Instructional Objectives for this activity: Research the internationalization of terrorism and their funding sources. |
Apply the information from the map by Longman Atlas of World Issues that details the states where terrorist groups are located, operate, and suicide bombs are prevalent.In the Longman Atlas of World Issues on pages, 26-27 pick five countries that are terrorist occupied.From this list, determine the terrorist organization that occupies this land, its reasons and motivation, and possible government funding.Use the LIRN center or the Internet to access reliable articles on your countries and topic.This final project can be a PowerPoint, or word document. Word document must be a minimum of 200-300 words, and the PowerPoint must be at least twenty-five slides. It is 10% of your grade. You can use the textbook, or internet for this research. |
Internationalization of Terrorism and Their Funding Sources
International terrorism brings out complexity in life combined with emotional distress. International terrorism is the acts against humanity and countries laws. National mayhem and violence from people may not be considered as terrorism but acts of terror against humanity and civilians with sole purpose of causing peace instability within a population. Many countries are faced with terrorism but we will focus on five countries majorly known for terrorism around the world. To mention but a few, the following countries are the leading international terrorists hub in the world; Iran, Colombia, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Palestine.
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia is a terrorist’s group found in Colombia. The reasons behind this group existence are illegal drug trafficking across the globe and acts of terrorism in Latin America. Their motivation comes from the support they get from the rural areas of Colombia and their funding comes from international corporate. Hamas is a terrorist group in Palestine and they exist in order to fight Israelis against Palestinian dominations. Hamas group receive their reinforcement from fellow terrorist group Hezbollah. Al-Nusra Front is found in Lebanon and Syria, and it is a terrorist group known for rebelling against Syrian ruling and supported by Syrian rebels. Hezbollah made in Iran are known for their military dominance and suicide bombing. Their operations are based upon fighting against Israelis and Jews. Their funding comes from Iran and some from Syria. Al-Qaeda a terrorist name known by many formed in Afghanistan, supported by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, fighting against western domination in Islamic lan…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. internationalization of terrorism and their funding sources