Writers Solution

Explain the rationale and process of developing a marketing strategy

Contemporary Hotel Marketing
Assessment Market Research
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2,500 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a. Explain the rationale and process of developing a marketing strategy.
b. Analyse and evaluate market opportunities and trends.
c. Locate, appraise and interpret market and consumer intelligence.
e. Develop a set of criteria to continuously monitor marketingopportunities, to measure marketing success and to determine strategic adjustments in accordance with organisational objective.
f. Formulate a set of key performance indicators to measure thesuccess of a marketing plan and prioritise the marketing activities.
Submission Week 5 – Sunday at 11:55pm (AEST/AEDT/ACST/ACDT)
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
You are working in a CBD 4- or 5-star hotel in the City of your campus.
Town Hall Sydney
Flinders Street Melbourne
Wakefield Adelaide
The long-term General Manager (GM) has retired and been replaced last minute, by a senior executive from your Tokyo sister property.
The assessment has been prescribed to develop the students’ ability to identify and evaluate factors that can affect marketing planning and business operations.
Please also note additional articles relevant to this Assessment will be posted under Assessments on Blackboard and in class discussions will assist students to develop the key information required for this submission.
The following should assist your understanding of Assessment requirements.
You have been assigned the task of preparing a Briefing Report for your new General Manager (GM) addressing the business’s macro environmental elements. These comprise 8 elements:
o Political & Legal o Economic
o Social & Cultural o Technology o Environmental o Competitive Analysis o Commercial Partners o Market & Consumer Trends.
What is a Briefing Report
A briefing paper outlines a particular topic (in this case, the macro environmental factors for your hotel). The purpose of your report is to brief your new GM, to bring the key issues to your GM’s attention and alerting him/her as to what they need to know about the environment in which your business operates. In this case the unique characteristics of operating in your City.
A persuasive an effective briefing paper is concise, well-organized and covers the most important and relevant facts.
Remember all reports are written for a purpose. So clearly state the purpose of your Report in the introduction. You have 8 elements to research and consider in preparing this report and you need to show you know where to go to determine this market intelligence, while being clear and succinct in your writing.
Macro environmental Factors to be addressed in this Briefing Report:
o Political & Legal – visas, taxes, government support for tourism.
o Economic – interest rates, CPI, exchange rates. o Social & Cultural – lifestyles, cultural diversity o Technology – new technologies affecting business marketing and operations.
o Environmental – Importance of sustainability initiatives in your city and your customers.
o Competitive Analysis – number of rooms in the CBD. Range of accommodation and new builds. o Commercial Partners – organisations or brands that you can work with in your marketing
Source: P.Rix, McGraw Hill endeavours.
o Market & Consumer Research -who is visiting your city?
where are the travellers coming from? What do arrival statistics look like?
Task Instructions
Please review the Suggested Report Format presented after the marking rubrics in this Assessment Brief. It will assist you to get started with this Assessment.
1. Your submission needs to be ‘business ready’ i.e. professional enough to hand to your GM.
2. Watch word count, be clear and succinct.
3. Consider the task from the perspective of what your GM need to know. This is normally a process of identifying the opportunities or threats to operations within your location.
4. You have been provided with a list of suggested subscriptions, weekly academic text and a range of articles you need to read, research and interpret the key information for your GM’s better understanding of the local business environment.
5. Use headings, subheadings and diagrams, infographics and charts to support your evidence/discussion. Cite sources and remember to interpret information you present.
6. Do not use dated information it needs to be current. You are doing an environmental analysis for this month and this year.
Submission Instructions
To be submitted on Blackboard under Assessment on Due date via the link provided.
Before Submitting.
o Please see marking rubrics and make sure you have not omitted any elements that will gain you marks.
o Please re read and check that sentence structure makes sense, that grammar is correct, word choices are accurate, and opinions expressed are supported by valid sources.
o Resources available to you include articles and chapters posted to or linked on Blackboard. o Tutorials/Workshops will include discussion of this Assessment in particular Weeks 2, 3 & 4 will be important in assisting you to develop your submission.
o Ask questions in class as this assists all students participating in CHM601 and use class messaging to clarify any issues or question you may have.
o Word Count: please observe word count limits as potential penalties apply for significantly exceeding limit.
o The assessment requires the student to read broadly and to be abreast of current issues using various sources of marketing intelligence. Undertake independent research.
o Students should read chapters from assigned text and search out additional academic text to explain the role of situation analysis in marketing planning.
o Give evidence of understanding the various sources of marketing information available to determine trends. Use the subscriptions and recommended reading sites.
o Suggested structure/format for this report is provided within this Assessment Brief.
o Report to be typed 1.5 spacing and formatted following the Assessment Structure using headings and subheadings – referencing the Style Guide and uploaded to Blackboard on time of the due date, in electronic form as a word-processed file.
o Number your pages.
o Students must refer, in text, to a minimum of 12 academic and professional articles, plus others as required, in order to show competency in the assessment. All referencing must be in accordance with APA 7th Edition Referencing and Academic Writing Guide.
o A school assessment cover sheet to be attached with your paper.
1. It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here in the Academic Writing Guide found via the Academic Skills website.
