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fictitious company CFi Logistics Services Pte Ltd

Assignment: Individual Report (50%)
You have been tasked by a fictitious company CFi Logistics Services Pte Ltd. It intends to be a mid-size logistics service provider. The Business Owner plans to launch this business next year.
The company operates a fleet of transports. This fleet serves different segment of customers. The fleet comprises of 2 Configurable Vans and 3 Standard Vans.
Financial data and business information can be found in Appendix A; various Appendices contain limited templates for your reference.
Tasks Requirements

  1. You have been tasked by the Business Owner to evaluate the logistics sector that this company will be operating. This will involve an understanding of the overall economic environment in this logistics market. Elaborate how the current market conditions might affect the decision of this entrepreneur. Note: Investigate the macroeconomic and micro-economic condition of a specific country that this firm will be operating.
    (learning outcome 1)
  2. Next, costing of business; assume a full load and optimal resources are utilised for planning purpose. With reference to the various appendices, complete the following sub-tasks:
    a. Compute and present a full year total for the following:
    • Total number of trips; indicate total number of trips for each type of van.
    • Total distance (in km) travel; indicate total distance travel for each type of van.
    b. Compose and present a full year total for the following:
    • Total Fixed Cost • Total Driver Renumeration
    • Total Variable Cost • Total Fuel Cost
    Indicate calculation and formulas in the report. Use a master spreadsheet to tabulate monthly Sub-Total, monthly Accumulative Total, and an annual Grand total.
    (learning outcome 2)
  3. The Business Owner requires you to use the grand total derived from task 2 above to evaluate two investment packages for a duration of 5 years. Assume the following: Package Sycamore has an annual compounded interest rate of 5.15%; Package Willow has an annual compound interest rate of 9.0%. Both packages offer a regular cashflow for that duration. You may assume a regular cashflow for calculation. Assess and present three investment appraisal methods; and make a recommendation.
    (learning outcome 3)
  4. The Business Owner is ambitious. An expansion plan is needed. Assume a markup of 57%; this mark-up is used to determine the potential sales revenue. You are required to study the following:
    a. financial management
    b. budgeting
    c. forecasting
    d. any mathematical tool
    Next, use one method financial management, budgeting, forecasting or any mathematical tool to evaluate the feasibility of business expansion over the next 5 years.
    (learning outcome 4 & 5)
    Report Deliverables
  5. Cover page is needed to indicate Name and CU Identification number.
  6. Word count must be displayed on the cover page; compiled with and should not include Table of Content and References.
  7. This report should be composed with 2,000 words, ±10% allowance in length.
  8. Use a word processing software to compose a well layout report; display with a Table of Content, font type 12 Arial or Calibri, 2 lines of space, full justify paragraphs, paragraphs should be appropriately formatted and all pages numbered. Each chart, diagram, graphical illustration and/or table must be numbered, titled and cited.
  9. A good report contains citations and references from a wide range of sources such as academic books, journal, electronics databases, and official websites.
  10. APA referencing system must be used for citations and references.
    Electronic submission via Blackboard. Late submissions will not be accepted. You must check assignment for similarity in Turnitin at least 48 hours before submission due date.
    TurnItIn’s submission title format: Student CU ID_Name. In Portable Document Format (pdf) only.
    Evaluation Criteria
    Evaluation Criteria Weigh Remarks
  11. Relevant content
    (e.g. originality, concepts and theories, etc) 20
  12. Critical analysis
    (e.g. applications, evidence, critical thoughts, etc) 30
  13. Coherent argument
    (e.g. logical flow of argument) 20
  14. Computational accuracy
