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Difficult Conversations

Specifics for the Difficult Conversations Assignment Difficult Conversations: (120 points) After reading this book, you will be asked to construct a business proposal that seeks change by applying both the concepts in the “difficult conversations” text as well as what has been learned regarding the proper format for business reports/proposals. Topics to consider—what they are, common problems, how we can improve them, etc. Most of what you discuss will come from ideas explored in the book Difficult Conversations, yet many of the things studied in this class, and the diversity and inclusion content from MGMT 490, can assist you in helping others productively manage conflict. Once you are comfortable with the required format/content, then think about how you can apply what you read to a current/past workplace situation and use the proposal to identify the current state, why change is needed, and how that change could be implemented based on what you read. This assignment is confidential, and only my eyes will see it. I am looking to see if the content in this book was meaningful and if you know how to better handle a real-world situation because of it. You will upload your document in your week. To ensure you are detailed, the final product should be 3-6 single-spaced pages with a minimum of six citations either from the book or other credible sources. In reading, I should clearly understand the situation, why these concepts would help, a walkthrough of concept application, and either results or anticipated results. I encourage all students to submit their topic choice before preparing their proposals. What I would do if I were Preparing for this Assignment: 1. Carefully go through the book Difficult Conversations and select the quotations and ideas you believe support a workplace current or past conflict you can use as your inspiration to suggest workplace change. 2. To ensure maximum points, review the rubric under Assessments called Difficult Conversations before preparing your proposal.3. Review chapters 9 and 10 in your text for visual formatting requirements for business reports and proposals, including spacing and heading. (I believe you will find chapter 10 the most helpful. Specifically, 10.9 for a works cited sample, and 10.2 and 10.4 for a format sample. Pages 288-290 discuss minimum content sections). · This is an informal proposal, meaning TOC and title page are not needed but practice formal, third-person business writing. 4. You want to write formally, but for the purpose of this assignment, generate an informal letter proposal so you can focus on applying your effort to the book concept application and not creating a table of contents. Follow the format in the book regarding single-spacing, headings, etc., and be sure these elements are included:· Introduction· Background of the problem· Proposal· Staffing and budgeting needs· Authorization· Appendix (optional, not required)· References, work cited page properly formatting giving proper credit to the quotations, graphics within the proposal.· Be sure you properly cite within the proposal AND have a reference page· If you are unsure of the proper format, follow the sample in your chapter, or go to for guidance. 5. Be sure your proposal is detailed enough that I clearly understand the situation and can clearly see DC concepts directly applied as to how to improve this situation. Your proposal should be free of errors: grammar, punctuation, and spacing.6. Upload your proposal in your week. This is confidential for my eyes to see only. Tips: 1. Assume the audience has not read this book or situation you are analyzing2. You are a manager/teacher/problem solver here—please be professional and thoughtful in your approach3. Don’t recite the book; I’ve read it. Show that you read and mastered the concepts by applying them and citing them.4. This should be fun, educational, and professional. Be creative.5. Feel free to get help from friends. For example, if you wanted to include a survey, case study, or outcome from a role play, that is fine but not required.6. You are welcome to cite more than just this book to support your proposal.7. I should read it, understand the issue/need, see how the change would play out, what is needed to make the change, and, based on the problem, want to make the change.

8. Have fun…create something that teaches others a few things that might help them not avoid difficult conversations in the future but approach them more confidently and earn more positive results





Difficult Conversations

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