis carried out by the department has found that those who do well in such exercises are not necessarily the best candidates. Traditional interview questions have thus made a comeback in Google’s interview process. …

The people operations team also looks for those who will fit into the firm’s unique culture. Namely, they are looking for ‘Googleyness’ or, in plain English, intellectual humility. … So as to prevent shortsightedness, verdicts, such as whom to hire and fire, how performance is rated and which promotions are given, are never made unilaterally. “Each of these decisions is instead made either by a group of peers, a committee, or a dedicated, independent team”, writes Bock in his book Work Rules.

Generally, people spend most of their lives at work. It is, therefore, vital for it to be as pleasant as possible. Furthermore, an infinite budget or worldwide status is not necessary to create such a setting, as many cynics often claim in response to Google’s style of management. Considering employees as the most precious commodity within a business is how it can be achieved. Creating an environment in which employees want to get up and go to work can enable them to reach their full potential – to the benefit of their employers and all those around them. To s ome, this may seem like an unmanageable task, but it really isn’t – Google proves that it is possible.

Part A

Based on what you have read so far in this “Google” case study, plus other research and your experience, develop recommendations for:

a.   A performance management process that would suit the company you joined “High Tech Pros”, keeping in mind that some employees are part -time or contracted.

b.   Organisational timeframes for formal performance management sessions. c.   A quality improvement plan for the performance management process.

Part B

Explain who you would consult with at “High Tech Pros” and outside that company,

to ensure there is agreement on the new formal performance management

process you recommended in Part A.

Part C

Develop a series of short lunch-time sessions for the “High Tech Pros” management team (use a few bullet points for each session) to train them on: a.   How to develop KPIs for their staff.

b.   How to provide feedback to under-performers c.   Basic staff coaching techniques

d.   Dispute resolution and mediation processes e.   How to conduct a performance review

f.    Recording information and storing documents relating to performance reviews and performance management sessions.

Note: You should be mindful of maintaining the attention of managers given their different learning styles and may use PowerPoint, video, Word documents or any other technology that is accessible and appropriate for this task.

Part D

Design a coaching/mentoring program to support managers at “High Tech Pros” in their role. You may choose to use internal or external providers (or both), but must provide a rationale for your choice and explain the process of introducing the program including consultation with key stakeholders.

discuss. If you are not currently working in HR, consult your tutor/assessor about work experience or an alternative task.

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