Writers Solution

Female Crime

Explaining Female Crime

This Assignment examines the different treatment of females across the world and how it affects female criminality. Early American Feminist criminologists have asserted that females who have more opportunities are more likely to commit crime. Does this assertion correctly apply worldwide?

Please provide empirical resources to support your discussion. Your Assignment should be 2–3 pages in length.

Compare the female crime rate in the United States with one other country with a vastly different female crime rate.
How is the treatment of females the same in the two countries? How is the treatment of females different between the two countries? Be sure to compare both the formal laws and the cultural norms and values from each country.
Do the differences in treatment of females between the two countries explain the differences in the crime rate?
How will your understanding of the treatment of females in other countries impact your relationships in the workplace? What can you do to bridge the cultural differences and build effective relationships?





Treatment of Females and How it Affects Criminality

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Treatment of Females and How it Affects Criminality

            In the early and middle of 1990s, there was an increased media focus on the increased rates of female involvement in crime. It is reported in (Kontos, Brotherton & Barrios, 2012) that during the period, the number of women joining gang memberships, involvement in drugs, possession of guns, violence and other activities that were seen as a preserve for men, was on the rise. Although a number of perspectives developed to explain the increased involvement of women in crime, one perspective stood above others; the feminist theory that increased female opportunities increased their likelihood of participation in crime. In this paper, this perspective will be examined through a comparison in female crime rates between the United States and Saudi Arabia.

            The United States is one of the world’s most powerful states with also one of the largest gross domestic product. Unlike Saudi Arabia, United States ranks ahead in terms of human rights and gender equality. Saudi Arabia on the other hand is a conservative country with dominant Sharia laws the major cultural determinants, dictating the way men and women should behave (Human Rights Watch, 2017). Theft is one of the biggest crimes in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Arab News, 2016). However, in this largest form of crime in the country, the Arabia News points that over 50% of such crimes committed in 2015 in the country were perpetrated by women. In comparison, according to (Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency, 2016) the female crimes cases in U.S have been increasing since 2010 at an average annual rate of about 3.4 %.             The treatment of females in Saudi Arabia and the United States show very small similarity, which owes mostly to how men perceive……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………


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