Writers Solution

Introduction to Communication Extra Credit Opportunity

COMM 100/RIVERA: Introduction to  Introduction to Communication 

Extra Credit Opportunity  Communication 

Extra Credit Opportunity 

Up to 40 points TOTAL 

To earn up to 20 points extra credit (for each event), you may attend an approved event or watch one of the approved films and complete the following written assignment within ONE WEEK of the event. You may attend as many events as you want to earn UP TO 40 points TOTAL extra credit for the semester. You may watch and analyze one film for up to 20 points extra credit. All extra credit assignments must be turned in by December 7th, 2018. I will accept only typed paper copies of extra credit assignments. 

Format/Turning In: 

  • Assignment should be no longer than 2 pages, single spaced, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins
  • Print the assignment and give it to me in class or slide it under my office door. There’s free
    printing (up to 10 pages) at any of the Student Centers (such as the Pride, Gender Equity, Latin@, Black Student, and Cross Cultural Centers)
  • Information: 2 points
    o Provide your name, class, date attended and date written
    o Provide the name of the event you attended or film you watched
  • Summary: 5 points (1 paragraph) Summarize the event you attended/film you watch. If it was a film, summarize the film’s plot and discuss important characters and/or themes. If it was a lecture, exhibit, performance or discussion, write about the key points or themes in the event, who spoke/performed/did art, and any definitions or concepts that were relevant to the event. Your summary should provide enough detail to demonstrate that you were present at the event.
  • Application: 8 points (1 paragraphApply what you saw/heard to the readings and concepts for this class. Specifically, tie what you learned by attending the event to something relevant you’ve learned from the class. It is not enough to simply say, “this is related to communication.” Instead, discuss specific concepts from the readings (use page numbers and citations) and make connections to the event and your own life.

Example: If you attend a poetry reading or performance, you could define “identity,” and discuss how the poet’s identity was revealed in their performance, or how your own identity resonated with the performer’s. 

Avoid discussing general concepts such as paradigms, human communication, etc. • Personal Reflection: 5 points (1 paragraph) Discuss how this event impacted you 

personally. Did you enjoy the event/film or was it challenging? Why do you think you felt this way? What did you learn, that you honestly didn’t know before? If you could tell someone ONE thing you got from this event, what would it be? 

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