2. In preparing this report your referencing should be broader than just academic texts and should include: government and official sources such as Australian Bureau of Statistics, local councils, Tourism Australia, Research organisation reports, Consumer and trade media – print and electronic.
3. APA 7th Ed. Referencing Guide
4. Referencing Tool
Academic Integrity
By attempting this assessment, you agree to adhere to the full policies and procedures on Academic Integrity prior to, during and following this assessment.
Work presented for this Assessment can be applied to later Assessments for this subject without penalty. However:
• Do not simply cut and paste. Paraphrasing is necessary.
• Diagrams, graphs and visuals can be directly converted from external sources and applied and cited in your submission.
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
Learning Rubric
Assessment Criteria Fail
(Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Quality of introduction and conclusion
Insufficient introduction & conclusion Satisfactory introduction & conclusion. Good introduction & conclusion Superior introduction & conclusion Excellent introduction & conclusion
Situation Analysis and application addresses
all elements required
Poor understanding of the role of situational analysis. Limited synthesis and analysis
Demonstrates limited awareness of context and/or purpose of the assignment
Demonstrates consistent awareness of context and/or purpose of the assignment. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Demonstrates an advanced and integrated understanding of context and/or purpose of the assignment. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Consistently demonstrates a systematic and critical understanding of context and purpose of the assignment.
Identified critical information and presented effective overview
30% Limited or no discussion of appropriate environmental factors and their impacts on the marketing process. Adequate discussion of appropriate environmental factors and their impacts on the marketing process. Good discussion of appropriate environmental factors and their impacts on the marketing process.
Superior discussion of appropriate environmental factors and their impacts on the marketing process. Excellent discussion of
appropriate environmental factors and their impacts on the marketing process.
Researched appropriate
sources of information
Limited evidence of reading and referencing to support report. Information presented unsubstantiated. Inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support. Satisfactory evidence of reading and referencing. Literature is presented uncritically. Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop report.
Good evidence of reading and referencing.
Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Superior evidence of reading and referencing. Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
Systematically discriminates information which is
substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Information is taken from sources with a high level of interpretation to develop a comprehensive critical analysis.
Effective clear
Business Ready
Headings and sub headings
Spelling & word choices
Difficult to understand for audience, no logical/clear structure, poor flow of ideas, argument lacks supporting evidence. Audience cannot follow the line of reasoning. Poor structure and clarity of expression. Requires assistance. Information, arguments and evidence are presented in a way that is not always clear and logical. Line of reasoning is often difficult to follow. Satisfactory standard of writing, presentation and structure. Information and evidence are well presented, mostly clear flow of ideas. Line of reasoning is easy to follow. Good standard of writing, presentation and structure.
Information and evidence are very well presented; the presentation is logical, clear and well supported by evidence. Superior standard of writing presentation and structure.
Expertly presented; the
presentation is logical, persuasive, and well supported by evidence, demonstrating a clear flow of ideas. Excellent standard of writing, presentation & structure.
Remember all reports are written for a purpose. So clearly state the purpose of your Report in the introduction. You have 8 elements to research and consider in preparing this report and you need to show you know where to go to determine accurate and specific marketing intelligence. Format and content of this report should be as follows: o BMIHS Cover page o Introduction
o The introduction should state the purpose of your report (to brief management on the business environment for your hotel). You should foreshadow the elements you are about to cover in your report and state why a situation analysis is important to business and marketing planning.
o External Environment
o Environmental Scanning (situation analysis) is about maintaining a watching brief on factors that may be issues that lay outside of the organisations direct control however, you need to be aware of them and the potential impacts. The opportunities or threats to your business.
o Political & Legal visas, taxes, government support for tourism o Economic – interest rates, CPI, exchange rates o Social & Cultural – lifestyles, cultural diversity
o Technology- new technologies affecting business and marketing.
o Environmental – more attention is being paid to environmental issues-efficient use of resources, energy management or pollution control; can have a direct impact on the organisations bottom-line and its reputation.
o Competitive Analysis – How many rooms are available in your city, how many of a similar grading? Is there any direct or indirect competition e.g. AirBnb, what is average occupancy across the city? What is the present state of the hospitality industry in your city? Are there any new properties under construction?
o Commercial Partners – brands or organisations you could work with in your marketing efforts. suppliers and distributors of the business – things like additional government funding for say Tourism Australia or Destination NSW or Tourism Victoria may result in more funds for cooperative campaigns.
o Market & Consumer Research – market segmentation- what visitor segments are visiting your city– where are the travellers coming from? What do arrival statistics look like? What new products or experiences are emerging in the destination and what are the key market segments you are focusing on and what do you know about them.
o Conclusion- summary of key information presented in your report. o References

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