    (e.g. formulae calculation procedures, etc) 20
  15. Professional Structure
    (e.g. APA style, report and sentence structure, etc) 10
    Total 100
    A copy of evaluation criteria can be found in the Blackboard.
    Appendix A – Business Data
  16. Configurable Van $128,000 per unit
    Fuel Tank 55 litres
  17. Configuration for Configurable Van
    (Daily Configuration includes setup & dismount) 2 hours per configuration
    $200 per unit of Configurable van
  18. Configurable van, despatch service 1.25 hours per round trip, 82 km
  19. Fuel cost for configurable van $1.20 for 1 litre
  20. Distance travel / mileage of Configurable Van 8.5km per 1 litre
  21. Monthly maintenance of Configurable Van $350 per Configurable Van
  22. Annual Insurance for Configurable Van
    (Commence in January) $2,000 per Configurable Van
  23. Driver base salary for Configurable Van $780 per month
  24. Standard Van $80,000 per unit
    Fuel Tank 50 litres
  25. Standard Van, despatch service 1.5 hours per round trip, 90 km
  26. Fuel cost for Standard Van $1.00 for 1 litre
  27. Distance travel / mileage of Standard Van 10 km per 1 litre
  28. Quarterly maintenance of Standard Van
    (Commence in April) $720 per Standard Van
  29. Quarterly insurance of Standard Van
    (Commence in January) $350 per Standard Van
  30. Driver base salary for Standard Van $700 per month
  31. Normal Work Hours Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm
    Saturday: 8am – 1pm
  32. Normal Work Day: Lunch Break, Mon – Sat,
    1 hour
    Morning Tea Break, Mon – Sat,
    Afternoon Tea Break, Mon – Fri, 15mins
  33. Over Time Work Hours Monday – Friday: 6pm – 11pm
    Saturday: 1pm – 6pm
  34. Number of work days in a week 5.5 days per week
  35. Number of work weeks in a month 4 weeks per month
  36. Commission based on a round trip:
    • Driver for Configurable Van
    • Driver for Standard Van
  37. Over Time Comms based on a round trip
    (Apply only to driver of Standard Van) 1.5
  38. There is no after office services for Configurable Van.
    Appendix B – Number of Trips
    Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Weekly
    trips per van Monthly trips per van Yearly trips per van No. of Vans Yearly Trips Remarks
    Configurable van Normal Hrs Work Hrs 8am – 5pm 8am – 5pm 8am – 5pm 8am – 5pm 8am – 5pm 8am – 1pm
    No. of Hrs 9 9 9 9 9 5
    AM Break 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
    Lunch 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1
    PM Break 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 –
    Daily Config. 2 2 2 2 2 2
    Nett No. of Hrs 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 1.75
    Trips 4 4 4 4 4 1 21 84 1,008 2 2,016
    Standard van Normal Hrs Work Hrs 8am – 5pm 8am – 5pm 8am – 5pm 8am – 5pm 8am – 5pm 8am – 1pm
    No. of Hrs 9 9 9 9 9 5
    AM Break 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
    Lunch 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1
    PM Break 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 –
    Nett No. of Hrs 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 3.75
    Trips 5 5 5 5 5 2 27 108 1,296 3 3,888
    Time Hrs Work Hrs 6pm – 11pm 6pm – 11pm 6pm – 11pm 6pm – 11pm 6pm – 11pm 1pm – 6pm
    No. of Hrs 5 5 5 5 5 5
    Nett No. of Hrs – – – – – –
    Trips 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 72 864 3 2,592
    45 180 2,160 3 6,480
    Total Number of Trips 8,496 For both vans
    Appendix C – Distance Travelled
    Distance per trip Weekly distance Monthly distance Yearly distance No. of Vans Total distance Remarks
    Configurable van Normal Hours 82 1,722 6,888 82,656 2 165,312
    Standard van Normal Hours 90 2,430 9,720 116,640 3 349,920
    Over Time Hours 90 1,620 6,480 77,760 3 233,280
    4,050 16,200 194,400 3 583,200
    Total Distance Travelled 748,512 For both vans

Appendix D – Drivers’ Commission
Weekly Monthly Yearly No. of Drivers Total ($) Remarks
Configurable van Normal Hours 315 1,260 15,120 2 30,240
Standard van Normal Hours 270 1,080 12,960 3 38,880
Over Time Hours 270 1,080 12,960 3 38,880
540 2,160 25,920 3 77,760
Total Renumeration 108,000 For both vans

Appendix E – Master Spreadsheet
Appendix G – Statement of Comprehensive Income


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